The Wyvern Guild System

  Wyvern offers a number of Guilds that you can join. Guilds allow you to specialize in a particular skill or skills, at the expense of other skills. The general idea of a guild is that you are initially weaker from joining the guild, but as you advance levels in the guild, you become very powerful in your particular specialization.

For example, combat-related guilds (Monks, Paladins, Archers, etc.) make you better at certain types of fighting, but they usually penalize your spellcasting ability. When you join, your spellcasting gets worse right away, but you have to go up levels in your guild to get better at combat.



Guilds can be Exclusive or Non-Exclusive. You can only be a member of one Exclusive guild at a time, but you can join as many Non-Exclusive guilds as you like.

Exclusive guilds often have strict admission requirements:

  • they usually have a high admission fee (100k gold or more)
  • they usually require you to solve a quest before joining
  • there may be a minimum level requirement
  • some guilds may be off-limits to certain races, usually because that race/guild combination would be too powerful

Once you meet the requirements for a guild, you can join at the Guild Hall for that guild. Sometimes the Guild Hall can be hard to find, but most of them are marked on the World Map.

You are free to leave the guild any time after joining, but you lose all the money you paid, as well as any guild experience you gained while in the guild. If you re-join the guild, you have to start over from scratch.

Guild Levels and Abilities

Exclusive guilds nearly all have 10 guild levels. Each level has its own special title. Each guild has a primary ability, and if you use that ability, you can get Guild Experience. You need guild XP to go up levels in the guild.

Your guild level is completely independent of your regular experience level. You could be a 20th level player who's only 3rd level in a guild.

Guild experience is slightly different from normal experience: you can actually slide backwards a level from losing guild XP. If you die enough, you can go from 10th level in the guild to first level, and you'll have to work your way back up.

You usually gain guild experience by killing monsters with your primary ability. For magic-user guilds, you get guild XP by casting spells. For unarmed-combat guilds, you get guild XP by killing monsters with your bare hands (or claws, fangs, etc.) Each guild will tell you what the primary ability is. Some guilds provide ways of gaining guild XP without killing monsters.

You normally gain one guild XP for each regular XP, as long as you were using your primary ability to kill the monster.

When you die, and you lose regular XP, you'll lose the same number of guild XP. If you have the Spirit Travelling skill, it reduces the amount of guild XP you lose when you die.

Guild XP may or may not be affected by monsters that drain experience, depending on the guild.

Some guilds place restrictions on what you can wield or wear. The guild may prevent you from wearing certain kinds of armor, or it may simply remove your special abilities if you wear the wrong kind of armor - but you'll usually still have your skill penalties!

Guild Communication

All guilds offer guildtell and guildwho commands, but the names of the commands are different for each guild. The guild documentation for each guild will tell you what the commands are.

Ongoing Changes

In addition to working on new guilds, we make occasional changes to the existing guilds. Expect your guild to be tweaked (or even overhauled) several times. Bonuses and penalties may change, and you may receive new powers or restrictions.

We have attempted to design the guilds so that they are all balanced approximately equally. However, we may find that certain guilds are overpowered or underpowered, and we can (and will) make changes to them to fix their balancing.

Each guild has a required quest, and the quests will change. You are only required to solve the current quest to gain admission into a guild. For example, if the Monks Guild requires the Mist Temple Quest, and you solve it and join the guild, then you get to stay in the guild, even if the required quest changes.

Exclusive Guilds

In this section you can read about all the Exclusive Guilds of Wyvern. These guilds do not permit their members to join any other guild (other than Non-Exclusive ones).

Your choice of guild will have a dramatic effect on your style of gameplay, so choose wisely!


Archers Guild

Level Title
1 Fletcher
2 Bowyer
3 Slinger
4 Sharpshooter
5 Marksman
6 Bowman
7 Master Bowman
8 Archer
9 Master Archer
10 Grandmaster Archer
The Archers Guild is located in the Elven village of Almien. The guild admission requirements are:
  • you must pay 100,000 gold coins
  • you must be at least 10th level
  • you have to have solved the Pirate Island Quest

Upon joining the Archers Guild, you receive:

  • -5 in all four Magical Arts
  • -5 points in the Axe, Blade, Blunt, Sword, Whip, Staves, Unarmed, and Polearm skills
  • the first-level skill bonuses (see below)
  • access to an Archers Shop with special bows and arrows
  • the ability to wear Archer-only armor, available in the guild shop

High Elves who join the Archers Guild get an automatic +3 in Range Weapons, and Wood Elves get an automatic +5.

Humans who join the Archers Guild get the custom images shown above.

As you advance levels in the Archers Guild, you receive:

  • +1 in Range Weapons for every level
  • +1 in Find Weakness for every level
  • +1 in Dodge at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10

To gain Guild Experience as an Archer, you must kill monsters using missiles fired from bows, crossbows, and other range weapons.

The guild commands are archerwho and archertell.


Axemans Guild

Level Title
1 Novice Axeman
2 Apprentice Axeman
3 Chopper
4 Cleaver
5 Woodsman
6 Lumberjack
7 Axefighter
8 Axeman
9 Master Axeman
10 Grandmaster Axeman

The Axemans Guild is located in the Dwarven village of Varak. The guild admission requirements are:

  • you must pay 100,000 gold coins
  • you must be at least 10th level
  • you have to have solved the Jewel of Besar

Upon joining the Axemans Guild, you receive:

  • -5 in all four Magical Arts
  • -5 in all eight Magical Elements
  • +5 in your Blacksmith skill
  • the first-level skill bonuses (see below)
  • access to an Axemans Shop
  • the ability to wear certain Axeman-only armor (not yet available)

As you advance levels in the Axemans Guild, you receive:

  • +5% of your base hit points for every level, so at 10th level in the guild, you have 50% more hit points
  • +1 in Axe weapon skill every level
  • +1 in Strength at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
  • +1 in Find Weakness at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
  • +1 in Healing at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
  • +1 in Hurled Weapons at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10

To gain Guild Experience as an Axeman, you must kill monsters using any kind of Axe.

The guild commands are axewho and axetell.


Cavemans Guild

Level Title
1 Troglodyte
2 Aborigine
3 Primitive
4 Savage
5 Wildman/Wildwoman
6 Clansman/Clanswoman
7 Tribesman/Tribeswoman
8 Caveman/Cavewoman
9 Chieftain/Chieftainess
10 Conqueror

Cavemen are wandering tribesmen specializing in the finer things in life, including (but not limited to) howling and bashing things. While Cavemen are not particularly famed for their eloquence, they have a directness that can be, at times, refreshing.

The Cavemans Guild is located on a barren, mountainous island near the Northern Wastes. The guild admission requirements are:

  • you must pay 100,000 gold coins
  • you must be at least 10th level
  • you have to have solved the Tornaum Castle Quest

Upon joining the Cavemans Guild, you receive:

As you advance levels in the Cavemans Guild, you receive:

  • +10% added to your base hit points, for every level, so at 10th level in the guild, your hit points are doubled
  • +1 in the Club weapons skill for every level
  • +1 in Unarmed Combat at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
  • +1 in Hurled Weapons at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
  • +1 in Berserking at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10

Cavemen must use clubs or unarmed combat to receive guild XP. Cavemen will not receive guild XP if they have readied any Conjurations, Evocations, or any spells of Death Magic.

The guild commands are cavewho and cavetell.


Mages Guild

Level Title
1 Apprentice
2 Shaman
3 Thaumaturge
4 Magician
5 Warlock/Witch
6 Sorceror/Sorceress
7 Adept
8 Magus
9 Master Magus
10 Archmage

Mages are the undisputed masters of spellcasting in Wyvern. The Mages Guild is located on an island northwest of Fae Wyston. The guild admission requirements are:

  • you must pay 100,000 gold coins
  • you must be at least 10th level
  • you have to have solved the Ruins of Samhoc Quest

Upon joining the Mages Guild, you receive:

  • -5 in the Axe, Blade, Blunt, Hurled, Polearm, Range, Sword, Unarmed and Whip skills
  • your first-level skill bonuses (see below)
  • the ability to wear certain powerful kinds of Mage-only armor
  • access to a special library in the Mages Guild, where you can learn spells for free

Humans who join the Mages Guild get the custom images shown above.

As you advance levels in the Mages Guild, you receive:

  • +5% added to your Mana every level, so at 10th level in the guild, you have 50% more spell points
  • +1 in your Meditation skill at every level

In order for Mages to receive guild XP, they must kill monsters using spells.

We are currently considering adding specializations to the Mages Guild, so that you can become a Fire Mage, a Summoner, or a specialist in any other Magical Art or Element.

The guild commands are magewho and magetell.


Monks Guild

Level Title
1 Novice
2 Apprentice
3 Initiate
4 Acolyte
5 Brother/Sister
6 Sensei
7 Mystic
8 Martial Artist
9 Master Martial Artist
10 Grandmaster Martial Artist

Monks are Martial Artists and masters of Mind Magic. The Monks Guild is located in the desert of Bandar Gaah. The guild admission requirements are:

  • you must pay 100,000 gold coins
  • you must be at least 10th level
  • you have to have solved the Mist Temple Quest

Upon joining the Monks Guild, you receive:

As you advance levels in the Monks Guild, you receive:

  • +1 in Unarmed Combat for every level
  • +2 in Healing for every level
  • +1 in Dodge for every level
  • +2 in Mind Magic for every level
  • +1 Hunger Bonus at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10

Monks must have absolute freedom of movement, so if a Monk wears a piece of armor that isn't made of cloth, the Monk loses his or her special bonuses until the non-cloth armor is removed.

In order for a Monk to receive guild XP for a kill, the Monk must be unarmed, and cannot have any spell readied except for Incantations of Mind.

The guild commands are monkwho and monktell.


Paladins Guild

Level Title
1 Page
2 Squire
3 Protector/Protectress
4 Guardian
5 Crusader
6 Knight
7 Champion
8 Templar
9 Paladin
10 Paladin Lord/Lady

Paladins are Holy Warriors reminiscent of the Knights of the Round Table, or the Knights Templar of Medieval times. Paladins have very strict requirements for their conduct, and they can be expelled from the guild if they stray from the path of Good.

The Paladins Guild is located in the southwest district of Minath Elion. The guild admission requirements are:

  • you must pay 100,000 gold coins
  • you must be at least 10th level
  • you have to have solved the Demon Hordes Quest

Upon joining the Paladins Guild, you receive:

Humans who join the Paladins Guild get the custom images shown above.

As you advance levels in the Paladins Guild, you receive:

  • +7% added to your hit points every level, so at 10th level in the guild, you have 70% more hit points
  • +1 in the Swords weapon skill for every level
  • +1 in the Strength skill at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
  • +1 in the Life skill at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10

Paladins speak in a medieval-sounding dialect. The speech filter is imperfect, but it enhances roleplay and gives Paladins a distinctive "flavor" to their communications.

Paladins must use Swords to dispatch their opponents, or they receive no guild experience.

Paladins must watch their Alignment carefully. As a Paladin's alignment goes towards Neutral (from killing good/peaceful monsters and NPCs), they receive increasingly stern warnings from the Guild. When they become Neutral, the special guild bonuses disappear, until the Paladin's alignment returns to Good.

Because of the demonic origins of rakshasas and nagas, they are barred from joining the paladins guild. The same is true of dark elves, who stand for everything the Paladin's order is against.

If you become evil enough as a Paladin, you are immediately expelled from the Guild, and you lose all of your guild experience. The experience cannot be restored. If you wish to re-join the guild, you must solve the required quest (if it has changed), and start over as a first-level Page.

The guild commands are paladinwho and paladintell.


Rogues Guild

Level Title
1 Vagabond
2 Pick Pocket
3 Charlatan
4 Prowler
5 Bandit
6 Thief
7 Miscreant
8 Outlaw
9 Highwayman
10 Criminal Mastermind

Rogues are skilled fighters with a blade, but would rather avoid a fair fight and use their stealth and thieving skills. Always willing to take a bit of a risk to make a profit, but equally likely to double-cross someone for an even bigger profit.

The location of the Rogues Guild is a guild secret. All that is known is that you must prove your worth to the guild by completing the Shrouded in Darkness quest.

  • you must pay 100,000 gold coins
  • you must be at least 10th level
  • you have to have solved the Shrouded in Darkness quest

Upon joining the Rogues Guild, you receive:

As you advance levels in the Rogues Guild, you receive:

  • +3% added to your hit points every level, so at 10th level in the guild, you have 30% more hit points
  • +1 in the Blade skill for every level
  • +1 in the Dodge skill for every level
  • +1 in the Pick Locks skill for every level
  • +1 in the Sneaking skill at levels 5 and 10
  • +1 in the Hurled Weapons skill at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
  • access to a Rogues Guild Shop
  • the ability to wear certain Rogues-only armor

Rogues must use Blades to do in their opponents, or they receive no guild experience. To maintain their stealthiness, rogues must wear cloth or leather armor.

The guild commands are roguewho and roguetell.


Rangers Guild

Level Title
1 Handler
2 Whipcracker
3 Shallack
4 Ferule
5 Wallop
6 Thrasher
7 Bircher
8 Whipsman
9 Scourger
10 Punisher

Level Title
1 Charmer
2 Trickster
3 Theurgist
4 Augurer
5 Spellbinder
6 Summoner
7 Haruspex/Sibyl
8 Diabolist
9 Divinist
10 Conjurer

The Rangers Guild is located in Havishfel, in the Western Isles. It is an honorable guild, fit for meleers and magic users. Before joining choose the Whipsman class or the Conjurer's class. Each have their own benefits, but both are equally rewarding.

To master the art of whips, there is a need to be able to grip the whip well, and requires full motion of the wrist. Therefore, only cloth or leather gauntlets and gloves are allowed. Long flowing cloaks get in the way of a master whipsman, so therefore are forbidden. Only leather and cloth body armor are allowed to be worn so that their movement is not restricted.

Upon joining the Rangers Guild as a Whipsman, you receive:

  • your first level skill bonuses (see below)
  • access to an Rangers Shop with special weapons and armor
  • the ability to wear Ranger-only armor, available in the guild shop
  • -5 in Evocation, Incantation, and Enchantment
  • -5 in Fire magic, Life magic, Water Magic, Earth magic, Spirit magic, and Mind magic
  • -5 in all combat except whips

As you advance levels in the Rangers Guild as a Whipsman, you receive:

  • +1 in whip skill for every level
  • +1 in Air magic at levels 1,3,5,7,9
  • +1 in Death magic at levels 2,4,6,8,10
  • +5% hp at every level, so at level 10 you will have 50% more HP

To gain Guild Experience as a Ranger Whipsman, you must kill monsters using whips.

Upon joining the Rangers Guild as a Conjurer, you receive:

  • your first level skill bonuses (see below)
  • access to an Rangers Shop with special weapons and armor
  • the ability to wear Ranger-only armor, available in the guild shop
  • -5 in Evocation, Enchantment, and Incantation
  • -5 in all weapons except for whips

As you advance levels in the Rangers Guild as a Conjurer, you receive:

  • +1 in whip at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
  • +1 in Air magic at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
  • +1 in Death magic at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
  • +1 in meditation at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
  • +4% added to your base mana at every level, so at level 10, you'll have 40% more mana.

To gain Guild Experience as a Ranger Conjurer, you must kill monsters with a whip or with a summons.

Humans who join the Rangers Guild get the custom images shown above.

The guild commands are rangerwho and rangertell.

Non-Exclusive Guilds

There are a few "non-exclusive" guilds in Wyvern. You can join as many of them as you like, even if you're in an Exclusive guild.

Teachers Guild

The Teachers Guild is located in New Verden. You can join this guild if you like to help other players figure out how to play Wyvern. You should only join the guild if you are patient and like to answer questions.

You can join or leave the guild at will. You will receive the title "[Teacher]" after your name in the Who list. As a member of the Teachers guild, you are expected to do your best to answer questions posed by new players, within reason.

PlayerKillers Guild

The PlayerKillers Guild allows you to hunt and kill other members of the PlayerKillers guild. You cannot kill players who are not also in the guild.

The PlayerKillers Guild is located in Glacier Point, in the far northern wastes. You can join and leave the guild at will, but the cost to join is 25,000 gold coins.

The PK guild keeps track of your rank in the guild. Your rank starts off at 1500. Every time you kill another PK guildmember, your guild rank increases. When you are killed by another PK'er, your rank decreases.

Your rank only changes if you and the other PK'er are within five levels of each other.

There are certain areas that are off limits for player killing, even for members of the PK guild. You will know when you're in one of these areas, because you will be unable to attack or harm the other player.

Caution: your own spells will always hurt you, even when they're not hurting other players.

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