Interface MapMotionListener

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
MotionTracker, ObjectTracker
All Known Implementing Classes:
BearTrap, FlameShield, MovableLightSource, MovableSoundSource, PitTrap, Scrying, Snooper

public interface MapMotionListener
extends java.util.EventListener

Interface that supports tracking an object as it moves around in a map.

You receive the notification after the object has finished its move. The notification happens no matter how the object was moved elsewhere in the map - moving, teleporting, blinking, or any other means.

You can get on the movePostHook for the object if you're sure you just want to know about moves. The MapMotionListener interface is more convenient if you want to track any position change for the object, regardless of how it occurred.

1.0, Oct 28, 2003
Steve Yegge

Method Summary
 void targetMoved(MapMotionEvent event)
          Notification that the target object has moved in its map.

Method Detail


public void targetMoved(MapMotionEvent event)
Notification that the target object has moved in its map.