Package wyvern.kernel.maps

Classes that implement GameMaps and the camera system.


Interface Summary
Cell This is the interface to the "buckets" used for storing objects at map locations.
DisplayPolicy This interface provides a way to change the drawing policy without changing any of the GameMap code.

Class Summary
AbstractCamera This class handles much of the overhead of creating a Camera.
AbstractGameMap This class implements those common utility methods from the GameMap interface that can be implemented without needing to know the underlying representation.
Area Manages information shared by collections of maps.
Broadcast Handles the standard broadcasting commands, for broadcasting a message to all players (and monsters that are listening) nearby.
DenseMap This is the standard Wyvern implementation of the GameMap interface.
Frame This is the DisplayPolicy implementation that handles sending map updates to the client map view.
GameHashIterator This class does a straight MxN search of every square in the requested rectangle.
GameHashMap A version of MultiHashMap that uses MapCells as its buckets, so it can group similar GameObjects.
GameObjectEventSupport Helper class that a GameObject delegates to for firing event notifications.
MapCell This class implements a Cell using a linked list.
MapCommandList This class keeps track of Commands registered with the map for various commands.
MapDirtyRegions A class that encapsulates the set of squares in a map that have visually invalidated since the last time the CameraManager refreshed the cameras for that map.
MapFileServer This class handles requests to upload and download files from map editor clients.
MapLoader This class can read a GameMap implementation from an XML file.
MapObject The top level implementation of the Wyvern class heirarchy.
MapObjectSorter Used to help draw the contents of a map into a graphical image.
MapWriter Writes out a map to a mapfile.
ProximityHookList This class implements "proximity-hooks".
PythonMap Superclass of (most) python-based game maps.
PythonMapWriter Writes a map out to a python file.
RoomHookList This class implements "room-hooks".
TopFinder Find the top visible object at a given map location.
TopFinder.LayerVisitor Used to visit every object at a map location and keep an ordered list of what it sees.

Exception Summary
CorruptedMapException This Exception is thrown to indicate that the map file is corrupted.

Package wyvern.kernel.maps Description

Classes that implement GameMaps and the camera system.