Class PickupEvent

  extended bywyvern.kernel.properties.PList
      extended bywyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
          extended bywyvern.kernel.commands.TargetedEvent
              extended bywyvern.lib.commands.PickupEvent
All Implemented Interfaces:
Broadcaster, CommandEvent, PropertyList

public class PickupEvent
extends TargetedEvent

Encapsulates the parameters for the "get" command.

1.0, Nov 05, 1997
Steve Yegge

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class wyvern.kernel.commands.TargetedEvent
cloneError_, location_, quantity_, target_, targetName_
Fields inherited from class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
agent_, appendToFile_, argString_, argStringParsed_, argv_, argvParsed_, delay_, failureMessage_, filterObjects_, filters_, handler_, map_, modified_, originalText_, playerOriginated_, redirectFile_, redirecting_, sendToAgent_, successMessage_, verb_, vetoed_, wizParsed_
Fields inherited from class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
Fields inherited from interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Constructor Summary
PickupEvent(CommandEvent event)
          Constructs a new PickupEvent
PickupEvent(java.lang.String originalText, Commandable agent)
          Constructs a new standard PickupEvent.
Method Summary
 void addGetAllObject(GameObject obj)
          Used by "get all" processing to indicate that a particular object was successfully picked up by the agent.
 boolean findTargetOrVeto()
          Looks for the target object to pick up.
 java.util.Set getAllObjects()
          Returns the set of all the objects the agent picked up via "get all".
 GameObject getFinalTarget()
          Returns the object that was finally added to the agent's inventory after the event completes.
 Predicate getPredicate()
          Returns the predicate to use for determining whether an object can be picked up.
 Point getTargetStartLocation()
          Returns initial reference location for the target object
 boolean isGetAll()
          Returns true if the event is a "get all" command.
 void setIsGetAll(boolean all)
          Sets the flag indicating whether this is a "get all" command.
 void setPredicate(Predicate p)
          Sets the predicate used to determine whether an object can be picked up.
 void setTargetStartLocation(Point targetStartLocation)
          Sets initial reference location for the target object
 boolean takingWholeObject()
          Returns true if they're picking up the whole object, or the whole stack if it's a stack.
Methods inherited from class wyvern.kernel.commands.TargetedEvent
getCloneErrorMsg, getLocation, getQuantity, getTarget, getTargetName, hasTarget, isQuantified, isTargetSpecifiedByHashcode, setLocation, setQuantified, setQuantity, setTarget, setTargetName
Methods inherited from class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
broadcast, broadcast, broadcast, broadcast, broadcast, checkVeto, fail, filterMessage, findAllMatches, findByHashcode, findInMap, findNeighbor, findObject, findTarget, getAgent, getArgs, getArgString, getDelay, getFailureMessage, getFilterObjects, getFilters, getHandler, getMap, getOriginalText, getRedirectFile, getSuccessMessage, getVerb, hasArgs, isAppending, isModified, isMonster, isPlayer, isPlayerOriginated, isRedirecting, isSendingToAgent, isVetoed, isWizard, main, message, message, noArgs, parseArgString, parseARGV, parseVerb, profileParsing, redirectMessage, runPostHooks, runPreHooks, searchInv, searchInvAndMapNearby, searchInvAndMapUnder, searchInvByHashcode, searchMapNearby, searchMapUnder, searchMapUnderByHashcode, setAgent, setArgs, setDelay, setFailureMessage, setHandler, setMap, setModified, setOriginalText, setPlayerOriginated, setSuccessMessage, setVerb, setVeto, toString, veto
Methods inherited from class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
addProperty, addTransientProperty, adjustDoubleProperty, adjustIntProperty, adjustLongProperty, adjustTransientDoubleProperty, adjustTransientIntProperty, adjustTransientLongProperty, countLocalProperties, debugProperties, dismantlePropertyList, getDoubleProperty, getInheritedProperty, getInteger, getIntProperty, getLocalProperties, getLocalProperty, getLongProperty, getParent, getPersistentDoubleProperty, getPersistentIntProperty, getPersistentLocalProperties, getPersistentLongProperty, getPersistentProperty, getProfilingInfo, getProperties, getProperties, getPropertiesIncludingTransients, getPropertiesIncludingTransients, getProperty, getSerializableProperties, getSerializableProperty, getStringProperty, getTransientDoubleProperty, getTransientIntProperty, getTransientLongProperty, getTransientProperties, getTransientProperty, hasLocalProperty, hasPersistentProperty, hasProperty, hasTransientProperty, inheritProperty, isReadOnly, isRemoved, isTransientlyRemoved, printLocalProperties, printProperties, printProperties, printTransientProperties, removeProperty, removeTransientProperty, setDoubleProperty, setIntProperty, setLongProperty, setParent, setProperty, setReadOnly, setTransientDoubleProperty, setTransientIntProperty, setTransientLongProperty, setTransientProperty, toString, transientlyRemoveProperty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
addProperty, addTransientProperty, adjustDoubleProperty, adjustIntProperty, adjustLongProperty, adjustTransientDoubleProperty, adjustTransientIntProperty, adjustTransientLongProperty, countLocalProperties, getDoubleProperty, getInheritedProperty, getIntProperty, getLocalProperties, getLocalProperty, getLongProperty, getParent, getPersistentDoubleProperty, getPersistentIntProperty, getPersistentLocalProperties, getPersistentLongProperty, getPersistentProperty, getProperties, getProperties, getPropertiesIncludingTransients, getPropertiesIncludingTransients, getProperty, getSerializableProperties, getSerializableProperty, getStringProperty, getTransientDoubleProperty, getTransientIntProperty, getTransientLongProperty, getTransientProperties, getTransientProperty, hasLocalProperty, hasPersistentProperty, hasProperty, hasTransientProperty, inheritProperty, isReadOnly, isRemoved, isTransientlyRemoved, printLocalProperties, printProperties, printProperties, printTransientProperties, removeProperty, removeTransientProperty, setDoubleProperty, setIntProperty, setLongProperty, setParent, setProperty, setReadOnly, setTransientDoubleProperty, setTransientIntProperty, setTransientLongProperty, setTransientProperty, toString, transientlyRemoveProperty

Constructor Detail


public PickupEvent(CommandEvent event)
Constructs a new PickupEvent


public PickupEvent(java.lang.String originalText,
                   Commandable agent)
Constructs a new standard PickupEvent.

Method Detail


public Predicate getPredicate()
Returns the predicate to use for determining whether an object can be picked up.

the predicate


public void setPredicate(Predicate p)
Sets the predicate used to determine whether an object can be picked up.

p - the Predicate to use to see if it can be picked up. Used during event creation, so it doesn't do any good to set this during a hook callback. If necessary you can pass the event target through your own predicate and veto the event if the target can't be picked up for some reason.


public void setIsGetAll(boolean all)
Sets the flag indicating whether this is a "get all" command.

all - true to "get all".


public boolean isGetAll()
Returns true if the event is a "get all" command.


public boolean findTargetOrVeto()
Looks for the target object to pick up. If not found, vetoes the event with an appropriate message for the player.

true if we found the target, false if it was vetoed


public Point getTargetStartLocation()
Returns initial reference location for the target object

initial reference location for the target object


public void setTargetStartLocation(Point targetStartLocation)
Sets initial reference location for the target object

targetStartLocation - initial reference location for the target object


public GameObject getFinalTarget()
Returns the object that was finally added to the agent's inventory after the event completes. If the agent took the whole object (or stack), it's the same as the event target. If the agent only took part of a stack, this returns the part they took. If the event failed, returns null.

the object added to the agent's inventory, if any. If they got part of a stack, it's a clone of the original, and both quantities are set appropriately.


public boolean takingWholeObject()
Returns true if they're picking up the whole object, or the whole stack if it's a stack.


public void addGetAllObject(GameObject obj)
Used by "get all" processing to indicate that a particular object was successfully picked up by the agent. All such objects are kept in a list you can obtain, after the event executes, via getAllObjects().

obj - an object the agent picked up during "get all" processing


public java.util.Set getAllObjects()
Returns the set of all the objects the agent picked up via "get all". They're not in any particular order.

the set of objects the agent picked up. Returns an empty set if the agent didn't pick anything up successfully, or if it wasn't a "get all" event. You can test the latter via event.isGetAll().