A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


GAME_ROOT - Static variable in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
GASEOUS - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Phase
GE - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagParserConstants
GENERIC - Static variable in interface wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonConstants
GIF - Static variable in interface wyvern.common.net.RPCConstants.ImageFormat
GIF - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.MagicMapper
GL - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagParserConstants
GLOOM - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.properties.LightingConstants
GM_PER_LB - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
GM_PER_OZ - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
GND_ADD - Static variable in interface wyvern.common.net.RPCConstants
GND_MODIFY - Static variable in interface wyvern.common.net.RPCConstants
GND_REMOVE - Static variable in interface wyvern.common.net.RPCConstants
GND_RESEND - Static variable in interface wyvern.common.net.RPCConstants
GOLD_PER_PLAT - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.town.Converter
GRAMS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
GROUND - Static variable in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteInventory
This constant directs the output to the Ground display.
GROUND_LAYER - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.Appearance
Layer for the terrain.
GT - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagParserConstants
GameHashIterator - class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameHashIterator.
This class does a straight MxN search of every square in the requested rectangle.
GameHashIterator(GameHashMap, Rectangle) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameHashIterator
Constructs a new one over the specified rectangle.
GameHashMap - class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameHashMap.
A version of MultiHashMap that uses MapCells as its buckets, so it can group similar GameObjects.
GameHashMap() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameHashMap
GameMap - interface wyvern.lib.GameMap.
A GameMap represents an area that players can visit; a game server will have thousands of individual maps.
GameMap.UnloadMapConstants - interface wyvern.lib.GameMap.UnloadMapConstants.
Codes returned by the GameMap.dismantle() method, which attempts to unload a map from memory.
GameMapLoader - interface wyvern.lib.GameMapLoader.
Interface for classes that can create or load game maps.
GameObject - interface wyvern.lib.GameObject.
This is the interface for the highest-level object in the game heirarchy.
GameObjectEventSupport - class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameObjectEventSupport.
Helper class that a GameObject delegates to for firing event notifications.
GameObjectEventSupport(GameObject) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameObjectEventSupport
Constructs a new GameObjectEventSupport
GameTimers - class wyvern.util.GameTimers.
A lightweight timer that can be used for animation in the map editor.
GameTimers() - Constructor for class wyvern.util.GameTimers
Gate - class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Gate.
This class implements a gate that opens slowly & animates while it opens.
Gate() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Gate
Gem - class wyvern.lib.classes.Gem.
Gem() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.Gem
Generator - class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator.
Generates monsters based on preset properties.
Generator() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator
GenericClassPredicate - class wyvern.lib.predicates.GenericClassPredicate.
This Predicate checks to see if the passed object is an instance of the specified class.
GenericClassPredicate() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.predicates.GenericClassPredicate
Constructs a new GenericClassPredicate with no predicate classes.
GenericClassPredicate(Class) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.predicates.GenericClassPredicate
Constructs a new GenericClassPredicate with the specified class.
GenericPredicate - interface wyvern.lib.predicates.GenericPredicate.
A Predicate that doesn't take a GameObject in its predicate() function.
GetFromCommand - class wyvern.lib.commands.GetFromCommand.
This Command handles "get from " - e.g. pulling an item from a bag.
GetFromCommand.GetFromEvent - class wyvern.lib.commands.GetFromCommand.GetFromEvent.
Inner class that encapsulates the "get-from" command.
GetFromCommand.GetFromEvent(CommandEvent) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.commands.GetFromCommand.GetFromEvent
GetImage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
GetSuffix(int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
GiantInv - class wyvern.world.lists.inv.GiantInv.
Generates giant inventory.
GiantInv() - Constructor for class wyvern.world.lists.inv.GiantInv
GiantShrink - class wyvern.lib.skills.GiantShrink.
Class that handles special abilities for Giants.
GiantShrink() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.skills.GiantShrink
Giffer - class wyvern.util.Giffer.
Object that writes out an image to the specified GIF file.
Giffer(Image, String) - Constructor for class wyvern.util.Giffer
Write out the image as a GIF file.
Giffer(ImageProducer, String) - Constructor for class wyvern.util.Giffer
Girdle - class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Girdle.
A belt or sash worn about the waist.
Girdle() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Girdle
GirdleSlot - class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.GirdleSlot.
This interface is for body parts that can wear a piece of armor.
GirdleSlot() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.GirdleSlot
GiveCommand - class wyvern.lib.commands.GiveCommand.
Implements giving something to someone.
GiveCommand.GiveEvent - class wyvern.lib.commands.GiveCommand.GiveEvent.
This event class encapsulates the parameters for one monster or player giving something to another monster or player.
GiveCommand.GiveEvent(String, Commandable) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.commands.GiveCommand.GiveEvent
Constructs a new standard GiveEvent.
GiveInterest - interface wyvern.lib.properties.GiveInterest.
Notification interface for the recipient of a gift via the GiveCommand.
Glass - class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Glass.
Glass() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Glass
Glimpse - class wyvern.lib.spells.Glimpse.
Gives the caster a brief glimpse of the surrounding area.
Glimpse() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.Glimpse
GloveSlot - class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.GloveSlot.
This interface is for body parts that can wear a piece of armor.
GloveSlot() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.GloveSlot
Gloves - class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Gloves.
Gloves and other handgear.
Gloves() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Gloves
Gold - class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Gold.
Gold() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Gold
Constructs a new Gold
GrabStuffBE - class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.GrabStuffBE.
GreaterOrEqualPredicate - class wyvern.lib.predicates.GreaterOrEqualPredicate.
Returns true if quantity A is >= quantity B.
GreaterOrEqualPredicate(String, int) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.predicates.GreaterOrEqualPredicate
Constructs a new GreaterOrEqualPredicate
GreaterThanPredicate - class wyvern.lib.predicates.GreaterThanPredicate.
Returns true if quantity A is greater than quantity B.
GreaterThanPredicate(String, int) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.predicates.GreaterThanPredicate
Constructs a new GreaterThanPredicate
GrepFilter - class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.GrepFilter.
Matches lines against a particular string, and discards lines that don't match the string.
GrepFilter() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.GrepFilter
GroundCamera - class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundCamera.
This class implements a camera that views the ground beneath the player, to update the ground-display on the client.
GroundCamera(RemoteClient, Player) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundCamera
Constructs a new GroundCamera for the specified player.
GroundFrame - class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundFrame.
This class is the DisplayPolicy for the ground-view camera.
GroundFrame(Player) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundFrame
Constructs a new GroundFrame to view the ground under the specified player.
GroundObjDescriptor - class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundObjDescriptor.
This class encapsulates the appearance parameters for a single object in the client's ground view.
GroundObjDescriptor() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundObjDescriptor
GroundViewer - class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundViewer.
This class visits the items beneath a player and formats them for display in the client's ground view.
GroundViewer(Player, Predicate) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundViewer
Constructs a new GroundViewer
GroupManager - class wyvern.kernel.commands.GroupManager.
This class provides some static methods for managing Groupable objects.
Groupable - interface wyvern.lib.properties.Groupable.
This interface is for classes that want to make their own decision about whether instances can be grouped together.
GuardInv - class wyvern.world.lists.inv.GuardInv.
Generates guard inventory.
GuardInv() - Constructor for class wyvern.world.lists.inv.GuardInv
Guild - class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Guild.
A generic Guild class.
Guild() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Guild
Constructs a new Guild
GuildSkills - class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills.
The superclass of all bean property objects that implement Guild skills.
GuildSkills() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Gun - class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Gun.
A projectile weapon that works by creating a small explosion.
Gun() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Gun
gain_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleSound
Relative volume at which to play the Alert on the client.
generate(Class) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.AbstractLevelGenerator
Creates and returns a GameMap using the current set of properties for this generator.
generate(Class) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.CaveGenerator
Generates a GameMap.
generate(Class) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
Generates a new dungeon subclassed from the specified map class.
generate(Class) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.MazeGenerator
Generates a new maze.
generate() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator
Generates one monster.
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.InvGenerator
Time to generate the inventory.
generate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomAxe
Generates a randomly enchanted axe.
generate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomBow
Generates a randomly enchanted bow.
generate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomClub
Generates a randomly enchanted club.
generate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomList
Chooses one of the objects in the list and instantiates it.
generate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomObject
Generates the object.
generate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomRing
Produces a random ring.
generate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.TreasurePile
Generates some random treasure.
generate(int, String, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Generates a random weapon using the specified single enchantment
generate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Generates a random weapon.
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.BatInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.DemonInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.DiamondInv
Generates diamond slabs. 4% chance of appearing on monsters < level 20, and 10% on monsters > level 19.
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.DragonInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.ElfInv
Generates the inventory.
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.EyeInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.GiantInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.GuardInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.ImpInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.KoboldInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.LeprechaunInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.LichInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.MinotaurInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.NymphInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.OgreInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.OgreMagiInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.OrcInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.PirateInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.PuddingInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.RockMoleInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.SatyrInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.SaurianInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.ShamblerInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.SkeletonInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.SoldierInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.TitanInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.TrogInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.UnicornInv
generate(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.ZombieInv
generateArmor(int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.ArmorEnchanter
Creates a armor (possibly cursed) of the passed level.
generateArmor(int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.ArmorEnchanter
Creates a armor (possibly cursed) of the passed level.
generateCaves() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.CaveGenerator
Generates the caverns and connects them.
generateFailSafe(int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.TreasurePile
(Almost) guaranteed to produce some treasure based on level.
generateFromList(String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomObject
Generates the object from a list, given the relative path to the list under wiz/ or world/lists.
generateInventory(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
Invokes the python interpreter to generate the inventory from the specified file.
generateLair() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
A lair is a room full of a bunch of related monsters.
generateList(String[]) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.SpellCommand
Generates the list of spells for a player.
generateMap(Class) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
Produces a wyvern GameMap from the internal data structures.
generateMixed(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomRing
Adds more or less equally-weighted properties to the ring, one good one and one bad one.
generateMixedResistance(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomRing
Generates one resistance and one vulnerability.
generateMixedStats(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomRing
Generates one positive stat and one negative stat, each level 1.
generateParseException() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagParser
generatePlusMinus(GameObject, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomRing
Adds one good OR one bad property to the ring (50/50).
generateRooms() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
Generates the "normal" rooms for the dungeon.
generateShop() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
Generates a shop on the level.
generateSnare() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
A snare is a square room with lots of traps and some treasure in the center.
generateStar(int) - Static method in class wyvern.util.Stars
Generates a star of the passed diameter.
generateStat(GameObject, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomRing
Puts a positive or negative (50/50) adjustment on a random stat or skill.
generateValidRoom(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
Tries to create a room somewhere in the dungeon.
generateVault() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
A vault is a small, square room filled with treasure.
get(int) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.IntHashtable
get(Object) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.IntHashtable
get(int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.Body
Returns the part at the specified index, or null if the index is out of bounds.
get(int) - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.combat.PartsList
Returns the part at the specified index, or null if the index is out of bounds.
get(Object) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameHashMap
This operation is a bit ambiguous; it's not clear whether it should return the bucket or the first item in the bucket, so I'm just getting rid of it completely.
get(int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Point
Shorthand for PointCache.getPoint ( x, y )
get(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleSound
Returns an Alert for the specified file.
get(String) - Method in class wyvern.util.XMLParams
Returns a named value as a String.
getAC(DamageType) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Armor
Returns the AC versus a specified DamageType.
getAC(DamageType) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.ArmorImpl
Returns the AC versus a specified DamageType.
getAI() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
getAI() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Commandable
Returns the AI driving this monster.
getAbsolute(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns a Resource encapsulating the requested file.
getAbsoluteDir() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns the directory containing this Resource.
getAbsolutePath(String) - Static method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileRegistry
Returns the absolute path to an image file, given its relative path.
getAbsolutePath() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns the absolute path to this Resource.
getAccuracy() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.AttackType
Returns the base accuracy for this attack type.
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.ApproachEnemyBE
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.ApproachFriendBE
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.BehaviorElement
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.CastAttackSpellBE
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.EmitMessagesBE
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.FleeBE
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.FleeIfBadlyHurtBE
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.FollowPathBE
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.GrabStuffBE
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.MeleeAttackBE
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.RangedAttackBE
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.TeleportAwayBE
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.WanderRandomlyBE
getAction(Commandable, Behavior) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.WieldWeaponsBE
getActionCommand() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageButton
Returns the action command, if set.
getActivationMsg() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns the activation message, in "activation-msg" property.
getAdjacentMessages(String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.Atmospheres
Returns the templatized messages for this atmosphere.
getAdjective(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Races
Returns an adjective (e.g.
getAdjustedBuyPrice(long, int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the price a player would pay for an item in a shop, taking into account the player's merchant skill.
getAdjustedSellPrice(int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the amount a shop will pay for an item, adjusted for the player's merchant skill.
getAdminDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the administrative directory containing configuration files, banishment lists, etc.
getAdmissionFee() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Guild
Returns the cost to join the guild, in gold coins.
getAge() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getAge() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the player's age in seconds.
getAge() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell
Returns the current age of the bolt.
getAgent() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getAgent() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Get the agent associated with this command event - usually a player or monster, but it can be anything with an event queue (such as a spell).
getAgent() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the caster, if any.
getAgent() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Missile
Returns the agent who fired this missile.
getAgent() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Reutrns the player we're modifying, if it's been set.
getAi() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.CharmMonster
Returns the monster's AI before we took control
getAliases() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getAliases() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the aliases for this player.
getAlignment() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
Returns player's alignment
getAlignment() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns player's alignment
getAllCards() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
Returns a newly-instantiated array of all 52 cards, unshuffled.
getAllObjects() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.PickupEvent
Returns the set of all the objects the agent picked up via "get all".
getAlpha() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getAlpha() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the alpha value for this object (1-100).
getAlpha() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Appearance
Returns the alpha value for this appearance (1-100).
getAlphaForLightLevel(int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleLightSource
Returns the percent opacity for a shading tile, given the lighting level.
getAltsForPlayer(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerManager
Returns a list of the names of all the players associated with a given email address.
getAmount() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ResistSpell
Returns the amount by which to adjust the property.
getAmount(String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.misc.CoinPurse
Returns the quantity for the specified type of coin.
getAmount() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Regeneration
getAmount() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.RestoreMana
getAnimationFlag() - Static method in class wyvern.world.SystemProps
Returns true if animation timers are enabled in this session.
getAnimationFrames(String, String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Gets the frames to use for random animation.
getAnimationFrames() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FlameShield
Preloads the animation tiles for this spell.
getAnimationFrames() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FrostWard
getAnimationFrames() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.LightningShield
getAnimationFrames() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.PrismaticShield
getAppearance() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getAppearance() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the object's Appearance property.
getApplet() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the Applet for the system, if we're running as an Applet.
getArchRoot() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Gets the directory where the standard archetypes are stored.
getArchetype() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getArchetype(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.ArchetypeManager
Gets an Archetype from the system cache, but doesn't load it if it hasn't been loaded yet.
getArchetype() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the parent archetype for this object.
getArea() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getArea(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Area
Returns the Area object for a given directory.
getArea(GameMap) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Area
Returns the Area object for a given map.
getArea(Resource) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Area
Returns the Area object for a given directory.
getArea() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the parent Area for this map.
getArgString() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getArgString() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Gets the arguments to the command as a whitespace-delimited string.
getArgs() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getArgs() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Gets the arguments to this command, split into an array.
getArmor() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.AbstractArmorSlot
Gets the armor currently in the slot.
getArmor() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.AbstractArmorWeaponSlot
Gets the armor currently in the slot.
getArmor() - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.ArmorSlot
Gets the armor currently in the slot.
getArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.AbstractArmorWeaponSlot
Returns the Armor subclass that this part can wear.
getArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.AmuletSlot
Returns the Armor subclass that this part can wear.
getArmorType() - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.ArmorSlot
Returns the Armor subclass that this part can wear.
getArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.BodyArmorSlot
Returns the Armor subclass that this part can wear.
getArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.BootSlot
Returns the Armor subclass that this part can wear.
getArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.BracerSlot
Returns the Armor subclass that this part can wear.
getArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.CloakSlot
Returns the Armor subclass that this part can wear.
getArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.GirdleSlot
Returns the Armor subclass that this part can wear.
getArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.GloveSlot
Returns the Armor subclass that this part can wear.
getArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.HelmetSlot
Returns the Armor subclass that this part can wear.
getArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.RingSlot
Returns the Armor subclass that this part can wear.
getArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.ShieldSlot
Returns the Armor subclass that this part can wear.
getArt() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
ConeSpells are all Evocations.
getArt() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns one of the four spell Arts.
getArt(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Returns the Art for the specified spell.
getArt() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SummonSpell
Returns the Art for this spell.
getArtDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the top-level art directory.
getArtRoot() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the root directory of the game artwork.
getAsText() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.ArchetypeEditor
Returns the name (i.e. path) of the archetype.
getAttachment(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Message
Messages can have attachments, which are just additional data that might or might not be interesting to subscribers.
getAttack() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.HitEvent
Returns the weapon or attack used
getAttackType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.HitEvent
Returns the attack type.
getAttackerMessage() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageEvent
Returns message to print to attacker
getAttackerMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageType
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getAttackerMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.AcidDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getAttackerMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.CutDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getAttackerMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.DrownDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getAttackerMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FireDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getAttackerMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FrostDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getAttackerMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.LightningDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getAttackerMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.PoisonDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getAttackerMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.SlayDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getAttackerMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.StabDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getAttackerMessages() - Method in class wyvern.lib.combat.BiteDamage
getAttackerMessages() - Method in class wyvern.lib.combat.StingDamage
getAttackerMessagesInanimate() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageType
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getAttackerMsg(GameObject, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageType
Returns a message for the attacker dependent on the amount of damage done.
getAttrs() - Method in class wyvern.util.XMLSimple.Element
Returns the attributes map for this Element.
getAvailableSkins() - Static method in class wyvern.util.SkinManager
Returns a list of available skins by searching the default skins directory, plus user-specified directories.
getAveragePlayers() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns the average number of players that have been logged in during this session.
getAverageTime(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractAI
Returns average wall-clock time spent in think() for a given AI class.
getBSF() - Static method in class wyvern.world.Scripting
Returns a shared BSFManager object.
getBagChance() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomObject
Returns the chance the object should wind up in a bag, which can be overridden by a subclass, or by simply setting an int "bag-chance" property on the object.
getBagList() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagRule
Returns the list of destination bags for this rule.
getBagNames() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.BagList
Returns the list of names the player specified.
getBalance(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.town.ATM
Tells the player their bank balance.
getBanishmentFile() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the full path to the text file containing banished players.
getBaseLevel() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Returns the base level of nonmagical weapon to start with, before adding enchantments.
getBaseName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
Returns the basic description of the object, usually the "short" or the "id" property.
getBaseName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.TrenchcoatPocket
getBaseObject() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableLightSource
Returns the first object in the chain, e.g. the glowstones, or fire elemental, or lighting bolt spell piece, which contains this MovableLightSource in its property list.
getBaseWeight() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getBaseWeight() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the weight of a single unit of the object.
getBeanvalInfo(Object) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PropertyParser
Gets a BeanInfo object that will stop looking when it reaches the top of the wyvern class heirarchy.
getBeats() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Heart
Returns the number of heartbeats the player has had since they logged in.
getBeginColumn() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
getBeginLine() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
getBitMatrix() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapDirtyRegions
Returns the BitMatrix containing the squares that have become visually invalid.
getBitmap() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getBitmap() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the bitmap string for this object (it's also stored in the Appearance property, so this method is just for convenience).
getBitmap() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Appearance
Returns the underlying bitmap string for this property.
getBlessChance() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Returns chance that the item will be blessed (1-100)
getBlockage() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
getBlocker(GameMap, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.Platform
Find any blocking object in this location
getBlocker(GameMap, Point) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.Platform
Find any blocking object in this location
getBlocker(Point) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Returns the blocking object or null
getBlockingPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Gets the Predicate to use for determining what objects block the spell propagation.
getBlockingPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns a predicate that determines whether the spell can be placed at a given map location.
getBlockingPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.HurledWeapon
getBlockingPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Missile
Gets a Predicate used to decide whether the missile is blocked by a given object.
getBlockingPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Dig
Returns a predicate that lets us pass through diggable walls.
getBlockingPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Excavation
Returns a predicate that lets us pass through diggable walls.
getBody() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Message
The body of the message.
getBodyParts() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.WearEvent
getBorder(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.Borderer
Gets the numbered border for a tile.
getBorderBase(String) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.Borderer
Returns the base for the border bitmap given a terrain type.
getBounds() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.Room
getBounds() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.DenseMap
Returns the bounds of the map.
getBounds() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getBounds() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the bounds of the map, in local coordinates.
getBounds() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the bounding rectangle for this object.
getBounds(Point[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Location
Returns the bounding rectangle for an arbitrary location list.
getBounds(List) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Location
Returns the bounding rectangle for an arbitrary location list.
getBounds() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Shop
Returns the area covered by the shop.
getBounds() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.EmoteRoom
Returns the area covered by the emote room.
getBounds() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Checkers
Returns the bounds of the board object.
getBounds() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Chess
Returns the bounds of the board object.
getBounds() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Returns the bounds of the fireball.
getBounds() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell
Returns the bounds of the spell.
getBounds() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FlameShield
The default implementation for non-rectangular objects is to compute the bounds from the location list on each call, so we can speed it up by figuring it out ourselves when we move.
getBucket(Object) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameHashMap
Returns the bucket at the specified location.
getBucket(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameHashMap
Returns the bucket at the specified location.
getBulletBitmap() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Gets the name of the bitmap to use for the bullet form of the spell.
getBurnRate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns burn-rate for this object.
getButton() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommandEvent
Returns "left", "right" or "middle".
getByHashcode(int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.Body
Retrieves a part from the list by its hash code.
getByHashcode(int) - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.combat.PartsList
Retrieves a part from the list by its hashcode.
getByIndex(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterInventory
Returns an item specified as a string index "#number"
getByIndex(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Inventory
Returns an item specified as a string index "#number"
getCDATASectionNode(Node) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.XMLWrapper
Goes through the children of the passed node until it finds a CDATASection node, and returns it.
getCachedTerrain(Archetype) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Terrain
Caches the passed Terrain-based archetype, if necessary, and returns the cached version.
getCameraPos() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Vehicle
Returns the position at which to place cameras viewing the vehicle from the outside.
getCameras(GameMap) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.CameraManager
getCanonicalClassName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getCanonicalClassName() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the name of the object's class in a form suitable for writing to a map file.
getCapName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
getCapName() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Commandable
Returns the capitalized version of the name.
getCapName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Art
Returns the capitalized name for this Art, e.g.
getCapName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
Returns the capitalized name for this Element, e.g.
getCapacity() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterInventory
Returns the carrying capacity of this inventory.
getCapacity() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerInventory
getCapacity() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Bag
Returns the carrying capacity of the bag.
getCapacity() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
Returns the capacity of this bag.
getCapacity() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.Trenchcoat
Returns the carrying capacity of the bag.
getCaption() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundObjDescriptor
getCard(Face, Suit) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
Returns the Card with the specified Face and Suit.
getCarrier(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableLightSource
Returns the carrier of a given object.
getCastingDelay() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the delay for casting this spell.
getCastingDelay() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.CastEvent
Returns the casting delay for the spell.
getCastingDelay() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.MagicDart
Returns the delay for the spell, in millis.
getCategory() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getCategory() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the relative path for this object (it's also stored in the appearance property, so this method is just for convenience).
getCategory() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Appearance
Returns the underlying bitmap category for this property.
getCellRenderer() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageTree
Returns our cell renderer.
getCenter() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.Room
Returns the center of the room.
getCenter() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
getCenter() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Camera
Returns the center point of the camera view, in map coords.
getCenter() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
getChance() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.RandomMessages
Returns the chance the monster will emit a message from this list.
getChance() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker.Response
getChance() - Method in class wyvern.lib.monsters.AbstractCounterAttack
Returns the chance that this attack will be triggered when the defender is hit.
getChance() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.properties.CounterAttack
Returns the chance that this attack will be triggered when the defender is hit.
getCharges() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Wand
Returns the number of charges on the wand, currently.
getChildren() - Method in class wyvern.util.XMLSimple.Element
Returns a list of the child elements of this element.
getClaim() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getClaim() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the player currently claiming the map, if any.
getClassFromDisplayName(String) - Static method in class wyvern.util.SkinManager
Returns the fully qualified java classname for a LookAndFeel implementation, given its display name.
getClassName(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Returns the name of the class implementing this spell.
getClient() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getClient() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the RemoteClient implementation for this player.
getClient() - Method in class wyvern.world.LoginEvent
getCloneErrorMsg() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.TargetedEvent
Returns the default error message if cloning the target fails.
getCode() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Key
Returns the code for this key.
getCode() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Lock
Returns the 32-bit code that opens this lock.
getColumn() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
getColumn() - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Gets the sizes of columns in this layout.
getColumn(int) - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Gets the width of a single column in this layout.
getCombatMessage() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker
Returns a combat message.
getCombatQueue() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
getCombatQueue() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
Returns the combat queue, in case you want to place attack commands into it directly.
getCombatQueue() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Commandable
Returns the player's combat queue.
getCommand(CommandEvent, Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractAI
getCommand(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
getCommand(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.TimerAgent
We have only one command, and we handle it ourselves.
getCommand(CommandEvent, Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getCommand(CommandEvent, Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapCommandList
Checks the list of Commands who have registered this command with the map, and returns the first one whose rectangle of interest intersects the agent issuing the command.
getCommand(CommandEvent, Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterInventory
Iterates over the objects in the inventory, looking for an object implementing the Command interface that claims to know the command.
getCommand(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getCommand(CommandEvent, Commandable) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.AI
Returns the Command that will handle the specified command for a commandable.
getCommand(CommandEvent) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Commandable
Figures out who will handle a given command.
getCommand(CommandEvent, Commandable) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Checks the list of Commands who have registered this command with the map, and returns the first one whose rectangle of interest contains the agent issuing the command.
getCommand(CommandEvent, Commandable) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Inventory
Iterates over the objects in the inventory, looking for an object implementing the Command interface that claims to know the command.
getCommand(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Vehicle
Returns the Command to handle our commands.
getCommand(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell
Handle our "bolt" command ourselves.
getCommand(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the Command that handles this spell.
getCommand(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.WizardEye
Returns the Command to handle our commands.
getCommandList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getCommandList() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the CommandList for this player.
getCommandMap() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.CommandListImpl
getCommandMap() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandList
Returns the MultiHashMap mapping commands to handlers.
getCommandable() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.CommandListImpl
getCommandable() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandList
Returns the Commandable (usually a Player) that this list is associated with.
getCommands() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.CommandListImpl
getCommands() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundObjDescriptor
getCommands(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundViewer
Returns a string containing the commands valid for this object, for displaying in a popup menu on the client when click on the object in inventory.
getCommands(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerInventory
Returns a string containing the commands valid for this object, for displaying in a popup menu on the client when click on the object in inventory.
getCommands() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandList
Returns a list of all the commands in this list.
getConditions() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagRule
Returns the conditions for this rule.
getConeLength() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Returns the total length of the cone.
getConstraints(Component) - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Gets the constraints of a given component.
getContainer() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getContainer() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the container (Bag or Inventory) this object is in, or null if it's not in a container.
getContainer() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.GetFromCommand.GetFromEvent
getContainer() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.PutCommand.PutEvent
Returns the Bag we're putting the item in.
getContainer() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.ContainerChangeEvent
Returns the Container the object was added to, or removed from.
getContribInfo(GameObject) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LookCommand
Returns which wizard contributed the object, if it has a "wiz-contrib" property, or the player that contributed it, if it has a "player-contrib" property.
getCooldownBitmap() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Gets the bitmap to use when the ball is contracting.
getCorpseChance(GameObject) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Corpse
Returns the chance (in 100) that the monster will leave a corpse.
getCount() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.weapon.SwordOfMercy
Returns the number of charges left on the sword.
getCount() - Method in class wyvern.util.Counter.Count
Returns the number of occurrences of the key.
getCount(Object) - Method in class wyvern.util.Counter
Returns the count for a particular object.
getCounts() - Method in class wyvern.util.Counter
Returns a list of the counts we've accumulated so far.
getCreationMap() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns a new instance of the map used for creating new chars.
getCreator() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getCreator() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the name of the Wizard who created this object, if any.
getCritChance(Commandable) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the chance of scoring a critical hit, based on the agent's find-weakness skill.
getCurrentLookAndFeel() - Static method in class wyvern.util.SkinManager
Returns the display name of the look & feel (LookAndFeel or SkinLookAndFeel theme pack) that we're running.
getCurseChance() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomObject
Returns the value of the "arch-curse-chance" property, or -1 if not present.
getCurseChance() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Returns chance that the item will be cursed (1-100)
getCursedYouMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.RemoveCurse
Returns message to use if we get something randmly cursed.
getCursedYouMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.RemoveDamnation
Returns message to use if we get something randmly cursed.
getDamage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.effects.Poison
Returns the amount of damage done per round.
getDamageAmounts() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageEvent
Returns array of damage amounts done
getDamageClass(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageType
Returns the DamageType subclass for the specified type.
getDamageType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Return the damage type specifier for this spell.
getDamageType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Return the damage type specifier for this spell.
getDamageTypes() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageEvent
Returns damage types involved in the event
getDamagedDescription() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getDamagedDescription() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
getDamagedDescription() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns a message like "It is badly damaged".
getDamagedDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.DiggableWall
Returns a message like "It is badly damaged".
getDamnationChance() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Returns chance that the item will be damned (1-100), if it rolls the getDamnationChance().
getDangerLevel() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getDangerLevel() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the danger level for this map.
getDate() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Returns the current date and time, formatted as a String suitable for writing into a property value.
getDefaultAlias(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Aliases
Returns the default alias for the passed key-string.
getDefaultArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.AbstractArmorWeaponSlot
Subclasses must specify their armor type via this method.
getDefaultArmorType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.HoldingSlot
Returns the type of armor we can hold.
getDefaultTerrain() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.AbstractLevelGenerator
getDefaultTerrain() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getDefaultTerrain() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the default terrain for this map.
getDefenderMessage() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageEvent
Returns message to print to defender
getDefenderMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageType
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getDefenderMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.AcidDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getDefenderMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.CutDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getDefenderMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.DrownDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getDefenderMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FireDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getDefenderMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FrostDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getDefenderMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.LightningDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getDefenderMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.PoisonDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getDefenderMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.SlayDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getDefenderMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.StabDamage
Returns an array of messages from least to most.
getDefenderMessages() - Method in class wyvern.lib.combat.BiteDamage
getDefenderMessages() - Method in class wyvern.lib.combat.StingDamage
getDefenderMsg(GameObject, GameObject, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageType
Returns a default damage-description to give the defender.
getDefenderProps() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MonsterReactions
We're interested in defenders with these props.
getDelay() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getDelay() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Returns the delay associated with this event.
getDelay() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Firewall
Returns the delay between damage timers.
getDelay() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Lava
Returns the delay between damage timers.
getDelay() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Water
Returns the delay between damage timers.
getDelay() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.effects.Slower
Retrieves the total delay for this confusion.
getDensity() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.CaveGenerator
getDescString() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Converts the art and element(s) into a string.
getDescription() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ExtensionFileFilter
Returns the human readable description of this filter.
getDescription() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getDescription() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns a long-description for the object.
getDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.ArmorImpl
Returns the long description for the object.
getDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Book
Returns the long description for the book.
getDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Rod
Returns the description for the rod.
getDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Scroll
Returns the long-description of the scroll.
getDescription(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Returns the spell description - a sentence fragment that describes the spell, such as "allows the caster to see in the dark."
getDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Wand
Returns the long-description of the scroll.
getDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.town.Clock
Returns the long description of the clock - check the current time.
getDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.WeaponImpl
Returns the long description for the object.
getDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ItemDesc
Returns the description parsed from getItemNumber().
getDescription(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LookCommand
Returns the description for the object, if any.
getDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.misc.PurseOfHolding
Ignores any description-caching in the superclass, and reexamines the contents of the bag each time.
getDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Material
Gets the sub-description of this material.
getDest() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.MoveEvent
Gets the finishing locations for the agent.
getDestLoc(GameMap) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Teleporter
Figures out where to put the agent.
getDestMap(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Teleporter
Returns the destination map for the teleporter.
getDestX() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapMotionEvent
Returns x map location where the object ended
getDestY() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapMotionEvent
Returns y map location where the object ended
getDestination(GameObject, int, Point) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.AxisShapeChanger
A stateless (and therefore unsynchronized) implementation of getDestination that objects can delegate to.
getDestination(GameObject, int, Point) - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.motion.Deformer
The kernel motion manager is asking the object to provide its post-move locations.
getDestination(GameObject, int, Point) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.NoOpShapeChanger
A stateless (and therefore unsynchronized) implementation of getDestination that objects can delegate to.
getDestination() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Teleporter
Gets the destination for this teleporter.
getDestination() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Projectile
getDestroyMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.QuestItem
Returns the message to print when the object disappears, as a result of being dropped or whatever.
getDeviation() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.MazeGenerator
getDifficulty() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.MazeGenerator
getDir(Point) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Direction
Turns a movement Point (with offsets -1,0,1) into a direction
getDir() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.CastEvent
Returns the int dir for the spell, from parsing the direction.
getDirString(int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Direction
Returns the direction for the specified offsets.
getDirString(Point) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Direction
Returns the direction for the specified offsets.
getDirectObject() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.PrepositionParser
Returns the direct object from our sentence-parsing.
getDirectedTarget(int, Commandable, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Knock
Returns an Openable in the passed direction
getDirectedTarget(int, Commandable, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.WizardLock
Returns an Openable in the passed direction
getDirection() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getDirection() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.MoveEvent
Gets the direction the agent is moving.
getDirection(int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Direction
Returns the direction for the specified offsets.
getDirection(Point) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Direction
Returns the direction for the specified offsets.
getDirection() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the direction this object is facing.
getDirection() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.PirateShip
getDirection() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.Sliding
getDirection() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.CastEvent
Returns which direction the spell was cast in, if directional
getDirection() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.TurnCommand.TurnEvent
getDirection() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Appearance
Returns the direction this object is facing.
getDirectionalTarget(int, TargetedEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.OpenCommand
Looks in specified direction for an openable target.
getDirections() - Method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileInfo
Returns an array of the directions available for this image.
getDirections() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.FallingDown
Returns the list of directions to move.
getDirections() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.FallingDown
getDirectory(String) - Static method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileRegistry
Returns the absolute directory on disk for the given relative image path.
getDirs() - Method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileInfo
Returns a list of the directions available for this image.
getDisplay() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ColorTextArea
Returns the display, e.g. for adding mouse listeners.
getDisplayLines() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.TextDisplay
Returns the number of display lines in our history buffer.
getDisplayName(String) - Static method in class wyvern.util.SkinManager
Returns the display name for a theme or LookAndFeel class.
getDistance(Point, Point) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.Behavior
getDistance(int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleLightSource
Returns the integer distance from (0, 0) to the passed point.
getDocDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the top-level documentation directory.
getDocument() - Method in class wyvern.util.XMLVisitor
Returns the Document we built (during the constructor).
getDocumentParentDir() - Method in class wyvern.util.JDocControl
Returns the directory where the last file opened lives.
getDocumentPath() - Method in class wyvern.util.JDocControl
Returns the absolute path to the document currently being edited.
getDodgeBonus(int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the dodge bonus, as a percentage, given the player's dodge skill level.
getDoorArchetype() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
getDoorHP() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
getDotExtension() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns the file extension for the file encapsulated by this resource.
getDoubleProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getDoubleProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns the value of a double (bigint) property.
getDownTeleporter() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.SpiralStair
Returns the down-teleporter instance, if any.
getDownstairArchetype() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.AbstractLevelGenerator
getDrawFilter() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.MagicMapper
Returns the drawing filter to use, if one has been set.
getDrawInvisible() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.MagicMapper
Returns true if we draw engine-invis objects.
getDuration() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell
Returns the number of turns the bolt will propagate.
getDuration() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ResistSpell
Returns the duration for the spell, in millis.
getDuration() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FlameShield
Returns the duration for the spell.
getDuration() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.PrismaticShield
getDuration() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Regeneration
getDuration() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SeeInvisible
getDuration() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.effects.Confuser
Retrieves the total duration for this confusion.
getDuration() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.effects.Paralyzer
Retrieves the total duration for this paralysis.
getDuration() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.effects.Poison
Retrieves the total duration for this poison.
getDuration() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.effects.Slower
Retrieves the total duration for this confusion.
getEffectName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.DispelSpell
Needs to be overridden in subclasses.
getElement(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
Returns the single or combo element specified by a list of Element names.
getElement() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the Element for this spell.
getElement(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Returns the Element for the specified spell.
getElement() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.CreatePool
getElements() - Method in class wyvern.util.XMLSimple.Element
Returns the children as an array.
getEmailDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the administrative directory containing email message bodies for sending to users.
getEmptyTitle() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
Returns the description for when the bag is empty.
getEncumbrance() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
getEncumbrance() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Commandable
Returns a wyvern.lib.properties.Encumbrance constant that says how loaded the player or monster is.
getEndColumn() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
getEndLine() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
getEntries() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TavernMenu
Returns a list of MenuItem objects comprising this menu.
getEntry(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.util.BitMatrix
Returns the flag at the specified (x, y) matrix position.
getEventType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.ContainerChangeEvent
Returns ADD or REMOVE
getEventType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapChangeEvent
Returns the type of this event.
getEventType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleEvent
Returns event type
getEventVelocities() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.Scheduler
Returns info on events per second for top event types.
getEventsPerSecond(int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.Scheduler
Returns the average number of events per second we've processed over the passed time interval.
getExit() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.sokoban.SokobanLevel
Returns the Location to dump the player on exiting the dungeon.
getExitType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
getExits() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getExits() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the set of all teleporters in this map that happen to have destinations - even if the teleporter's destination is to another point in this map.
getExpectedLorePoints(int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the total number of lore points a player of the specified level should have, including spent and unspent points.
getExpectedSkillPoints(Player) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the number of skill points a player should have, based on their race and level.
getExpireTimer(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.WaterWalk
Returns the expiration timer we set on the agent.
getExpiredMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ResistSpell
Returns a message to the caster for when the spell is dispelled.
getExpiredMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Regeneration
getExplosionBitmap() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Gets the bitmap to use when the ball is exploding.
getExplosionPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Gets the Predicate to use for determining when the spell should explode.
getExtension(File) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ExtensionFileFilter
Return the extension portion of the file's name .
getExtension() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns the file extension for the file encapsulated by this Resource.
getFace() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
Returns the Face.
getFaceNumber() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
Returns the face number (1-13)
getFaceNumber() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Face
Returns the face number (1-13).
getFaceValue() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
Returns card face value (1-10)
getFaceValue() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Face
Returns the face-value of the card.
getFailedPostHookName(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.HookList
Returns command + "FailedPostHook", but gets it from a cache rather than constructing it with a StringBuffer.
getFailureMessage() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getFailureMessage() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Returns the "failure" message for this event.
getFanout() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Returns the amount of "fanout" from the center of the base.
getFavorites() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getFavorites() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the set of favorite archetypes for this map, for use in the map editor.
getFemaleImage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Guild
Returns the path to the custom human-female image, if any.
getFile() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns a java.io.File object for this resource.
getFileName(int) - Method in class wyvern.util.JDocControl
Puts up a file dialog showing the current filename and directory, and returns the name the user enters.
getFilename() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns the filename, without the path.
getFilenameNoExt() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns the filename, without its path or extension.
getFilterObjects() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getFilterObjects() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Returns the parsed CommandFilter objects that will be applied to the message for this event.
getFilters() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getFilters() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Returns the filter strings being applied to this event.
getFinalTarget() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.PickupEvent
Returns the object that was finally added to the agent's inventory after the event completes.
getFiringPoint(int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
getFiringPoint(int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Commandable
Used by range weapons and spells to determine where to place the missile or spell when being fired from the monster.
getFirst(Point) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameHashMap
Returns the first object at the specified location.
getFirst(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameHashMap
Returns the first object at the specified location.
getFirstChildElement(Node) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.XMLWrapper
Removes and returns the first child element of this node, if any.
getFloorArchetype() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.AbstractLevelGenerator
getFood() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getFood() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the player's current food level.
getForName(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Art
Returns the Art for the specified (lowercase) name.
getForegroundColor() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageList.ImageListItem
getFrame(Component) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Util
Gets the top-level Frame object by searching up the tree.
getFrame() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
getFrame() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Camera
Returns the object used for collecting and filtering the objects sent to the camera by the map.
getFrame() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Appearance
Returns the current animation frame number for the appearance.
getFrames() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.AnimationParams
Returns the number of animation frames for this object.
getFuelLevel() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns the current "fuel-level" value.
getFuelUnits() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns the number of units to eat on each timer tick.
getFullDescription(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Returns the full spell description - a sentence of the form "This (Art) of (Elements) (description)."
getFullTitle() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getFullTitle() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns a full title, such as "Rawk the Elven Adventurer".
getGain() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Alert
Returns the sound volume
getGain() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.sound.LoopingSound
Returns the gain specified for this sound, when the listener is standing at the source of the sound.
getGain() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleSound
Returns the gain for this sound.
getGain() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Soundtrack
Returns the sound volume, from 0.0 to 1.0.
getGameName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.CheckersChair
Returns the name of the game.
getGameObject() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Appearance
Returns the object we're the Appearance for.
getGameRoot() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the directory where the wyvern/ tree is stored.
getGenderPossessive() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getGenderPossessive() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns "his", "her" or "its", as appropriate to the Player (or GameObject's) "sex" property.
getGenderPronoun() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getGenderPronoun() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns "him", "her" or "it", as appropriate to the Player (or GameObject's) "sex" property.
getGift() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.GiveCommand.GiveEvent
Returns the object being given in the transaction.
getGiftArch() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns "gift-arch" string property: optional item to give player when activated.
getGiftMsg() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns the "gift-msg": the message to print when giving a present to the player.
getGiveCount() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns value of the give-count int property.
getGlobalPatterns() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.SpeechFilter
Returns a list of the replace-all patterns for this filter, if any.
getGold() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.misc.CoinPurse
Returns the number of gold coins in the purse.
getGroundCamera() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getGroundCamera() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the camera that displays the ground beneath the player.
getGroundObject(int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getGroundObject(int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
This is a rather special-purpose method: it returns the game object that's currently being displayed in the client's ground display at the specified index.
getGroup(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups
Returns the group led by the passed character, if any.
getGroupName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups.Group
Returns the name of the group.
getGroups() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups
Returns all the groups in the game.
getGuildLevel(Player) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns the level in the guild that this player has attained, based on settings in their guild skills object.
getGuildLevel() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns the guild level for our agent.
getGuildLevel(int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns the guild level for the given amount of XP.
getGuildName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Guild
Returns the name of the guild, such as "Mages" or "Paladins".
getGuildName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns the official name for the guild, minus "Guild".
getGuildPluralName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns the short, plural name for the guild, such as "Paladins" or "Axemen", used in phrases like "There are 20 Axemen online.".
getGuildShortName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns the short name for the guild, such as "mage", "paladin", or "archer".
getGuildSkills() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Guild
Returns the GuildSkills subclass to use to handle the special bonuses and penalties for this Guild.
getGuildTag() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns the tag-property saying which guild this person is in, such as "paladin-guild" or "mages-guild".
getGuildTitle() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns the generic guild title to show in the high-score list, such as "Mage" or "Paladin".
getGuildXP() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns the guild XP associated with this GuildSkills object - i.e. the total amount of guild XP this player has received.
getHGap() - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Gets the horizontal gap between colunns.
getHP() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator
getHP() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
getHP() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.DynamicObject
Returns the object's current hit points.
getHP() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.ArmorImpl
Returns the object's current hit points.
getHP() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.DiggableWall
Returns the object's current hit points.
getHP() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Door
Returns the door's current hit points.
getHP() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.WeaponImpl
getHP() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.properties.Damageable
Returns the object's current hit points.
getHandString(Commandable) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.WieldCommand
Returns "hand", "claw" or something appropriate for the monster.
getHandString(Commandable, boolean) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.WieldCommand
Returns the singular or plural gripping-appendage name for the monster.
getHandler() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.CodeEvent
We're our own handler.
getHandler() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getHandler() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.DeathEvent
Handle our own execution.
getHandler() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Returns the Command that will handle this event, if the Command is different from the one that created the event.
getHandler(String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MiscCommands
Returns the Method corresponding to the passed verb.
getHeadObject() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableLightSource
Returns the top (outermost) object in the chain.
getHealAmount(int, GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Heal
Returns the amount by which to heal.
getHeart() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getHeight() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.AbstractLevelGenerator
getHeight() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.Room
Returns room height.
getHeight() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Dimension
Returns height.
getHeight() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Rectangle
Returns height
getHeight() - Method in class wyvern.util.BitMatrix
Returns the matrix height.
getHelpDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the directory where help files are stored.
getHitLocation() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageEvent
Returns the body part where the damage is occurring.
getHitLocation() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.HitEvent
Returns Body part hit during the attack, if any.
getHookList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
getHookList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.HookList
Returns the HookList containing the registered hooks for this object.
getHookList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getHookList() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Hookable
Returns the HookList containing the registered hooks for this object.
getHookNames() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MonsterReactions
getHookNames() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.ProximityProperty
getHookNames() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns the hooks we're registered on ("givePostHook", etc.)
getHooks() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
getHooks() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.HookList
getHooks() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getHooks() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Hookable
Returns a list of custom hooks implemented by this object.
getHostAddress() - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteClient
Returns the IP address this socket is connected to.
getHostAddress() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getHostAddress() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the IP address this player is connected from.
getHurledBonus(int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the to-hit bonus, as a percentage, given the player's hurled-weapons skill level (sk-hurled).
getID() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Sound
Specifies a unique ID for this sound, so it can be cancelled later.
getID() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.sound.LoopingSound
Returns the unique ID for this sound.
getID() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource
Returns the unique ID for this sound.
getIP() - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteClient
Returns the IP address for the associated Player.
getIcon() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageTree.ImageObject
getIdleTime() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getIdleTime() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the number of seconds the player has been idle.
getImage(int, short) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTImageList
Returns a piece of an image given its offsets.
getImage(int, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTImageList
Gets the image from the ClientImageCache
getImage(int, short) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTList
Returns a piece of an image given its offsets.
getImage(int, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTList
Gets the image from the ClientImageCache
getImage() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTListItem
Returns the image.
getImage(int) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.ClientImageCache
Loads an image from its tile number.
getImage() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageList.ImageListItem
getImage(int, short) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageList
Returns a piece of an image given its offsets.
getImage(int, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageList
Gets the image from the ClientImageCache
getImage() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getImage() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the image path, such as "monsters/dragon/red_dragon", or "wiz/foo/bar/bugbear"
getImage(int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ImageCache
Loads an image from its tile number.
getImage(Archetype) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ImageCache
Retrieves (and caches) the image for the specified archetype.
getImage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Appearance
Returns the image (category + bmp)
getImageDescriptor(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getImageDescriptor(int, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns a single appearance descriptor for the object at the specified (x, y) location.
getImageDescriptors() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getImageDescriptors() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns an appearance descriptor for the object.
getImageDescriptors() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Shop
Returns the list of (x, y, tile) image triples for this object.
getImageDescriptors() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Checkers
Returns the board's appearance.
getImageDescriptors() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Chess
Returns the board's appearance.
getImageDescriptors() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Returns the appearance of the spell, for drawing it to the client.
getImageDescriptors() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell
Returns the appearance of the spell.
getImageDescriptors() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Returns the appearance of the spell, for drawing it to the client.
getImageDescriptors() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FlameShield
Have to manage our appearance manually since we're non-rectangular.
getImageName(int) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.Borderer
Looks up an image from its tile number.
getImageNameFromTile(int) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ClientImageCache
Looks up the image name in our cache.
getImageNameFromTile(int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ImageCache
Looks up the image name in our cache.
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.AttackCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.HitCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.WearCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.WieldCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.TimerAgent
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.StandardAI
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.MoveCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.PushCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.TeleportCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.ClientCommands
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.ImageFetcher
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.BeelineAI
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.ShipAI
Returns the implementation object.
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.AlwaysFleeBehavior
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.ApproachEnemyBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.ApproachFriendBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.CastAttackSpellBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.EmitMessagesBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.FleeBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.FleeIfBadlyHurtBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.FollowPathBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.GrabStuffBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.MeleeAttackBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.RangedAttackBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.SimpleBehavior
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.StandardBehavior
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.StationaryBehavior
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.TeleportAwayBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.WanderRandomlyBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.WieldWeaponsBE
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.AliasCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ApplyCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.AppraiseCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.AtmosphereCommands
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.AudioCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.AutoGrabCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.BugCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.CastCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.DrinkCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.DropCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.EatCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.EchoCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.EmoteCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.FireCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.FriendsCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.GetFromCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.GiveCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.HelpCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.InvCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LastCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LockPickCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LookCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MiscCommands
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MonitorCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.OfferCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.OpenCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.OrderCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.PickupCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.PutCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.QuitCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ReadCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ReadyCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.SayCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ScoreCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.SearchCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ShoutCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ShowCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.SkillsCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.SpellCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.StartupCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.TalkCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.TellCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ThrowCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.TrainCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.TurnCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.VerboseCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.WaitCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.WarnCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.WhisperCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.WhoCommand
getImpl() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagCommand
getIndirectObject() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.PrepositionParser
Returns the indirect object from our sentence-parsing.
getInfo(String, String) - Static method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileRegistry
Deprecated. use lookup(relpath) instead
getInfo(String) - Static method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileRegistry
Finds any images that are related to this one and caches them.
getInfo() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Appearance
Returns the TileInfo for this category/bitmap, if any.
getInheritedProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getInheritedProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns the inherited value of the specified property, if any.
getInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.ClientImageCache
getInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.Combat
getInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.StandardAI
getInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.Mover
getInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.ArchetypeManager
getInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.NullValue
getInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PropertyParser
getInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.SimpleBehavior
getInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.StationaryBehavior
getInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.NoSpells
getInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.StaticBag
getInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.world.BackgroundMapLoader
getIntAttribute(Element, String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PropertyParser
Retrieves an attribute whose value is an int.
getIntProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.UserProps
Returns a property with an integer value.
getIntProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getIntProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns the value of an int property.
getIntProperty(String) - Static method in class wyvern.world.SystemProps
Returns a property with an integer value.
getInteger(int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
Returns a new Integer object for the specified int value.
getIntensity() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns int "intensity" property value.
getIntensity() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleLightSource
Returns the current intensity of this light source.
getInteriorMap() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Vehicle
Returns the vehicle-interior map.
getInterval() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.FallingDown
Returns the speed at which we're falling or moving.
getInterval() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.Sliding
getInterval() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.AnimationParams
Returns the animation speed for this object.
getInterval() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.FallingDown
getInterval() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Projectile
getInvRef(int, CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommand
Returns the object in inventory at the specified index, or null if not found.
getInvalidEntry() - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Determines whether or not there are any components with invalid constraints.
getInventory() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
getInventory() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
Returns the monster's Inventory.
getInventory() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Commandable
Returns the commandable's inventory object, if any.
getItem() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.AbstractArmorSlot
Returns the item.
getItem() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.AbstractArmorWeaponSlot
Returns the item in this slot.
getItem() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.AbstractWeaponSlot
Returns the item in this slot.
getItem() - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.ItemSlot
Returns the item (Armor or Weapon) in this slot.
getItemArch() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns the item that the NPC must receive to be activated.
getItemAt(int) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTList
Returns the list item at the specified index.
getItemID() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns the "item-id" property - the optional unique identifier for the item to activate the NPC.
getItemIndex(AWTListItem) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTList
Returns the index (i.e. list position) of a given item
getItemList() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.StaticBag
Returns the shared item list.
getItemName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Rod
Returns "rod".
getItemName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Wand
Returns "wand".
getItemNumber() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ItemDesc
Returns the item number parsed from getItemNumber().
getItemNumber(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ItemDesc
Returns an ItemDesc for this item, if needed.
getItemPrice(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Shop
Returns the price (in gold) the shop would pay for the item.
getItemWeight() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Bag
Returns the (unadjusted) weight of the items in this bag.
getItemWeight() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
Returns the (unadjusted) weight of the items in this bag.
getItemWeight() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.Trenchcoat
Returns the (unadjusted) weight of the items in this bag.
getItems() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.VectorQueue
Returns the list of items in the queue.
getItems() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapCell
getItems() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
Returns the actual list in which the items are contained.
getItems() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.StaticBag
Returns the shared item list.
getItems() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.Trenchcoat
Returns the actual list in which the items are contained.
getItems() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.misc.PurseOfHolding
Returns the items in the pouch.
getItems() - Method in class wyvern.util.Queue
Returns the list of items in the queue.
getItemsNonNull() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapCell
getJavaClass() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.properties.JythonBean
Returns the name of the Java class that this bean is subclassing, if any.
getKey() - Method in class wyvern.util.Counter.Count
Returns the key for this counter.
getKilledWorkerCount() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.Scheduler
Returns count of killed worker threads.
getLastFrame() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundCamera
Returns the list of objects that were last sent to the client.
getLastModified(String) - Static method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileRegistry
Returns the time when the file was last modified.
getLastShouts() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ShoutCommand
Returns the last 100 or so shouts.
getLayer() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.AbstractSlot
Returns the slot-layer.
getLayer() - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.ItemSlot
Gets the slot-layer for this slot.
getLayer() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getLayer() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the drawing layer this object should be drawn in.
getLayer() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Appearance
Retrieves the drawing layer for this object.
getLayoutAlignmentX(Container) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ColumnLayout
getLayoutAlignmentX(Container) - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Returns the alignment along the x axis.
getLayoutAlignmentY(Container) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ColumnLayout
getLayoutAlignmentY(Container) - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Returns the alignment along the y axis.
getLeader() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups.Group
getLetsIn() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.TerrainInfo
getLetsOut() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.TerrainInfo
getLevel() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
getLevel() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Monster
Returns the monster's level.
getLevel() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.sokoban.SokobanLevel
Returns our level number.
getLevel(Element) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the level of the spell.
getLevel() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomObject
Returns the level to use for this item.
getLevel() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Returns level of the weapon to be generated
getLevel() - Method in class wyvern.lib.monsters.AbstractCounterAttack
Returns the power level of the attack.
getLevel() - Method in class wyvern.lib.monsters.DrainAttack
Returns the drain Level, for use in performDamage.
getLevel(int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.skills.BerserkSkill
Ignore all the mage-skill ratings - all that matters is sk-berserk.
getLightLevel(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getLightLevel(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.DenseMap
Returns the lighting level at the specified location.
getLightLevel(int, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the lighting level at the specified location.
getLightMatrix() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.properties.LightSource
Returns the location list for the light source.
getLightMatrix() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleLightSource
Returns the location list for the light source.
getLighting() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.MagicMapper
Returns true if we
getLightingLevel() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getLightingLevel() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the lighting level of this map.
getLine() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
getList() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.PointList
Gets the list of locations.
getList() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.StringList
Gets the list of strings.
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.SwingListCellRenderer
getListDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the top-level treasure-lists directory, usually root + "world/lists/".
getListName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomObject
Returns the name of the list we're using, or null if !
getLists() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundFrame
Returns a list of object descriptors that are going to the client.
getLists() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundViewer
Returns a list of arrays.
getLoadAverages() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.Scheduler
Returns a string showing the 1-, 5- and 15-minute load averages.
getLoadChangeMessage(int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Encumbrance
Returns message to print when switching to a given encumbrance level.
getLoadTitle(int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Encumbrance
Returns the name for the given load level, such as "burdened" or "strained".
getLocalArchetype(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
Retrieves a local archetype from the map's cache.
getLocalArchetype(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Retrieves a local archetype from the map's cache.
getLocalArchetypes() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getLocalArchetypes() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns a list of the names of all local archetypes registered with this map.
getLocalProperties() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getLocalProperties() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns a Set of the names of all the transient and non-inherited persistent properties on this object.
getLocalProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getLocalProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Gets the local value of a property.
getLocalSettingsPath(String) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.UserProps
Gets the absolute path to the .local version of the file.
getLocation() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.TargetedEvent
Gets the map location where the event is occurring.
getLocation() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Rectangle
Returns the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
getLocation() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleLightSource
Returns the location at the center of our lighting array.
getLocationHeuristic(GameMap, int, int, Commandable[]) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.properties.CustomAI
Returns how badly the monster wants to avoid this square when chasing a player.
getLocations() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getLocations() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns all the map locations this object occupies.
getLocations() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell
Returns the locations occupied by this spell.
getLocations() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FlameShield
We keep track of our own locations (don't use superclass).
getLockLevel() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Lock
Returns how difficult the lock is to pick on a 0-100 scale.
getLog(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Gets a Logger for a file under admin/logs.
getLogDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the administrative directory containing logfiles.
getLogLevel(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Returns the java.util.logging.Level for a Logger specified by name.
getLongName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns quest long-name, in "long-name" property.
getLongProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getLongProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns the value of a long (bigint) property.
getLore(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Returns the spell lore level
getLoreCost() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the lore cost for this spell - by default, what's in the "lore" entry for the spell, in the SpellRegistry.
getLoreCost() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.CastEvent
Returns the lore cost for the spell.
getLowFuelIntensity() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns the intensity to use if we're low on fuel.
getLowFuelMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns the "low-msg", e.g.
getLowLevelThreshold() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns "low-level" int property.
getMagicItem() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the wand/rod/scroll/whatever that initiated this spell, if any.
getMailDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the player mail directory ("world/mail/")
getMajor() - Method in class wyvern.common.net.RPCVersion
getMajorVersion() - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteClient
getMaleImage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Guild
Returns the path to the custom human-male image, if any.
getMalignChance() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Returns chance the item will have a maligned (negative) enchantment
getMap() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getMap() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
getMap() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getMap() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterInventory
Returns the map we're in - our owner's map, or null if we're not attached to a monster yet.
getMap() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Camera
Returns the map this camera is viewing.
getMap() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Returns the map where this event is taking place.
getMap() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the GameMap reference stored in the instance data for this object, set by setMapLink().
getMap() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Location
getMap() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Return the map we're active in.
getMap() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapChangeEvent
Returns the map where this occurred.
getMap() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleEvent
Returns the map for which this event took place.
getMap() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapMotionEvent
Returns map where the event occurred
getMap() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapPlayerEvent
Returns GameMap where the event occurred.
getMap() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleLightSource
Returns the map we're currently illuminating, if any.
getMap(MapLoaderListener, String) - Method in class wyvern.world.BackgroundMapLoader
Returns a reference to a map, loading it if necessary on a background thread.
getMap(MapLoaderListener, String, GameMapLoader, boolean) - Method in class wyvern.world.BackgroundMapLoader
Loads a map in the background using a custom map loader.
getMap(MapLoaderListener, String) - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns a reference to the specified map, loading it if necessary.
getMap(MapLoaderListener, String, GameMapLoader, boolean) - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Loads a map in the background using a custom map loader.
getMap(String) - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns a reference to the specified map, loading it if necessary.
getMapCamera() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getMapCamera() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the camera that displays the map.
getMapClassName(GameMap) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapWriter
Returns an appropriate map-class name for writing to the file.
getMapCoords() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommandEvent
Returns the Point (in absolute map coordinates) where the agent clicked the mouse.
getMapEditorDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns directory where the map editor main class is kept.
getMapLink() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getMapLink() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the GameMap reference stored in the instance data for this object, set by setMapLink().
getMapMusic(Player) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.MusicManager
Retrieves the default music to play for the player, based on their map.
getMapNoLoad(String) - Method in class wyvern.world.BackgroundMapLoader
Retrieves the specified map if it's already loaded in memory, else returns null.
getMapNoLoad(String) - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Retrieves the current map if it's already loaded in memory, else returns null.
getMapRoot() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the root directory where the main game maps are stored.
getMapSynchronously(String) - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Loads a map, NOT in the background, using a custom map loader.
getMapSynchronously(String, GameMapLoader) - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Loads a map, NOT in the background, using a custom map loader.
getMaterial() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getMaterial() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the (primary) Material this object is made from.
getMaterialDescription() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getMaterialDescription() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns "It is made of ".
getMaterialDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Gem
Returns the material we're using.
getMaterialDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.TrenchcoatPocket
getMatrixLocation() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.properties.LightSource
Returns the (x,y) location of the upper-left corner of the LightSource's local light matrix returned by calling getLightMatrix().
getMatrixLocation() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleLightSource
Returns the (x,y) location of the upper-left corner of the LightSource's local light matrix returned by calling getLightMatrix().
getMaxCasts(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Returns max number of concurrent instances of this spell the passed agent is allowed to have at once.
getMaxCasts(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Blizzard
Returns the max number of concurrent spells of this type the agent is allowed to have out - usually based on skill level.
getMaxCasts(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Fireball
Returns the max number of concurrent spells of this type the agent is allowed to have out - usually based on skill level.
getMaxCasts(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FrostWave
Returns the max number of concurrent spells of this type the agent is allowed to have out - usually based on skill level.
getMaxCount() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerInventory
getMaxCount() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Bag
Returns the maximum number of items that can be stored in this bag.
getMaxCount() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
Returns the maximum number of items that can be stored in this bag.
getMaxCount() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.Trenchcoat
Returns the maximum number of items that can be stored in this bag.
getMaxFood() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
Returns the max food the player can eat/drink.
getMaxFood() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the max food the player can eat/drink.
getMaxHP() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator
getMaxHP() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
getMaxHP() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.DynamicObject
Returns the object's maximum hit points.
getMaxHP() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.ArmorImpl
Returns the object's maximum hit points.
getMaxHP() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.DiggableWall
Returns the object's maximum hit points.
getMaxHP() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Door
Returns the object's maximum hit points.
getMaxHP() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.WeaponImpl
getMaxHP() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.properties.Damageable
Returns the object's maximum hit points.
getMaxLength() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell
Returns the max length for the bolt.
getMaxMoves() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.PirateShip
getMaxPlayers() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns the highest number of players who've been logged in at once during this session.
getMaxRadius() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Returns the maximum distance from the center that the spell will expand before starting to shrink.
getMaxSP() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
getMaxSP() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Monster
Returns the monster's maximum mana.
getMaxSwaths() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Returns the total swaths that should be produced for this cone.
getMaxTrapsToFind() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FindTraps
Returns the (max) number of traps to find, based on MIND and LIFE skills, and whether we're blessed/cursed.
getMaxTravel() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Returns the maximum distance the ball will travel before detonating on its own.
getMaxWC(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Returns the highest weapon class of this weapon.
getMaximum() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator
getMaximum() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Lair
Returns the maximum monsters this lair will generate before stopping.
getMaximumSize() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTImageList
Returns the max size.
getMaximumSize() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTListItem
Returns the max size.
getMeleeSpeedBonus(int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the attack-speed bonus for a given skill level in Melee.
getMembers() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups.Group
Returns the people in the group.
getMessage() - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.commands.VerbalEvent
Returns the message that will be communicated, stripped of the command verb.
getMessage() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.WyvernXMLErrorHandler.WyvernParseError
Returns detail message.
getMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.SayEvent
Gets the message that the player is saying.
getMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ShoutEvent
getMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.TalkCommand.TalkEvent
Gets the message that the player is saying.
getMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.TellCommand.Tell
getMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.WhisperCommand.WhisperEvent
Returns the whisper message.
getMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.ParseException
This method has the standard behavior when this object has been created using the standard constructors.
getMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.TokenMgrError
You can also modify the body of this method to customize your error messages.
getMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MessageEvent
Returns the text of the message.
getMessageOfTheDay() - Static method in class wyvern.world.Registration
getMessages() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.RandomMessages
Returns the messages in this list.
getMessages(Player) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.town.PostOffice
Returns the player's inbox as a list of wyvern.kernel.mysql.MailMessage objects
getMessages(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.town.PostOffice
Returns the player's inbox as a list of wyvern.kernel.mysql.MailMessage objects
getMinLevel() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Guild
Returns minimum level to join.
getMinRooms() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.CaveGenerator
getMinimum() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator
getMinimum() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Lair
Returns the minimum number of monsters the lair will generate on each reset.
getMinimumRoomSize() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
getMinimumSize() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTImageList
Returns the desired size for this list entry.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTListItem
Returns the desired size for this list entry.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ResizeScrollPane
getMinimumSize() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.TextDisplay
Returns minimum size.
getMinor() - Method in class wyvern.common.net.RPCVersion
getMinorVersion() - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteClient
Returns the major version number of this client.
getMissile(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.RangeWeapon
Returns a missile to fire.
getMissileClass() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Blowgun
getMissileClass() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Bow
getMissileClass() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Crossbow
getMissileClass() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Gun
getMissileClass() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.RangeWeapon
Returns the class of missiles we can fire.
getMissileClass() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Sling
getMissileDistance(Commandable, Missile) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.RangeWeapon
Returns the distance this missile should travel when fired by the passed agent.
getMissileSpeed(Commandable, Missile) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.RangeWeapon
Returns the delay in millis between moves of the missiles fired from this weapon.
getModifiers() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommandEvent
getMonster() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SummonSpell
Returns a monster.
getMonster() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.CharmMonster
Returns the monster we've charmed, if any
getMonster() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonMonster
getMonsterArchetype() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Statue
Returns the path to the archetype of the monster that was turned to stone.
getMonsterCache() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.PythonMap
Returns the set of monsters we found while loading the map.
getMonsterList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getMonsterList() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the set of monsters currently active in this map.
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SummonSpell
Subclasses should use this to figure out what to summon.
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Spawn
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonAirElemental
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonAnimal
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonDemon
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonEarthElemental
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonElemental
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonFireElemental
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonGolem
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonInsect
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonMonster
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonUndead
getMonsterType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonWaterElemental
getMonstersInEarshot(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.SayEvent
Returns all the monsters within earshot of the agent.
getMover() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getMover() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the Mover used by this object.
getMoves() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.PirateShip
getMusic() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getMusic() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Area
Returns the default background music for this Area.
getMusic() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the background music for this map.
getMusic() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.sound.LoopingSound
Returns the Music object for this LoopingSound.
getMusicDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the directory where the music is kept.
getMusicState() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getMusicState() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the MusicState object keeping track of this player's running soundtrack.
getName() - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteClient
Returns the name of the player we're associated with.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileInfo
Returns the base name for this tile (e.g.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.BodyPart
Returns the singular name of the part (e.g.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
getName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.QuantityParser
Returns the name of the object with the quantity specified stripped from the front.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.NamedTimer
Returns the name of the timer thread, if set.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.ArchetypeImpl
getName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.Property
Returns the name of the property we're representing.
getName() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Archetype
Returns the name of the archetype file, e.g.
getName() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Commandable
Returns the name of this commandable
getName() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the name of this map.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
Returns the name of this Card.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Face
Returns "Ace", "Two" through "Ten", or "Jack" through "King"
getName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
Returns name of the hand.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Suit
Returns "Hearts", "Clubs", "Spades", or "Diamonds".
getName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Art
Returns the Art name.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
Returns the Element name, lowercased.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Missile
Returns the name of this missile type, such as "arrow".
getName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.combat.PoisonBite
getName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.combat.PoisonSting
getName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagRule
Returns the name of the rule.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TavernMenu.MenuItem
Returns the item name.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.util.XMLSimple.Element
Returns the name of this element.
getName() - Method in class wyvern.world.LoginEvent
getName() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns the name of this world.
getNameMatchPredicate(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Takes an object description and returns a predicate suitable for finding it.
getNameMatchPredicate(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ItemDesc
Takes an object description and returns a predicate suitable for finding it.
getNames() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
Returns the List of names for this element.
getNearbyTargets(Commandable, Set, GameMap) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.StandardAI
Returns a list of the targets close enough to chase.
getNearbyTargets(Commandable, Predicate, Predicate, Set) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.Behavior
Returns a list of nearby targets close enough to chase and matching the appropriate predicate.
getNegativeDamageAttackerMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageType
Returns the message to tell the attacker if the attack resulted in healing the defender.
getNegativeDamageAttackerMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.DrownDamage
Returns the message to tell the attacker if the attack resulted in healing the defender.
getNegativeDamageAttackerMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FireDamage
Returns the message to tell the attacker if the attack resulted in healing the defender.
getNegativeDamageAttackerMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FrostDamage
Returns the message to tell the attacker if the attack resulted in healing the defender.
getNegativeDamageAttackerMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.LightningDamage
Returns the message to tell the attacker if the attack resulted in healing the defender.
getNegativeDamageDefenderMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageType
Returns the message to tell the defender if the damage is negative; i.e. the defender is getting healed by the attack.
getNegativeDamageDefenderMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.DrownDamage
Returns the message to tell the defender if the damage is negative; i.e. the defender is getting healed by the attack.
getNegativeDamageDefenderMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FireDamage
Returns the message to tell the defender if the damage is negative; i.e. the defender is getting healed by the attack.
getNegativeDamageDefenderMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FrostDamage
Returns the message to tell the defender if the damage is negative; i.e. the defender is getting healed by the attack.
getNegativeDamageDefenderMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.LightningDamage
Returns the message to tell the defender if the damage is negative; i.e. the defender is getting healed by the attack.
getNeighborPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.ConnectedObject
Returns a Predicate that says whether a neighboring object is actually one of our neighbors.
getNeighborPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Mountains
Returns a Predicate that says whether a neighboring object is actually one of our neighbors.
getNeighborPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Road
Returns a predicate that returns true if the object is a Wall or a Door.
getNeighborPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.TerrainRoad
Returns a predicate that returns true if the object is another TerrainRoad.
getNeighborPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Wall
Returns a predicate that returns true if the object is a Wall or a Door.
getNextMove(Point, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Direction
Returns the next Point if you go in the passed direction
getNextToken() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagParser
getNextToken() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagParserTokenManager
getNoArgTarget(TargetedEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LockPickCommand
Find the nearest object with a pickable lock.
getNoArgTarget(TargetedEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.OpenCommand
If they just typed "open", "close" or whatever, look for a nearby door to do it to.
getNoArgTarget(TargetedEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ReadCommand
Looks for something to read.
getNoDamageAttackerMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageType
Returns the message to tell the attacker if the damage amount was zero.
getNoDamageAttackerMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.DrownDamage
Returns the message to tell the attacker if the damage amount was zero.
getNoDamageAttackerMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FireDamage
Returns the message to tell the attacker if the damage amount was zero.
getNoDamageAttackerMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FrostDamage
Returns the message to tell the attacker if the damage amount was zero.
getNoDamageAttackerMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.LightningDamage
Returns the message to tell the attacker if the damage amount was zero.
getNoDamageDefenderMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageType
Returns the message to tell the defender if the damage was zero.
getNoDamageDefenderMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.DrownDamage
Returns the message to tell the defender if the damage was zero.
getNoDamageDefenderMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FireDamage
Returns the message to tell the defender if the damage was zero.
getNoDamageDefenderMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FrostDamage
Returns the message to tell the defender if the damage was zero.
getNoDamageDefenderMessage(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.LightningDamage
Returns the message to tell the defender if the damage was zero.
getNoMapMsg() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns string property "no-map-msg": what to say if NPC is in wrong map when activated.
getNodeText(Element) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker
Returns the text from a text element.
getNotFoundMsg() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LookCommand.LookEvent
Gets the message to display if the thing isn't found.
getNothingMsg() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LookCommand.LookEvent
Returns the "you see nothing special" message.
getNumColumn() - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Gets the number of columns in this layout.
getNumDirs() - Method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileInfo
Returns the number of directional versions there are of the base image.
getNumFrames() - Method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileInfo
Returns the number of animation frames per direction.
getNumItems() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTImageList
Returns the size of the list.
getNumItems() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTList
Returns the number of items in the list.
getNumPlayers() - Static method in class wyvern.world.SystemStatus
Returns the number of players logged in.
getNumRow() - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Gets the number of rows in this layout.
getNumSwaths() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Returns the number of swaths that have been produced so far.
getNumThinks(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractAI
Returns the total number of times think() has been invoked for a given AI class.
getOKAggressorProps() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MonsterReactions
Returns properties that it's OK for the aggressor to have (i.e. the aggressor with these won't trigger the reaction).
getOOBTerrain() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.AbstractLevelGenerator
getObj(String) - Method in class wyvern.util.XMLParams
Returns a named value as an Object
getObject() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.TopFinder.LayerVisitor
Returns the topmost object we found.
getObject() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundObjDescriptor
getObjectCount() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.DenseMap
Returns an approximate count of the object references currently in this map.
getObjectCount() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns an approximate count of the GameObjects in this map, including terrain.
getObjects() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundFrame
Returns a list of GroundObjDescriptors that were gathered in the last visit to the map.
getObjects() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundViewer
Returns the list of object descriptors to send to the client.
getObjectsAt(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getObjectsAt(int, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns a list of the objects at a location.
getOffImage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns value of the "off-image" property, if present.
getOfflineProperties(String, String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerManager
Returns a list of properties from an offline player.
getOffsets() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.MoveEvent
Retrieves the direction (x & y) we're going to move.
getOffsets() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundObjDescriptor
getOnImage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns the "on-image" string property, if present.
getOneShotTimerCount() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.Timers
Returns the current number of repeating timers in the game.
getOrCreatecell(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.DenseMap
Returns the Cell at (x, y), creating it if necessary.
getOriginalText() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getOriginalText() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Returns the original text for this command event, before removing aliases, prepositions, etc.
getOutOfBoundsTerrain() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.DenseMap
Returns what we use for the out-of-bounds terrain.
getOutOfBoundsTerrain() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns what we use for the out-of-bounds terrain.
getOutOfFuelMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns the "dead-msg" property, or null if not present.
getOverlappingEntry() - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Gets a list of overlapping components.
getOwner() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
getOwner() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterInventory
Returns the owner of this Inventory.
getOwner() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Camera
Returns the player associated with this camera.
getOwner() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.EventQueue
Gets the agent to which this queue belongs.
getOwner() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Inventory
Returns the Commandable (usually a Monster or Player) who owns this inventory.
getOwner() - Method in class wyvern.lib.player.PlayerGrave
Returns the name of the player whose death created this gravestone.
getOwner() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource
Returns the object that's emitting this sound.
getOwningPlayer() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getOwningPlayer() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the owner of this object.
getParent() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getParent() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns the parent list for this list, if any.
getParent() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.ItemList
Returns the parent (usually a bag or inventory).
getParentMap() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getParentMap() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the map this object resides in.
getPartName(Class) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.ArmorTables
Returns the part-name of the passed armor-slot type, e.g.
getParts() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.Body
Returns the body parts in this list.
getParts() - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.combat.PartsList
Returns the underlying list of parts in this body.
getPartsList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
getPartsList() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Monster
Returns the monster's body-parts list.
getPassword() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getPassword() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the player's encrypted password.
getPassword() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns the string stored in the "password" property.
getPassword() - Method in class wyvern.world.LoginEvent
getPath() - Method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileInfo
Returns the relative art path for this image.
getPath() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getPath() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Area
Returns a Resource describing the path to this Area archetype.
getPath() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.MusicState
Returns relative path to the music/sound file for current background music.
getPath() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Alert
Returns relative path to the sound file
getPath() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the (relative) path to the map file this map was loaded from, e.g.
getPath() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.sound.LoopingSound
Returns the path to the music file for this sound.
getPath() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource
Returns the path to the sound file for this MovableSoundSource.
getPath() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleSound
Returns the relative path to the sound file to play.
getPath() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Soundtrack
Returns the relative path, including extension, for the music for this soundtrack.
getPathToPlayer(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerManager
Returns the absolute path to the player file, given the name of the player.
getPattern() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.SpeechFilter.Replacement
Returns the Pattern for this replacement.
getPerformCommand() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns "perform-cmd" property.
getPerformCount() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns perform-count property.
getPersistentDoubleProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getPersistentDoubleProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Gets the current persistent value of a double property.
getPersistentIntProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getPersistentIntProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Gets the current persistent value of an int property.
getPersistentLocalProperties() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getPersistentLocalProperties() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns a Set of the names of all the non-inherited persistent properties on this object.
getPersistentLongProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getPersistentLongProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Gets the current persistent value of a long property.
getPersistentProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getPersistentProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns the persistent (i.e. normal) value for the property, if found.
getPetrifiedImagePath(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Petrifier
Figures out the petrified version of
getPhase() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Material
Gets the phase (solid, liquid, gas).
getPhaseChance() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.MazeGenerator
getPickChance(int, Lock) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LockPickCommand
Returns the agent's chance of picking this lock.
getPiece(Point) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Checkers
Returns the checkers piece at the specified map location.
getPiece(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Checkers
Returns the checkers piece at the specified board location.
getPiece(Point) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Chess
Returns the chess piece at the specified map location.
getPiece(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Chess
Returns the chess piece at the specified board location.
getPlatinum() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.misc.CoinPurse
Returns the number of platinum coins in the purse.
getPlayer() - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteClient
Returns the Player associated with this client.
getPlayer() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Heart
getPlayer() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.MusicState
Returns the player we're attached to
getPlayer() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapPlayerEvent
Returns player who entered/left/moved
getPlayer() - Method in class wyvern.world.LoginEvent
getPlayer(String) - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns a Player object, looking up their name.
getPlayer(String, boolean) - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns a player from the online-players list, and you can specify only the first few characters of the player's name.
getPlayerCount() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns the number of players currently active on this server.
getPlayerList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getPlayerList() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the set of players currently playing in this map.
getPlayerList() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns a Set view of the players currently in the game.
getPlayerListInstance() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
This method is for debugging only.
getPlayerRoot() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the directory where the player files are stored.
getPluralName(Class) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.ArmorTables
Returns the plural form for the generic name of the passed armor type.
getPluralName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.BodyPart
Returns the plural name of the part (e.g.
getPluralName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Missile
Returns the name + "s": subclasses need to override if they have a plural name that doesn't fit this form
getPluralName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.combat.PoisonBite
getPluralName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.combat.PoisonSting
getPluralPartName(Class) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.ArmorTables
Returns the plural part-name of the passed armor-slot type, e.g.
getPocket() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.Trenchcoat
Gets or creates the pocket container.
getPoint() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Location
getPoint(int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.PointCache
Returns the cached Point at (x, y).
getPoints() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Returns the set of all the points the spell currently occupies.
getPoints() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell
Returns the locations occupied by this spell.
getPoints() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Returns the set of all the points the spell currently occupies.
getPoints() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the map locations that the spell is currently occupying.
getPoints() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FlameShield
Required for spells that occupy area, for damageMonster().
getPoisonAdjust() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Corpse
Returns amount by which to increase poison for this corpse.
getPoisonAmount() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Corpse
Returns the value of the "poison-corpse" int property.
getPoolSize() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.MasterThreadPool
Returns the current number of active threads in the pool.
getPort() - Method in class wyvern.lib.ServerURL
Returns the destination port.
getPosition() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
getPosition(GameObject) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Bag
Returns the position of the specified item in the list.
getPosition() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Camera
Returns the upper-left corner of the camera, in map coords.
getPosition(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
Returns the position of the specified item in the list.
getPosition() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.CastEvent
Returns the location the spell was cast towards, if positional
getPosition(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.Trenchcoat
Returns position of item in bag.
getPositionInViewport() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
Returns the relative offets of the player within the player's map camera.
getPositionInViewport() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the relative offets of the player within the player's map camera.
getPostHookName(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.HookList
Returns command + "PostHook", but gets it from a cache rather than constructing it with a StringBuffer.
getPreHookName(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.HookList
Returns command + "PreHook", but gets it from a cache rather than constructing it with a StringBuffer.
getPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.PickupEvent
Returns the predicate to use for determining whether an object can be picked up.
getPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagConditions
getPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.predicates.NotPredicate
Returns the predicate being negated.
getPredicates() - Method in class wyvern.lib.predicates.AndPredicate
Returns both (or all) of the predicates being AND-ed together.
getPredicates() - Method in class wyvern.lib.predicates.OrPredicate
Returns both (or all) of the predicates being OR-ed together.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTImageList
Computes the desired size.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTListItem
Returns the desired size.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageButton
Returns the a reasonable default size for the button.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ResizeScrollPane
getPreferredSize() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.TextDisplay
Returns preferred size.
getPrefix() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Corpse.CorpseState
Returns the prefix to add to the corpse description.
getPrefixes(boolean) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getPrefixes(boolean) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns a list of prefixes that are to be prepended to the object's short description.
getPreviousDocumentPath() - Method in class wyvern.util.JDocControl
Returns the document we were visiting previously.
getPrice() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TavernMenu.MenuItem
Returns the price of the item.
getPriority() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.TerrainInfo
getPriority() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Terrain
Returns the terrain priority for this object.
getProbability() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.BodyPart
Returns the probability weight of this part, for purposes of computing hit-locations.
getProfilingInfo() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.Combat
Returns metrics about combat (e.g. experience awards.)
getProfilingInfo() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractAI
Returns profiling information across all AIs active in the game.
getProfilingInfo() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.CameraManager
Returns profiling information about the cameras, for debugging.
getProfilingInfo(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.Scheduler
Dumps out all the profiling information we have at the moment.
getProfilingInfo() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
Returns profiling string.
getProfilingInfo() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame
Returns a profiling string.
getProfilingInfo() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.AStarSearch
Returns detailed profiling info.
getProfilingInfo() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.HeartbeatManager
Returns info about the objects on the monitor.
getProfilingInfo() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.StandardAI
Returns info about monsters under our control.
getProfilingInfo() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
Returns profiling info.
getProfilingInfo() - Static method in class wyvern.world.BackgroundMapLoader
Prints information about the health/status of the object.
getProp() - Method in class wyvern.lib.predicates.ComparisonPredicate
getPropName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource
Returns the name of the property we store ourselves under automatically.
getPropNames(Object) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PropertyParser
Returns a list of the sub-properties that this value possesses.
getPropagationPredicate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Gets the Predicate to use for determining when the spell should explode.
getProperties(String) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.InitFile
Returns a list of the properties under a given category.
getProperties() - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.maps.Cell
Returns the PropertyList for this cell.
getProperties(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.DenseMap
You can get and set properties on a specific map location.
getProperties() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapCell
getProperties() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getProperties(boolean) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getProperties(int, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
You can get and set properties on a specific map location.
getProperties() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns the names of all the list's local properties.
getProperties(boolean) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns all the list's properties, optionally including inherited ones.
getPropertiesIncludingTransients() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getPropertiesIncludingTransients(boolean) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getPropertiesIncludingTransients() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns the names of all the lists's local properties, including names in the transient list.
getPropertiesIncludingTransients(boolean) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns the names of all the lists's local properties, including names in the transient list, and optionally including inherited properties as well.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.InitFile
Returns a value given the category and key: alias for readValue().
getProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.UserProps
Returns true if a game engine property is set.
getProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns the value of the requested Property.
getProperty() - Method in class wyvern.lib.predicates.BooleanPredicate
getProperty(String) - Static method in class wyvern.world.SystemProps
Returns true if a game engine property is set.
getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns an array of all the PropertyChangeListeners added to this map with addPropertyChangeListener();
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns an array of all the listeners which have been associated with the named property.
getPropertyList() - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.maps.Cell
Creates a PropertyList for this Cell, if necessary, and returns it.
getPropertyList(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.DenseMap
Returns the property list for the given (x, y) map location, creating the list if necessary.
getPropertyList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapCell
getPropertyList(int, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the property list for the given (x, y) map location, creating the list if necessary.
getPropertyName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ResistSpell
Returns the name of the property to adjust.
getPropertyName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Regeneration
getProximityHookList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getProximityHookList() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the ProximityHookList containing the registered proximity-hooks for this map.
getProximityRect() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MonsterReactions
Read the number of squares of interest out of the prop and change it too a rectangle
getProximityRect() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.ProximityProperty
getProximityRect() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
getPushes() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.sokoban.SokobanLevel
Returns the number of times a bag has been pushed successfully.
getPyClassName(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.PythonMapWriter
Returns the name of the python class to use (same as filename).
getPyImportStatement(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.PythonManager
Converts an absolute path to a jython file into a name suitable for importing.
getPythonDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the wyvern python module and script directory.
getPythonFilePath(Object) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.ArchetypeManager
Returns the path to the .py file from which a Jython bean property was loaded.
getPythonFilePath(Class) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.ArchetypeManager
Returns the path to the .py file from which a Jython bean property was loaded.
getPythonFilePath(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.ArchetypeManager
Returns the path to the .py file from which a Jython bean property was loaded.
getPythonPath() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.ArchetypeImpl
Returns the "path" attribute of the Archetype
getPythonPath() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Archetype
Returns the "path" attribute of the Archetype
getQP() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns number of quest points to give
getQuantity() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.PrepositionParser
Returns the quantity specified.
getQuantity() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.QuantityParser
Returns the quantity found.
getQuantity() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.TargetedEvent
Returns the quantity of the target to operate on.
getQuantity() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getQuantity() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Convenience method for returning the value of the "quantity" property.
getQuestName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Guild
Returns the name of the Quest needed to get into this guild, if any.
getQuestPath() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns "quest-path" string property: where the NPC has to be in order for activation to work.
getQueue() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
getQueue() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Commandable
Returns the event queue for this object.
getQuiverClass() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Bow
getQuiverClass() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Crossbow
getQuiverClass() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.RangeWeapon
Returns the class of quiver we work with.
getQuiverClass() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Sling
getRPCVersion() - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteClient
Gets the protocol version for this client.
getRace() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getRace() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns player's race.
getRadius() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
getRanOutMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns the "out-msg", e.g.
getRange() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.sound.LoopingSound
Returns the range that this sound should extend before attenuating completely.
getRange() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Projectile
getRangeBonus(int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the to-hit bonus, as a percentage, given the player's range-weapons skill level (sk-range).
getRangeWeapon() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Missile
Returns the range-weapon that fired this missile, if any.
getRate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Gate
Returns the rate at which the gate opens or closes.
getRate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.Firespout
Returns the rate at which the gate opens or closes.
getRate() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.effects.Poison
Returns the rate (in millis) at which the poison damages the target.
getReagents() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the reagents for this spell.
getReagents(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Returns the spell reagents.
getReceiver() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MessageEvent
Returns the recipient of the message.
getRecipient() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.GiveCommand.GiveEvent
Returns the Monster getting the present.
getRecoveryPercentage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Resurrection
Returns the percent (0.0 to 1.0) of XP lost to restore.
getRedirectFile() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getRedirectFile() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Returns the file that we're redirecting output to, if any.
getReferenceLoc() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getReferenceLoc() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the "reference location" for this object, which is the first Point in the object's location list.
getRegisteredCommands(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.CommandListImpl
getRegisteredCommands(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandList
Returns the registered commands for the given Command handler.
getRegisteredMaps() - Method in class wyvern.world.BackgroundMapLoader
Returns a list of all currently loaded maps.
getRegisteredMaps() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns a list of all currently loaded maps.
getRegisteredSpells() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Returns a sorted list of all spells in the registry.
getRelative(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns a Resource encapsulating the requested file.
getRelativeArtRoot() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns art root suitable for loading from jar file.
getRelativeDir() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns the directory containing this Resource.
getRelativeLocs() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getRelativeLocs() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns a list of relative locations.
getRelativePath() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns the relative path to this Resource.
getRelativePathNoExt() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns the relative path to this resource, sans extension.
getRelativeRoot() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the relative root directory, suitable for looking up images not in the standard art/game directory (e.g.
getRelease() - Method in class wyvern.common.net.RPCVersion
getReleaseVersion() - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteClient
Returns the major version number of this client.
getRemainingCapacity() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Bag
Returns how much more weight we can hold.
getRemainingCapacity() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
Returns how much more weight we can hold, in grams.
getRemainingCapacity() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.Trenchcoat
Returns how much more can be put in the bag.
getRepeatDelay() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Music
Returns delay in millis between repeats
getRepeatDelay() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource
Returns delay in millis between repeats
getRepeatDelay() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Soundtrack
Returns number of millis to wait between repeats.
getRepeatingTimerCount() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.Timers
Returns the current number of repeating timers in the game.
getRepeats() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Music
Returns number of times to repeat before stopping and sending a notification to the server that we're done.
getRepeats() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource
Returns number of times to repeat before stopping and sending a notification to the server that we're done.
getRepeats() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Soundtrack
Returns number of repeats. 0 means only play once.
getReplacement() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.SpeechFilter.Replacement
Returns the replacement string.
getReplies() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker.Response
Returns the list of replies for this topic; only non-null if it's random or cyclic.
getReply() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker.Reply
Returns the reply, with "NPC-name says: " prepended if "nosay" isn't set.
getReplyString() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker.Reply
Returns the undecorated reply string (without the "NPC says:" prefix, even if nosay isn't set).
getRequiredMana() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the amount of mana required for this spell.
getRequiredQuest() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Guild
Returns the Quest needed to get into this guild, if any.
getRequiredShoutPoints(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ShoutCommand
Returns the number of shout points this agent needs to shout something, based on the agent's skills, the current player count online, and the text of the shout.
getRequiredShoutPoints() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ShoutEvent
getRequiredSlots() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Armor
Returns a list of the slots that this armor requires in order to be worn.
getRequiredSlots() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Weapon
Returns a list of the slots that this armor requires in order to be worn.
getRequiredSlots() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Amulet
getRequiredSlots() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.BodyArmor
getRequiredSlots() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Boots
getRequiredSlots() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Bracers
getRequiredSlots() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Cloak
getRequiredSlots() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Girdle
getRequiredSlots() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Gloves
getRequiredSlots() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Helmet
getRequiredSlots() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Ring
getRequiredSlots() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Shield
getRequiredSlots() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.WeaponImpl
getRequiredWaitTime(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.skills.BerserkSkill
Returns the total time the agent has to wait between uses of the berserk skill.
getResetDelay() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator
getResetDelay() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Lair
Gets the time between resets for this lair object.
getResistMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ResistSpell
Returns a message to send the caster if the spell was successful.
getResistMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Regeneration
getResource() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getResource() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the Resource for this map, so you can query if it's a wiz map, how big it is, what the relative file path is, and so on.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns an InputStream to a resource from the disk, or jar file (if we're running from a jar).
getResponse() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker.Response
Returns the response.
getResponse(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker
Looks up the Response for a given subject.
getResponses() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker
Returns all the Responses for this Talker.
getRestartCommand(Player) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Area
Returns the path to the map the player should restart in if they die (or cast word of recall).
getRestartLoc() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getRestartLoc(GameMap) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Area
Returns the restart location for the specified map.
getRestartLoc() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Area
Returns the restart-location for this map: where players teleport to when they die in this map.
getRestartLoc() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the restart-location for this map: where players teleport to when they die in this map.
getRestartLocation() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns the newbie village chapel - the default restart location if we can't determine where to put the player when they die.
getRoom(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
Returns the Room that contains (x,y).
getRoomDensity() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
getRoomHookList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getRoomHookList() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the RoomHookList containing the registered room-hooks for this map.
getRoomRandomSize() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
getRoot(String) - Static method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileRegistry
Returns the root directory in which to look for artwork.
getRoot() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.ArchetypeManager
Returns the root directory where the archetypes reside.
getRootDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the directory under which the game is installed, e.g.
getRow() - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Gets the height of a single row in this layout.
getRow(int) - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Gets the sizes of a row in this layout.
getRule(int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagRules
Returns the rule at the specified position.
getRules() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagRules
Returns the complete set of rules.
getRunQueueSize() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.Scheduler
Returns the number of EventQueues currently waiting for their delay to expire.
getSP() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
getSP() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Monster
Returns the monster's mana.
getSafePoints() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.sokoban.SokobanLevel
Returns the safe-points list for the level.
getSafeTerrain() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.sokoban.Sokoban
Returns the Terrain to use for safe spots.
getScale() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.MagicMapper
Returns the current scale factor.
getScore() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
Returns an arbitrary score for this hand.
getScrollbar() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ColorTextArea
Returns the scrollbar.
getSecretChance() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.CaveGenerator
getSecretChance() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.MazeGenerator
getSelectedText() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageList
Returns the selected text, or null if no selection.
getSellPriceForItem(GameObject, Monster) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Shop
Tells them how much a player will get for selling the thing (which may be a group of things) Helper function used by sell/value.
getSerializableProperties() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getSerializableProperties() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns the names of all the lists's local properties, including any properties that have NullValue as values - meaning someone called removeProperty() on them, and the null overrides an inherited version of the property.
getSerializableProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getSerializableProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns a local property value, but unlike its counterpart getPersistentProperty(), if the value is a NullValue placeholder for when someone called removeProperty() to override an inherited value, this method returns the NullValue.
getServer() - Method in class wyvern.lib.ServerURL
Returns the destination server.
getSession() - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteClient
Returns the ClientSession we're paired with (we do the output, it does the input).
getSession() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getSession() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the ClientSession for this player.
getSession() - Method in class wyvern.world.LoginEvent
getSettings() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.UserProps
Returns a Properties containing all the application settings.
getSex() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getSex() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns player's gender.
getShadingTile(int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleLightSource
Returns the database tile number of the tile to use for the passed lighting level.
getShopList() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Shop
Returns a string description of the shop's contents.
getShortDesc() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getShortDesc() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns a short description for the object.
getShortDesc(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LookCommand
Returns a short description for the object.
getShortDesc() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.TrenchcoatPocket
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageType
Returns "fire", "cold", "smash" or whatever else is used in the archetype files for this damage type.
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.AcidDamage
Returns "fire", "cold", "smash" or whatever else is used in the archetype files for this damage type.
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.CutDamage
Returns "fire", "cold", "smash" or whatever else is used in the archetype files for this damage type.
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.DrownDamage
Returns "fire", "cold", "smash" or whatever else is used in the archetype files for this damage type.
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FireDamage
Returns "fire", "cold", "smash" or whatever else is used in the archetype files for this damage type.
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FrostDamage
Returns "fire", "cold", "smash" or whatever else is used in the archetype files for this damage type.
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.LightningDamage
Returns "fire", "cold", "smash" or whatever else is used in the archetype files for this damage type.
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.MagicDamage
Returns "fire", "cold", "smash" or whatever else is used in the archetype files for this damage type.
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.PoisonDamage
Returns "fire", "cold", "smash" or whatever else is used in the archetype files for this damage type.
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.SlayDamage
Returns "fire", "cold", "smash" or whatever else is used in the archetype files for this damage type.
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.SmashDamage
Returns "fire", "cold", "smash" or whatever else is used in the archetype files for this damage type.
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.StabDamage
Returns "fire", "cold", "smash" or whatever else is used in the archetype files for this damage type.
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.combat.BiteDamage
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.combat.StingDamage
getShortName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns quest short-name, in "short-name" property.
getShoutOnSolve() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns whether to shout on solving the quest.
getShoutPoints() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getShoutPoints() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the player's shout points.
getSilenceReason(Player) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ShoutCommand
Returns the reason the player is silenced, if they're silenced.
getSilenceTime(Player) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ShoutCommand
Returns the number of minutes of silence the player has remaining.
getSilencer(Player) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ShoutCommand
Returns the name of the wizard or agent who silenced the player.
getSilver() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.misc.CoinPurse
Returns the number of silver coins in the purse.
getSinglePatterns() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.SpeechFilter
Returns a list of the replace-one-time patterns for this filter, if any.
getSingleReply() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker.Response
For topics/subjects where there is only one reply, writeData() needs to get to the Reply object.
getSingularName(Class) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.ArmorTables
Returns the singular form for the generic name of the passed armor type.
getSize() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.DenseMap
Returns the size of the map.
getSize() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.RandomMessages
Returns the number of messages in this list.
getSize() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundObjDescriptor
getSize() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.SpellListImpl
Returns the number of spells in this list.
getSize() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the size of the map.
getSize() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.SpellList
Returns the number of spells in this list.
getSkillAdjust() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Strength
getSkillName(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Translates a skill property name to a player-visible skill name.
getSkillName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Art
Returns the skill name for this Art, e.g.
getSkillNames() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
Returns the list of skill names for this Element.
getSkillPointsForLevel(Commandable, int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the number of skill points to give to the player for advancing to the specified level.
getSkillsDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the top-level spells directory.
getSkinsDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the default Skins directory.
getSlot1() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Message
Returns the object stored in slot 1.
getSlot2() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Message
Returns the object stored in slot 2.
getSlot3() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Message
Returns the object stored in slot 3.
getSlot4() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Message
Returns the object stored in slot 4.
getSlot5() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Message
Returns the object stored in slot 5.
getSlots() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.BodyPart
Returns a list of the slots this body part provides.
getSneak(int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the sneak percent chance for a given skill level.
getSneak(Commandable) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the sneak percent chance for the agent.
getSnoopType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Snooper
Returns the type of snooping going on, e.g.
getSnooper() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Snooper
Returns the wizard doing the snooping.
getSocket() - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteClient
Returns the TCP Socket for this client.
getSoloMessages(String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.Atmospheres
Returns the templatized messages for this atmosphere.
getSolveMsg() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns message to pring when solving the quest.
getSortedCounts() - Method in class wyvern.util.Counter
Returns a list, sorted by count, from highest to lowest, of the keys in the data structure.
getSortedPlayers() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns a list of players online, sorted by their start times for this session, from first to most recent.
getSound() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Instrument
Returns a Sound object representing the sound this instrument plays.
getSource() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.MoveEvent
Gets the starting locations for the agent.
getSource() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapPlayerEvent
Returns an extra piece of information, depending on the event type.
getSource() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.FallingDown
getSource() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Projectile
getSparseTerrainInfo() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame
Returns information about the terrain in, and immediately adjacent to, the update rectangles.
getSpecialRoom() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
getSpecificTarget(int, TargetedEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LockPickCommand
Looks in specified direction for a lock.
getSpeed() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator
getSpeed(Commandable, Terrain) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.Mover
Gets the speed across this Terrain.
getSpeed() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Lair
Returns the speed at which this object generates monsters.
getSpeed(Commandable, Terrain) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Ship.ShipMover
Gets the speed across this Terrain.
getSpeed() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Returns the propagation speed (in millis) of the spell.
getSpeed() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell
Returns the speed at which this bolt propagates.
getSpeed() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Returns the propagation speed (in millis) of the spell.
getSpeed() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Gets the propagation speed of the spell.
getSpeed() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TerrainSpeed
Returns the speed to use for the terrain beneath our target obj.
getSpell() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Book
Returns the "spell" property of this book, e.g.
getSpell() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.MagicItem
Returns the spell class to use.
getSpellArgs() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the spell arguments, if any.
getSpellArguments() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.CastEvent
Returns "with-args" arguments for the spell
getSpellDescription() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns a generic description for the spell.
getSpellList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
getSpellList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getSpellList() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Monster
Returns the player's or monster's SpellList.
getSpellList() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the player's SpellList, or null if they don't know any spells (or are a Wizard who can cast anything.)
getSpellName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the name of the spell, such as "word of recall", used for casting the spell.
getSpellName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellProxy
Returns the name of the spell we're proxying.
getSpellName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.CastEvent
Returns user-visible name of the spell being cast, e.g.
getSpellName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Heal
Returns the name of the spell, e.g.
getSpellObject() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.CastEvent
Returns the spell being cast
getSpellString() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.SpellListImpl
Returns all the spells in the spellbook, as a formatted string of the form "spell_1 spell_2 spell_3".
getSpellString() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.SpellList
Returns the list of spell display names in the form "spell_1 spell_2 spell_3" (used to implement the client-side spell list)
getSpells() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.SpellListImpl
Returns the spell names in this list.
getSpells() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.SpellList
Returns the spell display names in this list.
getSpellsByArtAndElement(Art, Element) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Returns a list of all of spells of the passed Art and/or Element(s).
getSpellsByLevel(int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Returns a list of all the spells of the passed Lore level.
getSpellsDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the top-level spells directory.
getSpentSkillPoints(Player) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the total number of skill-points the player has spent on training in their skills.
getSpiritReduction() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.ManaShield
Returns amount by which to reduce the damage, based on the spell's SPIRIT level.
getStairArchetype() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
getStartDate() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getStartDate() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the time when the player logged in.
getStartLocation() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getStartLocation() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the default starting location for the map.
getStartTime() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getStartTime() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns System.currentTimeMillis() when the player logged in.
getStartTime() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns the result of System.currentTimeMillis() when the server was started.
getStartX() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapMotionEvent
Returns x map location where the object started
getStartY() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapMotionEvent
Returns y map location where the object started
getState() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.MusicState
Returns the current state of the client's soundtrack
getState() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Corpse
Returns the current decay-state of the corpse.
getState() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Gate
Returns the current (transient) state of the gate, stored in the @state int property.
getState() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Returns the state of the spell (moving, expanding, contracting).
getStateName(int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.MusicState
Returns state name for the passed music state.
getStatueDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the directory where statues (petrified monsters) are kept.
getStopSubject() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Sound
Pubsub subject for notification from the client when the sound has finished playing.
getStopSubject() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource
Pubsub subject for notification from the client when the sound has finished playing.
getStrength(Commandable) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the number of pounds the passed player can carry.
getStrengthDamageBonus(Commandable) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the extra damage done by the agent from their strength.
getStringProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getStringProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns getProperty(name) with the return value cast as a String.
getStuckMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.BearTrap
Returns the message to issue when you're trying to struggle free from the trap.
getStuckMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.PitTrap
Returns message to send when player is stuck.
getStuckMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.WebTrap
Returns the message to issue when you're trying to struggle free from the trap.
getStyle() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MessageEvent
Returns the TextStyle of the message.
getSubject() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Message
Returns the Subject for this message.
getSubjects() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker.Response
Returns the list of subjects for this topic.
getSuccessMessage() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getSuccessMessage() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Returns the "success" message for this event.
getSuccessMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.RemoveCurse
Returns message to print if any items were uncursed.
getSuccessMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.RemoveDamnation
Returns message to print if any items were uncursed.
getSuffix(int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Direction
Return the suffix associated with the image-file naming convention for the specified direction.
getSuffix() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Gate
Returns the current bitmap number we're displaying, stored in the @suffix property.
getSuffixes(boolean) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getSuffixes(boolean) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns a list of suffixes that are to be appended to the object's short description.
getSuit() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
Returns the Suit.
getSuitNumber() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
Returns the suit number (0-3)
getSuitNumber() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Suit
Returns the number of the suit, for deck indexing.
getSupportedExtensions() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns a List of the supported extensions, e.g. ".map", ".arch", etc.
getSuspendTime() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getSuspendTime() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the length of time, in milliseconds, since this map was suspended.
getSwaths() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Returns the list of our current swaths.
getSystemLoad() - Method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns the current unix system 5-minute load average.
getTalkArea(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.SayEvent
Returns the area around the player where chatting can be heard by monsters.
getTalkDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the directory where NPC talk-files are kept.
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.TargetedEvent
Gets the target object for this command.
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.PushCommand.PushEvent
Gets the target for this event.
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Snooper
Returns the player currently being snooped.
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.FallingDown
Returns the target we're moving.
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.Sliding
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the actual target object to use for this spell.
getTarget(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.OfferCommand
Looks for the thing to offer for sale.
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.ContainerChangeEvent
Returns the GameObject that entered or left the container.
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapChangeEvent
Returns the object that moved.
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapMotionEvent
Returns object that moved
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.FallingDown
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.HealersCurse
Returns the NPC we're attached to.
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Projectile
getTarget() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.ProximityProperty
Returns the NPC we're attached to.
getTargetName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.TargetedEvent
Returns the string name that the user referred to the target with.
getTargetName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the name set during the casting, if the user wants to cast a spell on a particular object or monster.
getTargetName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.CastEvent
Returns name of the direct target of the spell, if specified
getTargetPoint() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Returns the target location for this spell, if it was invoked using the mouse (or by specifying a location on the command line).
getTargetStartLocation() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.PickupEvent
Returns initial reference location for the target object
getTargets() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Switch
Returns the list stored in the "targets" property.
getTellCommand() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns the name of the command to use for guild-tell.
getTeller() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.TellCommand.Tell
getTells(Commandable) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.TellCommand
Returns the list of things the specified agent has been told.
getTempDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the temporary directory to use on this system.
getTempSpellName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Returns the name of a property to set, to keep track of the active spells of this type.
getTerrain() - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.maps.Cell
Returns the Terrain set for this cell, if it has one.
getTerrain() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapCell
getTerrainBorders() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.MagicMapper
Returns true if we draw terrain borders.
getTerrainInfo(int, int, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getTerrainInfo() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame
Returns the array of terrain records produced in the last call to grabAll().
getTerrainInfo(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns enough information about the terrain in the passed rectangle to be able to draw the terrain (with borders) in a client program.
getTerrainRecord(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getTerrainRecord(int, int, boolean) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
Retrieves a terrain record, either by going out and building it, or by looking in the cache.
getTerrainRecord(int, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns a packed record describing the terrain at (x, y), suitable for use in drawing terrain borders.
getTerrainType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.CreateLava
getTerrainType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.CreatePool
getText() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTListItem
Returns the text for this item.
getText() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageList.ImageListItem
getTextColor(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LastCommand
Returns the RPCConstants.TextStyle to use for the given message type.
getTextFromNode(Node) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.XMLWrapper
Returns a list of lines of text contained by this Node.
getTextValueAt(int) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTImageList
Returns the text of the specified item.
getTextValueAt(int) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTList
Returns the text of the specified item.
getTextValueAt(int) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageList
Returns the text of the specified item.
getThemeDisplayName(String) - Static method in class wyvern.util.SkinManager
Returns a user-visible name for a theme.
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileInfo
Returns the tile number for the specified direction and animation frame for the object.
getTile() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.TerrainInfo
getTile(Point) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getTile() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundObjDescriptor
getTile(int, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the tile number for this object at this location.
getTile(Point) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the tile number for this object at this location.
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Terrain
Returns the tile number for this object at this location.
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.CheckerTile
Returns alternating tiles based on position.
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Checkers
Overrides MapObject.getTile().
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Chess
Overrides MapObject.getTile().
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Overrides MapObject.getTile()
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell
Returns the image number to use at (x, y)
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Overrides MapObject.getTile().
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomTerrain
Returns alternating colors based on position.
getTile() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Appearance
Returns the underlying bitmap number for this property.
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FlameShield
Choose a random tile.
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FrostWard
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.LightningShield
getTile(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.PrismaticShield
getTileMappings() - Static method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileRegistry
Returns the current tile-number assignments that have been given out by the server.
getTime() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Returns the current time, formatted as hours and minutes.
getTimestamp(String) - Static method in class wyvern.common.tiles.FileCache
Retrieves the last-modified "date" for a file.
getTitle() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getTitle() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the player's title, e.g.
getTitle() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
Returns the first line of the description, such as "The bag contains:".
getTitle(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Returns the "title" of a spell, such as "Conjuration of Water and Air".
getTitle(Player) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns the Guild Title to use for the player.
getToHit() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.AbstractAttack
getToHit() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.AttackingBodyPart
getToHit() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Attack
Returns the base chance to hit for the weapon, against all attackers.
getToHit() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Missile
Returns the base chance to hit for the weapon, against all attackers.
getToHit() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.WeaponImpl
Returns the base chance to hit for the weapon, against all attackers.
getToHit() - Method in class wyvern.lib.monsters.DefaultCustomAttack
getToHitBonus(int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the to-hit bonus, as a percentage, given the player's weapon skill level for the weapon they're using.
getToken(int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagParser
getToolTipText() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageTree.ImageObject
getToolsDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the top-level tools directory.
getTotal(Monster) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Wallet
Returns the total, converted to silver coins, that the monster is carrying in top-level inventory.
getTotalAC(DamageType) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.BodyPart
Computes the total AC for the given body part, by summing the ACs of any armor covering the part.
getTotalCount() - Method in class wyvern.util.Counter
Returns the sum of all the counts in this Counter.
getTotalDamage() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageEvent
Returns total damage done in the event
getTotalEnchantment() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Returns the total enchantment (the sum of up to 2 individual enchantments) we decided to place on the weapon.
getTotalProbability() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.Body
Returns the total of the probability weights of the parts in this body.
getTotalTime(String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractAI
Returns total time spent in think() for a given AI class.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Bone
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Bronze
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Cloth
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Diamond
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Fire
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Glass
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Gold
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Iron
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Leather
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Metal
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Mithril
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Oil
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Organic
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Orichalcum
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Paper
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Plastic
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Rope
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Silver
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Soil
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Steel
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Stone
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Water
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Wax
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getToughess() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Wood
Returns a measure of the toughness of the material, in hit-points per pound.
getTrainerTitle(String, int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the title to use for a trainer who can train to a given train-max value.
getTransientDoubleProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getTransientDoubleProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Gets the current transient value of a double property.
getTransientIntProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getTransientIntProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Gets the current transient value of an int property.
getTransientLongProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getTransientLongProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Gets the current transient value of a long property.
getTransientProperties() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getTransientProperties() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns ONLY the transient properties on this object.
getTransientProperty(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
getTransientProperty(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Returns the transient value for the property, if anyone has set one.
getTraps() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageTree.ImageTreeCellRenderer
getTriggerMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.BearTrap
Returns the message to issue when they step into the trap.
getTriggerMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.PitTrap
Returns the "trigger-msg" property, if present.
getTurnList() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Returns the list of "turns" the ball has taken so far.
getTurnOffVerb() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns verb stored in "turn-off-cmd" property, or "light" by default.
getTurnOnVerb() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns verb stored in "turn-on-cmd" property, or "light" by default.
getType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.Room
Returns the room type
getType() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator
getType() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Lair
If this generator is set to generate a specific type of monster, returns that type.
getType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Hand
Analyzes the hand and returns the type, e.g. straight flush.
getType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomAxe
Returns the type of object to create.
getType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomBow
Returns the type of object to create.
getType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomClaw
Returns the type of object to create.
getType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomClub
Returns the type of object to create.
getType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter.WeaponEnchantment
getType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapPlayerEvent
Returns event type
getType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.predicates.UserTypePredicate
getType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TavernMenu.MenuItem
Returns the item type
getTypeList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator
getTypeList() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Lair
Returns the path to the list of monster types that this lair generates, or null if it generates a single type.
getUniqueName() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.BodyPart
Returns the unique name for the part, such as "left foot".
getUniquePlayers() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns the count of unique players who've played during this session, not including guests.
getUnknownImage() - Static method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileRegistry
Returns the "question-mark" image to display if we don't know what the object looks like.
getUnloadDelay() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getUnloadDelay() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the time, in milliseconds, that we'll wait, after we suspend, before unloading the map.
getUpTeleporter() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.SpiralStair
Returns the up-teleporter instance, if any.
getUpdateList() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getUpdateList() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns a list of updates that have occurred since the last query.
getUpstairArchetype() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.AbstractLevelGenerator
getUptime() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns a string saying how long the server has been up.
getUserSettings() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.UserProps
Returns the set of user-specified overrides.
getVGap() - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Gets the vertical gap between rows.
getValidChannels() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ShoutCommand
Returns the chat channels we currently support.
getValue() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getValue() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.Property
Returns the value of the property we're representing.
getValue() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the amount (in gold pieces) that the object would cost in a standard shop.
getValue() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.ArmorImpl
Make giant/tiny armor twice as expensive.
getValue() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Book
Returns the shop price of the book.
getValue() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Wand
Returns the value of the wand, computed from the base price times the number of charges left.
getValue() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter.WeaponEnchantment
getValue(String, GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.town.Converter
Returns the value of the source currency, in gold coins.
getValue() - Method in class wyvern.lib.predicates.ComparisonPredicate
getValue() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TavernMenu.MenuItem
Returns the item food value.
getValue() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Returns the value of this weight in grams, the default weight-measurement unit in the game.
getValueForLoreLevel(int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Book
Computes how much a spellbook should cost based on its lore level.
getVaultDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the directory where player vaults are kept.
getVerb() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
getVerb() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Returns the command verb for this event.
getVerbs() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.Atmospheres
Returns a list of all the atmosphere verbs this object has read from xml files, from calls to readFile().
getVersion() - Method in class wyvern.world.LoginEvent
getVersionString() - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteClient
Returns the entire version string for this client.
getViewRect() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
getViewRect() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Camera
Gets the rectangle that this camera is viewing in the map.
getViewSize() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
getViewSize() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Camera
Returns the width and height of the camera.
getViewSize() - Method in class wyvern.world.LoginEvent
getVirtualPath() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
getVirtualPath() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
This is exactly the same as getPath() normal maps, but returns "players/whoever/" + getPath() for per-player maps.
getVisibleLines() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.TextDisplay
Returns the number of lines we can see on the screen in the given font.
getVisibleMessages(String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.Atmospheres
Returns the templatized messages for this atmosphere.
getVisitor() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.HealersRevenge
getVisitor() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.PigStorm
getVisitorRoot() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the directory where visiting player files are stored.
getWC(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.AbstractAttack
getWC(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.AttackingBodyPart
Returns the weapon-class(es) of this weapon, versus the passed opponent.
getWC() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageType
Returns the weapon class for this damage type.
getWC(GameObject) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Attack
Returns the damage(s) to use against the specified opponent.
getWC(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.WeaponImpl
getWC(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.weapon.MageWhip
Gets the weapon class against the specified opponent.
getWC(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.monsters.DefaultCustomAttack
getWCType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FlameShield
Returns "wc-fire", the damage type this spell does.
getWCType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FrostWard
getWCType() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.LightningShield
getWaitMessage() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Teleporter
Returns the value of "please-wait-msg", if present, or Teleporter.PLEASE_WAIT_MSG.
getWaitQueueSize() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.Scheduler
Returns the number of EventQueues currently waiting for their delay to expire.
getWallArchetype() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
getWallArchetype() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.MazeGenerator
getWallBaseName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.ConnectedObject
Returns the unique substring immediately preceding the direction suffix(es) in the bitmap name.
getWallBaseName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Door
Returns the base name "wall".
getWallBaseName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Road
Returns the base name "road".
getWallBaseName() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.TerrainRoad
Returns the unique substring immediately preceding the direction suffix(es) in the bitmap name.
getWallTime() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.Scheduler
Returns total amount of time we've spent dispatching events.
getWallet() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
getWallet() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Monster
Returns the amount of cash the monster is carrying in their top-level inventory.
getWarnTimer(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.WaterWalk
Returns the warn-timer we set on the agent, if any.
getWeapon() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.DamageEvent
Returns the weapon or attack used to produce the damage
getWeapon() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.AbstractArmorWeaponSlot
Returns the Weapon that this part is holding.
getWeapon() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.AbstractWeaponSlot
Returns the Weapon that this part is holding.
getWeapon() - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.WeaponSlot
Returns the Weapon that this part is holding.
getWeapon() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Returns the weapon to add enchantments to
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.AttackingBodyPart
Returns the weapon skill for this attack type.
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.HitEvent
Returns Weapon skill used for the event.
getWeaponSkill() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Attack
Returns the weapon skill that gives the user proficiency in this weapon, e.g.
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Axe
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Blade
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Claws
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Club
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Flail
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.HurledWeapon
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.MeleeWeapon
Returns weapon skill for this weapon type.
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Missile
Returns weapon-skill for this weapon.
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Polearm
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.RangeWeapon
Returns the weapon skill for this type of weapon.
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Staff
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Sword
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Whip
getWeaponSkill() - Method in class wyvern.lib.monsters.DefaultCustomAttack
getWeaponSkills() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Foil
Returns an array of weapon skills that apply to this weapon, e.g.
getWearTime(Armor) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.ArmorTables
Returns the time it takes to wear or remove the item.
getWebStartRoot() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the directory where Java WebStart starts the application - usually some long path on Windows.
getWeight() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
getWeight() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Returns the weight of this object in grams.
getWeight() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
Returns the weight of the bag, in grams.
getWeight() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.ArmorImpl
Returns the weight of this armor.
getWeight() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.bags.Scabbard
Returns the weight of the scabbard.
getWeight() - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.Trenchcoat
Returns the weight of the bag, in grams.
getWeightInGrams() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Returns the weight in grams; same as getValue().
getWeightInKilos() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Returns the value of the weight in kg.
getWeightInOunces() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Returns the weight of the object, in ounces.
getWeightInPounds() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Returns the value of this Weight in lbs.
getWelcomeMessage() - Static method in class wyvern.world.SystemProps
Returns the message to display when a user logs in.
getWhoCommand() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns the name of the command to use for guild-who.
getWidth() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.AbstractLevelGenerator
getWidth() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.Room
Returns room width.
getWidth() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Dimension
Returns width.
getWidth() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Rectangle
Returns width.
getWidth() - Method in class wyvern.util.BitMatrix
Returns the matrix width.
getWizDir() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Returns the Wizards directory.
getWizLevel(String) - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Returns the AccessControl.WizLevel for this player
getWizLogger(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Returns a Logger that writes to a specified wizard logfile.
getWizLogger(String, String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Returns a Logger for the specified file in a wiz directory.
getWizard() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Returns the Wizard's name (lowercase) who created this resource.
getWizardList() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
getWrongItemMsg() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Returns the wrong-item message, in "wrong-item-msg" property.
getX() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.Room
Returns X coordinate (left side).
getX() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Location
getX() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Point
Returns X coordinate.
getX() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Rectangle
Returns X coordinate.
getX() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommandEvent
Returns the X-coord relative to the agent's viewport where the mouse was clicked.
getX() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapChangeEvent
Returns the map x location where the object entered or exited the map.
getXMLBeanDocumentRoot(Object, Node) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.XMLWrapper
High-level utility method for SelfExternalizable beans.
getXP() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getXP() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Player
Returns the player's experience.
getXPAward() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator
getXPAward() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
Returns the XP award for this monster.
getXPAward() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
getXPAward() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.DiggableWall
Returns XP for this wall.
getXPAward() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Door
Returns the experience award for killing this monster.
getXPAward() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.properties.Attackable
Returns the experience award for killing this monster.
getXPLevelForLoreLevel(int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Returns the experience level you have to have in order to train to a given lore level.
getXYOffsets(int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Direction
Turns a movement direction into x & y offsets.
getY() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.Room
Returns Y coordinate (top side).
getY() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Location
getY() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Point
Returns Y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Rectangle
Returns Y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommandEvent
Returns the Y-coord relative to the agent's viewport where the mouse was clicked.
getY() - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapChangeEvent
Returns the map y location where the object entered or exited the map.
getopts(String, String) - Static method in class wyvern.util.Options
Parses the desired switches from an argument string.
getopts(String[], String) - Static method in class wyvern.util.Options
Parses the desired switches from an argument array.
giftName_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.GiveCommand.GiveEvent
gift_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.GiveCommand.GiveEvent
giveGifts(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Handles giving the player a present on activation.
goBerserk(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.skills.BerserkSkill
Tries to go berserk.
goDownstairs(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.SpiralStair
Sends the agent through the down-teleporter.
goUpstairs(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.SpiralStair
Sends the agent through the up-teleporter.
gods_ - Static variable in class wyvern.world.AccessControl
goingToOtherWorkroom(String, String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.TeleportCommand
Returns true if the destination is a workroom *other* than the agent's workroom.
gotLedge(GameObject, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.SideScroller
Checks whether or not you can step up onto a ledge
grabAll() - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.maps.DisplayPolicy
Tells the frame to grab the entire view (rather than just selected areas).
grabAll() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame
Grabs the entire view from the map.
grabAll() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundFrame
Tells the frame to grab the entire view (rather than just selected areas).
grabCamera(Player) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Vehicle
Puts a player's camera outside the vehicle so they can see where it's going.
grabCamera(Player) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.CheckersChair
Centers the player's camera on the chessboard, more or less.
grabLight(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame
Grabs the lighting tile at (x, y).
grabLocation(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame
Grabs all the objects at the given map location and adds their appearances to the frame.
grabObjects() - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.maps.DisplayPolicy
This is how the DisplayPolicy is told to take a snapshot of the invalid camera area(s).
grabObjects() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame
This is called by the CameraManager to tell the Frame which regions of the camera have become invalid, so it can refresh them.
grabObjects() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundFrame
This is how the DisplayPolicy is told to take a snapshot of invalid camera area(s) added by calls to addUpdateRect().
grabProperties() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.sound.LoopingSound
Pulls the "music" bean property out of instance data, and stores the sub-properties, so we can do very fast checks in playerEvent.
gramsToKilos(long) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Converts the specified gram-value to kilograms.
gramsToOunces(long) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Converts the specified gram-value to ounces.
gramsToPounds(long) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Converts the specified gram-value to pounds.
greaterThanOrEqual(RPCVersion) - Method in class wyvern.common.net.RPCVersion
group(CommandEvent, Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups
Executes the "group" command.
groupString(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
Mangles the short description to include quantity information.
grouped(Player, Player) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups
Returns true if two players are in the same group.
groupname(CommandEvent, Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups
Executes the "groupname" command.
groups(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups
Shows what groups are currently online.
grouptell(CommandEvent, Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups
Executes the "grouptell" command.
grow(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MiscCommands
grow(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.skills.GiantShrink
Grows the giant back to normal size.
guildScore(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Shows current guild XP.
guildXPLost() - Method in class wyvern.lib.player.PlayerGrave
Returns amount of guild XP lost to this death.
guildXP_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
How much guild XP the player currently has.
guildmuffs(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MiscCommands
Turns guildmuffs on or off for the wizard.
guildtell(Player, String, String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Tells a message to the other guild-members online.
guildwho(Commandable, CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Shows who's logged in.

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