A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


FAILED_DROPPED - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.monsters.StealAttack
FAILED_RESTORED - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.monsters.StealAttack
FASTEST_MOVE_SPEED - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.motion.Mover
It puts a HUGE load on the server if your move speed is too fast, since player movement is the largest consumer of CPU and network bandwidth.
FILL - Static variable in interface wyvern.util.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the row/column should fill the available space
FIRE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
FIRE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
FIRE_AND_AIR - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
FIRE_AND_AIR - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
FIRE_AND_DEATH - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
FIRE_AND_DEATH - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
FIRE_AND_EARTH - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
FIRE_AND_EARTH - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
FIRE_AND_LIFE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
FIRE_AND_LIFE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
FIRE_AND_MIND - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
FIRE_AND_MIND - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
FIRE_AND_SPIRIT - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
FIRE_AND_SPIRIT - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
FIRE_AND_WATER - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Element
FIRE_AND_WATER - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
FIVE - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FIVE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Face
FIVE_OF_CLUBS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
FIVE_OF_CLUBS - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FIVE_OF_DIAMONDS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
FIVE_OF_DIAMONDS - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FIVE_OF_HEARTS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
FIVE_OF_HEARTS - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FIVE_OF_SPADES - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
FIVE_OF_SPADES - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FIXED_LAYER - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.Appearance
Layer for buildings, signs, and other fixed objects.
FLOOR - Static variable in interface wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonConstants
FLUSH - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FLUSH - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
FLUSH_CHANCE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
FLUSH_GRAPHICS - Static variable in interface wyvern.common.net.RPCConstants
FLUSH_HANDS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
FLUSH_SCORE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
FOOD - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.TavernMenu
FOOD_DELAY - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups
FOOD_DELAY - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.EatCommand
FORCE_PLAYERS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.Teleporter
This behavior might bother some people, so I've set a compile-time flag for it, for now.
FOUR - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FOUR - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Face
FOUR_OF_A_KIND - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FOUR_OF_A_KIND - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
FOUR_OF_A_KIND_CHANCE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
FOUR_OF_A_KIND_HANDS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
FOUR_OF_A_KIND_SCORE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
FOUR_OF_CLUBS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
FOUR_OF_CLUBS - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FOUR_OF_DIAMONDS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
FOUR_OF_DIAMONDS - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FOUR_OF_HEARTS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
FOUR_OF_HEARTS - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FOUR_OF_SPADES - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Card
FOUR_OF_SPADES - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FRESH - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.Corpse.CorpseState
FRIENDLY - Static variable in interface wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonConstants
FULL - Static variable in interface wyvern.util.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the component is full justified in its cell
FULL_HOUSE - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardConstants
FULL_HOUSE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
FULL_HOUSE_CHANCE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
FULL_HOUSE_HANDS - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
FULL_HOUSE_SCORE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
Face - class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.Face.
Typesafe enum representing card faces in a standard deck of playing cards.
FallingDown - class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.FallingDown.
Property to make a player "fall" towards the bottom of the screen... or some other direction (if jumping).
FallingDown(GameObject, List, int, boolean, GameObject) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.FallingDown
Make someone or something start moving.
FallingDown - class wyvern.lib.properties.FallingDown.
Property to make a player "fall" towards the bottom of the screen... or some other direction.
FallingDown(GameObject, List, int, boolean) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.FallingDown
Make someone or something start moving.
Fear - class wyvern.lib.spells.Fear.
Creates a cone of fear.
Fear() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.Fear
FearAttack - class wyvern.lib.monsters.FearAttack.
Attack for truly terrifying monsters.
FearAttack() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.monsters.FearAttack
FieldPanel - class wyvern.common.util.FieldPanel.
A panel that lays out fields and their labels neatly, even if the fields aren't all JTextFields.
FieldPanel() - Constructor for class wyvern.common.util.FieldPanel
Constructs a new FieldPanel
FileCache - class wyvern.common.tiles.FileCache.
Serves up image files as byte arrays, for sending to clients.
FileCache() - Constructor for class wyvern.common.tiles.FileCache
FileFinder - class wyvern.util.FileFinder.
A java version of perl's File::Find.
FileFinder(FileFinder.Callback) - Constructor for class wyvern.util.FileFinder
Constructs a new FileFinder with the specified callback.
FileFinder.Callback - interface wyvern.util.FileFinder.Callback.
FileUtils - class wyvern.util.FileUtils.
1.4-compatible filesystem utilities.
FileUtils() - Constructor for class wyvern.util.FileUtils
FillBuff() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
FilterUtils - class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.FilterUtils.
Provides utilities for use by CommandFilter implementations.
FindTraps - class wyvern.lib.spells.FindTraps.
Reveals any traps near the caster.
FindTraps() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.FindTraps
Fire - class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Fire.
Fire() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Fire
Constructs a new Fire
FireAttack - class wyvern.lib.monsters.FireAttack.
Fire counter-attack.
FireAttack() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.monsters.FireAttack
FireCommand - class wyvern.lib.commands.FireCommand.
"Fires" the currently readied Readyable item (spell, range weapon, etc.)
FireDamage - class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FireDamage.
Fire, flame, or intense heat.
FireDamage() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FireDamage
Required no-arg constructor for Class.newInstance()
FireDamage(int) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FireDamage
Constructs a new FireDamage
FireTrap - class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.FireTrap.
Creates a little fireball.
FireTrap() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.FireTrap
Fireball - class wyvern.lib.spells.Fireball.
Fireball spell.
Fireball() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.Fireball
Firefrost - class wyvern.lib.spells.Firefrost.
A randomly bouncing bolt of fire and ice.
Firefrost() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.Firefrost
Firespout - class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.Firespout.
This class implements a small hole which spews flame periodically.
Firespout() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.Firespout
Firewall - class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Firewall.
Firewall() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Firewall
Firewall - class wyvern.lib.spells.Firewall.
Creates a wall of fire in front of the caster.
Firewall() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.Firewall
FixedSizeList - class wyvern.util.FixedSizeList.
A linked list that will store no more than N elements.
FixedSizeList(int) - Constructor for class wyvern.util.FixedSizeList
Constructs a new FixedSizeList
Flail - class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Flail.
Flail: an iron ball, possibly spiked, connected to a wooden handle by a short chain.
Flail() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Flail
FlameShield - class wyvern.lib.spells.FlameShield.
Creates a ring of flames around the caster.
FlameShield() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.FlameShield
FleeBE - class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.FleeBE.
FleeIfBadlyHurtBE - class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.FleeIfBadlyHurtBE.
Fly - class wyvern.lib.spells.Fly.
Makes the caster fly for a while.
Fly() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.Fly
FlyingBoulder - class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.FlyingBoulder.
A huge rock that flies around a room, damaging whatever it hits.
FlyingBoulder() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.FlyingBoulder
Foil - class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Foil.
A fencing sword having a thing, flexible four-side blade and a circular guard.
Foil() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Foil
FollowPathBE - class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.FollowPathBE.
Foot - class wyvern.kernel.combat.parts.Foot.
This body part can wear a boot.
Foot() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.parts.Foot
Constructs a new Foot
Foot(String) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.parts.Foot
Constructs a new Foot
Forestry - class wyvern.lib.spells.Forestry.
Makes the caster move through trees more easily.
Forestry() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.Forestry
Frame - class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame.
This is the DisplayPolicy implementation that handles sending map updates to the client map view.
Frame(Commandable) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame
Constructs a new Frame object with a default 1x1 bounding rectangle, anchored at (0, 0) in the map.
Frame(Commandable, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame
Constructs a new Frame object with the specified bounds.
Frame.VisibilityConstants - class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame.VisibilityConstants.
Basically we hardcode all the properties on the agent that affect what they can see.
Frame.VisibilityConstants() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame.VisibilityConstants
FreeAction - class wyvern.lib.spells.FreeAction.
Makes the caster temporarily immune to slow and paralysis.
FreeAction() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.FreeAction
FreezingSphere - class wyvern.lib.monsters.FreezingSphere.
A sphere that explodes into a frost wave when you attack it.
FreezingSphere() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.monsters.FreezingSphere
FriendsCommand - class wyvern.lib.commands.FriendsCommand.
Manages a list of friends.
FrostDamage - class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FrostDamage.
Cold, ice, frost.
FrostDamage() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FrostDamage
Required no-arg constructor for Class.newInstance()
FrostDamage(int) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.damages.FrostDamage
Constructs a new FrostDamage
FrostWard - class wyvern.lib.spells.FrostWard.
Just like a Flame Shield, but for frost.
FrostWard() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.FrostWard
FrostWave - class wyvern.lib.spells.FrostWave.
An explosion of cold surrounding the caster.
FrostWave() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.FrostWave
f_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.AStarSearch.Node
fail() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
fail() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Issues the event's failure-message to the event's agent.
fail(Commandable, TargetedEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LockPickCommand
Agent fails to pick the lock.
failsPreconditions(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Book
Checks various preconditions: empty spellbook, unpaid, up for auction, used, etc.
failsPreconditions(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.BugCommand
Checks if it's OK to log the bug.
failsPreconditions(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.ShrinkArmor
failsPreconditions(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.StaticBlade
failsRestrictionReason(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Book
Looks for a Predicate bean property called "restriction".
failureMessage_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.WyvernXMLErrorHandler
fiftyFifty() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Range
Synonym for randomBoolean().
fileAction(int) - Method in class wyvern.util.JDocControl
Handles saving the document before doing anything else.
filename_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapLoader
filename_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapWriter
filename_ - Variable in class wyvern.util.JDocControl
filter(ArrayList) - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.CommandFilter
Filters the event output according to whatever rules the filter uses.
filter(ArrayList) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.GrepFilter
Filters the lines.
filter(ArrayList) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.HeadFilter
Filters the lines.
filter(ArrayList) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.SortFilter
Filters the lines.
filter(ArrayList) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.TailFilter
Filters the lines.
filter(ArrayList) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.UniqFilter
Filters the lines.
filter(ArrayList) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.filters.WCFilter
Filters the lines.
filter(GameObject) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Bag
Returns true if the container can hold this type of item.
filter(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
Returns true if the container can hold this type of item.
filter(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.bags.Quiver
Returns true if the item can go in the quiver.
filter(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.bags.RockPouch
filter(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.bags.Scabbard
Returns true if the item can go in the scabbard.
filter(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.Trenchcoat
Returns true if the container can hold this type of item.
filter(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.misc.CoinPurse
Returns true if the item can go in the bag.
filterAgent(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.PigLatin
Attaches the filter to the specified agent.
filterAgent(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.SpeechFilter
Attaches the filter to the specified agent.
filterImage(Image, ImageFilter) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Util
Takes the specified image and creates a grayscale version.
filterMessage(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
Runs the message through any filters the player specified.
filterObjects_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
A list of CommandFilters parsed from the filter expressions we found in the command.
filterSay() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.SpeechFilter
Determines whether the filter filters "say" messages.
filterShout() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.SpeechFilter
Determines whether the filter filters "shout" messages.
filterTell() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.SpeechFilter
Determines whether the filter filters "tell" messages.
filterWhisper() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.filters.SpeechFilter
Determines whether the filter filters "whisper" messages.
filters_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.commands.CommandListImpl
The list of objects requesting to get a chance to handle each command as it comes through.
filters_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
A list of filter expressions that we found within the player's command.
find(GenericPredicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.Body
Iterates over the parts, looking for one that satisfies the passed predicate.
find(GenericPredicate) - Method in interface wyvern.kernel.combat.PartsList
Iterates over the parts, looking for one that satisfies the passed predicate.
find(Predicate) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Bag
Returns an object satisfying the specified Predicate, without actually removing the object.
find(GenericPredicate) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.EventQueue
Looks for the first event in the queue that matches the passed predicate.
find(Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
Returns the first object matching the passed Predicate.
find(Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.Trenchcoat
Returns an object satisfying the specified Predicate, without actually removing the object.
find(String) - Method in class wyvern.util.FileFinder
Starts the search from the specified directory.
find(File) - Method in class wyvern.util.FileFinder
Starts the search from the specified directory
findAllMatches(Commandable, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
findAllMatches(Commandable, Predicate) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Finds all objects in the map, adjacent to or beneath the agent, that match the passed predicate.
findAllMatches(Commandable, Predicate) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Search
Finds all objects in the map, adjacent to or beneath the agent, that match the passed predicate.
findAt(Point, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findAt(Point, String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findAt(int, int, String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findAt(int, int, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findAt(int, int, Predicate) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Looks for an object at the passed map location that passes the specified Predicate.
findBag(Commandable, PutCommand.PutEvent, String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.PutCommand
Looks for the destination bag, first in inventory, then on the ground beneath the player.
findBodyParts(Monster, Armor, WearEvent) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.WearCommand
Searches the monster's parts-list for enough available body parts to wear the armor.
findBodyParts(Weapon, Monster, TargetedEvent) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.WieldCommand
Finds the body part(s) that will wield the weapon and stuffs references to them into the event.
findByHashcode(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
findByHashcode(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterInventory
Returns an object in the inventory matching the passed hashcode.
findByHashcode(int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterInventory
Returns an object in the inventory matching the passed hashcode.
findByHashcode(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Looks for an object by its hashcode.
findByHashcode(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Inventory
Returns an object in the inventory matching the passed hashcode.
findByHashcode(int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Inventory
Returns an object in the inventory matching the passed hashcode.
findByName(Point, String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findByName(int, int, String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findByName(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Bag
Returns the first object that matches the passed name.
findByName(int, int, String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Finds the first object at the specified location that matches the passed name, using a standard NameMatchPredicate.
findByName(Point, String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the topmost visible object at the passed location.
findByName(String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
Returns the first object that matches the passed name.
findByName(String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.armor.Trenchcoat
Returns the first object that matches the passed name.
findClone(GameMap, GameObject, Point) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapWriter
Looks for an object at the specified location that exactly matches the passed object.
findClosestPlayer(Point, Set) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.BeelineAI
Finds the most desirable player to attack, using the simple logic "closer is better".
findDisembarkLocation(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Vehicle
Looks for a place to dump the player upon disembarking.
findFirstWielded() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.StaticBlade
findFreeSpot(Point, GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findFreeSpot(int, int, GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findFreeSpot(Point, GameObject) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Tries to find a free spot to put this object in.
findHandler(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.CommandListImpl
findHandler(CommandEvent) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandList
Finds an object to handle the specified command.
findHead(Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.RockTrap
Returns the monster's first head, if any.
findInMap(Commandable, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
findInMap(Commandable, Predicate) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Searches for an object matching the specified predicate.
findInMap(Commandable, Predicate) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Search
Searches for an object matching the specified predicate.
findInRect(int, int, int, int, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findInRect(int, int, int, int, Predicate) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Searches the objects in the specified rectangle and returns the first one that satisfies the passed Predicate.
findLastMatchingCommand(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.CommandPreprocessor
Looks through the history list to find the most recent command that starts with the passed prefix.
findNeighbor(Commandable, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
findNeighbor(Commandable, Predicate) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Searches for an object on the ground under and adjacent to the agent.
findNeighbor(Commandable, Predicate) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Search
Searches the locations around an agent for an object matching the specified predicate.
findObject(Commandable, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
findObject(Commandable, Predicate) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Searches for an object matching the specified predicate.
findObject(Commandable, Predicate) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Search
Looks for the specified object in the vicinity of the agent.
findPartsUsed(Armor, Monster) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.WearCommand
If for some reason the armor lost track of its list of body-parts that were used to wear the armor, we need to sniff around the agent's body to see where the armor is worn.
findPlayerToChase(Commandable, Commandable[]) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.StandardAI
Looks for a player nearby to move towards.
findSpace(Commandable, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.skills.NagaShift
Locates a spot to put the agent after the polymorph.
findTarget(Commandable, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
findTarget(Commandable, Predicate) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.CommandEvent
Searches for an object matching the specified predicate.
findTarget(Commandable, Predicate) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Search
This utility method looks first in the agent's inventory, then on the ground beneath the agent, for an object that passes the specified predicate.
findTargetObj() - Method in class wyvern.lib.spells.ShrinkArmor
findTargetObject(boolean) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Uses standard rules for finding the target.
findTargetObject() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Same as findTargetObject(useAgent), but never uses the caster as the target.
findTargetOrVeto() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.PickupEvent
Looks for the target object to pick up.
findTop(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findTop(Point) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findTop(int, int, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findTop(int, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the "topmost" object at this location.
findTop(int, int, Predicate) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Returns the topmost object at the specified location that passes a specified predicate.
findTopObject(DisplayPolicy, Commandable, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.LookCommand
Locates the topmost object under the agent at the (x, y) spot where they clicked.
findUnder(GameObject, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
findUnder(GameObject, Predicate) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Looks under the passed GameObject's locations for an object that matches the passed Predicate.
fine(String, String, String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Logs a FINE message.
fine(Class, String, String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Logs a FINE message.
finer(String, String, String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Logs a FINER message.
finer(Class, String, String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Logs a FINER message.
finest(String, String, String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Logs a FINEST message.
finest(Class, String, String) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Logs a FINEST message.
finishStateChange() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Corpse
Called when we switch states (except for going from putrid to destroying the corpse).
finished() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.BearTrap
Called when the player finally breaks out of the trap.
fireContainerEntered(Bag) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameObjectEventSupport
fireContainerEntered(Bag) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
fireContainerExited(Bag) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameObjectEventSupport
fireContainerExited(Bag) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
fireDirection(Commandable, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Tells the spell to fire itself in the specified direction.
fireDirection(Commandable, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellProxy
Tells the spell to fire itself in the specified direction.
fireDirection(Commandable, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Wand
Zaps the wand in a certain direction.
fireDirection(Commandable, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.RangeWeapon
Tells the object to fire itself in the specified direction.
fireDirection(Commandable, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.properties.Targetable
Tells the object to fire itself in the specified direction.
fireEnteredMap(GameMap, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameObjectEventSupport
fireEnteredMap(GameMap, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
fireExitedMap(GameMap, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameObjectEventSupport
fireExitedMap(GameMap, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
fireLocation(Commandable, Point) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Tells the object to fire itself along the line specified from the agent to a destination point.
fireLocation(Commandable, Point) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.SpellProxy
Tells the object to fire itself along the line specified from the agent to a destination point.
fireLocation(Commandable, Point) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Wand
Fires the wand towards a specific target location.
fireLocation(Commandable, Point) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.RangeWeapon
Tells the object to fire itself along the line specified from the agent to a destination point.
fireLocation(Commandable, Point) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.properties.Targetable
Tells the object to fire itself along the line specified from the agent to a destination point.
fireMapLoaded() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
fireMapResumed() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
fireMapSuspended() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
fireMapUnloaded() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
fireMessageReceived(String, byte) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.AbstractCommandable
fireMessageReceived(Commandable, String, byte) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameObjectEventSupport
fireMovedInMap(GameMap, List, List) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.GameObjectEventSupport
fireMovedInMap(GameMap, List, List) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
firePropertyChange(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
firePropertyChange(String, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Fires an existing PropertyChangeEvent to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Reports a boolean bound property update to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, int, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Reports an int bound property update to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Reports a bound property update to any registered listeners.
fixSpeed() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TerrainSpeed
Sets the terrain speed (by cloning a new terrain, sometimes), and adds "can-walk" to the target object if appropriate.
flagEnchantmentForAppraisers() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Sets the total enchantment in a "base-enchantment" property for the Appraisal skill.
flee(Commandable, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.FleeBE
floor_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.AbstractLevelGenerator
flushCameras() - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.kernel.CameraManager
Flushes all changes to all maps that we've gathered since the last refresh.
fly(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.skills.PixieSkills
fogeys(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MiscCommands
Shows the "who" list, sorted by birthday.
follow(CommandEvent, Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerGroups
Executes the "follow" command.
food_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.AutoGrab
forceInvalidate() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
forceInvalidate() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Camera
Forces the camera contents to refresh, even if it's already been marked as completely invalid.
forceRemoval() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Armor
Removes the armor from its wearer, removing the armor from any defense-list on the wearer as well.
forceRemoval() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.ArmorImpl
Removes the armor from its wearer, removing the armor from any defense-list on the wearer as well.
forceUnwield(Weapon, Commandable) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.combat.WieldCommand
Removes the weapon from the agent's attacks.
forceUnwield() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Weapon
Forcibly unwields the weapon, even if it's cursed.
forceUnwield() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.WeaponImpl
forgetSpell(String, Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.SpellListImpl
Forgets a spell.
forgetSpell(String, Commandable) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.SpellList
Forgets a spell.
formatAsGrams(long) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Formats the specified gram-weight.
formatAsKilos(long) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Formats the specified gram-weight as a number of kilograms (kg).
formatAsOunces(long) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Formats the specified gram-weight as a number of ounces.
formatAsPounds(long) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Weight
Formats the specified gram-weight as a number of pounds.
formatColor(Color) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Util
prints out a color as a 3-item list
formatCurrency(int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Shop
Formats a currency as platinum, gold and silver.
formatDate(Date) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Kernel
Formats the specified Date in the format we use for date properties.
formatDouble(double) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Strings
Returns a double formatted to 2 decimal places.
formatInt(long) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Strings
Formats an integer with commas.
formatMoney(long) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.town.ATM
Puts commas in to make numbers more readable.
formatPoint(Dimension) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Util
Formats a Dimension object as (x, y).
formatPoint(int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Util
Use this for error-checking and diagnostics.
formatPoint(Point) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Util
formatPoint(int, int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Util
formatPoint(int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Location
Point-formatting utility.
formatPoint(Point) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Location
Point-formatting utility.
formatPoint(int, int, int) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.Location
Point-formatting utility.
formatStringArray(String[]) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Strings
Returns a printable version of a string array.
formatTime(long) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Util
Turns a number of seconds into a string showing the days, hours, minutes and seconds for that interval.
formatTimeShort(long) - Static method in class wyvern.common.util.Util
Formats a time (in seconds) as hrs:min, e.g. 12:34
found(File) - Method in interface wyvern.util.FileFinder.Callback
foundLadder(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.SideScroller
Returns true if the selected square has the property Ladder, meaning that it can support a character's weight.
foundQuantity() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.PrepositionParser
Returns true if there was a quantity specified.
foundQuantity() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.QuantityParser
Returns true if a quantity was specified.
frameCache_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame
frame_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
friends(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.FriendsCommand
Manages a list of friends.
friendsWith(Player, Player) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.commands.FriendsCommand
Returns true if player A has player B in his/her friends list.
friendtell(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.FriendsCommand
Does a friend-tell.
friendwho(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.FriendsCommand
Shows which of your friends are currently online.
fuelTimer_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
fullCount_ - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.player.MapCamera
fullPathToLocalPath(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.properties.ArchetypeManager
Converts a fully-qualified archetype pathname (including filename and, optionally, extension) to a local pathname, e.g.
fullTime_ - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.player.MapCamera

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