Class MovableSoundSource

  extended bywyvern.lib.properties.SimpleSound
      extended bywyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource
All Implemented Interfaces:
AddRemoveNotify, Alert, ContainerChangeListener, java.util.EventListener, HookCallback, MapChangeListener, MapMotionListener, MethodHookCallback, Music, MutableProperty, ObjectTracker, Sound, Subscriber

public final class MovableSoundSource
extends SimpleSound
implements Sound, Subscriber, HookCallback, MethodHookCallback, ObjectTracker, AddRemoveNotify, MutableProperty

An object responsible for managing a single instance of a sound. It keeps track of who can currently hear it, and if they get out of range, it makes sure they stop hearing it.

Every sound is logically attached to an owner, which must be a GameObject. If you want your map to have sounds, you need to create (possibly invisible) objects in the map that emit and manage the sounds, each of which has a MovableSoundSource property.

1.0, Jul 21, 2003
Steve Yegge

Field Summary
protected  java.util.List listeners_
          The list of players who can currently hear the sound.
protected  GameObject owner_
          The thing that's emitting the sound: a player, a harp, a music box, or anything else.
protected  int repeatDelay_
          Number of milliseconds to pause between repeats.
protected  int repeats_
          Number of times to repeat the sound before stopping. 0 = only play once.
protected  java.lang.String subject_
          The pubsub subject we listen for, to get a notification that the endsound came in from a client.
Fields inherited from class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleSound
gain_, path_
Fields inherited from interface wyvern.lib.Music
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new MovableSoundSource.
MovableSoundSource(java.lang.String path, GameObject owner)
          Constructs a new MovableSoundSource.
Method Summary
protected  void addHooks(GameObject agent)
          Registers hooks for a particular player, or the owner object.
 void addListener(Player player)
          Adds a player to the set of players who can hear this sound.
 void broadcast()
          Broadcasts this sound to all the players within earshot of the owner.
 java.lang.Object createClone()
          Creates a clone of this object.
 java.lang.String getID()
          Returns the unique ID for this sound.
 GameObject getOwner()
          Returns the object that's emitting this sound.
 java.lang.String getPath()
          Returns the path to the sound file for this MovableSoundSource.
 java.lang.String getPropName()
          Returns the name of the property we store ourselves under automatically.
 int getRepeatDelay()
          Returns delay in millis between repeats
 int getRepeats()
          Returns number of times to repeat before stopping and sending a notification to the server that we're done.
 java.lang.String getStopSubject()
          Pubsub subject for notification from the client when the sound has finished playing.
 void hookEvent(java.lang.String hookName, CommandEvent event)
          Hooks move and teleport for listeners, so we can adjust the sound volume.
 void methodCalled(java.lang.String hookName, MethodHookable target, java.lang.Object data)
          Owner was added to or removed from its map.
 void notifyAdd(PropertyList list)
          This sound has been added to a GameObject.
 void notifyRemove(PropertyList list)
          We've been removed from the owner's property list.
 void playerLeft(Player p)
          Removes a player from the set of people who can hear this sound.
 void pubsubMessage(Message m)
          We got an #endsound message from the client, with our track ID in it.
protected  void removeHooks(GameObject agent)
          Removes hooks for a particular player, or the owner object.
 void removeListener(java.lang.String name)
          Removes a player from our list of people who can hear the sound.
 void setCleanupOnStop()
          Tells the sound source that as soon as it stops, it should unlink itself from its owner.
 void setOwner(GameObject owner)
          Sets the owner for this sound.
 void setPath(java.lang.String path)
          Sets the path on this sound source.
 void setRepeatDelay(int repeatDelay)
          Sets delay in millis between repeats
 void setRepeats(int repeats)
          Sets number of times to repeat the music before stopping.
 void stop()
          Stops the sound.
 void targetEnteredContainer(ContainerChangeEvent event)
          Target object was added to a bag or inventory.
 void targetEnteredMap(MapChangeEvent event)
          Notification that the target object has entered a map.
 void targetLeftContainer(ContainerChangeEvent event)
          Target object was removed from a bag or inventory.
 void targetLeftMap(MapChangeEvent event)
          Notification that the target object has left its map.
 void targetMoved(MapMotionEvent event)
          Notification that the target object has moved in its map.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a debugging string.
 void unlinkFromOwner()
          Removes ourself from the owner's property list, and removes our hooks from the owner.
Methods inherited from class wyvern.lib.properties.SimpleSound
get, getGain, setGain
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface wyvern.lib.Alert
getGain, setGain

Field Detail


protected GameObject owner_
The thing that's emitting the sound: a player, a harp, a music box, or anything else.


protected java.util.List listeners_
The list of players who can currently hear the sound.


protected java.lang.String subject_
The pubsub subject we listen for, to get a notification that the endsound came in from a client.


protected int repeats_
Number of times to repeat the sound before stopping. 0 = only play once.


protected int repeatDelay_
Number of milliseconds to pause between repeats.

Constructor Detail


public MovableSoundSource()
Constructs a new MovableSoundSource. Required for using it as a Bean property. The Properties system will initialize it by calling this constructor, then setting its properties from the XML.


public MovableSoundSource(java.lang.String path,
                          GameObject owner)
Constructs a new MovableSoundSource.

owner - the owner of the sound, so if people move away from it, the sound volume decreases, and if the owner moves, the sound moves as well.
path - the relative path to the file to play, such as "music/midi/riff-harp.mid", or "wiz/foo/music/foo.wav". The file extension is required. If filename is null, the method just returns silently.
Method Detail


public void setCleanupOnStop()
Tells the sound source that as soon as it stops, it should unlink itself from its owner.


public java.lang.String getPropName()
Returns the name of the property we store ourselves under automatically.


public void setOwner(GameObject owner)
Sets the owner for this sound. Should only be called once, after instantiating the object, and not if you passed the owner into the constructor.

owner - the new owner of the sound
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the owner has already been initialized.


public void setPath(java.lang.String path)
Sets the path on this sound source.

Specified by:
setPath in interface Alert
setPath in class SimpleSound
path - the relative path to the sound file to play.


public java.lang.String getPath()
Returns the path to the sound file for this MovableSoundSource.

Specified by:
getPath in interface Alert
getPath in class SimpleSound
the relative path to the sound file to play.


public final java.lang.String getID()
Returns the unique ID for this sound. By default, it's the hashcode of the owner object.

Specified by:
getID in interface Sound


public GameObject getOwner()
Returns the object that's emitting this sound.


public java.lang.String getStopSubject()
Pubsub subject for notification from the client when the sound has finished playing. If you want to know when a particular player has finished listening to a sound, use Kernel.subscribe() with this subject string to receive the notification.

Specified by:
getStopSubject in interface Sound
a subject to listen for, via wyvern.lib.Kernel.subscribe(), that says that this particular instance of a Sound has finished playing Message body is the name of the player that notified us that the sound has stopped.

Returns null if this is not a stoppable sound, i.e. the ID is "-1".


public int getRepeats()
Returns number of times to repeat before stopping and sending a notification to the server that we're done. (Any repeats are counted as part of the track, so the client doesn't notify the server until all the repeats have finished playing.)

Specified by:
getRepeats in interface Music
number of times to repeat. 0 means don't repeat - just play one time and stop. For a repeat value of 1, the music will play a total of 2 times. A value of -1 means "repeat forever": the client will loop the music until it's stopped or changed.


public void setRepeats(int repeats)
Sets number of times to repeat the music before stopping.

Specified by:
setRepeats in interface Music
repeats - number of times to repeat. A value of zero (0) means to play the piece once and stop, with no repeats. A value of -1 means to loop continuously.


public int getRepeatDelay()
Returns delay in millis between repeats

Specified by:
getRepeatDelay in interface Music
delay in millis between repeats


public void setRepeatDelay(int repeatDelay)
Sets delay in millis between repeats

Specified by:
setRepeatDelay in interface Music
repeatDelay - delay in millis between repeats


public void notifyAdd(PropertyList list)
This sound has been added to a GameObject. Sets the list as the owner of the object.

Specified by:
notifyAdd in interface AddRemoveNotify
list - the PropertyList whose property list we're being added to


public void notifyRemove(PropertyList list)
We've been removed from the owner's property list. Stops the sound and removes all the hooks.

Specified by:
notifyRemove in interface AddRemoveNotify
list - the PropertyList we're being removed from


public void pubsubMessage(Message m)
We got an #endsound message from the client, with our track ID in it. Remove the Player from our list of listeners. We get one of these for each player who successfully finishes playing the sound.

Specified by:
pubsubMessage in interface Subscriber
m - the message whose body is the player name


public void broadcast()
Broadcasts this sound to all the players within earshot of the owner. If this sound instance was already playing, it starts over again, for everyone who could hear it. For those who can't hear it anymore, it shuts off. Keeps track of those players, and if they move out of range, or the sound moves out of range, it updates the sound for all affected players.

Configurable via properties (TBD).

Specified by:
broadcast in interface Sound


public void stop()
Stops the sound. Shuts off the sound for all the clients that can currently hear it.

Specified by:
stop in interface Sound


public void unlinkFromOwner()
Removes ourself from the owner's property list, and removes our hooks from the owner. Sets owner_ field to null.


public void addListener(Player player)
Adds a player to the set of players who can hear this sound. Adds hooks to the player, so we know when they quit. Starts listening for "endsound" pubsub messages so we know when clients have stopped playing the sound.


public void playerLeft(Player p)
Removes a player from the set of people who can hear this sound.


public void removeListener(java.lang.String name)
Removes a player from our list of people who can hear the sound.

name - the name of the player


protected void addHooks(GameObject agent)
Registers hooks for a particular player, or the owner object.


protected void removeHooks(GameObject agent)
Removes hooks for a particular player, or the owner object.


public void hookEvent(java.lang.String hookName,
                      CommandEvent event)
Hooks move and teleport for listeners, so we can adjust the sound volume.

Specified by:
hookEvent in interface HookCallback
hookName - the name of the hook, such as "movePreHook".
event - the CommandEvent encapsulating the event parameters


public void methodCalled(java.lang.String hookName,
                         MethodHookable target,
                         java.lang.Object data)
Owner was added to or removed from its map.

Specified by:
methodCalled in interface MethodHookCallback
hookName - the name of the hook being run
target - the object on which the method was invoked: a GameMap or GameObject.
data - a method-specific data object; can be null. Check the documentation for the method hook to see if any data is passed to the callbacks.


public void targetEnteredMap(MapChangeEvent event)
Description copied from interface: MapChangeListener
Notification that the target object has entered a map. Called at the end of the object's setMap() function.

Specified by:
targetEnteredMap in interface MapChangeListener


public void targetLeftMap(MapChangeEvent event)
Description copied from interface: MapChangeListener
Notification that the target object has left its map. Called at the end of the object's remove() function.

Specified by:
targetLeftMap in interface MapChangeListener


public void targetMoved(MapMotionEvent event)
Description copied from interface: MapMotionListener
Notification that the target object has moved in its map.

Specified by:
targetMoved in interface MapMotionListener


public void targetEnteredContainer(ContainerChangeEvent event)
Description copied from interface: ContainerChangeListener
Target object was added to a bag or inventory.

Specified by:
targetEnteredContainer in interface ContainerChangeListener


public void targetLeftContainer(ContainerChangeEvent event)
Description copied from interface: ContainerChangeListener
Target object was removed from a bag or inventory.

Specified by:
targetLeftContainer in interface ContainerChangeListener


public java.lang.Object createClone()
Creates a clone of this object. Used by the Archetype system while creating the owner. Makes a copy of the MovableSoundSource bean from the parent archetype, and sticks it on our owner, at which point notifyAdd() is called and we get initialized.

Specified by:
createClone in interface MutableProperty


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a debugging string.

toString in class SimpleSound