Class SimpleLightSource

  extended bywyvern.lib.properties.SimpleLightSource
All Implemented Interfaces:
LightingConstants, LightSource
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SimpleLightSource
extends java.lang.Object
implements LightSource, LightingConstants

This class provides a simple light that you can place in a map. It's not as sophisticated as the MovableLightSource, which keeps track of its owner/carrier as it moves around.

If you want to implement a custom light source, you'd be wise to subclass SimpleLightSource or MovableLightSource to leverage its existing behavior.

1.0, Jun 24, 2003
Steve Yegge

Field Summary
protected  wyvern.kernel.lighting.RayShadowCaster caster_
          The default intensity to use for light sources.
protected  int intensity_
protected  int[][] localIntensity_
protected  Point location_
protected  GameMap map_
protected  int[][] matrix_
Fields inherited from interface wyvern.lib.properties.LightingConstants
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new SimpleLightSource with the default intensity.
SimpleLightSource(int intensity)
          Constructs a new SimpleLightSource
Method Summary
 void computeLocalIntensity()
          This method fills the local light array.
 void computeMatrix()
          Recomputes the intensity matrix by invoking the raycaster.
static int getAlphaForLightLevel(int level)
          Returns the percent opacity for a shading tile, given the lighting level.
static int getDistance(int x, int y)
          Returns the integer distance from (0, 0) to the passed point.
 int getIntensity()
          Returns the current intensity of this light source.
 int[][] getLightMatrix()
          Returns the location list for the light source.
 Point getLocation()
          Returns the location at the center of our lighting array.
 GameMap getMap()
          Returns the map we're currently illuminating, if any.
 Point getMatrixLocation()
          Returns the (x,y) location of the upper-left corner of the LightSource's local light matrix returned by calling getLightMatrix().
static int getShadingTile(int intensity)
          Returns the database tile number of the tile to use for the passed lighting level.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Used for testing only.
 void recompute()
          Tells the light source to recompute its intensity matrix.
 void remove()
          Removes this light from its current map, if any.
 void setIntensity(int intensity)
          Sets the intensity of the light source.
 void setLocation(Point loc)
          Sets the location at the center of the area we should be illuminating.
 void setMap(GameMap map)
          Tells us which map we're illuminating.
 void setMap(GameMap map, int x, int y)
          Tells the light which map to illuminate.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a String representation of the object for debugging.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_LIGHT_SOURCE_INTENSITY
The default intensity to use for light sources.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected int[][] localIntensity_


protected int[][] matrix_


protected int intensity_


protected GameMap map_


protected Point location_


protected wyvern.kernel.lighting.RayShadowCaster caster_
Constructor Detail


public SimpleLightSource(int intensity)
Constructs a new SimpleLightSource


public SimpleLightSource()
Constructs a new SimpleLightSource with the default intensity.

Method Detail


public static int getAlphaForLightLevel(int level)
Returns the percent opacity for a shading tile, given the lighting level.

level - the lighting level at some point in the map
the alpha value to apply to the solid-black shade tile, to achieve the appropriate shadowing. A return value of 0 means you shouldn't draw any shading tile there.


public static int getShadingTile(int intensity)
Returns the database tile number of the tile to use for the passed lighting level. This is pretty much the place where we map intensities to actual dither patterns, which has a huge effect on what the lighting model looks like.

This method really ought to be in a LightManager class or something; right now it's living here because this is the only class that has any light-related code in it.

intensity - the total lighting level in the map at the desired location
the database tile number of the dither pattern to use for that light level. -1 means DON'T USE A TILE (i.e. the square is completely lit, daylight).


public static int getDistance(int x,
                              int y)
Returns the integer distance from (0, 0) to the passed point. Just does the distance formula. Faster to inline it in your code if it's performance-intensive.

x - local x coordinate
y - local y coordinate


public int[][] getLightMatrix()
Returns the location list for the light source. The light is typically centered in the array, although that's not required, nor are there any constraints on the array dimensions (e.g. it can be even by odd). The map will take the array and "apply" it into the global array at the (x,y) location returned by getMatrixLocation().

Specified by:
getLightMatrix in interface LightSource
the local array of integer intensities computed by the LightSource. Each array value is added to (or subtracted from, in the case where the LightSource is removed) the map. An array value of zero thus has no effect, and LightSource implementations can make use of this to return custom-shaped illumination patterns.


public Point getMatrixLocation()
Returns the (x,y) location of the upper-left corner of the LightSource's local light matrix returned by calling getLightMatrix().

Specified by:
getMatrixLocation in interface LightSource
the point in the map at which to apply the local array. The LightSource has to know where it is in the map anyway, so that it can call addLight() at the appropriate location, not to mention compute its intensity array correctly using the ray-caster utilities. Since the LightSource is in complete control of where its light is displayed, it has to tell the map where to apply its local intensity array; hence this method.


public void recompute()
Tells the light source to recompute its intensity matrix.

This method is called by the map when a square becomes opaque or non-opaque within the radius illuminated by the light. The light removes itself from the map, computes its new lighting matrix, and re-adds itself at the same location.

Specified by:
recompute in interface LightSource


public GameMap getMap()
Returns the map we're currently illuminating, if any.

the map we're in


public void setMap(GameMap map)
Tells us which map we're illuminating. Doesn't actually do anything except store the map reference. You need to manually remove and add the light to have it change the lighting level in the map.

map - the map to put the light in


public void setMap(GameMap map,
                   int x,
                   int y)
Tells the light which map to illuminate. This method causes the light to call recompute(), which figures out its lighting contribution and adds that contribution to the passed map.

Specified by:
setMap in interface LightSource
map - the map to put the light in
x - map x location
y - map y location


public void remove()
Removes this light from its current map, if any.

Specified by:
remove in interface LightSource


public int getIntensity()
Returns the current intensity of this light source.


public void setIntensity(int intensity)
Sets the intensity of the light source.

intensity - the radius of the light source.


public Point getLocation()
Returns the location at the center of our lighting array.

the (x, y) location we're centered on, in map coordinates


public void setLocation(Point loc)
Sets the location at the center of the area we should be illuminating. Doesn't do anything except store the passed location. You need to call map.addLight() and map.removeLight() manually, if the light is changing.

loc - the new map (x, y) location


public void computeLocalIntensity()
This method fills the local light array. As an example, a light source with intensity 4 would have a 7x7 local intensity array that looks like this:

 	0 0 1 1 1 0 0
 	0 1 2 2 2 1 0
 	1 2 3 3 3 2 1
 	1 2 3 4 3 2 1
 	1 2 3 3 3 2 1
 	0 1 2 2 2 1 0
 	0 0 1 1 1 0 0
The light source is at the center, and intensity drops off as a linear function of distance. (N^2 is too harsh.) We use the computed intensity values to index into a table to select a dither pattern to draw. Any intensity above "daylight" gets no dither pattern; any intensity below some threshold (probably zero) gets complete darkness.


public void computeMatrix()
Recomputes the intensity matrix by invoking the raycaster. First copies the local intensity matrix (which is fixed for a given intensity) to the lighting matrix. Then calls the raycaster to mask out any squares in the lighting matrix that aren't reachable from the source's current location in the current map.

This method is called whenever the light is added to a map or moves within a map. It should also be called whenever any of the map's opaque squares change transparency status within reach of the light source.


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
Used for testing only. Prints out light array.


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a String representation of the object for debugging.