Package wyvern.kernel.player

Classes implementing players, races, skills and player cameras.


Interface Summary
MusicState.States Allows for convenient import of the music states.
PlayerManager.OfflineProperties Constants for return values from setOfflineProperties

Class Summary
Aliases Tracks the standard mappings for keys that come in from the client.
ClientCommands Handles special commands from the client.
CommandPreprocessor Takes incoming commands and decides what to do with them.
EyeFrame This class implements the display policy for a standard Player object.
GroundCamera This class implements a camera that views the ground beneath the player, to update the ground-display on the client.
GroundFrame This class is the DisplayPolicy for the ground-view camera.
GroundObjDescriptor This class encapsulates the appearance parameters for a single object in the client's ground view.
GroundViewer This class visits the items beneath a player and formats them for display in the client's ground view.
Heart Handles heartbeat timer every 5 seconds, computing regeration of all the player's time-sensitive stats (health, mana, food, etc.)
ImageFetcher Handles requests for tile/image mappings, and for downloading missing or out-of-date images to the client.
MapCamera This object maintains a view of the game map for a client.
MusicManager Handles switching background music.
MusicState A Bean property that keeps track of the current state of the running soundtrack on the client.
PlayerGroups Manages players grouping together.
PlayerGroups.Group Tracks a single group.
PlayerImpl The default implementation of the Player interface.
PlayerInventory A basic implementation of the Inventory interface.
PlayerManager This class implements an extremely simple persistence mechanism.
Punishments Handles doling out various punishments to players.
Races This class encapsulates information about the various player races.
Skills Special handling for various skills players can train in.
Snooper Sets up snooping, in which a player can view another player or other Commandable.
SpellListImpl Manages the player's list of known spells.

Package wyvern.kernel.player Description

Classes implementing players, races, skills and player cameras.