Wyvern Player Groups

Wyvern allows you to create groups with other players and adventure together. This section shows you how to create and maintain a party of adventurers.



Player groups are temporary associations of players. Anyone in the game can create a group, and any number of players can join that group. You can currently only be a member of one group at a time. You can leave your current group at any time.

To start your group, someone needs to follow you. This is the way a person tells you they want to join your group. After the person follows you, you group the player, and the two of you will form a group. You are the leader of the group.

Every group has only one leader. The leader of the group has several extra abilities:

  • choosing a name for the group
  • making the group and members publicly viewable
  • booting individual members out of the group
  • disbanding the entire group

Your group stays in existence until it is disbanded or the last person leaves the group. Anyone in the group can leave the game and return later, and the group will still be there. However, if everyone from the group quits the game, the group will disappear.

Group Names

The leader of the group can create a name for the group. Normally this name is only known to the members of the group (and any Administrator/Wizards online). However, the leader can also group publish the group, so that other people in the game can see the group and its members using the groups command.

If a group hasn't been published by the leader, then only the group members know about the group — nobody else can tell that the group exists (again, except administrators).

Group Benefits

There are two primary reasons for creating groups:

  • Members of the group share experience for their kills, in a way described below.

  • Members have access to a grouptell command that lets them send messages just to the other members of their group.

Unlike in text-based MUDs, you don't automatically follow the leader of your group around. It's up to the individual members to stick close enough together for the experience-award sharing to kick in.

There are currently no restrictions on who you can group with — a 20th-level player could group with a 1st-level player. We may change this in the future if it gets abused.

Experience Sharing

Experience is shared among the group members as follows:

  • Everyone within a certain distance of the monster when it dies gets a share of the experience. Currently this distance is 7 squares, so the monster just needs to be visible in your viewport for you to be able to share in the experience.

  • Everyone gets a share based on their level. A 20th-level player gets 20 shares, a 5th gets five, and so on.

As an example, a group consisting of a 1st-level, a 3rd-level and a 7th-level player would have a total of 11 shares (1+3+7) for each kill:

  • the 1st-level gets 1/11 (9%) of the experience
  • the 3rd-level gets 3/11 (27%) of the experience
  • the 7th-level gets 7/11 (64%) of the experience

For a 40-experience-point monster killed by one of the three players, within view of all three, the experience would be divided as follows:

  • the 1st-level gets 4 xp (1 * 40 / 11, rounded)
  • the 3rd-level gets 11 xp (3 * 40 / 11, rounded)
  • the 7th-level gets 25 xp (7 * 40 / 11, rounded)

If, when the monster dies, only the 1st-level and 7th-level player are close enough, then they divide all the XP between them. The 1st-level gets 1/8 shares, and the 7th-level gets 7/8 shares.


All players who share in the experience for a kill get their alignment adjusted as a result of the kill. Killing good creatures makes you more evil, and killing evil creates makes you more good. The alignment adjustment is not divided up among the party — everyone gets adjusted by the amount that a single person would get for having killed the monster.

Alternative Approaches

Some games award group experience differently. For instance, in some games, everyone gets a share of experience based on the amount of damage they did to the monster before it died. This approach doesn't work well for support characters, who are healing the others, enchanting weapons and doing other important work that doesn't directly damage the monsters. We felt it was better to base it on level, on the assumption that on average, your level of participation will approximately track your relative experience level.

Group Commands

Wyvern provides a rich set of commands for group members and group leaders:

Commands for Player Groups
Command Purpose Example
follow lets a player you want to follow him or her follow fred
unfollow stops trying to follow a player unfollow
group adds a person to your group (if they're trying to group joe
ungroup removes you from the group ungroup
ungroup <player> (leaders only) removes a person from your group ungroup joe
members shows who's in your group members
disband (leaders only) destroys the group disband
grouptell sends everyone in the group a message grouptell hi everyone
groupname (leaders only) sets the name of the group groupname Fred's Freedom Fighters
group publish (leaders only) makes the group name and members public group publish
group unpublish (leaders only) makes the group name and members non-public group unpublish
groups shows all published groups and their members groups

More detailed descriptions of the syntax and arguments for group commands can be found in the Player Command Reference.

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