Class AbstractCamera

  extended bywyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
All Implemented Interfaces:
Camera, RPCDataSource
Direct Known Subclasses:
GroundCamera, MapCamera

public abstract class AbstractCamera
extends java.lang.Object
implements Camera

This class handles much of the overhead of creating a Camera. It registers with the map and collects any changes to the map that happen within its view. Subclasses are responsible for sizing and positioning the camera, and deciding how to pass the map changes to the client.

A Camera registers itself with a map by calling the CameraManager, passing itself and the map with which to register. The mapping of cameras to GameMaps is done externally in the CameraManager to keep the map code independent of the game display engine.

When a camera registers, the CameraManager makes the camera's entire view invalid, and adds the camera to its lists. Whenever a game map is changed, it notifies the CameraManager. The CameraManager remembers that the map is dirty, and the map remembers the change. Whenever a camera moves or resizes, it must inform the CameraManager, so the CameraManager knows what map changes are visible to the camera in its new location.

Periodically, the game Scheduler pauses in its event handling and tells the CameraManager to refresh all the cameras. The Scheduler pauses to make sure the map is in a consistent state when the cameras pull their data from the map.

At refresh-time, the CameraManager goes through its list of dirty maps and processes all the cameras in each map. It figures out which map changes were visible to each camera, and sends the visible changes to those cameras by calling validate().

The changes are sent to the Camera as a matrix the size of the map, where if a bit is set in the matrix, that square was dirty in the map. Each camera implementation will render this information differently: a MapCamera will generate a map-view of the changes, whereas a GroundCamera will check which objects changed, and update the client's ground display.

A camera uses a DisplayPolicy object to gather and filter the map information to be sent to the client. Each camera implementation uses its own DisplayPolicy implementation. The DisplayPolicy is reponsible for using the invalid-rectangles list to pull information from the map and render it suitably for the output display.

An AbstractCamera subclass must do the following:

1.0, Mar 28, 1998
Steve Yegge

Field Summary
protected  Rectangle bounds_
protected  RemoteClient client_
protected  boolean completelyInvalid_
protected  DisplayPolicy frame_
protected  boolean hasMoved_
protected  int height_
protected  int left_
protected  GameMap map_
protected  Player player_
protected  boolean ready_
protected  Dimension size_
protected  int top_
protected  int width_
protected  int xoffset_
protected  int yoffset_
Constructor Summary
AbstractCamera(RemoteClient client, Player player)
          Constructs a new AbstractCamera.
Method Summary
 void forceInvalidate()
          Forces the camera contents to refresh, even if it's already been marked as completely invalid.
 Point getCenter()
          Returns the center point of the camera view, in map coords.
 DisplayPolicy getFrame()
          Returns the object used for collecting and filtering the objects sent to the camera by the map.
 GameMap getMap()
          Returns the map this camera is viewing.
 Player getOwner()
          Returns the player associated with this camera.
 Point getPosition()
          Returns the upper-left corner of the camera, in map coords.
 Rectangle getViewRect()
          Gets the rectangle that this camera is viewing in the map.
 Dimension getViewSize()
          Returns the width and height of the camera.
 boolean hasBeenMoved()
          Returns whether the camera has been moved since the last client refresh.
 void invalidate()
          Markes the camera as dirty (i.e. needing a refresh).
 void invalidateNoRayCast()
          Forces the camera contents to refresh, but without redoing the visibility model raycasting.
 boolean isHandheld()
          Returns true if this camera is for a player using a handheld device.
 boolean isInvalid()
          Returns whether the entire camera is invalid.
 boolean isShutDown()
          Returns true if this camera has been shut down.
 void markReady()
          Called by the networking layer when the camera's last request has finished sending over the wire.
 void markValid()
          Sets the "completely-invalid" flag for the camera.
 void move(int xoffset, int yoffset)
          Moves the camera by a relative (x, y) amount without resizing it.
 void moveFrame()
 void setHandheld(boolean handheld)
 void setMap(GameMap map, int x, int y)
          Sets a new map and position for the camera simultaneously.
 void setMap(GameMap map, Point p)
          Sets a new map and position for the camera simultaneously.
 void setMoved(int xoffset, int yoffset)
          Remembers that the camera has been moved by a small amount, so the client can blit the old contents over.
 void setPosition(int x, int y)
          Tells the camera where in the map to view.
 void setViewRect(Rectangle r)
          Sets the view rectangle to a new position and size.
 void setViewSize(int width, int height)
          Resizes the camera view without moving the upper-left corner.
 void shutDown()
          Turns the camera off (permanently).
 java.lang.String toString()
protected  void tryUpdate()
          Calls updateClient, and if we succeed, clears the ready flag.
abstract  boolean updateClient(DisplayPolicy frame)
          This method is called from validate() if the camera has been marked ready via markReady().
 void validate(MapDirtyRegions updates)
          Tells the camera to check if it should update itself.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface wyvern.lib.Camera

Field Detail


protected RemoteClient client_


protected Player player_


protected GameMap map_


protected int width_


protected int height_


protected int left_


protected int top_


protected Rectangle bounds_


protected Dimension size_


protected DisplayPolicy frame_


protected volatile boolean completelyInvalid_


protected boolean hasMoved_


protected int xoffset_


protected int yoffset_


protected volatile boolean ready_
Constructor Detail


public AbstractCamera(RemoteClient client,
                      Player player)
               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
Constructs a new AbstractCamera. Registers the the camera with the CameraManager.

client - the RemoteClient to send data to
player - the Player this camera is for
Method Detail


public abstract boolean updateClient(DisplayPolicy frame)
This method is called from validate() if the camera has been marked ready via markReady().

frame - the frame to gather the data with
true if any data was sent. It's essential that subclasses set this flag correctly for the camera to work properly. If the subclass determines that nothing has changed within the view of the camera, and doesn't make any calls to the RemoteClient as a result, then it should return false.


public void markReady()
Called by the networking layer when the camera's last request has finished sending over the wire. The camera should call the CameraManager indicating that it's ready to be serviced again. Note: this is called from the RemoteClientImpl writer thread.

Specified by:
markReady in interface Camera


public void validate(MapDirtyRegions updates)
Description copied from interface: Camera
Tells the camera to check if it should update itself.

This method is called by the game scheduler thread, via the CameraManager. When this method is called, the CameraManager has determined that some changes have occurred in the map that we're viewing (or that we've marked ourselves dirty). This method is called even if none of those changes are visible (the 'updates' parameter will be null or empty). It's up to this method, or a subclass, to determine whether to do a client update.

The camera doesn't actually pull any data from the map unless it has been marked "ready" by the network output thread. If it's not ready, it just remembers the invalid regions and waits until it's ready again.

Specified by:
validate in interface Camera
updates - a MapDirtyRegions that contains a BitMatrix the size of the map we're viewing, with bits set everywhere there was a map cell invalidated. Can be null if camera is completely invalid, in which case it won't be used. Called by the CameraManager when refreshing the camera.


protected void tryUpdate()
Calls updateClient, and if we succeed, clears the ready flag.


public Rectangle getViewRect()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Gets the rectangle that this camera is viewing in the map.

Specified by:
getViewRect in interface Camera
the view Rectangle (upper-left corner is the position)


public void setViewRect(Rectangle r)
Description copied from interface: Camera
Sets the view rectangle to a new position and size.

Specified by:
setViewRect in interface Camera
r - the map rectangle to view


public void setViewSize(int width,
                        int height)
Description copied from interface: Camera
Resizes the camera view without moving the upper-left corner.

Specified by:
setViewSize in interface Camera
width - the new view width
height - the new view height


public Dimension getViewSize()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Returns the width and height of the camera.

Specified by:
getViewSize in interface Camera
the camera view size


public void setPosition(int x,
                        int y)
Description copied from interface: Camera
Tells the camera where in the map to view.

Specified by:
setPosition in interface Camera
x - the new map X position for the camera upper-left corner
y - the new map Y position for the camera upper-left corner


public Point getPosition()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Returns the upper-left corner of the camera, in map coords.

Specified by:
getPosition in interface Camera
the position of the camera


public void move(int xoffset,
                 int yoffset)
Description copied from interface: Camera
Moves the camera by a relative (x, y) amount without resizing it.

Specified by:
move in interface Camera
xoffset - the relative X offset to move the camera
yoffset - the relative Y offset to move the camera


public void setMap(GameMap map,
                   Point p)
Description copied from interface: Camera
Sets a new map and position for the camera simultaneously.

Specified by:
setMap in interface Camera
map - the GameMap to view
p - the map coordinates


public void setMap(GameMap map,
                   int x,
                   int y)
Description copied from interface: Camera
Sets a new map and position for the camera simultaneously.

Specified by:
setMap in interface Camera
map - the GameMap to view
x - the x position to view
y - the y position to view


public Point getCenter()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Returns the center point of the camera view, in map coords.

Specified by:
getCenter in interface Camera
the point that the camera view is centered on.


public GameMap getMap()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Returns the map this camera is viewing.

Specified by:
getMap in interface Camera
the GameMap


public Player getOwner()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Returns the player associated with this camera.

Specified by:
getOwner in interface Camera
the player for this camera, or null if hasn't been set


public void invalidate()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Markes the camera as dirty (i.e. needing a refresh). Used when the camera opens, changes maps, teleports, and so on. Does nothing if the camera is already marked invalid; use forceInvalidate() to force the contents to refresh, but only if invalidate() doesn't work - invalidate() should usually work, and requires less overhead.

Specified by:
invalidate in interface Camera


public void forceInvalidate()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Forces the camera contents to refresh, even if it's already been marked as completely invalid.

Specified by:
forceInvalidate in interface Camera


public void invalidateNoRayCast()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Forces the camera contents to refresh, but without redoing the visibility model raycasting. Use whenever you need the camera data resent, but the player hasn't moved and the map hasn't changed (e.g. the "#refresh" command from the client).

Specified by:
invalidateNoRayCast in interface Camera


public void setMoved(int xoffset,
                     int yoffset)
Description copied from interface: Camera
Remembers that the camera has been moved by a small amount, so the client can blit the old contents over.

Specified by:
setMoved in interface Camera


public boolean hasBeenMoved()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Returns whether the camera has been moved since the last client refresh.

Specified by:
hasBeenMoved in interface Camera


public boolean isInvalid()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Returns whether the entire camera is invalid.

Specified by:
isInvalid in interface Camera
true if the camera needs a complete refresh, e.g. after setting it to a new map.


public void markValid()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Sets the "completely-invalid" flag for the camera. Used for communication with the Frame.

Specified by:
markValid in interface Camera


public DisplayPolicy getFrame()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Returns the object used for collecting and filtering the objects sent to the camera by the map. A MapCamera returns an object that sorts the objects into drawing layers, selecting one per layer. A GroundCamera gets all the objects with their titles. A camera is free to use any DisplayPolicy object it likes.

Specified by:
getFrame in interface Camera


public void moveFrame()


public void shutDown()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Turns the camera off (permanently).

Specified by:
shutDown in interface Camera


public boolean isShutDown()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Returns true if this camera has been shut down.

Specified by:
isShutDown in interface Camera


public boolean isHandheld()
Description copied from interface: Camera
Returns true if this camera is for a player using a handheld device.

Specified by:
isHandheld in interface Camera


public void setHandheld(boolean handheld)


public java.lang.String toString()