Package wyvern.lib.commands.autobag

Interface Summary

Class Summary
AutobagCommand Provides the "autobag" command, which lets you set up and administer rules (similar to mail-filtering rules) that automatically place objects in bags according to user-specified criteria.
AutobagConditions Encapsulates a set of conditions for autobagging an item.
AutobagRule Encapsulates a single Autobag rule, including the rule name, the conditions for activating this rule, and the bag(s) to put the items in when the rule is activated.
AutobagRules A persistent list of autobag rules.
BagList An ordered list of bags to insert items into.
EnableSubCommand Handles enabling/disabling autobag rules.
SimpleCharStream An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
Token Describes the input token stream.

Exception Summary
ParseException This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.

Error Summary