Interface DropInterest

public interface DropInterest

This convenience interface allows the implementing object to be called when someone drops something in a square that the object overlaps. You can also do this using a hook, but this is easier.

Don't confuse this with PickupInterest, which you use to know when *you* have been picked up or dropped.

1.0, Dec 03, 1998
Steve Yegge

Method Summary
 void objectDropped(Commandable agent, GameObject obj, int x, int y)
          Notification that an agent used the "drop" command to drop something on the ground in a square occupied by this object.

Method Detail


public void objectDropped(Commandable agent,
                          GameObject obj,
                          int x,
                          int y)
Notification that an agent used the "drop" command to drop something on the ground in a square occupied by this object.

agent - the agent doing the drop
obj - the object being dropped
x - the x location
y - the y location