Class WeaponEnchanter

  extended bywyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter

public class WeaponEnchanter
extends java.lang.Object

An object that can produce magical weapons of a given level by picking a base weapon and adding enchantments.

To use it, instantiate one and (optionally) configure it by setting properties. Then call generate() to generate a weapon. You can use it to generate more than one weapon. You need to call reset() before each subsequent call to generate().

For example, to generate a random 15th-level weapon with a 20% chance of being cursed, you'd do this:

   WeaponEnchanter w = new WeaponEnchanter();
   GameObject weapon = w.generate();
or in Jython:
   w = new WeaponEnchanter();
   weapon = w.generate();

2.0, Oct 21, 2003
Steve Yegge

Nested Class Summary
static class WeaponEnchanter.WeaponEnchantment
          A class to encapsulate an enchantment.
Field Summary
protected  int baseLevel_
          The level of nonmagical weapon to start with.
protected  int blessChance_
          Chance the weapon will be blessed, if it's not cursed.
protected  int curseChance_
          Chance the weapon will be cursed.
protected  int damnationChance_
          Chance that the curse on a weapon will be Damnation.
          The default chance that a randomly generated level-1 weapon have a .
          The default chance that a randomly generated level-1 weapon have a curse on it.
          If we randomly decided that the weapon has reversed ("maligned") enchantments (e.g. -5 strength), this is the chance that the item will be cursed, such that the player can't unwield it.
          Same as cursing, but worse.
          The default chance that a randomly generated level-1 weapon will have a cursed enchantment.
          How much ammo we generate, max, by default.
protected  int enchant1_
          Level of first random enchantment to add to the item.
protected  int enchant2_
          Level of second random enchantment to add to the item.
protected  int enchantment_
          Total levels of enchantment to add to the base item.
protected  int level_
          Desired level of magical weapon to generate.
protected  int malignChance_
          Chance the weapon will be maligned; i.e., its enchantments are negative.
          The highest level non-magical weapon in the game (currently an elven broadsword)
static int MAX_LEVEL
          Maximum level of weapon that will be generated.
          The maximum individual enchantment a random weapon can have.
protected  GameObject weapon_
          the nonmagic weapon we create, then enchant
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void addAccuracy(GameObject weapon, int value)
          Adds an enchantment of accuracy to the weapon.
protected  void addDamage(GameObject weapon, int value)
          Adds an enchantment of damage to the weapon.
protected  void addDurability(GameObject weapon, int value)
          Adds an enchantment of durability to the weapon.
protected  void addEnchantments()
          Adds 1 or 2 enchantments, depending on the results of the call to determineEnchantments().
protected  void addLight(GameObject weapon, int value)
          Adds an enchantment of light to the weapon.
protected  void addQuantityIfNeeded()
          If the generated weapon is a missile, or has a "gen-number" property, adds a quantity to the weapon.
 java.lang.String addRandomEnchantment(GameObject weapon, int value, java.lang.String exclude)
          Adds a random enchantment to the passed weapon of the passed value.
protected  void addSpeed(GameObject weapon, int value)
          Adds an enchantment of speed to the weapon.
protected  void addWeight(GameObject weapon, int value)
          Adds an enchantment of weight to the weapon.
protected  void blessOrCurseItem()
          Decides whether the item should be blessed or cursed.
protected  int chooseBaseLevel()
          Chooses the base (i.e. unenchanted) weapon level to use for the item.
protected  int chooseWeightedValue(int base)
          Uses a normal distribution to choose a value from 1 to n, on average closer to n than 1.
protected  GameObject createBaseWeapon(int level)
          Creates a random unenchanted weapon of the passed level.
 GameObject createLevel1Weapon()
          Returns a random level-1 weapon.
protected  void createNonMagicWeapon()
          Picks a random base weapon level and instantiates a random nonmagic weapon of that level.
protected  void curseEnchantments()
          Reverses enchantment number(s), and marks the weapon as "is-cursed", for the Appraisal skill.
 void curseWeapon()
          Curses (with getDamnationChance() of damning) an item.
protected  void determineEnchantments()
          Sets the total enchantment and the individual enchantment(s), randomly, based on the item level and item base.
protected  void flagEnchantmentForAppraisers()
          Sets the total enchantment in a "base-enchantment" property for the Appraisal skill.
 GameObject generate()
          Generates a random weapon.
static GameObject generate(int level, java.lang.String name, int value)
          Generates a random weapon using the specified single enchantment
 int getBaseLevel()
          Returns the base level of nonmagical weapon to start with, before adding enchantments.
 int getBlessChance()
          Returns chance that the item will be blessed (1-100)
 int getCurseChance()
          Returns chance that the item will be cursed (1-100)
 int getDamnationChance()
          Returns chance that the item will be damned (1-100), if it rolls the getDamnationChance().
 int getLevel()
          Returns level of the weapon to be generated
 int getMalignChance()
          Returns chance the item will have a maligned (negative) enchantment
protected  java.lang.String getMaxWC(GameObject weapon)
          Returns the highest weapon class of this weapon.
 int getTotalEnchantment()
          Returns the total enchantment (the sum of up to 2 individual enchantments) we decided to place on the weapon.
 GameObject getWeapon()
          Returns the weapon to add enchantments to
protected  GameObject instantiate(Archetype arch)
          Instantiates an archetype, catching any exception.
 boolean isMaligned()
          Returns true if the weapon we're generating is maligned (i.e. the enchantments are reversed, and have negative values.)
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Tests the enchanter functions.
 java.util.List parseEnchantment(java.lang.String input)
          Take a string like "of agility +5, damage +2" and parses it into a java.util.List of WeaponEnchantments.
 void reset()
          Resets the WeaponEnchanter properties to their default values.
 void setBaseLevel(int base)
          Sets the base level to use for the weapon.
 void setBlessChance(int blessChance)
          Sets chance that the item will be blessed (1-100)
 void setCurseChance(int curseChance)
          Sets chance that the item will be cursed (1-100)
 void setDamnationChance(int chance)
          Sets chance that the item will be damned (1-100)
 void setLevel(int level)
          Sets level of the weapon to be generated.
 void setMalignChance(int malignChance)
          Sets chance the item will have a maligned (negative) enchantment
 void setWeapon(GameObject weapon)
          Sets the weapon to add enchantments to
protected  void setWieldLevel()
          Sets an appropriate "wield-level" on the weapon, based on its final enchantment(s), so that newbies can't wield it to major advantage.
protected  void sortEnchantments()
          If 2nd enchantment is greater, swaps them (easier to read).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_MALIGN_CHANCE
The default chance that a randomly generated level-1 weapon will have a cursed enchantment. It goes up 1 point per level, up to a maximum of 50% at level 20. Override with setMalignChance().

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_BLESS_CHANCE
The default chance that a randomly generated level-1 weapon have a . It goes up 1 point per level, up to a maximum of 50% at level 20. Override with setBlessChance().

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_CURSE_CHANCE
The default chance that a randomly generated level-1 weapon have a curse on it. It goes up 1 point per level, up to a maximum of 50% at level 20. Override with setCurseChance().

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_CURSE_CHANCE_MALIGNED
If we randomly decided that the weapon has reversed ("maligned") enchantments (e.g. -5 strength), this is the chance that the item will be cursed, such that the player can't unwield it.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_DAMNATION_CHANCE
Same as cursing, but worse. Only this percentage of all cursed items wind up damned. Override with getDamnationChance().

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAX_LEVEL
Maximum level of weapon that will be generated.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAX_BASELEVEL_WEAPON_LEVEL
The highest level non-magical weapon in the game (currently an elven broadsword)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int DEFAULT_MISSILE_MAX_QUANTITY
How much ammo we generate, max, by default.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAX_SINGLE_ENCHANTMENT
The maximum individual enchantment a random weapon can have. E.g. if it's a 20th-level item, it may have +10 strength and +9 dodge, but it can't have +11 strength (if the max is set to +10).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected int malignChance_
Chance the weapon will be maligned; i.e., its enchantments are negative.


protected int curseChance_
Chance the weapon will be cursed.


protected int damnationChance_
Chance that the curse on a weapon will be Damnation.


protected int blessChance_
Chance the weapon will be blessed, if it's not cursed.


protected int level_
Desired level of magical weapon to generate.


protected int baseLevel_
The level of nonmagical weapon to start with.


protected GameObject weapon_
the nonmagic weapon we create, then enchant


protected int enchantment_
Total levels of enchantment to add to the base item.


protected int enchant1_
Level of first random enchantment to add to the item.


protected int enchant2_
Level of second random enchantment to add to the item.

Constructor Detail


public WeaponEnchanter()
Method Detail


public int getLevel()
Returns level of the weapon to be generated

level of the weapon to be generated


public void setLevel(int level)
Sets level of the weapon to be generated.

level - level of the weapon to be generated (1-MAX_LEVEL)


public int getCurseChance()
Returns chance that the item will be cursed (1-100)

chance that the item will be cursed (1-100)


public void setCurseChance(int curseChance)
Sets chance that the item will be cursed (1-100)

curseChance - chance that the item will be cursed (1-100)


public int getDamnationChance()
Returns chance that the item will be damned (1-100), if it rolls the getDamnationChance().

chance that the item will be damned if we decided it was going to be damned.


public void setDamnationChance(int chance)
Sets chance that the item will be damned (1-100)

chance - chance that the item will be damned (1-100)


public int getBlessChance()
Returns chance that the item will be blessed (1-100)

chance that the item will be blessed (1-100)


public void setBlessChance(int blessChance)
Sets chance that the item will be blessed (1-100)

blessChance - chance that the item will be blessed (1-100)


public int getMalignChance()
Returns chance the item will have a maligned (negative) enchantment

chance the item will have a maligned enchantment


public void setMalignChance(int malignChance)
Sets chance the item will have a maligned (negative) enchantment

malignChance - chance the item will have a maligned enchantment


public int getBaseLevel()
Returns the base level of nonmagical weapon to start with, before adding enchantments.

the weapon base level


public void setBaseLevel(int base)
Sets the base level to use for the weapon.

base - the level (1-8) of nonmagical item to enchant, to reach the desired level.


public boolean isMaligned()
Returns true if the weapon we're generating is maligned (i.e. the enchantments are reversed, and have negative values.)


public int getTotalEnchantment()
Returns the total enchantment (the sum of up to 2 individual enchantments) we decided to place on the weapon.


public GameObject getWeapon()
Returns the weapon to add enchantments to

the weapon to add enchantments to


public void setWeapon(GameObject weapon)
Sets the weapon to add enchantments to

weapon - the weapon to add enchantments to


public void reset()
Resets the WeaponEnchanter properties to their default values. Called automatically at the beginning of generate().


public java.util.List parseEnchantment(java.lang.String input)
Take a string like "of agility +5, damage +2" and parses it into a java.util.List of WeaponEnchantments.


public static GameObject generate(int level,
                                  java.lang.String name,
                                  int value)
Generates a random weapon using the specified single enchantment

level - the level of item to generate
name - the enchantment name, such as "accuracy"
value - the enchantment value, from -10 to +10
a random weapon using the specified enchantment
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if name or value couldn't be used or parsed


public GameObject generate()
Generates a random weapon. You should set the curseChance and other properties before calling this method.

a randomly-generated weapon, or possibly null if something went wrong.


public java.lang.String addRandomEnchantment(GameObject weapon,
                                             int value,
                                             java.lang.String exclude)
Adds a random enchantment to the passed weapon of the passed value.

weapon - the weapon
value - the value of the enchantment (1-10)
exclude - enchantment not to use (meaning it has already been placed on the item, so exclude it from the possible list) (i.e. "accuracy", "damage", "durability", "weight", "speed", or "light") Pass "" (empty string) for no exclusions. I know this API sucks - sorry 'bout that.


protected int chooseWeightedValue(int base)
Uses a normal distribution to choose a value from 1 to n, on average closer to n than 1. We do this, rather than just choosing a linear random value from 1 to n, to cut down on the number of very large enchantments that get generated.


protected void addAccuracy(GameObject weapon,
                           int value)
Adds an enchantment of accuracy to the weapon.


protected void addDurability(GameObject weapon,
                             int value)
Adds an enchantment of durability to the weapon.


protected void addSpeed(GameObject weapon,
                        int value)
Adds an enchantment of speed to the weapon.


protected void addDamage(GameObject weapon,
                         int value)
Adds an enchantment of damage to the weapon.


protected java.lang.String getMaxWC(GameObject weapon)
Returns the highest weapon class of this weapon.

a string like "wc-cut"


protected void addLight(GameObject weapon,
                        int value)
Adds an enchantment of light to the weapon.


protected void addWeight(GameObject weapon,
                         int value)
Adds an enchantment of weight to the weapon.


protected GameObject instantiate(Archetype arch)
Instantiates an archetype, catching any exception.

arch - the archetype to instantiate
an item of that archetype, or null if it couldn't be instantiated


public void curseWeapon()
Curses (with getDamnationChance() of damning) an item.


protected void createNonMagicWeapon()
Picks a random base weapon level and instantiates a random nonmagic weapon of that level. This is the weapon we'll then enchant to get it to the desired level.


protected GameObject createBaseWeapon(int level)
Creates a random unenchanted weapon of the passed level.

the weapon, or null if anything went wrong.


protected final int chooseBaseLevel()
Chooses the base (i.e. unenchanted) weapon level to use for the item. Will be somewhere between 1 and level-1, with a cap at the maximum base weapon level. The level of the weapon must have been set via setLevel().

a random base level to use.


public GameObject createLevel1Weapon()
Returns a random level-1 weapon. Level-1 weapons are never enchanted.

a level-1 weapon, or null if none could be generated


protected void determineEnchantments()
Sets the total enchantment and the individual enchantment(s), randomly, based on the item level and item base. Weapon will have either 1 or 2 enchantments.


protected void sortEnchantments()
If 2nd enchantment is greater, swaps them (easier to read).


protected void curseEnchantments()
Reverses enchantment number(s), and marks the weapon as "is-cursed", for the Appraisal skill. Precondition: enchantment(s) must have been chosen already.


protected void addEnchantments()
Adds 1 or 2 enchantments, depending on the results of the call to determineEnchantments().


protected void blessOrCurseItem()
Decides whether the item should be blessed or cursed.


protected void addQuantityIfNeeded()
If the generated weapon is a missile, or has a "gen-number" property, adds a quantity to the weapon. Throwing stars and darts are both hurled weapons (non-missiles), but they ask for quantities to be set.


protected void flagEnchantmentForAppraisers()
Sets the total enchantment in a "base-enchantment" property for the Appraisal skill.


protected void setWieldLevel()
Sets an appropriate "wield-level" on the weapon, based on its final enchantment(s), so that newbies can't wield it to major advantage.


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
Tests the enchanter functions.