
Implements the game persistence engine and property system.


Class Summary
ArchetypeEditor Renders the archetype in the map editor.
ArchetypeImpl This class is a list of properties that a game object can inherit from.
ArchetypeManager This class provides methods for parsing, loading and instantiating archetypes.
NullValue This object represents a "not-set" value in a plist.
PList This class implements a Property list.
Property This object encapsulates a property and its value.
PropertyParser This class provides methods for parsing properties.
PropertyPrinter This class provides methods for printing properties, both for debugging and for writing things out to map files.
WyvernXMLErrorHandler Handle errors - the default IBM DOM parser handling is terrible; it doesn't even show the file the error occurred in, let alone the line number.
XMLWrapper This class hides some of the sordid details of the underlying XML parser.

Exception Summary
IllegalValueException This exception indicates that an illegal value was stored under a property name.
NoSuchPropertyException Thrown to indicate that the queries object does not have the requested property.
ParseException This exception indicates that a property list or archetype couldn't be parsed because it was corrupted somehow.

Package Description

Implements the game persistence engine and property system.