Package wyvern.kernel.motion

Classes that handle moving objects around.


Interface Summary
Deformer This interface is used by objects whose shape can change when they move.

Class Summary
AxisShapeChanger This class implements a standard deformation used by monsters that switch from horizontal to vertical when they change directions.
ContactManager This class encapsulates the logic for deciding what to do if a move actually results in a push, attack, or some other action.
MoveCommand This class implements movement.
MoveEvent This event encapsulates the state necessary to execute the "move" command.
Mover This class contains all the contorted logic for deciding whether a monster can move into a particular square, and how fast it can do so.
NoOpShapeChanger If you need to override a monster's "deformer" and/or "dirs-appr" properties, rather than removing the property (which is dangerous), you can put a transient property of type NoOpShapeChanger in their list.
PushCommand This command implements pushing objects around.
TeleportCommand This Command handles hookable teleport events.
WaterMover This hacky class for the demo keeps the monster in the water.

Package wyvern.kernel.motion Description

Classes that handle moving objects around.