Interface PickupInterest

All Known Implementing Classes:
ArmorImpl, QuestItem, WeaponImpl

public interface PickupInterest

This interface is for objects that want to be notified when they're picked up or dropped. By definition, being picked up means being added to a monster or player's inventory, and being dropped means being removed from a monster or player's inventory. It doesn't matter where the object is going - for instance, if player P transfers object O from their inventory into a bag, then O is considered "dropped" and is notified of it.

1.0, Jun 03, 1998
Steve Yegge

Method Summary
 void dropped(Commandable agent)
          Notifies the object that the specified agent has dropped it.
 void pickedUp(Commandable agent)
          Notifies the object that the specified agent has picked it up.

Method Detail


public void pickedUp(Commandable agent)
Notifies the object that the specified agent has picked it up.

agent - the agent picking up the object


public void dropped(Commandable agent)
Notifies the object that the specified agent has dropped it.

agent - the agent that dropped the object