Package wyvern.lib.commands

Provides the implementations of nearly all the standard game commands.


Interface Summary
LookCommand.LookOverride Interface for objects that want to provide a custom description, depending on who looks at them.

Class Summary
AliasCommand Lets users set their own persistent server-side aliases.
ApplyCommand Command to apply something.
AppraiseCommand Handles expert appraisal of various items.
AtmosphereCommands This class handles performing standard atmospheres.
Atmospheres Handles reading an atmosphere list from an XML file.
AudioCommand Controls sound and music settings for your client.
AutoGrabCommand Allows the user to control settings on what things they pick up automatically.
BugCommand This command allows the user to log a bug.
CastCommand Handles casting spells.
CastEvent An event that encapsulates a player trying to cast a spell, either using the "cast" command, or using a magic item.
DrinkCommand This command lets you drink something, e.g. a potion.
DropCommand Drops an item from the agent's inventory.
EatCommand This command lets you eat something.
EchoCommand This command allows users to turn on & off command echo.
EmoteCommand Built-in command for letting a user emote something to everyone nearby.
FireCommand "Fires" the currently readied Readyable item (spell, range weapon, etc.)
FriendsCommand Manages a list of friends.
GetFromCommand This Command handles "get from " - e.g. pulling an item from a bag.
GiveCommand Implements giving something to someone.
HelpCommand Prints help message
InvCommand Displays inventory contents in the server output window.
ItemDesc This class encapsulates an item description, including the string description and the item number.
LastCommand Shows last shouts, tells, wiz-tells, etc.
LockPickCommand Implements the "pick-locks" thieving skill.
LockPickCommand.LockablePredicate A predicate that checks whether an object is lockable.
LockPickCommand.LockedPredicate A predicate that checks whether an object is locked.
LookCommand Built-in command to examine something.
MiscCommands Implements miscellaneous simple administrative commands.
MonitorCommand Turns on & off hp/sp monitoring.
MouseCommand This is the default handler for mouse commands.
MouseCommandEvent Class encapsulating a game mouse event.
OfferCommand Implements a safe-trading system.
OpenCommand Handles open, close, lock and unlock.
OrderCommand Lets you order something from a tavern menu.
PickupCommand Handles "get {item}" and "get all" commands.
PickupEvent Encapsulates the parameters for the "get" command.
PutCommand This class implements "put" - for putting things in containers.
QuitCommand User wants to bail.
ReadCommand This command lets you read something.
ReadyCommand This command handler checks to see if the argument is Readyable, and if so, sends it the appropriate notification messages.
SayCommand Built-in command for letting a user say something to everyone nearby.
SayEvent Event generated when someone says something with "say" or "nofilter".
ScoreCommand Prints score in various formats.
SearchCommand Built-in command to search for a hidden item such as a secret door or a trap.
ShoutCommand Sends a message to every player on the game.
ShoutEvent Encapsulates a player shout.
ShowCommand Shows players subsets of their inventory.
SkillsCommand Handles the "skills" command, which prints information about the player's current skills (including points from magical bonuses).
SpellCommand Prints spells that you know.
StartupCommand Allows you to specify commands that run when you log in.
TalkCommand This class implements the command "talk" by looking around for a monster that has a "talker" property.
TellCommand Built-in command for executing a "tell".
TellCommand.Tell Encapsulates a tell, for the "tells" command.
ThrowCommand This command lets you throw something.
TrainCommand Trains a player in a given skill.
TurnCommand This built-in Command handles the "turn" command.
VerboseCommand Prints lots of text when you move around - normally only useful when you're running the telnet client.
VerboseCommand.Verboser A bean property that produces verbose output whenever you move.
WaitCommand Handles pausing for a specified amount of time.
WarnCommand A simple player-warning system.
WhisperCommand Built-in command to handle whispering to someone.
WhoCommand This class shows the player a list of players on the game.

Package wyvern.lib.commands Description

Provides the implementations of nearly all the standard game commands.

Every command in the game has a special handler for it, called an