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XMLParams - class wyvern.util.XMLParams.
Wrapper class for client/server XML protocol requests, which have "param" elements with "name" and "value" attributes.
XMLParams(XMLSimple.Element) - Constructor for class wyvern.util.XMLParams
Constructs a new XMLParams for the specified XMLSimple.Element
XMLSimple - class wyvern.util.XMLSimple.
Overrides org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler to produce an array of hashes for a given XML document.
XMLSimple() - Constructor for class wyvern.util.XMLSimple
XMLSimple.Element - class wyvern.util.XMLSimple.Element.
Simple representation of an XML Element.
XMLSimple.Element(String) - Constructor for class wyvern.util.XMLSimple.Element
Constructs a new Element
XMLVisitor - class wyvern.util.XMLVisitor.
An extremely custom kind of Visitor that knows how to traverse the top-level elements of an XML file.
XMLVisitor(String) - Constructor for class wyvern.util.XMLVisitor
Constructs a new XMLVisitor for the specified XML file.
XMLVisitor.NodeVisitor - interface wyvern.util.XMLVisitor.NodeVisitor.
You provide one of these to the visitNodes() method, and it'll call your Visitor back with each top-level node in the XML document.
XMLWrapper - class wyvern.kernel.properties.XMLWrapper.
This class hides some of the sordid details of the underlying XML parser.
XML_COMMAND - Static variable in interface wyvern.common.net.RPCConstants
XML_COMMAND_WITH_COMPRESSED_DATA - Static variable in interface wyvern.common.net.RPCConstants
XML_COMMAND_WITH_DATA - Static variable in interface wyvern.common.net.RPCConstants
XPAwarder - class wyvern.kernel.monsters.XPAwarder.
Computes suggested XP for a monster based on its abilities.
XPAwarder() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.monsters.XPAwarder
XPAwards - class wyvern.kernel.combat.XPAwards.
Handles computation of individual and group XP for a kill.
XPCHART - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
We're going with 10 guild levels, so we use an exponential chart.
XPToken - class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.XPToken.
A token that can be given as a reward, good for XP or gold.
XPToken() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.XPToken
XP_TABLE - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterTables
Xray - class wyvern.lib.spells.Xray.
Allows the caster to see through walls.
Xray() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.Xray
x - Variable in class wyvern.lib.Point
x() - Method in class wyvern.lib.Point
Returns X coordinate.
x - Variable in class wyvern.lib.Rectangle
x_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.AStarSearch.Node
x_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.Location
x_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommandEvent
xmlin(File) - Method in class wyvern.util.XMLSimple
Parses an xml file.
xmlin(InputStream) - Method in class wyvern.util.XMLSimple
Parses an xml input stream.
xoffset_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
xpForLevel(int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Races
Returns the minimum number of XP needed for the passed level.
xpForLevel(int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Returns XP required to reach the specified level.
xpLost() - Method in class wyvern.lib.player.PlayerGrave
Returns amount of normal XP lost to this death.
xpath(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Takes an arbitrary XPath expression and returns a List whose elements are the names of the spells matching the expression, or an empty list.
xpathCount(String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
Takes an arbitrary XPath expression that has an integer result, and evaluates and returns it on the spell registry.
xrayVision_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame.VisibilityConstants

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