Package wyvern.kernel.monsters

System classes dealing with monsters.


Class Summary
AStarSearch Implements the standard A* algorithm.
DeathEvent Death is a special occurrence that needs to be hookable and vetoable, so we create an event for it.
Generator Generates monsters based on preset properties.
HeartbeatManager This class makes sure all monsters get a heartbeat, and allows other game objects to register for heartbeat notifications as well.
InvGenerator Base class for monster inventory-generators.
MonsterImpl The class for nearly all monsters in the game.
MonsterInventory This class implements a simple Inventory object so that monsters can hold things.
MonsterTables Tables for monster XP and SP.
Petrifier Contains methods and utilities for turning objects to stone.
RandomMessages A monster may choose to emit random messages, either during normal operation or during combat, by use of this class.
StandardAI The most common AI for game monsters.
Talker A Talker property allows you to make a monster or NPC reply to a query given via the "talk" command.
Wallet This class has utility methods for adding and removing coins from a monster or player's "wallet".
XPAwarder Computes suggested XP for a monster based on its abilities.

Package wyvern.kernel.monsters Description

System classes dealing with monsters.