Interface CommandEvent

All Superinterfaces:
Broadcaster, PropertyList
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CommandEvent
extends PropertyList, Broadcaster

Every command is turned into a CommandEvent that goes into some Commandable's event queue, to be executed later by the game scheduler.

1.0, May 17, 1998
Steve Yegge

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Method Summary
 boolean checkVeto()
          If the event is vetoed, sends the event's failureMessage() to the event's agent.
 boolean fail()
          Issues the event's failure-message to the event's agent.
 java.util.List findAllMatches(Commandable agent, Predicate p)
          Finds all objects in the map, adjacent to or beneath the agent, that match the passed predicate.
 GameObject findByHashcode(java.lang.String hashcode)
          Looks for an object by its hashcode.
 GameObject findInMap(Commandable agent, Predicate p)
          Searches for an object matching the specified predicate.
 GameObject findNeighbor(Commandable agent, Predicate pred)
          Searches for an object on the ground under and adjacent to the agent.
 GameObject findObject(Commandable agent, Predicate p)
          Searches for an object matching the specified predicate.
 GameObject findTarget(Commandable agent, Predicate match)
          Searches for an object matching the specified predicate.
 Commandable getAgent()
          Get the agent associated with this command event - usually a player or monster, but it can be anything with an event queue (such as a spell).
 java.lang.String[] getArgs()
          Gets the arguments to this command, split into an array.
 java.lang.String getArgString()
          Gets the arguments to the command as a whitespace-delimited string.
 long getDelay()
          Returns the delay associated with this event.
 java.lang.String getFailureMessage()
          Returns the "failure" message for this event.
 CommandFilter[] getFilterObjects()
          Returns the parsed CommandFilter objects that will be applied to the message for this event.
 java.lang.String[] getFilters()
          Returns the filter strings being applied to this event.
 Command getHandler()
          Returns the Command that will handle this event, if the Command is different from the one that created the event.
 GameMap getMap()
          Returns the map where this event is taking place.
 java.lang.String getOriginalText()
          Returns the original text for this command event, before removing aliases, prepositions, etc.
 java.io.File getRedirectFile()
          Returns the file that we're redirecting output to, if any.
 java.lang.String getSuccessMessage()
          Returns the "success" message for this event.
 java.lang.String getVerb()
          Returns the command verb for this event.
 boolean hasArgs()
          Returns true if there were any arguments to the event.
 boolean isAppending()
          Returns true if the redirect-to-file operator was "+>>" or ">>".
 boolean isModified()
          Returns true if this event has been modified by a hook callback.
 boolean isMonster()
          Returns true if the event's agent is a Monster (not a player).
 boolean isPlayer()
          Returns true if the event's agent is a Player (or wizard).
 boolean isPlayerOriginated()
          Returns true if a player actually typed in this command.
 boolean isRedirecting()
          True if there was a redirect operator detected at the end of the command: ">", ">>", "+>", or "+>>".
 boolean isSendingToAgent()
          Returns true if the redirect operator included a "+" to send the output to the agent as well.
 boolean isVetoed()
          Returns true if this event has been vetoed by someone.
 boolean isWizard()
          Returns true if the event's agent is a Wizard.
 void message(java.lang.String msg)
          Sends a message to the event's agent.
 void message(java.lang.String msg, byte style)
          Sends a message to the event's agent, in the specified TextStyle.
 boolean noArgs()
          Returns true if there were no arguments to the event.
 void runPostHooks(boolean success)
          Runs one of the event's post hooks. 99.9% of the time this is called by the game kernel after execute() runs.
 void runPreHooks()
          Runs the event's pre-hooks.
 GameObject searchInv(Predicate p)
          Searches the agent's inventory for the first object matching the passed Predicate.
 GameObject searchInvAndMapNearby(Predicate p)
          Searches for an object matching the specified predicate.
 GameObject searchInvAndMapUnder(Predicate p)
          Searches for an object matching the specified predicate.
 GameObject searchInvByHashcode(java.lang.String hashcode)
          Searches the agent's inventory for an object with the specified hashcode.
 GameObject searchMapNearby(Predicate p)
          Searches for an object on the ground under and adjacent to the agent.
 GameObject searchMapUnder(Predicate p)
          Searches for an object matching the specified predicate.
 GameObject searchMapUnderByHashcode(java.lang.String hashcode)
          Searches agent's inventory and the ground under the agent for an object with the specified hashcode.
 void setAgent(Commandable agent)
          Sets the agent for this event.
 void setArgs(java.lang.String[] args)
          Sets the arguments for this command.
 void setDelay(long delay)
          Sets the delay time to wait after this event is executed.
 void setFailureMessage(java.lang.String message)
          Sets the "failure" message for this event.
 void setHandler(Command handler)
          Sets the Command that will handle this event.
 void setMap(GameMap map)
          Sets the map where this event is taking place.
 void setModified(boolean modified)
          Sets the "modified" flag for this event.
 void setOriginalText(java.lang.String newText)
          This method is here for the sake of completeness, but it's not recommended that objects change the original text of a command, as other objects may rely on it.
 void setPlayerOriginated(boolean b)
          Sets the event flag indicating that this command was originated by a player.
 void setSuccessMessage(java.lang.String message)
          Sets the "success" message for this event.
 void setVerb(java.lang.String verb)
          Convenience method; when constructing an event, a Command should set the verb; otherwise it'll have to be deduced from the command text, and the guess could be incorrect.
 void setVeto(boolean veto)
          Sets the veto-flag for this event.
 CommandEvent veto(java.lang.String msg)
          Sets the veto flag and the failure message for the event.
Methods inherited from interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
addProperty, addTransientProperty, adjustDoubleProperty, adjustIntProperty, adjustLongProperty, adjustTransientDoubleProperty, adjustTransientIntProperty, adjustTransientLongProperty, countLocalProperties, getDoubleProperty, getInheritedProperty, getIntProperty, getLocalProperties, getLocalProperty, getLongProperty, getParent, getPersistentDoubleProperty, getPersistentIntProperty, getPersistentLocalProperties, getPersistentLongProperty, getPersistentProperty, getProperties, getProperties, getPropertiesIncludingTransients, getPropertiesIncludingTransients, getProperty, getSerializableProperties, getSerializableProperty, getStringProperty, getTransientDoubleProperty, getTransientIntProperty, getTransientLongProperty, getTransientProperties, getTransientProperty, hasLocalProperty, hasPersistentProperty, hasProperty, hasTransientProperty, inheritProperty, isReadOnly, isRemoved, isTransientlyRemoved, printLocalProperties, printProperties, printProperties, printTransientProperties, removeProperty, removeTransientProperty, setDoubleProperty, setIntProperty, setLongProperty, setParent, setProperty, setReadOnly, setTransientDoubleProperty, setTransientIntProperty, setTransientLongProperty, setTransientProperty, toString, transientlyRemoveProperty
Methods inherited from interface wyvern.lib.Broadcaster
broadcast, broadcast, broadcast, broadcast, broadcast

Method Detail


public Commandable getAgent()
Get the agent associated with this command event - usually a player or monster, but it can be anything with an event queue (such as a spell).

the agent for this event


public void setAgent(Commandable agent)
Sets the agent for this event. Normally set only once, by the object that creates the event, but a hook object that knows what it's doing can change it if necessary. Changing it may have weird effects; the event will try to act as if the new agent executed it (e.g. if you change it to a different player, that player will execute the command.) There's no guarantee it will work in any given situation; the hook object has to combine a bit of knowledge and a bit of luck to make it work.

agent - the new agent to perform the command


public void setMap(GameMap map)
Sets the map where this event is taking place. Normally this isn't necessary, because getMap() will use the agent's map. However, if the agent isn't in a map, or the event is supposed to be taking place in a map other than the agent's location, you can set the map explicitly.

map - the GameMap where the event is happening. This is primarily important for where the map-hooks for the event will be run.


public GameMap getMap()
Returns the map where this event is taking place. Usually (but not always) the agent's current map.

the map where the map-hooks are being run. Note that the map pre-hook and post-hook could be run in different maps, if someone called setMap() in a pre-hook or execute(). Also note that the value returned may be null, if the event's agent isn't currently in a map, and nobody has called setMap() for this event.


public void setHandler(Command handler)
Sets the Command that will handle this event. Normally the Command handling the event is the same as the one that created the event, but not always. The game engine will check to see if this has changed before calling the handler to execute the event.

handler - the new Command to execute the command


public Command getHandler()
Returns the Command that will handle this event, if the Command is different from the one that created the event.

This is a somewhat rare occurrence; an example is the "move" command, which can result in a move, a push, an attack, or other events depending on the context. One Command will create the initial MoveEvent, and it may be transmogrified into an AttackEvent or other event, which requires a new handler to execute it.

This is the method the game engine calls to see if someone called setHandler() on the event during the hook callbacks.

the Command to handle the event, or null to default to the Command that created the event.


public java.lang.String getOriginalText()
Returns the original text for this command event, before removing aliases, prepositions, etc.

the original text of the command


public void setOriginalText(java.lang.String newText)
This method is here for the sake of completeness, but it's not recommended that objects change the original text of a command, as other objects may rely on it.


public java.lang.String getVerb()
Returns the command verb for this event.

the first (and sometimes only) word of the command text


public void setVerb(java.lang.String verb)
Convenience method; when constructing an event, a Command should set the verb; otherwise it'll have to be deduced from the command text, and the guess could be incorrect. It's set in the EventImpl constructor to the first word of the original text - the Command only needs to change it if this isn't the correct verb to use. (It almost always is).

verb - the command verb (e.g. "move")


public java.lang.String[] getArgs()
Gets the arguments to this command, split into an array. This array is produced during the call to event.parse().

the arg array, null if the command had no arguments.


public boolean noArgs()
Returns true if there were no arguments to the event.

true if the command no arguments, false if there were any non-whitespace characters following the command verb.


public boolean hasArgs()
Returns true if there were any arguments to the event.

opposite of noArgs()


public void setArgs(java.lang.String[] args)
Sets the arguments for this command. An Command usually does all its argument-parsing in the createEvent() method, before the event is passed to the hooks, so setting the args in a hook callback may have no effect. Some event classes (if their documentation says so) may re-check the arg array during execute() to see if it changed, but this is rare. Usually a hook callback will modify the target of the event directly, rather than the arguments naming the target.

args - the arguments to use to interpret the command


public java.lang.String getArgString()
Gets the arguments to the command as a whitespace-delimited string.

the argument string, basically everything after the command verb. Returns null if there were no args.


public void message(java.lang.String msg)
Sends a message to the event's agent. Equivalent to event.getAgent().message(), except that it can be intercepted by ">" or "|" operators in the command. I.e. if you use event.message() instead of agent.message(), you can redirect the output to a file, or filter it for lines matching a specific string or regular expression.

msg - the message to print.


public void message(java.lang.String msg,
                    byte style)
Sends a message to the event's agent, in the specified TextStyle. Can be redirected or piped the same way the one-arg message() function can.

msg - the message
style - the Kernel.TextStyle constant


public void setVeto(boolean veto)
Sets the veto-flag for this event. Normally, you don't call this method directly, but instead call veto (msg). This is because the first thing a Command typically does when executing an event is check the veto flag, and if it's set, issues the event's failure message to the agent. So if you set the veto, you normally set an appropriate failure-msg in the event as well. veto(msg) does just this.

If you want to use the default failure message, you can call this method to set the flag. This method can also be used to clear the veto flag, meaning you want to un-veto the event.

veto - true to veto the event.


public boolean isVetoed()
Returns true if this event has been vetoed by someone.

true if the event was vetoed; false if not.


public boolean checkVeto()
If the event is vetoed, sends the event's failureMessage() to the event's agent. This is a useful call to make at the beginning of every CommandEvent's execute() method.

true if event was vetoed


public CommandEvent veto(java.lang.String msg)
Sets the veto flag and the failure message for the event.

msg - the failure message to send to the agent (i.e. the reason for vetoing the event).
this event object, primarily for syntactic sugaring. It allows you to say "return event.veto(msg)", which you'll do often, as vetoing the event is usually cause for returning from the createEvent() handler.


public void setSuccessMessage(java.lang.String message)
Sets the "success" message for this event. Typically set only once, by the Command creating the event. However, hook callbacks may change it where appropriate.

message - the message to display if the event succeeds.


public java.lang.String getSuccessMessage()
Returns the "success" message for this event. Used by the Command when it completes the event successfully and is ready to display feedback to the client. EventImpl subclasses may have more than one success message, and should provide getter and setter methods for the other messages.

the message to display if the event succeeds.


public void setFailureMessage(java.lang.String message)
Sets the "failure" message for this event. Typically set only once, by the Command creating the event. However, hook callbacks may change it where appropriate.

message - the message to display if the event fails.


public java.lang.String getFailureMessage()
Returns the "failure" message for this event. Used by the Command to display feedback to the agent when the command fails.


public void setModified(boolean modified)
Sets the "modified" flag for this event. HookCallbacks should be careful to set this flag if they change any parameters in the event that might invalidate the conditions for which the event is legal. For example, a callback changing the direction a player moves should set this flag, or the player could wind up walking into a wall.
modified - true to mark the event as modified


public boolean isModified()
Returns true if this event has been modified by a hook callback.

true if the event parameters were modified.


public void setDelay(long delay)
Sets the delay time to wait after this event is executed. The delay corresponds to how long it took the agent to perform the action.

delay - the command delay in milliseconds


public long getDelay()
Returns the delay associated with this event.

the total delay for this command, in millis


public boolean isPlayerOriginated()
Returns true if a player actually typed in this command.

true if command was originated by a player. If false, the command was placed in the queue by the game engine.


public void setPlayerOriginated(boolean b)
Sets the event flag indicating that this command was originated by a player. Gives us a way to prevent the player from typing in the name of a game command that they shouldn't be able to originate (e.g. "teleport").

b - true if it was originated by a user, via the client.


public GameObject findNeighbor(Commandable agent,
                               Predicate pred)
Searches for an object on the ground under and adjacent to the agent. The squares are not guaranteed to be searched in any particular order. The search may intermix squares beneath the agent with squares adjacent to the agent.

NOTE: If you're coding a command that looks for a target at the agent's feet first, use findObject() instead. Otherwise you'll get weird bugs if there's an item with the same name next to the agent, since this may find that one first.

agent - the GameObject to look around
pred - a Predicate to use for searching the map
the first matching object, or null if not found


public GameObject findObject(Commandable agent,
                             Predicate p)
Searches for an object matching the specified predicate. Uses the following search order:
  1. The agent's inventory.
  2. The ground beneath the agent.
  3. All squares immediately adjacent to the agent.

agent - the agent to check (must be in a map)
p - the predicate used to tell which object to grab.
the first matching object, or null if not found


public GameObject findTarget(Commandable agent,
                             Predicate match)
Searches for an object matching the specified predicate. Uses the following search order:
  1. The agent's inventory.
  2. The ground beneath the agent.
Unlike findObject() and findNeighbor(), this method doesn't look in squares adjacent the agent.

agent - the agent to look near
match - the predicate to use to locate the object
the first GameObject found that passes the predicate, or null if none was found.


public GameObject findInMap(Commandable agent,
                            Predicate p)
Searches for an object matching the specified predicate. Only looks in the map immediately beneath the agent.

agent - the agent to check (must be in a map)
p - the predicate used to tell which object to grab.
the first matching object, or null if not found


public GameObject findByHashcode(java.lang.String hashcode)
Looks for an object by its hashcode. Checks inventory first, then the ground beneath the agent. Used when manipulating objects in ground or inventory with the mouse.

hashcode - the hash code of the object to retrieve
the object, if found, else null


public java.util.List findAllMatches(Commandable agent,
                                     Predicate p)
Finds all objects in the map, adjacent to or beneath the agent, that match the passed predicate.

agent - the agent to check (must be in a map)
p - the predicate used to tell which object to grab.
all matching objects, or an empty list if none are found


public GameObject searchInv(Predicate p)
Searches the agent's inventory for the first object matching the passed Predicate.

p - a predicate to test the objects in inventory
the first object in the agent's inventory for which the passed predicate returns true, or null if none matched


public GameObject searchMapUnder(Predicate p)
Searches for an object matching the specified predicate. Only looks in the map immediately beneath the agent.

p - the predicate used to tell which object to grab.
the first matching object, or null if not found


public GameObject searchMapNearby(Predicate p)
Searches for an object on the ground under and adjacent to the agent. The squares are not guaranteed to be searched in any particular order. The search may intermix squares beneath the agent with squares adjacent to the agent.

NOTE: If you're coding a command that looks for a target at the agent's feet first, use findObject() instead. Otherwise you'll get weird bugs if there's an item with the same name next to the agent, since this may find that one first.

p - a Predicate to use for searching the map
the first matching object, or null if not found


public GameObject searchInvAndMapUnder(Predicate p)
Searches for an object matching the specified predicate. Uses the following search order:
  1. The agent's inventory.
  2. The ground beneath the agent.
Only looks beneath the agent, not in adjacent squares.

p - the predicate to use to locate the object
the first GameObject found that passes the predicate, or null if none was found.


public GameObject searchInvAndMapNearby(Predicate p)
Searches for an object matching the specified predicate. Uses the following search order:
  1. The agent's inventory.
  2. The ground beneath the agent.
  3. All squares immediately adjacent to the agent.

p - the predicate used to tell which object to grab.
the first matching object, or null if not found


public GameObject searchInvByHashcode(java.lang.String hashcode)
Searches the agent's inventory for an object with the specified hashcode.

hashcode - the object's hashcode, as a string
the object, or null if not found


public GameObject searchMapUnderByHashcode(java.lang.String hashcode)
Searches agent's inventory and the ground under the agent for an object with the specified hashcode.

hashcode - the object's hashcode, as a string
the object, or null if not found


public void runPostHooks(boolean success)
Runs one of the event's post hooks. 99.9% of the time this is called by the game kernel after execute() runs. The return value from execute() is passed into this method along with the agent. However, in certain very rare cases, the event has to run its own post-hooks. For example, the DeathEvent kills a monster, which destroys its hook-list, so the game kernel can't run the post-hooks - so DeathEvent does it manually in the execute() method.

success - true to run the post hook, false for failed hook


public void runPreHooks()
Runs the event's pre-hooks.


public boolean isRedirecting()
True if there was a redirect operator detected at the end of the command: ">", ">>", "+>", or "+>>". Only Wizards can do this.

true if the agent specified a redirect for the output of this command


public boolean isAppending()
Returns true if the redirect-to-file operator was "+>>" or ">>".

true if the redirect had a "+" in it


public boolean isSendingToAgent()
Returns true if the redirect operator included a "+" to send the output to the agent as well.

true if the redirection is going to the agent


public java.io.File getRedirectFile()
Returns the file that we're redirecting output to, if any.

the File object, if the command had a redirect (">") in it.


public java.lang.String[] getFilters()
Returns the filter strings being applied to this event.

the filters, such as "sort -r" or "wc -l". Returns null if there are no filters.


public CommandFilter[] getFilterObjects()
Returns the parsed CommandFilter objects that will be applied to the message for this event.

the CommandFilter objects, parsed from any filters such as "sort -r" or "wc -l" or "grep -i foo/bar". Returns null if there are no filters on the event output.


public boolean isPlayer()
Returns true if the event's agent is a Player (or wizard).


public boolean isWizard()
Returns true if the event's agent is a Wizard.


public boolean isMonster()
Returns true if the event's agent is a Monster (not a player).


public boolean fail()
Issues the event's failure-message to the event's agent. Equivalent to event.message(event.getFailureMessage())

false - makes it more convenient in event handlers, which can simply say "return event.fail()" if the event was vetoed.