Interface Summary | |
GenericPredicate | A Predicate that doesn't take a GameObject in its predicate() function. |
LocationPredicate | This Predicate sub-interface is used when the predicate wants to be passed the (x,y) coordinate of the object, if it's querying an object in a map. |
PrintablePredicate | A special interface used by systems that create Predicate composite trees and then need to print them out. |
Class Summary | |
AndNotPredicate | This predicate combines two other predicates with an AND NOT operation. |
AndPredicate | This predicate combines N other predicates with an AND operation. |
AnyObjectPredicate | This predicate returns true for any object; it's useful for getting the first object at a given location in the map. |
ArchetypePredicate | Checks for an object of the specified Archetype, using wyvern.lib.Kernel.isInstance(). |
AttackablePlayerPredicate | A predicate that determines whether a monster wants to attack a given player. |
BlockingPredicate | This predicate checks for things like walls, living things, buildings, etc. |
BlocksLightPredicate | Predicate for checking if an object blocks light/visibility. |
BlocksSolidSpell | A Predicate that's slightly more restrictive than a normal BlocksSpellPredicate - it also prevents the spell from being cast on any structures or anything that's blocking. |
BlocksSpellPredicate | This predicate checks for the presence of objects that block spells. |
BooleanPredicate | Returns true if an object has the specified boolean property. |
ClassPredicate | This Predicate checks to see if the passed object is an instance of the specified class. |
ComparisonPredicate | Superclass of all the predicates that compare int properties to some int value. |
CounterPredicate | This predicate looks for the nth occurrence of a match for some other predicate. |
EqualPredicate | Returns true if quantity A is == quantity B. |
GenericClassPredicate | This Predicate checks to see if the passed object is an instance of the specified class. |
GreaterOrEqualPredicate | Returns true if quantity A is >= quantity B. |
GreaterThanPredicate | Returns true if quantity A is greater than quantity B. |
HashcodePredicate | Checks an object to see if it's got the right hashcode. |
InstanceOfPredicate | This predicate returns true if the object is an instance of the specified class or interface. |
InstancePredicate | A predicate to check if the passed object is an instance of the specified archetype. |
LessOrEqualPredicate | Returns true if quantity A is <= quantity B. |
LessThanPredicate | Returns true if quantity A is less than quantity B. |
MonsterPredicate | This predicate tests to see if the target is a monster. |
NameMatchPredicate | This class tests to see if the passed object's name matches a specified string. |
NotEqualPredicate | Returns true if quantity A is ! |
NotPredicate | This predicate returns the opposite of the passed predicate. |
NotThisObjectPredicate | A predicate to exclude a particular object from a search. |
OrPredicate | This predicate combines N other predicates with an OR operation. |
PickupPredicate | Filter to see if an object can be picked up. |
PropertyPredicate | Checks the object for the presence of a specified property, or any property from a specified list. |
SameClassPredicate | This predicate tests to see if an object is of the specified class. |
ShortDescEqualPredicate | A very simple version of the NameMatchPredicate that checks whether the object's toString() description exactly matches the specified string. |
ShortDescMatchPredicate | A very simple version of the NameMatchPredicate that checks whether the object's toString() description matches the specified string, by looking to see if the match is a substring of the description. |
StringPropertyPredicate | Checks if the object has a String property with the given name and value. |
ThisObjectPredicate | A Predicate that matches a particular Object using equals(). |
TypePredicate | Checks whether an object inherits from a specified Archetype. |
UserTypePredicate | A predicate that checks whether an object is of a certain "user type", which is basically any boolean property on the object. |
VisiblePredicate | Returns true if the object has normal visibility. |
A set of standard Predicate functions for figuring out whether objects are of certain types or have certain properties.