Package wyvern.lib.event

Contains Events and EventListeners for being notified when various events happen in the Wyvern system.


Interface Summary
ContainerChangeListener Interface that supports tracking an object as it moves into and out of containers (bags and inventories).
EventErrorHandler Interface that supports being notified when your own code throws an exception in one of your EventListener handler methods.
MapAddRemoveListener Callback interface for objects wanting to know whenever any object is added to, or removed from, a GameMap.
MapChangeListener Interface supporting notification when an object enters or leaves its map.
MapLifecycleListener Listener interface for objects that want to be notified when a particular map loads, unloads, suspends, or resumes.
MapMotionListener Interface that supports tracking an object as it moves around in a map.
MapPlayerListener Listener interface for objects wanting to know when any player enters a map, leaves the map, or moves in the map, for a specific map.
MessageListener Interface supporting notification when a player receives a text message via the Commandable.message() call.
MotionTracker Convenience interface combining MapChangeListener and MapMotionTracker.
ObjectTracker A convenience interface that combines MapChangeListener, MapMotionListener, and ContainerChangeListener.

Class Summary
ContainerChangeAdapter An abstract adapter class for receiving container-change events.
ContainerChangeEvent Event fired when an object being tracked by a ContainerChangeListener is added to, or removed from, a Container.
MapChangeAdapter An abstract adapter class for receiving map change events.
MapChangeEvent An event that indicates that an object has entered or left its map.
MapLifecycleAdapter An abstract adapter class for receiving map lifecycle events.
MapLifecycleEvent A notification that's delivered on major map events, such as done loading, suspend, resume, and unload.
MapMotionEvent Event fired when an object being tracked by a MapMotionListener moves in a map.
MapPlayerAdapter Adapter class you can use if you're only interested in a specific type of MapPlayerEvent (entered, moved, left).
MapPlayerEvent A notification sent to objects when any player enters the map, leaves the map, or moves in the map.
MessageEvent Event encapsulating the delivery of a text message to a player.

Package wyvern.lib.event Description

Contains Events and EventListeners for being notified when various events happen in the Wyvern system.

Wyvern has lots of notification types:

We're trying to deprecate the use of method-hooks, at least in the core game engine, and replace them with "strongly-typed" event notifications. A tutorial is in the works on how all the different notifications are used in Wyvern.