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BAG_CUT_PERCENT_CAP - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.Bag
Bags aren't allowed to reduce weight more than this.
BAG_DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in interface wyvern.lib.Bag
If a bag is missing its "capacity" property, it makes more sense to have it hold a default value rather than nothing at all.
BASE_ACCURACY - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.combat.AttackType
BASE_DEPTH - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.AStarSearch
BERSERK_DELAY - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.skills.BerserkSkill
15 minutes before you can berserk again.
BISHOP - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Chess
BOTTOM - Static variable in interface wyvern.util.TableLayoutConstants
Indicates that the component is bottom justified in its cell
BUNGLE_CHANCE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.spells.effects.Confuser
BUNGLE_CHANCE - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.spells.effects.Scarer
Additional chance to bungle spells while scared.
BURDENED - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.Encumbrance
Indicates the player is slowed down even more because of inventory load.
BackgroundMapLoader - class wyvern.world.BackgroundMapLoader.
This class spawns threads to load maps, so that the server doesn't have to block while maps load (which would freeze the game).
Bag - interface wyvern.lib.Bag.
Main container interface in the game, for bags, quivers, scabbards, reagent pouches, backpacks, chests, and so on.
Bag.FullBagException - exception wyvern.lib.Bag.FullBagException.
This exception is thrown when someone tries to put something in a bag that can't hold any more items.
Bag.FullBagException() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.Bag.FullBagException
Constructs a new FullBagException with no error message.
Bag.FullBagException(String) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.Bag.FullBagException
Constructs a new FullBagException with the specified message.
Bag.InvalidItemException - exception wyvern.lib.Bag.InvalidItemException.
Thrown when someone tries to put an item in the bag that isn't appropriate for this bag, as defined by the bag's filter() method.
Bag.InvalidItemException(String) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.Bag.InvalidItemException
BagDesc() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.AutobagParser
BagList - class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.BagList.
An ordered list of bags to insert items into.
BagList() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.BagList
BallSpell - class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell.
Superclass of fireballs, blizzards, etc.
BallSpell() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BallSpell
BasicAttack - class wyvern.kernel.combat.parts.BasicAttack.
This body part is for attacking only; it doesn't have any slots and can't be severed.
BasicAttack() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.parts.BasicAttack
Constructs a new BasicAttack
BasicBag - class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag.
This is a customizable implementation of the Bag interface; most standard game containers (chests, packs, sacks, jars, etc.) will derive from this class.
BasicBag() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.BasicBag
BatInv - class wyvern.world.lists.inv.BatInv.
Generates leprechaun inventory.
BatInv() - Constructor for class wyvern.world.lists.inv.BatInv
BearTrap - class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.BearTrap.
Gets you stuck.
BearTrap() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.BearTrap
BeelineAI - class wyvern.lib.ai.BeelineAI.
Makes hostile monsters attack the nearest player, without checking for walls or obstructions.
BeelineAI(String) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.ai.BeelineAI
BeginToken() - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
Behavior - class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.Behavior.
Behavior(String) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.Behavior
BehaviorElement - class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.BehaviorElement.
BehaviorElement(String) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.ai.behaviors.BehaviorElement
Berserk - class wyvern.lib.spells.Berserk.
Turns the caster berserk.
Berserk() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.Berserk
BerserkSkill - class wyvern.lib.skills.BerserkSkill.
Class that allows berserkers to enter a homicidal rage.
BerserkSkill() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.skills.BerserkSkill
BitMatrix - class wyvern.util.BitMatrix.
A 2D array of boolean flags, implemented as a BitSet for compact storage and efficient access.
BitMatrix(int, int) - Constructor for class wyvern.util.BitMatrix
Constructs a new BitMatrix
BiteDamage - class wyvern.lib.combat.BiteDamage.
A damage type that's basically bite damage with different messages, since it's produced by a biteer.
BiteDamage() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.combat.BiteDamage
BiteDamage(int) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.combat.BiteDamage
BitingHead - class wyvern.kernel.combat.parts.BitingHead.
This body part is for wearing helmets.
BitingHead() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.parts.BitingHead
Constructs a new BitingHead
BitingHead(String) - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.parts.BitingHead
Constructs a new BitingHead
Blade - class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Blade.
The Blade class includes all bladed weapons that are not Swords, including scimitars, katanas, machetes, knives, and so on.
Blade() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Blade
BladeTrap - class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.BladeTrap.
Exposes a whirling blade that cuts you if you step on it.
BladeTrap() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.traps.BladeTrap
Blizzard - class wyvern.lib.spells.Blizzard.
Blizzard - like a fireball, but wc-cold.
Blizzard() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.spells.Blizzard
BlockingPredicate - class wyvern.lib.predicates.BlockingPredicate.
This predicate checks for things like walls, living things, buildings, etc.
BlockingPredicate() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.predicates.BlockingPredicate
Constructs a new BlockingPredicate with no exclusions.
BlockingPredicate(GameObject) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.predicates.BlockingPredicate
Constructs a new BlockingPredicate
BlocksLightPredicate - class wyvern.lib.predicates.BlocksLightPredicate.
Predicate for checking if an object blocks light/visibility.
BlocksLightPredicate() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.predicates.BlocksLightPredicate
BlocksSolidSpell - class wyvern.lib.predicates.BlocksSolidSpell.
A Predicate that's slightly more restrictive than a normal BlocksSpellPredicate - it also prevents the spell from being cast on any structures or anything that's blocking.
BlocksSolidSpell() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.predicates.BlocksSolidSpell
BlocksSpellPredicate - class wyvern.lib.predicates.BlocksSpellPredicate.
This predicate checks for the presence of objects that block spells.
BlocksSpellPredicate() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.predicates.BlocksSpellPredicate
Blowgun - class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Blowgun.
A projectile weapon that works by blowing missiles out of it.
Blowgun() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Blowgun
BlowgunDart - class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.BlowgunDart.
Any missile fired from a blowgun.
BlowgunDart() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.BlowgunDart
Body - class wyvern.kernel.combat.Body.
This class encapsulates a list of body parts that can be used to wear & wield things.
Body() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.Body
Constructs a new Body
BodyArmor - class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.BodyArmor.
Platemail, chainmail, and other armor types that are strapped to the torso.
BodyArmor() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.BodyArmor
BodyArmorSlot - class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.BodyArmorSlot.
This interface is for body parts that can wear a piece of armor.
BodyArmorSlot() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.BodyArmorSlot
BodyPart - class wyvern.kernel.combat.BodyPart.
This is the superclass for all specific body parts (hand, foot, etc).
BodyPart() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.BodyPart
Bolt - class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Bolt.
Any missile fired from a crossbow.
Bolt() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Bolt
BoltSpell - class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell.
Generic, parameterizable bolt/ray spell.
BoltSpell() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell
Bone - class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Bone.
Bone() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Bone
Book - class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Book.
Spellbook class - you can learn spells from it.
Book() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Book
BooleanPredicate - class wyvern.lib.predicates.BooleanPredicate.
Returns true if an object has the specified boolean property.
BooleanPredicate(String) - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.predicates.BooleanPredicate
Constructs a new BooleanPredicate for the specified type.
BootSlot - class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.BootSlot.
This interface is for body parts that can wear a piece of armor.
BootSlot() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.BootSlot
Boots - class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Boots.
Boots and other footgear.
Boots() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Boots
Bootstrap - class wyvern.kernel.kernel.Bootstrap.
Allows Wizards to be notified when the game starts up, so they can preload maps, start timers, register commands, install hooks, and so on.
Bootstrap() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.kernel.Bootstrap
Borderer - class wyvern.common.util.Borderer.
This class handles choosing terrain borders.
Borderer() - Constructor for class wyvern.common.util.Borderer
Constructs a new Borderer
Boulder - class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Boulder.
A heavy object that can be pushed around.
Boulder() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Boulder
Bow - class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Bow.
The basic Bow type.
Bow() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.weapons.Bow
BracerSlot - class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.BracerSlot.
This interface is for body parts that can wear a piece of armor.
BracerSlot() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.combat.slots.BracerSlot
Bracers - class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Bracers.
An arm-and-wrist guard worn by archers and fencers.
Bracers() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.armor.Bracers
Bresenham - class wyvern.util.Bresenham.
An object that takes two endpoints and returns all the points on the line between them (including the endpoints).
Bresenham(Point, Point) - Constructor for class wyvern.util.Bresenham
Constructs a new Bresenham iterator between two points.
Bresenham(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class wyvern.util.Bresenham
Constructs a new Bresenham iterator between two points.
Bridge - class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Bridge.
Bridges allow you to move over water, and at normal speed, so they adjust the terrain speed of the terrain beneath them when placed in a map.
Bridge() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Bridge
Broadcast - class wyvern.kernel.maps.Broadcast.
Handles the standard broadcasting commands, for broadcasting a message to all players (and monsters that are listening) nearby.
Broadcast() - Constructor for class wyvern.kernel.maps.Broadcast
Broadcaster - interface wyvern.lib.Broadcaster.
Interface shared by objects that can broadcast a message to everyone in the local area.
Bronze - class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Bronze.
Bronze() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.properties.materials.Bronze
Constructs a new Bronze
BugCommand - class wyvern.lib.commands.BugCommand.
This command allows the user to log a bug.
BuiltInCommand - interface wyvern.kernel.commands.BuiltInCommand.
This interface is used by built-in game commands; which are otherwise normal Commands with one extra responsibility: they must "register" with the game engine by placing their known commands into a table.
ButtonSwitch - class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.ButtonSwitch.
Implements something that you have to push a boulder or block onto.
ButtonSwitch() - Constructor for class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.ButtonSwitch
b_ - Variable in class wyvern.common.net.RPCVersion
backup(int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
badQtyMsg_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.GetFromCommand.GetFromEvent
bagFullMsg_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.PutCommand.PutEvent
ban(String) - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Bans a player until the next reboot.
barf(String, String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.Talker
Throws a semi-descriptive parse error.
barf(String, String) - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.TavernMenu
Throws a semi-descriptive parse error.
baseBitmapName_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.ConnectedObject
baseBitmapName_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.TerrainRoad
baseImage_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.properties.Projectile
baseLevel_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
The level of nonmagical weapon to start with.
baseXPForLevel(int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.XPAwarder
beat() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.Heart
Called by PlayerImpl.heartBeat().
beats(HandType) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.HandType
Returns true if this hand beats another hand.
beats_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
beats_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.player.Heart
becomeInvisible(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.ring.InvisibilityRing
Turns the wearer invisible.
becomeInvisible(GameObject) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Invisible
becomeVisible(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.ring.InvisibilityRing
Turns the wearer visible again.
becomeVisible(GameObject) - Static method in class wyvern.lib.properties.Invisible
beginClosing(int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Gate
Starts closing the gate.
beginColumn - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
beginLine - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
beginOpening(int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.Gate
Starts opening the gate.
belowLowFuelThreshold() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Lamp
Returns true if our fuel-level is currently below the int "low-level" threshold property, such that the lamp's intensity will be diminished.
bitmaps_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Spell
Keeps track of the spells bitmap numbers for animation.
bitmaps_ - Static variable in class wyvern.lib.spells.FlameShield
bless() - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
bless() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameObject
Blesses the object, or if it's cursed, upgrades it to uncursed.
blessChance_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Chance the weapon will be blessed, if it's not cursed.
blessOrCurseItem() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.random.WeaponEnchanter
Decides whether the item should be blessed or cursed.
blindAgent(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.Book
Blinds the agent, if the book is cursed.
blindAgent(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.misc.CrystalBall
Blinds the agent, if the ball is cursed.
blindTarget(Commandable, Monster) - Method in class wyvern.lib.magic.misc.Camera
Blinds the monster momentarily.
blind_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Frame.VisibilityConstants
blockage_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.dungeon.DungeonGenerator
boardPassenger(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Ship
Puts a passenger in the vehicle, if there's room.
boardPassenger(Commandable) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.Vehicle
Puts a passenger in the vehicle, if there's room.
boardToMap(int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Checkers
Returns a point in board coordinates.
boardToMap(Point) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.Checkers
Returns a point in board coordinates.
bootAllPlayers() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Boots every player off the game.
bootIdlePlayers() - Static method in class wyvern.world.World
Goes through the player list and boots any players that have been idle for too long.
bounce() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.construct.FlyingBoulder
Change to a different direction.
bounce() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.Platform
Change to a different direction.
bounce() - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.SideScroller.Sliding
Reverse direction
bounced(GameObject, int, int) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.magic.BoltSpell
Called if the spell bounces off of a blocking object.
bounds_ - Variable in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractCamera
broadcast(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
broadcast(String, byte) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
broadcast(String, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
broadcast(String, Predicate, byte) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
broadcast(String, Predicate, byte, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.commands.EventImpl
broadcast(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
broadcast(String, byte) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.AbstractGameMap
broadcast(GameObject, String) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Broadcast
Broadcast message to everyone in sight.
broadcast(GameObject, String, byte) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Broadcast
Broadcast message to everyone in sight.
broadcast(GameObject, String, Predicate) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Broadcast
Broadcast message to everyone in sight.
broadcast(GameObject, String, Predicate, byte) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Broadcast
Sends the specified message to everyone in sight.
broadcast(GameObject, String, Predicate, byte, int) - Static method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.Broadcast
Sends the specified message to everyone in sight.
broadcast(String) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
broadcast(String, byte) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
broadcast(String, Predicate) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
broadcast(String, Predicate, byte) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
broadcast(String, Predicate, byte, int) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
broadcast(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Broadcaster
Broadcasts a message to every player in sight of this object, not including the player who initiated it (if this is a player).
broadcast(String, Predicate) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Broadcaster
Sends the specified message to players in earshot of this object, not including the player who initiated it (if this is a player).
broadcast(String, byte) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Broadcaster
Broadcasts a message to every player in earshot of this object, not including the player who initiated it (if this is a player).
broadcast(String, Predicate, byte) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Broadcaster
Sends the specified message to player in sight of this object, not including the player who initiated it (if this is a player).
broadcast(String, Predicate, byte, int) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Broadcaster
Sends the specified message to everyone in sight.
broadcast(String) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Broadcasts a message to every player in the map.
broadcast(String, byte) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.GameMap
Broadcasts a message to every player in the map.
broadcast() - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Sound
Plays the sound to everyone in range.
broadcast() - Method in class wyvern.lib.properties.MovableSoundSource
Broadcasts this sound to all the players within earshot of the owner.
broadcastEntry(boolean) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
Tells certain lists that the player entered or left the game.
bruteForceCount15s() - Static method in class wyvern.lib.classes.games.card.CardCounting
Enumerates all 5-card poker hands that sum to 15, along with some statistics about such hands.
bufcolumn - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
buffer - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
bufline - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
bufpos - Variable in class wyvern.lib.commands.autobag.SimpleCharStream
buildSkinList() - Method in class wyvern.util.SkinDialog
Builds up a Vector of available Skins from our classpath.
builtins - Static variable in class wyvern.kernel.commands.CommandListImpl
All the built-in game commands must go in this list.
bungle_ - Variable in class wyvern.lib.spells.Berserk
burial(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.monsters.MonsterImpl
Handles the map changes necessary to turn a live monster into a dead corpse.
burial(GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.kernel.player.PlayerImpl
Kills a player, for real.
burial(GameObject) - Method in interface wyvern.lib.Monster
Destroys the monster.
buy(CommandEvent) - Method in class wyvern.lib.commands.MiscCommands
Attempts to buy something.
buyGem(String, String, GameObject, GameObject) - Method in class wyvern.lib.classes.town.Converter
Buys a gem.

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