A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


MAP_CONTAINS_PLAYERS - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap.UnloadMapConstants
MAP_NOT_LOADED - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap.UnloadMapConstants
MASTER_AREA - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Area
MAXLENGTH - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapFileServer
Arbitrary limit on the file size to be uploaded or downloaded.
MAX_ALIGN - Static variable in interface wyvern.util.TableLayoutConstants
Maximum value for an alignment
MAX_BASELEVEL_WEAPON_LEVEL - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
The highest level non-magical weapon in the game (currently an elven broadsword)
MAX_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerManager
MAX_CORPSE_TILE_SIZE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.Corpse
We don't allow corpses larger than this many tiles on a side.
MAX_DAMAGE_REDUCTION - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.spells.ManaShield
MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.AStarSearch
MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.MiscCommands
MAX_DISTANCE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.Teleporter
The maximum distance we'll try to randomly teleport someone in a sparse map (applies to both x & y coordinates).
MAX_DUNGEON_HEIGHT - Static variable in interface wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonConstants
MAX_DUNGEON_WIDTH - Static variable in interface wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonConstants
MAX_FRIENDS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.FriendsCommand
To keep the friend lists from getting too long, we impose a maximum number.
MAX_HEIGHT - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
MAX_HEIGHT - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.spells.MagicMap
MAX_IMAGE_SIZE - Static variable in interface wyvern.common.net.RPCConstants
MAX_INTELLIGENCE - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.AStarSearch
MAX_ITEMS - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerInventory
We don't allow players to carry more than this many items in their top-level inventory, because it has performance issues.
MAX_ITEMS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.Shop
MAX_LEVEL - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.WizTypes
MAX_LEVEL - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Maximum level of weapon that will be generated.
MAX_LEVELS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.sokoban.Sokoban
MAX_LORE_LEVEL - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Don't allow player to train higher than this.
MAX_MESSAGES - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.LastCommand
MAX_PHASE - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Phase
MAX_PLAYER_COMMANDS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.StartupCommand
MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerManager
MAX_RADIUS - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.StandardAI
Distance from a monster for which a player is considered to be "in range" (e.g. in view).
MAX_SEARCH_NODES - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.AStarSearch
MAX_SEARCH_RADIUS - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
The max distance from the center that findFreeSpot() will search for an unblocked location.
MAX_SHOUT_LENGTH - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.ShoutEvent
MAX_SINGLE_ENCHANTMENT - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
The maximum individual enchantment a random weapon can have.
MAX_TELL_LENGTH - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.TellCommand
MAX_VIEW_SIZE - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.Player
The maximum width or height for a normal player's view.
MAX_WIDTH - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Dense maps use normal arrays to store their contents, so we limit the size of dense maps so that the arrays don't get too big.
MAX_WIDTH - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.spells.MagicMap
MAX_WIZ_COMMANDS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.StartupCommand
MAX_WIZ_VIEW_SIZE - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.Player
The maximum width or height for a wizard's view.
MEDIUM - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.properties.PhysicalProperties
MEDIUM_BALL_SPELL_RADIUS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
MELEE_SKILL - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.combat.AttackType
MELEE_WEAPON - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.combat.AttackType
Attacking is hitting someone with a wielded weapon that was intended to be wielded as a weapon.
MESSAGES - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.spells.effects.Scarer
Random messages a player can emit when scared.
MIND - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
MIND - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
MIND_AND_SPIRIT - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
MIND_AND_SPIRIT - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
MINIMUM - Static variable in interface wyvern.util.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the row/column should be allocated just enough space to accomidate the minimum size of all components contained completely within this row/column.
MINIMUM_DELAY - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.spells.MagicDart
MINROOMS - Static variable in interface wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonConstants
MIN_ALIGN - Static variable in interface wyvern.util.TableLayoutConstants
Minimum value for an alignment
MIN_DAMAGE_REDUCTION - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.spells.ManaShield
MIN_LEVEL - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.WizTypes
MIN_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerManager
MONSTER_XP_CAP - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.Monster
The maximum number of XP you can get for any monster, regardless of how difficult it is.
MOSTLY_DOORS - Static variable in interface wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonConstants.Blockage
MOSTLY_LOCKED - Static variable in interface wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonConstants.Blockage
MOSTLY_OPEN - Static variable in interface wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonConstants.Blockage
MOSTLY_SECRET - Static variable in interface wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonConstants.Blockage
MOVED_IN_AREA - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.sound.LoopingSound
MOVED_IN_MAP - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.event.MapPlayerEvent
MUSIC_EVENT - Static variable in interface wyvern.common.net.RPCConstants
MYCLASS - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.combat.Combat
MYCLASS - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.combat.XPAwards
MYCLASS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.ShoutCommand
MYCLASS - Static variable in class wyvern.world.ScoreListUpdater
MageWhip - class wyvern.lib.magic.weapon.MageWhip.
A magical whip created by the "magic whip" spell, for mages only.
MageWhip(Commandable) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.magic.weapon.MageWhip
Unlike most GameObjects, we only have one constructor, and it requires an owner to be specified.
MagicDamage - class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.MagicDamage.
"Magical" damage, e.g. from magic missiles.
MagicDamage() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.MagicDamage
Required no-arg constructor for Class.newInstance()
MagicDamage(int) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.MagicDamage
Constructs a new MagicDamage
MagicDart - class wyvern.lib.spells.MagicDart.
A little dart of magical energy.
MagicDart() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.MagicDart
MagicItem - class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.MagicItem.
Common superclass for wands, scrolls, rods, potions.
MagicItem() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.MagicItem
MagicMap - class wyvern.lib.spells.MagicMap.
Takes a snapshot of the current map, and sends it to the player.
MagicMap() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.MagicMap
MagicMapper - class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.MagicMapper.
Knows how to take a GameMap and turn it into a scaled image.
MagicMapper() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.MagicMapper
Constructs a new MapRenderer
MagicMouth - class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.MagicMouth.
Spits out a message when you walk on it.
MagicMouth() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.MagicMouth
MagicMouth - class wyvern.lib.spells.MagicMouth.
Creates a mouth that says a message when activated.
MagicMouth() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.MagicMouth
MagicTrap - class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.MagicTrap.
Nethack-style magic trap.
MagicTrap() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.MagicTrap
MagicWhip - class wyvern.lib.spells.MagicWhip.
Creates a magical weapon that doesn't interfere with spellcasting.
MagicWhip() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.MagicWhip
ManaShield - class wyvern.lib.spells.ManaShield.
Causes damage to the caster to come out of the caster's mana points, rather than hit points.
ManaShield() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.ManaShield
MapAddRemoveListener - interface wyvern.lib.event.MapAddRemoveListener.
Callback interface for objects wanting to know whenever any object is added to, or removed from, a GameMap.
MapCamera - class wyvern.kernel.player.MapCamera.
This object maintains a view of the game map for a client.
MapCamera(RemoteClient, Dimension, Player) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.player.MapCamera
Constructs a new MapCamera.
MapCell - class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapCell.
This class implements a Cell using a linked list.
MapCell() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapCell
MapChangeAdapter - class wyvern.lib.event.MapChangeAdapter.
An abstract adapter class for receiving map change events.
MapChangeAdapter() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.event.MapChangeAdapter
MapChangeEvent - class wyvern.lib.event.MapChangeEvent.
An event that indicates that an object has entered or left its map.
MapChangeEvent(GameMap, GameObject, int, int, MapChangeEvent.EventType) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.event.MapChangeEvent
Constructs a new MapChangeEvent
MapChangeEvent.EventType - class wyvern.lib.event.MapChangeEvent.EventType.
MapChangeListener - interface wyvern.lib.event.MapChangeListener.
Interface supporting notification when an object enters or leaves its map.
MapCommandList - class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapCommandList.
This class keeps track of Commands registered with the map for various commands.
MapCommandList(GameMap) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapCommandList
MapDirtyRegions - class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapDirtyRegions.
A class that encapsulates the set of squares in a map that have visually invalidated since the last time the CameraManager refreshed the cameras for that map.
MapDirtyRegions(BitMatrix) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapDirtyRegions
MapFileServer - class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapFileServer.
This class handles requests to upload and download files from map editor clients.
MapFileServer() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapFileServer
MapLifecycleAdapter - class wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleAdapter.
An abstract adapter class for receiving map lifecycle events.
MapLifecycleAdapter() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleAdapter
MapLifecycleEvent - class wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleEvent.
A notification that's delivered on major map events, such as done loading, suspend, resume, and unload.
MapLifecycleEvent(GameMap, MapLifecycleEvent.EventType) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleEvent
Constructs a new MapLifecycleEvent
MapLifecycleEvent.EventType - class wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleEvent.EventType.
MapLifecycleListener - interface wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleListener.
Listener interface for objects that want to be notified when a particular map loads, unloads, suspends, or resumes.
MapLoader - class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapLoader.
This class can read a GameMap implementation from an XML file.
MapLoader() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapLoader
MapLoaderListener - interface wyvern.world.MapLoaderListener.
Callback interface for map-load notification events.
MapMotionEvent - class wyvern.lib.event.MapMotionEvent.
Event fired when an object being tracked by a MapMotionListener moves in a map.
MapMotionEvent(GameMap, GameObject, Point, Point) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.event.MapMotionEvent
Constructs a new MapMotionEvent
MapMotionEvent(GameMap, GameObject, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.event.MapMotionEvent
Constructs a new MapMotionEvent.
MapMotionListener - interface wyvern.lib.event.MapMotionListener.
Interface that supports tracking an object as it moves around in a map.
MapObject - class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject.
The top level implementation of the Wyvern class heirarchy.
MapObject() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
MapObjectSorter - class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObjectSorter.
Used to help draw the contents of a map into a graphical image.
MapObjectSorter() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObjectSorter
MapPlayerAdapter - class wyvern.lib.event.MapPlayerAdapter.
Adapter class you can use if you're only interested in a specific type of MapPlayerEvent (entered, moved, left).
MapPlayerAdapter() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.event.MapPlayerAdapter
MapPlayerEvent - class wyvern.lib.event.MapPlayerEvent.
A notification sent to wyvern.lib.properties.MapPlayerListener objects when any player enters the map, leaves the map, or moves in the map.
MapPlayerEvent(GameMap, Player, int, Point) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.event.MapPlayerEvent
Constructs a new MapPlayerEvent.
MapPlayerListener - interface wyvern.lib.event.MapPlayerListener.
Listener interface for objects wanting to know when any player enters a map, leaves the map, or moves in the map, for a specific map.
MapWriter - class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapWriter.
Writes out a map to a mapfile.
MapWriter() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapWriter
Marilith - class wyvern.kernel.combat.shapes.Marilith.
6-armed humanoid with a tail instead of lower legs.
Marilith() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.shapes.Marilith
MasterThreadPool - class wyvern.kernel.kernel.MasterThreadPool.
A thread pool that can be used for just about anything.
Material - class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Material.
Superclass of all physical materials.
Material() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Material
Constructs a new Material
Material(String) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Material
Constructs a new Material with the specified name.
MazeGenerator - class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.MazeGenerator.
This program creates a traditional maze to specs.
MazeGenerator() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.MazeGenerator
MeleeAttackBE - class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.MeleeAttackBE.
MeleeDamage - interface wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.MeleeDamage.
Tagging interface for stab/smash/cut.
MeleeWeapon - class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.MeleeWeapon.
This is the superclass for weapons that are primarily intended to be used by holding them and bashing, slicing or poking things.
MeleeWeapon() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.MeleeWeapon
Message - interface wyvern.lib.Message.
Interface for messages in the Wyvern publish/subscribe system.
MessageEvent - class wyvern.lib.event.MessageEvent.
Event encapsulating the delivery of a text message to a player.
MessageEvent(Commandable, String, byte) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.event.MessageEvent
Constructs a new MessageEvent
MessageListener - interface wyvern.lib.event.MessageListener.
Interface supporting notification when a player receives a text message via the Commandable.message() call.
Metal - class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Metal.
Metal() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Metal
Constructs a new Metal
Metal(String) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Metal
Constructs a new Metal
MethodHookCallback - interface wyvern.lib.MethodHookCallback.
Used to notify objects registered on a "method hook".
MethodHookable - interface wyvern.lib.MethodHookable.
Objects can use this interface to provide "method-hooks" for themselves.
MinotaurInv - class wyvern.world.lists.inv.MinotaurInv.
Generates minotaur inventory.
MinotaurInv() - Constructor for class wyvern.world.lists.inv.MinotaurInv
MiscCommands - class wyvern.lib.commands.MiscCommands.
Implements miscellaneous simple administrative commands.
Missile - class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Missile.
This is the class used for arrows, darts, sling stones, and any other object that flies through the air.
Missile() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Missile
Mithril - class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Mithril.
Mithril() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Mithril
Constructs a new Mithril
MonitorCommand - class wyvern.lib.commands.MonitorCommand.
Turns on & off hp/sp monitoring.
Monster - interface wyvern.lib.Monster.
Superinterface of all Monster-like objects, such as (of course) monsters, but also NPCs and Players.
MonsterImpl - class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl.
The class for nearly all monsters in the game.
MonsterImpl() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
MonsterImpl.WalkVisitor - class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl.WalkVisitor.
Visitor that notifies objects we've stepped on them (or stopped stepping on them).
MonsterImpl.WalkVisitor() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl.WalkVisitor
MonsterInventory - class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterInventory.
This class implements a simple Inventory object so that monsters can hold things.
MonsterInventory() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterInventory
Constructs a new MonsterInventory
MonsterPredicate - class wyvern.lib.predicates.MonsterPredicate.
This predicate tests to see if the target is a monster.
MonsterPredicate() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.predicates.MonsterPredicate
MonsterReactions - class wyvern.lib.properties.MonsterReactions.
Allows a monster to react under certain circumstances.
MonsterReactions() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.MonsterReactions
MonsterTables - class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterTables.
Tables for monster XP and SP.
MonsterTables() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterTables
MotionTracker - interface wyvern.lib.event.MotionTracker.
Convenience interface combining MapChangeListener and MapMotionTracker.
Mountains - class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Mountains.
A configurable mountain-range class with support for its own borders.
Mountains() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Mountains
MouseCommand - class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommand.
This is the default handler for mouse commands.
MouseCommandEvent - class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommandEvent.
Class encapsulating a game mouse event.
MouseCommandEvent(String, Commandable) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommandEvent
Constructs a new MouseCommandEvent
MouseInterest - interface wyvern.lib.properties.MouseInterest.
The listener interface for receiving mouse events.
Movable - interface wyvern.lib.properties.Movable.
Interface for items that can be thrown or moved with a Projectile.
MovableLightSource - class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableLightSource.
This property makes an object glow in the dark.
MovableLightSource() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableLightSource
Constructs a new MovableLightSource
MovableLightSource(int) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableLightSource
Constructs a new MovableLightSource with the specified intensity.
MovableSoundSource - class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource.
An object responsible for managing a single instance of a sound.
MovableSoundSource() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource
Constructs a new MovableSoundSource.
MovableSoundSource(String, GameObject) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource
Constructs a new MovableSoundSource.
MoveCommand - class wyvern.kernel.motion.MoveCommand.
This class implements movement.
MoveEvent - class wyvern.kernel.motion.MoveEvent.
This event encapsulates the state necessary to execute the "move" command.
MoveEvent(String, Commandable) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.motion.MoveEvent
Constructs a new standard MoveEvent.
Mover - class wyvern.kernel.motion.Mover.
This class contains all the contorted logic for deciding whether a monster can move into a particular square, and how fast it can do so.
Mover() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.motion.Mover
Music - interface wyvern.lib.Music.
Represents a background music track to play on the client.
MusicManager - class wyvern.kernel.player.MusicManager.
Handles switching background music.
MusicState - class wyvern.kernel.player.MusicState.
A Bean property that keeps track of the current state of the running soundtrack on the client.
MusicState() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.player.MusicState
Constructs a new MusicState
MusicState(Player) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.player.MusicState
Constructs a new MusicState
MusicState.States - interface wyvern.kernel.player.MusicState.States.
Allows for convenient import of the music states.
MutableProperty - interface wyvern.lib.properties.MutableProperty.
Bean property classes implement this interface to indicate that they shouldn't be shared.
magic_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.AutoGrab
mail(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.town.PostOffice
Sends mail to another player.
mailPlayer(String, String, String) - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Sends a post-office mail message to a player.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.net.RPCVersion
Testing function.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.tiles.TileRegistry
For testing functions.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTList
Tests the list.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.ColorTextArea
Tests it.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.HtmlDialog
Test function to bring up the dialog.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.ImageButton
Tests it.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.InitFile
Tests the functionality.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.ResizeDialog
Tests the dialog functionality.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Strings
Tests some functions.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Util
Tests everything.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.jcrypt
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
Function for testing the command parser.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.PythonWizCommands
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.CommandFilterFactory
Test suite.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.SortFilter
Tests the filter.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.TailFilter
Tests it.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.UniqFilter
Tests the filter.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.WCFilter
Tests it.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.CaveGenerator
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.MazeGenerator
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.MasterThreadPool
Tests the pool.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.PubSub
Does some limited testing of the system.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.PythonManager
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Petrifier
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Wallet
Tests the make-change algorithm.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.XPAwarder
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.TeleportCommand
Tests the pattern-matching stuff.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Skills
Tests out the various functions.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.XMLWrapper
Tests the class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Direction
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Range
Tests the randomValue function.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Resource
Tests out the initialization functions.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.MagicMapper
Tests the functions by choosing a map and creating an image from it.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.NagaFilter
Tests the filter.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.PigLatin
Tests the filter.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
Misc testing functions.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardCounting
Misc card testing functions.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Book
Tests spellbook costs.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
Tests out creating and using multi-element combinations.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellRegistry
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.ArmorEnchanter
Tests the enchanter functions.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomItem
Tests the item generator.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomList
Tests functionality.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomObject
Misc testing functions.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomRing
Tests the class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomTerrain
Tests it.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.RandomTreasure
Tests the class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Tests the enchanter functions.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.Atmospheres
Test harness.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ItemDesc
Used for testing only.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommand
Prints event modifiers.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.OfferCommand
Tests the regular expression for matching args.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.ScoreCommand
Tests it.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.SpellCommand
Tests the sorting methods.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.WarnCommand
Tests the regex matching.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagParser
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MonsterReactions
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleLightSource
Used for testing only.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Tests the conversion and formatting utilities.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Destruction
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.util.BitMatrix
Tests that it works.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.util.Bresenham
Tests the output.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.util.ConcurrentHashSet
Tests the operation of the set.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.util.Counter
Tests the data structure.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.util.FileFinder
Tests it.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.util.NullObjectFactory
Tests it.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.util.Options
Tests it out.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.util.Stars
Do it.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.util.StringUtils
Testing functions.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.util.XMLSimple
Tests it out.
main(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.util.XMLVisitor
Tests it on the spell registry.
make(String, String, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.predicates.ComparisonPredicate
Factory method that takes an operator, such as "!
makeAllCaps(String) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Strings
Turns all lowercase letters into uppercase letters.
makeBucket(Object) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameHashMap
Creates and returns a new bucket at the specified location.
makeClone() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.AttackingBodyPart
makeClone() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.BodyPart
Clones this body part.
makeClone() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
makeClone() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker
Creates a clone of this Talker object.
makeClone() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Produces a clone of this object.
makeClone() - Method in class wyvern.util.BitMatrix
Clones this BitMatrix.
makeCorpse(Monster, GameObject) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Corpse
Makes a corpse from the monster.
makeDispellable() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Adds this spell to the agent's active-list, so it can be viewed and dispelled.
makeDispellable() - Method in class wyvern.lib.skills.BerserkSkill
Don't let it show up in agent's cast-list.
makeDoor(int, int, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
Places a door in the dungeon.
makeFrame() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundCamera
Creates an AbstractFrame subclass to use as our DisplayPolicy.
makeFrame() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.MapCamera
A factory method that instantiates an DisplayPolicy subclass appropriate for this camera.
makeFrame() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Camera
A factory method that instantiates a DisplayPolicy subclass appropriate for this camera.
makeGravestone(GameObject, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
makeGravestone(Player, GameObject, int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.player.PlayerGrave
Creates a gravestone for the specified player.
makeGravestone(String, String, int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.player.PlayerGrave
Creates a PlayerGrave given the specified player's name, and the specified attacker description.
makeGroup(GameObject, GameObject) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.GroupManager
Takes two groupable GameObjects and makes them a single object with the combined quantity.
makeLocalCopy(List) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.Platform
Make a local copy of a list.
makeLogEntry() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Scrying
makeMoveEvent(String, Commandable, int, String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.MoveCommand
Creates a standard MoveEvent and stuffs the event parameters.
makePadding(int) - Static method in class wyvern.util.XMLSimple
Creates a string by concatenating N of the same character.
makePoisonousIfNecessary(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Corpse
Transfers the "poison-corpse" property from the monster to the corpse, if any.
makeSingleSlot(ItemSlot) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.BodyPart
Takes the passed slot and stores it in an array of length 1.
makeSparseArray() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame
Returns an array of the objects to draw in the client view.
makeTreasure(Monster, String) - Method in class wyvern.world.lists.inv.PuddingInv
Makes treasure.
makesSavingThrow(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Fear
makesSavingThrow(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Paralysis
makesSavingThrow(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Slow
makesSavingThrow(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.effects.Stoner
malignChance_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Chance the weapon will be maligned; i.e., its enchantments are negative.
mangleMessage(String, Monster, Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.QuestInfo
Replaces %t and %n in the message.
mapCoords_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommandEvent
mapDirection(int, GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.motion.AxisShapeChanger
Chooses a direction for the specified object.
mapDirection(int, GameObject) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.properties.DirectionChooser
Chooses a direction to append to the passed object's bitmap name.
mapDoneLoading() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Bridge
Called when map is done loading, so we know the final terrain is actually set beneath us.
mapHooks_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
mapLoadFailed(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
Called when the requested map couldn't be loaded.
mapLoadFailed(String) - Method in interface wyvern.world.MapLoaderListener
Called when the requested map couldn't be loaded.
mapLoadFailed(String) - Method in class wyvern.world.World
Called when the requested map couldn't be loaded.
mapLoaded(GameMap, String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
If the player applies a teleporter for a map that hasn't been loaded yet, this method gets called when the map finishes loading.
mapLoaded(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleAdapter
Invoked when a map is loaded.
mapLoaded(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleListener
Invoked when a map is loaded.
mapLoaded(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.AnimationParams
mapLoaded(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TerrainSpeed
Invoked when a map is loaded.
mapLoaded(GameMap, String) - Method in interface wyvern.world.MapLoaderListener
Called when the requested map finishes loading.
mapLoaded(GameMap, String) - Method in class wyvern.world.World
Called when the requested map finishes loading.
mapResumed(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleAdapter
Invoked when a map is resumed.
mapResumed(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleListener
Invoked when a map is resumed.
mapResumed(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.AnimationParams
Restarts animation when map is resumed.
mapResumed(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TerrainSpeed
mapSuspended(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleAdapter
Invoked when a map is suspended.
mapSuspended(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleListener
Invoked when a map is suspended.
mapSuspended(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.AnimationParams
Stops animation when map is suspended.
mapSuspended(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TerrainSpeed
mapToBoard(Point) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Checkers
Returns a point in board coordinates.
mapToBoard(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Checkers
Returns a point in board coordinates.
mapToImage(GameMap, Rectangle) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.MagicMapper
Does the work of creating the image.
mapUnloaded(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleAdapter
Invoked when a map is unloaded.
mapUnloaded(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.event.MapLifecycleListener
Invoked when a map is unloaded.
mapUnloaded(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.AnimationParams
Stops animation when map is unloaded.
mapUnloaded(MapLifecycleEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TerrainSpeed
map_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
map_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
map_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame
map_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapLoader
map_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundFrame
map_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.Location
map_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.LinkedMovement
map_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleLightSource
maps_ - Variable in class wyvern.world.BackgroundMapLoader
This variable holds all the maps currently loaded in the game.
margin_height - Variable in class wyvern.common.util.ColumnLayout
margin_width - Variable in class wyvern.common.util.ColumnLayout
markAsApplet() - Static method in class wyvern.common.config.Wyvern
Marks the application as running as an Applet.
markBusy(Component) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Util
Mark the app as busy.
markCanWalk(GameObject) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TerrainSpeed
markNotBusy(Component) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Util
Mark the app as not busy.
markPaid() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
markPaid() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Marks the object as paid-for.
markReady() - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RPCDataSource
Called by the networking layer when the camera's last request has finished sending over the wire.
markReady() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
Called by the networking layer when the camera's last request has finished sending over the wire.
markReady() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Camera
Called by the networking layer when the camera's last request has finished sending over the wire.
markUnpaid() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
markUnpaid() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Marks the object as unpaid.
markValid() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
markValid() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Camera
Sets the "completely-invalid" flag for the camera.
match(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagRule
Returns true if the passed object passes our conditions.
matchPlayer(String) - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Looks for a player matching the passed partial-name.
matches(String, GameObject) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.predicates.NameMatchPredicate
Returns true if the passed object matches the passed description.
matrix_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleLightSource
max - Variable in class wyvern.lib.Range
maxMoves_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.PirateShip
maxNextCharInd - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
maxSize_ - Variable in class wyvern.common.util.ClientImageCache
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ColumnLayout
The Container calls this to find out how big the layout can be
maximumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Returns the maximum dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.
maybeDestroyWand(Wand, Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.Charging
Possibly destroys the wand.
maybeReturnToOwner(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Projectile
Returns item to the owner's inventory, if we can find the owner in an "agent" property, and
maze_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
members(CommandEvent, Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups
Executes the "members" command.
mergeGroups(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
Each time a new room is added, the global group count is incremented.
mergeUserSettings() - Method in class wyvern.common.util.UserProps
Notifies us that someone modified the Properties object (probably by removing one or more properties) returned from getUserSettings().
mergedProps_ - Variable in class wyvern.common.util.UserProps
message(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
message(String, byte) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
message(String[], byte[]) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
message(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
message(String, byte) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
message(String, byte) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
message(String[], byte[]) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
message(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups.Group
Sends a message to everyone in the group, including the group leader.
message(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
message(String, byte) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
message(String[], byte[]) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
message(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Sends a message to the event's agent.
message(String, byte) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Sends a message to the event's agent, in the specified TextStyle.
message(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Commandable
Outputs a message to this object.
message(String, byte) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Commandable
Sends a message to the client using the specified style.
message(String[], byte[]) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Commandable
Sends a message to the client as an array of strings and styles to use for each piece.
message(Commandable, String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.skills.Unlearner
Sends a message to the agent with prepend-msg prepended, in the TEXT_TALK style if appropriate.
message(String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.WizardEye
Forwards messages back to the caster.
messageReceived(MessageEvent) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Snooper
A player we're tracking received a message.
messageReceived(MessageEvent) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.event.MessageListener
A player we're tracking received a message.
message_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.SayEvent
message_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.TalkCommand.TalkEvent
message_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.WhisperCommand.WhisperEvent
messages(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.town.PostOffice
Shows your messages (read and unread).
messages_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.RandomMessages
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
Shuts down the monster if the map is unloading.
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.MethodHookCallback
Notifies the callback that a given method was called on the target object.
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Shop
Map is finished loading - construct list of shop contents.
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Vehicle
Shuts down the ship if the map is unloading.
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.PigLatin
Our "remove-curse" method was called.
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.GuildSkills
Notifies us that one of our method-hooks of interest was run.
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource
Owner was added to or removed from its map.
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.SuspendableTimer
The map suspend/unload/resume method-hook was called.
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in class wyvern.lib.skills.GiantShrink
Called when the player is done initializing.
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in class wyvern.lib.skills.NagaShift
Called when the player is done initializing.
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in class wyvern.lib.skills.RakshasaSkills
Notifies the callback that a given method was called on the target object.
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.FlameShield
Updates our position when the caster moves.
methodCalled(String, MethodHookable, Object) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.StaticBlade
Weapon did damage.
min - Variable in class wyvern.lib.Range
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.ColumnLayout
The Container calls this to find out how big the layout must be
minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class wyvern.util.TableLayout
Determines the minimum size of the container argument using this layout.
missiles_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.AutoGrab
model_ - Variable in class wyvern.common.util.ImageList
modified_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
modifiers_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommandEvent
These modifiers are passed in from the awt MouseEvent.
modify(RPCDataSource, int, String, String, short, short, short) - Method in interface wyvern.common.net.RemoteInventory
Modifies the nth object (name, picture or both).
modify(GroundFrame, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundCamera
Modifies an item in place.
modifyMonster(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SummonSpell
Affords the subclass an opportunity to make changes to the summoned monster after it's been instantiated.
modifyMonster(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonAirElemental
modifyMonster(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonAnimal
modifyMonster(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonEarthElemental
modifyMonster(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonFireElemental
modifyMonster(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonInsect
modifyMonster(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SummonWaterElemental
monsterCache_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.PythonMap
monsterCount_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapLoader
Keep track of how many monsters or generators we've loaded.
monsterLocs_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
monster_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Firewall
Tracks the last monster that stepped on this square.
monster_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Lava
Tracks the last monster that stepped on this square.
monster_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.spells.CharmMonster
monsters_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
monsters_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Generator
mouseClicked(MouseCommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
A player clicked on the monster.
mouseClicked(MouseCommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.DisplayCase
Called when an agent clicks the mouse (any button) over the object.
mouseClicked(MouseCommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Checkers
Handles a mouse-click.
mouseClicked(MouseCommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Chess
Handles a mouse-click.
mouseClicked(MouseCommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.sokoban.SokobanLevel
Called when an agent clicks the mouse (any button) over the object.
mouseClicked(MouseCommandEvent) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.properties.MouseInterest
Called when an agent clicks the mouse (any button) over the object.
mouseEvent(AWTListItem, MouseEvent) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTList
Notifies the list that one of the children was selected.
mouseToIndex(int) - Method in class wyvern.common.util.AWTImageList
Returns the index of the item selected, given a mouse Y-coordinate
mousebind(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommand
Turns on or off the old-style mouse left-button behavior of dropping or picking up the item.
move(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
move(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
move(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.GroundCamera
Makes sure the GroundCamera is invalidated when it moves.
move(int, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Camera
Moves the camera by a relative (x, y) amount without resizing it.
move(int, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Translates the object to a new relative location.
move(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Boulder
The boulder has been moved.
move() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.FlyingBoulder
Move a square forward.
move() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.Platform
Move a square forward.
moveBall() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
Moves the undetonated ball in its current direction.
moveCamera(GameMap, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.WizardEye
Moves the camera to a new location.
moveCone() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.ConeSpell
Propagates the cone by another "turn".
moveFrame() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
moveMe(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.PuzzleBall
Someone tried to move it.
moveMonster(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.SirenSong
Attempts to move the target one step towards the caster.
moveOccupants(Point, Point) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.Platform
Move anyone sitting on top, too.
moveOneStep(Point, Point, Commandable, CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MouseCommand
This is the old way we handled mouse clicks - the agent would take one step in the direction of the click.
moveProperties(Archetype, GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.ArchetypeManager
Moves local properties from an archetype to an object.
moveRandomly(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractAI
Moves the monster in a random direction, possibly pausing.
moveRandomly(Commandable, EventQueue) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.BeelineAI
Moves the commandable in a random direction.
moveRandomly(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.WanderRandomlyBE
Moves the monster in a random direction, possibly pausing.
mover_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.LinkedMovement
moves_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.PirateShip

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