Interface SelfExternalizable

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractGameMap, AutobagRules, AutoGrab, BasicBag, Body, GuildSkills, ItemList, MovableLightSource, PlayerInventory, PointList, RandomMessages, SpellListImpl, StringList, Talker, TavernMenu, Weight

public interface SelfExternalizable

This interface tells the system that the object wants to manage the reading and writing of its property list.

1.0, Feb 15, 1998
Steve Yegge

Method Summary
 void readData(org.w3c.dom.Node bean)
          Tells the object to parse its externalized representation from a list of lines.
 boolean shouldWrite()
          Allows the object to determine whether it wants to be written out at all.
 java.util.List writeData()
          Tells the object to write its properties out to a text file.

Method Detail


public void readData(org.w3c.dom.Node bean)
              throws java.lang.Exception
Tells the object to parse its externalized representation from a list of lines.

bean - the XML DOM representation of the externalized bean object. Its child could be a text node, in which case the bean has to do all the parsing for the data. It could also wrap a series of elements (e.g. archetypes), in which case the bean may wish to leverage the XML parsing utilities that the game provides in the ArchetypeManager.



public java.util.List writeData()
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Tells the object to write its properties out to a text file.

a list of lines to be written to the text file, formatted appropriately. The lines include everything except the and tags, which are constructed and written automatically.


public boolean shouldWrite()
Allows the object to determine whether it wants to be written out at all. If the object determines that it's the equivalent of a null value (e.g. an item list with no items in it), it can return false and it won't go into the output file.

true to write the object, false to skip it