Package wyvern.lib.classes.construct

Provides classes for implementing dungeons and game areas.


Class Summary
ApplyRead An object that prints its long description when you apply it or read it.
Boulder A heavy object that can be pushed around.
Bridge Bridges allow you to move over water, and at normal speed, so they adjust the terrain speed of the terrain beneath them when placed in a map.
ButtonSwitch Implements something that you have to push a boulder or block onto.
CheckerTile This class creates a checkerboard of alternating tiles.
ConnectedObject This is the abstract superclass of walls & roads, which share the ability to connect with their neighbors.
DiggableWall A wall you can break through.
DisplayCase A special wall type that lets you see what's inside it.
Door A door that can be opened or closed.
EmoteRoom An object you can put in a map to make the map an Emote Room.
Firewall Firewall.
FlyingBoulder A huge rock that flies around a room, damaging whatever it hits.
Gate This class implements a gate that opens slowly & animates while it opens.
Guild A generic Guild class.
KeyedEntrance A teleporter that requires you to have a certain object in your inventory before it'll let you pass.
Lava Lava.
Lever This class implements something you can pull, flip or toggle to activate some other object.
Lock A lock that can be placed on chests, doors, or other objects.
MagicMapper Knows how to take a GameMap and turn it into a scaled image.
MagicMouth Spits out a message when you walk on it.
Mountains A configurable mountain-range class with support for its own borders.
PayTeleporter A pay teleporter.
PuzzleBall Special variation on the boulder.
QuestPerson A monster or NPC who will give you something, and/or perform some command, when you give it the right item.
QuestSolver A monster or NPC who will let you solve a quest if you give them the right item.
QuestTeleporter A teleporter that responds to a specific command by teleporting the player through it.
Road Prototype class for roads.
SmallButton A button that a monster or player will activate when standing on it.
SpiralStair A staircase that has 2 destination teleporters, one for "up" and one for "down".
Stair A teleporter that handles the "up" and "down" commands.
Switch Common superclass for levers and buttons.
TerrainRoad A terrain type that connects itself like a road.
VoiceDoor A voice-activated door.
VoicePerson A voice-activated NPC.
Wall Basic wall class.
Water Water.
XPToken A token that can be given as a reward, good for XP or gold.

Package wyvern.lib.classes.construct Description

Provides classes for implementing dungeons and game areas.