
Constants and interfaces for making remote procedure calls (RPC).


Interface Summary
RemoteAudio Remote interface for starting, stopping, or modifying an audio track on a client.
RemoteAudioState Named state-machine variables for keeping track of the current state of the client's running soundtrack.
RemoteClient RPC interface for the client.
RemoteInventory Interface by which the server updates the client's inventory display.
RemoteMap Interface for updating the client's map display.
RemoteStats Interface for updating the Player's stats for the client display.
RPCConstants This interface contains the numbers assigned to each RPC call, as well as some other constants used in the RPC interface.
RPCConstants.ImageAlign Specifies whether an image is left, center, or right-justified.
RPCConstants.ImageFlags Extra flags for controlling the image.
RPCConstants.ImageFormat Specifies the format of an image (GIF, JPG, etc.)
RPCConstants.OutputView Directs an image (or text) to go to a specific view.
RPCConstants.TextStyle Text-style specifiers.
RPCDataSource This interface breaks a compilation dependency between the client code and the server code.

Class Summary
RPCVersion Class for keeping track of the RPC protocol version for a given client.

Package Description

Constants and interfaces for making remote procedure calls (RPC).

The server talks to the client through a raw-socket RPC system, where the RPC calls are defined in this package.

Communication from the client to the server is straightforward: the client always sends text strings to the server, even for mouse events and other kinds of control messages.