Interface RemoteAudio

All Known Subinterfaces:
Commandable, Monster, Player
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCommandable, MonsterImpl, PlayerImpl

public interface RemoteAudio

Remote interface for starting, stopping, or modifying an audio track on a client.

Some definitions:

Our use of the terms "Music", "Alert" and "Sound" depends on their usage, not on their file format. A Sound could anything audible, from a sampled sound of a door closing to a midi file of a harp playing. Similarly, Music and Alerts can be in any audio format supported by the game clients.

When you issue a request to play an audio track of any kind, the client will check if it's missing the file, or has an outdated version. If so, it sends a request to the server to begin downloading the file. Each client implementation can decide what it wants to do at that point. Usually it will skip the track if it doesn't have it at all, and play the outdated version if it has one. If it skips the track, it will still send a notification back to the server if it was a Music or Sound track.

1.0, Jul 22, 2003
Steve Yegge

Field Summary
static double DEFAULT_ALERT_GAIN
          Volume level for Alerts.
          Alerts have no repeat delay by default, since they don't repeat.
          Alerts just play once, by default.
static double DEFAULT_GAIN
          Default gain of 0.5 means "not louder or softer than the file would normally play on the user's computer." 0.0 is silent, 1.0 is max volume.
          Default amount of time to wait between repeats on soundtracks, if not specified by the owner.
          Default number of repeats to perform, if not otherwise specified, for map background music
Method Summary
 void pauseSound(java.lang.String id)
          Pauses a particular sound.
 void playAlert(java.lang.String path)
          Plays the specified sound file on the client, one repeat, no delay, and the default gain.
 void playAlert(java.lang.String path, int repeats, int repeatDelay, double gain)
          Plays the specified alert with custom parameters.
 void playDefaultMusic()
          The player has switched maps, so figure out the default background music to be playing, and plays it.
 void playPriorityMusic(java.lang.String path)
          Sets the background music track to the specified file, with the default gain/volume.
 void playPriorityMusic(java.lang.String path, int repeats, int repeatDelay, double gain)
          Plays the specified music with custom parameters.
 void playSound(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String id)
          Plays a sound effect on the client with the default gain.
 void playSound(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String id, int repeats, int repeatDelay, double gain)
          Plays the specified sound effect with custom parameters.
 void resumeSound(java.lang.String id)
          Resumes a particular sound.
 void setMusicGain(double gain)
          Sets the volume of the background music.
 void setSoundGain(java.lang.String id, double gain)
          Sets the volume of a particular sound playing on the client.
 void stopAllSounds()
          Stops all of the currently playing sounds on the client.
 void stopMusic()
          Stops the background music completely.
 void stopSound(java.lang.String id)
          Stops the specified sound effect.

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY
Default amount of time to wait between repeats on soundtracks, if not specified by the owner. Milliseconds.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_REPEATS
Default number of repeats to perform, if not otherwise specified, for map background music. -1 means loop continuously, separated by DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY. 0 means don't repeat, 1 means play +1 repeats, 2 means play +2 repeats, etc. A value of 5 means the track plays a total of 6 times.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double DEFAULT_GAIN
Default gain of 0.5 means "not louder or softer than the file would normally play on the user's computer." 0.0 is silent, 1.0 is max volume.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_ALERT_REPEATS
Alerts just play once, by default.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_ALERT_REPEAT_DELAY
Alerts have no repeat delay by default, since they don't repeat.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double DEFAULT_ALERT_GAIN
Volume level for Alerts.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public void playAlert(java.lang.String path)
Plays the specified sound file on the client, one repeat, no delay, and the default gain.

Can't be stopped, so use with care.

path - the relative path to the sound file


public void playAlert(java.lang.String path,
                      int repeats,
                      int repeatDelay,
                      double gain)
Plays the specified alert with custom parameters. Can't be stopped, so use with care.

Parameters are file path, number of repeats, delay between repeats, and gain (volume). The alert won't play if the path is null or not found on the server. All other params are adjusted to be within the valid range for the parameter, if necessary.

path - the relative path to the sound file.
repeats - number of times the client should repeat the piece before stopping (and for music and sound, sending the notification back to the server). 0 means don't repeat; just play and stop.
repeatDelay - number of milliseconds to pause between repeats, if we're repeating.
gain - the volume for this track, from 0.0 to 1.0


public void playDefaultMusic()
The player has switched maps, so figure out the default background music to be playing, and plays it.


public void playPriorityMusic(java.lang.String path)
Sets the background music track to the specified file, with the default gain/volume. Always defaults to zero repeats in this version. If you want repeats or looping, call the overloaded version that lets you specify other parameters.

Client sends an "#endmusic" directive back to the server when it's finished playing all the repeats.

When this playMusic() is called, the specified music overrides the current background music. The player is considered to be playing the soundtrack in "priority" mode, meaning that switching maps or combat states won't revert it back to the normal map or combat music.

path - the relative path to the sound file, including extension. Can be any supported sound format (midi, ogg, others.) Nothing will be played if the path is null, or the file isn't found on the server.


public void playPriorityMusic(java.lang.String path,
                              int repeats,
                              int repeatDelay,
                              double gain)
Plays the specified music with custom parameters.

path - the relative path to the sound file. Can be any supported sound format.
repeats - number of times the client should repeat the piece before stopping and sending a notification back to the server. A value of 0 means don't repeat; just play the track once. A value of -1 means repeat indefinitely.
repeatDelay - number of milliseconds to pause between repeats, if we're repeating. Negative values are interpreted as zero (no delay).
gain - the volume for this track, from 0.0 to 1.0. Values outside the range are clipped to 0.0 or 1.0.


public void stopMusic()
Stops the background music completely. Client does not send a notification back to the server.


public void setMusicGain(double gain)
Sets the volume of the background music.

gain - the new background music gain, from 0.0 to 1.0


public void playSound(java.lang.String path,
                      java.lang.String id)
Plays a sound effect on the client with the default gain. Plays the sound exactly once, with no delay.

Client sends a "#endsound id" directive back to the server when the sound finishes playing, unless it was interrupted with stopSound() or stopAllSounds().

path - relative path to the sound file, in any supported format, including midi.
id - the unique ID of this sound. It has to be unique, so you can't use (for example) the hashcode of the path to the file, since more than one of the same sound may be playing at once. Usually you pass the hashcode of the object that emitted the sound.


public void playSound(java.lang.String path,
                      java.lang.String id,
                      int repeats,
                      int repeatDelay,
                      double gain)
Plays the specified sound effect with custom parameters. Client sends a "#endsound id" directive back to the server when the sound finishes playing, unless it was interrupted with stopSound() or stopAllSounds().

path - the relative path to the sound file, in any supported format, including midi.
id - the unique ID of this sound. It has to be unique, so you can't use (for example) the hashcode of the path to the file, since more than one of the same sound may be playing at once. Usually you pass the hashcode of the object that emitted the sound.
repeats - number of times the client should repeat the piece before stopping and sending a notification back to the server. A value of 0 means don't repeat; just play the track once. A value of -1 means repeat indefinitely, until explicitly stopped.
repeatDelay - number of milliseconds to pause between repeats, if we're repeating. Negative values are interpreted as zero (no delay).
gain - the volume for this track, from 0.0 to 1.0. Values outside the range are clipped to 0.0 or 1.0.


public void stopSound(java.lang.String id)
Stops the specified sound effect.

id - the unique ID of the sound effect. The client will not send an "#endsound" back to the server.


public void stopAllSounds()
Stops all of the currently playing sounds on the client. Does not stop the background music or any currently-playing alerts. No notifications are sent back from theclient.


public void setSoundGain(java.lang.String id,
                         double gain)
Sets the volume of a particular sound playing on the client.

gain - the new background music gain, from 0.0 to 1.0
id - the unique track ID for the sound to modify


public void pauseSound(java.lang.String id)
Pauses a particular sound. The sound will stop playing on the client, and resume when we call resumeSound() with this track id. If the sound is stopped with stop() after pausing it, then it cannot be resumed, and will ignore the resumeSound() request.

id - the unique track id of the sound to resume


public void resumeSound(java.lang.String id)
Resumes a particular sound. The sound will resume on the client, unless it was stopped after it was paused.

id - the unique track id of the sound to resume