Interface Applyable

All Known Implementing Classes:
ApplyRead, ATM, BasicBag, Book, wyvern.lib.classes.games.ChessChair, Clock, HiddenObject, Instrument, Lamp, Lever, PayTeleporter, PortableHole, RealityBed, Scroll, SimpleApplyable, Teleporter, UnicornHorn, Vehicle, WeaponImpl

public interface Applyable

Interface for objects that can be applied. This is an instance of a property that's a combination of an attribute and a method. I'm not sure how we should handle these yet; perhaps Applyable could be a Property with an apply() method, and objects could use subclasses of Applyable that know what callback method to use. E.g. a teleporter could use an ApplyTeleporter subclass whose apply() method calls teleporter.startTeleport().

1.0, Nov 24, 1997
Steve Yegge

Method Summary
 void apply(Commandable agent)
          Called by the ApplyCommand when the agent performs "apply".

Method Detail


public void apply(Commandable agent)
Called by the ApplyCommand when the agent performs "apply".

agent - the person applying the object