Class TerrainRoad

  extended bywyvern.kernel.properties.PList
      extended bywyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
          extended bywyvern.lib.classes.Terrain
              extended bywyvern.lib.classes.construct.TerrainRoad
All Implemented Interfaces:
Broadcaster, GameObject, MethodHookable, Predicate, PropertyList, Terrain.NoFlyweight

public class TerrainRoad
extends Terrain
implements Terrain.NoFlyweight, Predicate

A terrain type that connects itself like a road.

1.0, May 28, 2001
Steve Yegge

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class wyvern.lib.classes.Terrain
Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String baseBitmapName_
Fields inherited from class wyvern.lib.classes.Terrain
appearance_, hasBorders_, letsBordersIn_, letsBordersOut_, opaque_, priority_, terrainCache_
Fields inherited from class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
IN_MAP_EDITOR, listenerList_
Fields inherited from class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
Fields inherited from interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void applyBitmap(java.lang.String dirs)
          Sets the bitmap based on a direction string.
 GameObject checkNeighbor(int x, int y, GameMap map)
          Look in specified place for a neighbor of our type.
 void doUpdate()
          Recomputes self & neighbor bitmaps.
 Predicate getNeighborPredicate()
          Returns a predicate that returns true if the object is another TerrainRoad.
 java.lang.String getWallBaseName()
          Returns the unique substring immediately preceding the direction suffix(es) in the bitmap name.
 boolean haveNeighbor(int x, int y, GameMap map)
          Returns true if we have a neighbor at the specified location.
 void initialize()
          Sets class-default properties.
 boolean predicate(GameObject obj)
          Predicate for checking if an object is considered a neighboring wall.
protected  void processNeighbor(java.lang.StringBuffer dirs, java.lang.String dir, int x, int y, GameMap map)
          Helper method to look for a neighbor and tell it to redo its bitmap.
 void remove()
          Updates neighbors.
 void setBaseBitmap()
          Get the base name for our bitmap (no directions)
 void setMap(GameMap map, int x, int y)
          Connects to neighbors.
protected  java.lang.String stripDirs(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Strips the directions off a wall or road filename.
 void teleport(int x, int y)
          Overrides MapObject.teleport().
 void updateBitmap()
          Updates our bitmap based on neighboring walls (or roads) we find in the map.
 void updateBitmapAndNeighbors(int x, int y, GameMap map)
          Chooses a bitmap for a wall based on its neighbors.
Methods inherited from class wyvern.lib.classes.Terrain
getCachedTerrain, getPriority, getTile, hasBorders, isCached, isOpaque, isTerrain, letsBordersIn, letsBordersOut, setAppearance, setHasBorders, setLetsBordersIn, setLetsBordersOut, setPriority
Methods inherited from class wyvern.kernel.maps.MapObject
addContainerChangeListener, addDefaultProperty, addMapChangeListener, addMapMotionListener, addMethodHook, addMotionTracker, addObjectTracker, addPrefix, addSuffix, addToMap, bless, broadcast, broadcast, broadcast, broadcast, broadcast, canEnter, canEnterBlockedBy, canMove, canMove, canMoveBlockedBy, canMoveBlockedBy, canMoveTo, canMoveToBlockedBy, checkDrop, curse, cycleFrame, destroy, ensureListenerList, ensureWeight, externalize, fireContainerEntered, fireContainerExited, fireEnteredMap, fireExitedMap, fireMovedInMap, getAlpha, getAppearance, getArchetype, getBaseName, getBaseWeight, getBitmap, getBounds, getCanonicalClassName, getCategory, getContainer, getCreator, getDamagedDescription, getDescription, getDirection, getGenderPossessive, getGenderPronoun, getImage, getImageDescriptor, getImageDescriptors, getLayer, getLocations, getMap, getMapLink, getMaterial, getMaterialDescription, getMover, getOwningPlayer, getParentMap, getPrefixes, getQuantity, getReferenceLoc, getRelativeLocs, getShortDesc, getSuffixes, getTile, getValue, getWeight, groupString, inContainer, initLocs, inMapEditor, invalidate, invalidateImage, invalidateParent, invalidateText, isAnimated, isAttackable, isBlessed, isCommandable, isCursed, isDamned, isGroupable, isIdentified, isMonster, isMonsterOrPlayer, isPlayer, isUncursed, isUnpaid, isWizard, makeClone, markPaid, markUnpaid, move, occupies, positionAt, positionAtMap, removeContainerChangeListener, removeFromMap, removeMapChangeListener, removeMapMotionListener, removeMethodHook, removeMotionTracker, removeObjectTracker, removePrefix, removeSuffix, runMethodHook, setAlpha, setAnimated, setBitmap, setCategory, setContainer, setDefaultBitmap, setDefaultCategory, setDefaultDesc, setDefaultImage, setDefaultIntProperty, setDefaultLayer, setDefaultMaterial, setDefaultProperty, setDefaultShortDesc, setDirection, setImage, setImage, setLayer, setLocations, setMapLink, setQuantity, setShape, setSize, setTransientSize, setWeight, setWeight, toString, updateMapLocation
Methods inherited from class wyvern.kernel.properties.PList
addProperty, addTransientProperty, adjustDoubleProperty, adjustIntProperty, adjustLongProperty, adjustTransientDoubleProperty, adjustTransientIntProperty, adjustTransientLongProperty, countLocalProperties, debugProperties, dismantlePropertyList, getDoubleProperty, getInheritedProperty, getInteger, getIntProperty, getLocalProperties, getLocalProperty, getLongProperty, getParent, getPersistentDoubleProperty, getPersistentIntProperty, getPersistentLocalProperties, getPersistentLongProperty, getPersistentProperty, getProfilingInfo, getProperties, getProperties, getPropertiesIncludingTransients, getPropertiesIncludingTransients, getProperty, getSerializableProperties, getSerializableProperty, getStringProperty, getTransientDoubleProperty, getTransientIntProperty, getTransientLongProperty, getTransientProperties, getTransientProperty, hasLocalProperty, hasPersistentProperty, hasProperty, hasTransientProperty, inheritProperty, isReadOnly, isRemoved, isTransientlyRemoved, printLocalProperties, printProperties, printProperties, printTransientProperties, removeProperty, removeTransientProperty, setDoubleProperty, setIntProperty, setLongProperty, setParent, setProperty, setReadOnly, setTransientDoubleProperty, setTransientIntProperty, setTransientLongProperty, setTransientProperty, toString, transientlyRemoveProperty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface wyvern.lib.PropertyList
addProperty, addTransientProperty, adjustDoubleProperty, adjustIntProperty, adjustLongProperty, adjustTransientDoubleProperty, adjustTransientIntProperty, adjustTransientLongProperty, countLocalProperties, getDoubleProperty, getInheritedProperty, getIntProperty, getLocalProperties, getLocalProperty, getLongProperty, getParent, getPersistentDoubleProperty, getPersistentIntProperty, getPersistentLocalProperties, getPersistentLongProperty, getPersistentProperty, getProperties, getProperties, getPropertiesIncludingTransients, getPropertiesIncludingTransients, getProperty, getSerializableProperties, getSerializableProperty, getStringProperty, getTransientDoubleProperty, getTransientIntProperty, getTransientLongProperty, getTransientProperties, getTransientProperty, hasLocalProperty, hasPersistentProperty, hasProperty, hasTransientProperty, inheritProperty, isReadOnly, isRemoved, isTransientlyRemoved, printLocalProperties, printProperties, printProperties, printTransientProperties, removeProperty, removeTransientProperty, setDoubleProperty, setIntProperty, setLongProperty, setParent, setProperty, setReadOnly, setTransientDoubleProperty, setTransientIntProperty, setTransientLongProperty, setTransientProperty, toString, transientlyRemoveProperty

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String baseBitmapName_
Constructor Detail


public TerrainRoad()
Method Detail


public void initialize()
Sets class-default properties.

Specified by:
initialize in interface GameObject
initialize in class Terrain


public void teleport(int x,
                     int y)
Overrides MapObject.teleport(). Looks in adjacent squares for neighboring Wall objects and updates the bitmap to join with the neighboring walls. Wall.class doesn't override MapObject.setLocations(), so you can use that method to put a wall in the map without having it update its image.

Specified by:
teleport in interface GameObject
teleport in class MapObject
x - map x coordinate
y - map y coordinate


public void setMap(GameMap map,
                   int x,
                   int y)
Connects to neighbors.

Specified by:
setMap in interface GameObject
setMap in class MapObject


public void remove()
Updates neighbors.

Specified by:
remove in interface GameObject
remove in class MapObject


public void doUpdate()
Recomputes self & neighbor bitmaps.


public void updateBitmapAndNeighbors(int x,
                                     int y,
                                     GameMap map)
Chooses a bitmap for a wall based on its neighbors.

map - our map
x - our x location
y - our y location


protected void processNeighbor(java.lang.StringBuffer dirs,
                               java.lang.String dir,
                               int x,
                               int y,
                               GameMap map)
Helper method to look for a neighbor and tell it to redo its bitmap.

dirs - buffer to add direction to if we find neighbor there
dir - the direction string to add to the buffer
x - our map x location
y - our map y location
map - our map


public GameObject checkNeighbor(int x,
                                int y,
                                GameMap map)
Look in specified place for a neighbor of our type.

x - relative x position at which to check for neighbor
y - relative y position at which to check for neighbor
map - map the wall is in (must not be null)
true if there's a wall of this type there


public void setBaseBitmap()
Get the base name for our bitmap (no directions)


public void updateBitmap()
Updates our bitmap based on neighboring walls (or roads) we find in the map.


public boolean haveNeighbor(int x,
                            int y,
                            GameMap map)
Returns true if we have a neighbor at the specified location.

map - our map
x - map x coordinate
y - map y coordinate
true if there's a neighbor there


protected void applyBitmap(java.lang.String dirs)
Sets the bitmap based on a direction string.

dirs - a constructed direction string, e.g. "NSE", derived from the neigboring walls.


protected java.lang.String stripDirs(java.lang.String type,
                                     java.lang.String name)
Strips the directions off a wall or road filename.

type - "wall" or "road"
name - the filename, with no extension
the base name


public Predicate getNeighborPredicate()
Returns a predicate that returns true if the object is another TerrainRoad.

a predicate returning true for valid neighbors


public boolean predicate(GameObject obj)
Predicate for checking if an object is considered a neighboring wall. If the wall has "noconnect" set, it never connects to any other wall. If it has the "nojoin" property, it will only connect to other walls of it's "join-type". All walls with the same "join-type" property (not set by default) will join together. So walls without a "join-type" set will join with other types that also don't have "join-type" set.

Specified by:
predicate in interface Predicate
obj - any GameObject
true if the object passes, else false


public java.lang.String getWallBaseName()
Returns the unique substring immediately preceding the direction suffix(es) in the bitmap name. For example, if the bitmap name is CastleWallNSEW, the base name is "wall". Roads return "road", doors return "door", etc. Returns the base name set in the "base-name" property, if any, or "wall" by default.