
Provides some standard properties and property values for GameObjects.


Interface Summary
Activatable Objects that can be activated use this interface.
AddRemoveNotify This interface is implemented by Bean properties that need to know when they're added to or removed from a GameObject.
Applyable Interface for objects that can be applied.
Attackable Interface for objects that can be attacked and damaged.
CounterAttack Interface for having a counter-attack when a monster is hit (such as an acid splash).
CustomAI Interface for monsters that want to participate in the AI decision process.
Damageable Interface for objects that can sustain damage.
DirectionChooser This interface is used by the property to request the appropriate directional bitmap for an object.
Dispellable Interface for things that can be dispelled.
Drinkable This interface is for things you can drink, like potions.
DropInterest This convenience interface allows the implementing object to be called when someone drops something in a square that the object overlaps.
GiveInterest Notification interface for the recipient of a gift via the GiveCommand.
Groupable This interface is for classes that want to make their own decision about whether instances can be grouped together.
HeartbeatCallback This interface allows an object to register for heartbeat notifications.
HitNotify Interface for monsters to be notified when they were hit by someone, so they can do a counterattack.
JythonBean If you want to create a Bean property in Jython, you have to have it implement this interface.
LightingConstants Interface containing some useful constants.
LightSource This interface encapsulates much of the functionality of the game's lighting model.
MouseInterest The listener interface for receiving mouse events.
Movable Interface for items that can be thrown or moved with a Projectile.
MutableProperty Bean property classes implement this interface to indicate that they shouldn't be shared.
NoApply Tagging interface used by subclasses of Teleporter (e.g.
Openable Interface for things that can be opened and closed.
PhysicalProperties This class encapsulates those physical properties of an object that don't typically change.
PickupInterest This interface is for objects that want to be notified when they're picked up or dropped.
PushInterest Callback for objects that want to know when they've been pushed.
RandomTalker Interface a monster can implement to supply its own messages during combat or normal moves.
Readable This interface is for objects that can be read, such as books, signs and scrolls.
Readyable This interface is for objects that can be Readied, such as wands and bows.
Searchable Interface for things that can be uncovered with the "search" command.
SelfExternalizable This interface tells the system that the object wants to manage the reading and writing of its property list.
Singleton This tagging interface is used by GameObjects that don't want to be instantiated by the map loader or property parser.
Targetable Indicates that the object can be "fired" in a certain direction.
WalkNotify It's common for objects to want to know when someone "steps" on them, by entering the square that they occupy.

Class Summary
AnimationParams Handles object animation.
Appearance This property encapsulates an object's bitmap & category, and updates the bitmap number (a reference into the bitmap database) every time either is changed.
AutoGrab Keeps track of which item types the user automatically picks up.
Edible Property for objects which can be eaten (or are at least intended to be eaten).
Encumbrance Constants defining the valid levels of player/monster encumbrance.
FallingDown Property to make a player "fall" towards the bottom of the screen... or some other direction.
GuildSkills The superclass of all bean property objects that implement Guild skills.
HealersCurse Property that prohibits players from entering hospitals or drinking from fountains When the property gets added or removed to the player, it registers apply and teleport hooks on the player.
Invisible Encapsulates the various definitions and types of invisibility.
ItemList This class allows a wyvern.lib.Bag implementation to serialize its contents to & from a map file.
MonsterReactions Allows a monster to react under certain circumstances.
MovableLightSource This property makes an object glow in the dark.
MovableSoundSource An object responsible for managing a single instance of a sound.
PointList This property knows how to read & write itself as a list of points.
Projectile Property to turn an object into a missile
PropertyWrapper A GameObject that stores a specific javabean object in a property called "bean-prop".
ProximityProperty A utility class that you can use if you want a property that automatically registers a proximity hook to its object, when the object is placed in a map.
QuestInfo Lets a monster or NPC be part of a quest.
SimpleLightSource This class provides a simple light that you can place in a map.
SimpleSound Implementation of wyvern.lib.Alert, the most basic sound type in Wyvern's audio framework.
Soundtrack Default implementation for the wyvern.lib.Music interface.
StringList This property knows how to read & write itself as a list of strings.
SuspendableTimer A proxy for a repeating timer that knows how to stop when the target's map suspends (or unloads), and resume when the target's map resumes.
TavernMenu Encapsulates a menu from which players can order food and drink.
TerrainSpeed Sets the terrain speed of the terrain under this object.
Weight All game objects have a weight that's used for various things.

Package Description

Provides some standard properties and property values for GameObjects.