Interface Movable

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Missile, WeaponImpl

public interface Movable

Interface for items that can be thrown or moved with a Projectile. Used for Weapons (which can be thrown) or missiles (which can be fired).

1.0, Jul 05, 2002
Steve Yegge

Method Summary
 boolean shouldStop(Point p)
          Function called on every move for a thrown/fired weapon or missile.

Method Detail


public boolean shouldStop(Point p)
Function called on every move for a thrown/fired weapon or missile. Checks if it should stop moving at this square. If so, possibly damages a monster or object there.

p - the point the object currently occupies
true if it should stop moving, either because it it something, or it ran out of steam and fell. If it's stopping, the weapon should handle any stop cases here, such as hitting a monster and doing damage.