Interface RPCDataSource

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public interface RPCDataSource

This interface breaks a compilation dependency between the client code and the server code. The RemoteInventory, RemoteMap, etc. need to know which camera sent their data, so they can call the camera back when more data is required. However, importing wyvern.lib.Camera results in a static dependency on almost every file in the game engine. We want the client to be a separately-compilable entity, so this interface was introduced as an adapter to break the dependency.

1.0, Feb 01, 2000
Steve Yegge

Method Summary
 void markReady()
          Called by the networking layer when the camera's last request has finished sending over the wire.

Method Detail


public void markReady()
Called by the networking layer when the camera's last request has finished sending over the wire. The camera should call the CameraManager indicating that it's ready to be serviced again.