Package wyvern.lib.predicates

A set of standard Predicate functions for figuring out whether objects are of certain types or have certain properties.


Interface Summary
GenericPredicate A Predicate that doesn't take a GameObject in its predicate() function.
LocationPredicate This Predicate sub-interface is used when the predicate wants to be passed the (x,y) coordinate of the object, if it's querying an object in a map.
PrintablePredicate A special interface used by systems that create Predicate composite trees and then need to print them out.

Class Summary
AndNotPredicate This predicate combines two other predicates with an AND NOT operation.
AndPredicate This predicate combines N other predicates with an AND operation.
AnyObjectPredicate This predicate returns true for any object; it's useful for getting the first object at a given location in the map.
ArchetypePredicate Checks for an object of the specified Archetype, using wyvern.lib.Kernel.isInstance().
AttackablePlayerPredicate A predicate that determines whether a monster wants to attack a given player.
BlockingPredicate This predicate checks for things like walls, living things, buildings, etc.
BlocksLightPredicate Predicate for checking if an object blocks light/visibility.
BlocksSolidSpell A Predicate that's slightly more restrictive than a normal BlocksSpellPredicate - it also prevents the spell from being cast on any structures or anything that's blocking.
BlocksSpellPredicate This predicate checks for the presence of objects that block spells.
BooleanPredicate Returns true if an object has the specified boolean property.
ClassPredicate This Predicate checks to see if the passed object is an instance of the specified class.
ComparisonPredicate Superclass of all the predicates that compare int properties to some int value.
CounterPredicate This predicate looks for the nth occurrence of a match for some other predicate.
EqualPredicate Returns true if quantity A is == quantity B.
GenericClassPredicate This Predicate checks to see if the passed object is an instance of the specified class.
GreaterOrEqualPredicate Returns true if quantity A is >= quantity B.
GreaterThanPredicate Returns true if quantity A is greater than quantity B.
HashcodePredicate Checks an object to see if it's got the right hashcode.
InstanceOfPredicate This predicate returns true if the object is an instance of the specified class or interface.
InstancePredicate A predicate to check if the passed object is an instance of the specified archetype.
LessOrEqualPredicate Returns true if quantity A is <= quantity B.
LessThanPredicate Returns true if quantity A is less than quantity B.
MonsterPredicate This predicate tests to see if the target is a monster.
NameMatchPredicate This class tests to see if the passed object's name matches a specified string.
NotEqualPredicate Returns true if quantity A is !
NotPredicate This predicate returns the opposite of the passed predicate.
NotThisObjectPredicate A predicate to exclude a particular object from a search.
OrPredicate This predicate combines N other predicates with an OR operation.
PickupPredicate Filter to see if an object can be picked up.
PropertyPredicate Checks the object for the presence of a specified property, or any property from a specified list.
SameClassPredicate This predicate tests to see if an object is of the specified class.
ShortDescEqualPredicate A very simple version of the NameMatchPredicate that checks whether the object's toString() description exactly matches the specified string.
ShortDescMatchPredicate A very simple version of the NameMatchPredicate that checks whether the object's toString() description matches the specified string, by looking to see if the match is a substring of the description.
StringPropertyPredicate Checks if the object has a String property with the given name and value.
ThisObjectPredicate A Predicate that matches a particular Object using equals().
TypePredicate Checks whether an object inherits from a specified Archetype.
UserTypePredicate A predicate that checks whether an object is of a certain "user type", which is basically any boolean property on the object.
VisiblePredicate Returns true if the object has normal visibility.

Package wyvern.lib.predicates Description

A set of standard Predicate functions for figuring out whether objects are of certain types or have certain properties.