The Wyvern Command Prompt



You type in commands to do lots of things in Wyvern. For example, to get everything out of a bag, you can type get all from bag.

You don't have to type in commands to do most things. For example, another way to get everything from a bag is to right-click (or shift-click) on the bag, and select loot from the popup menu. Using the menus is a fine way to play when you're just getting started.

However, most experienced players type in many of their commands. You don't actually have to do much typing, if you do a little preparation by making some "aliases". We'll cover aliases later.

Using commands like autograb and autobag can save you even more typing by picking and organizing items automatically.

Entering Commands

There are several ways to enter commands in the Wyvern Client:

  • You can choose a command from the Commands menu.

  • You can type <Enter>, which lets you type into the text field in the lower-right corner of the client. When you hit <Enter> again, it sends your command to the server.

  • You can open the Enter A Command dialog box from the Game menu, and type your command in there. This works well for really long commands.

This tutorial is going to focus on the Command Prompt, which is the text box in the lower-right corner that you activate with the Enter key.

The Command Prompt

The Command Prompt is a text box where you can type in commands. Commands have two parts:

  1. the command verb, such as move, get, drink, or look.
  2. the command arguments, which is everything else you type after the verb.

So if you type say hi there, the verb is "say", and the arguments are "hi there".

The command prompt provides you with various features to make life easier:

  • Command History: you can redo previous commands, to save typing.

  • Substitution: you can make a quick change to the last command you typed, and send it again.

  • Command Line Editing: as you're typing in a long command, you can move the cursor around very quickly using customizable hotkeys.

We'll cover each of these in the sections below.

Additionally, there are two features that can save you a lot of typing:

  1. Aliases: you can make a shortcut that expands into something longer when you type it.

  2. Macros: you can string a bunch of commands together and have them all execute at once.

We'll cover these as well.

Command History

As you type in commands, they go into a "history list" so you can retrieve them. This is mostly to save on typing.

There are two ways you can redo a previous command that you typed:

  1. On the client, after you activate the Command Prompt with the <Enter> key, you can hit <Ctrl>-p to bring up the previous command you typed. Hitting <Ctrl>-p again will go to the one before that, and so on. <Ctrl>-n will move to the next one in the list.

  2. You can make changes to any command before sending it, even if you got it out of the history list. Look at the section on Command-Line Editing to see faster ways to do this.

  3. The server also keeps your command history (up to 100 commands), although it loses it when you log out. You can do some fancy things with the server command history, described next.

Server Command History

You can use special characters in your command to access your server command history. There are two of them: "!" and "^":

  • "!" means "redo a previous command from the history list"
  • "^" means "redo the last command, with some changes"

If you've used Unix command prompts before, you may recognize these characters. However, Wyvern doesn't support the full range of options available in Unix shells.

To use the "!" command, you have two options:

  1. "!!" simply repeats the previous command. It's just a shortcut for "again".

  2. "!match" repeats the most recent command that starts with whatever you typed for "match".

For example, if you recently typed tell rhialto hey, you there? and then entered some other commands, you can redo the tell by typing !tell, or !te. The game will search backwards through your most recent commands, looking for a command you typed that starts with the characters after the exclamation point.

The "^" command has a special syntax:


It takes whatever your last command was, and tries to replace the "before" characters with the "after" characters. For instance, let's say you typed tell rhialot I have a question, and then you realized you typed "rhialto" wrong. You can send a quick fix like this:


It will make the substitution, and automatically send the fixed-up command:

tell rhialto I have a question

If you want to change every occurrence of the "before" string, just put ":g" at the end.

Command-Line Editing

If you're typing in a long command, and you want to go back and make a change, you can use the arrow keys to move the cursor backwards and forwards on the line. What you type will be inserted wherever the cursor is.

You can also use the Backspace key to delete the character before the cursor, and the Delete key to delete the character after the cursor.

The arrow keys, Backspace key, and Delete key are the absolute simplest form of command-line editing. Everyone knows how to use them.

Wyvern's Command Prompt offers some more powerful editing sequences. For example:

  • You can backspace over the entire last word using Ctrl-w. That is, you hold down the <Control> key, and press the "w" key.

  • You can delete the entire word in front of the cursor using Alt-d (for "delete").

  • You can jump the cursor from word to word using Alt-f and Alt-p.

  • You can move the cursor to the beginning of the line or the end of the line using Alt-a (beginning) and Ctrl-e (end).

There are other editing keys available as well. You can customize all of them in the Keyboard tab of the Settings dialog in the client, which you can access from the Edit menu. You can change the command-line editing keys to be whatever you want.

If you take a little time to master these more powerful command-line editing keystrokes, you'll become a much faster, more efficient player.


Aliases are the favorite tool of Wyvern's best players. We can almost guarantee that you won't make it onto the Wyvern High Score List without learning how Aliases work. Fortunately, it's really easy.

An alias is a shortcut. For example, let's say you were really tired of typing your friend's stupidly long name while you're talking to him:

tell toolongname hey whats up

tell toolongname cn you like help me out?

tell toolongname you have a dumb name

You can make a shortcut for tell toolongname. Let's say you call it tt for short. Then you could just type:

tt ok, much better

To create this shortcut (or "alias"), you type:

alias tt tell toolongname

That's all there is to it. The alias command takes the first word you type, and tells the server to convert it to whatever comes after that word, every time you type it.

You can make any alias you want. Examples include:

  • alias ga get all from corpse
  • alias xc exa corpse
  • alias tr tell rhialto
  • alias regen drink potion of regeneration

Most of the top players have over 50 aliases, or more. You can read more about the command in the Alias command documentation.


If you make an alias that's just one key, you don't have to use the Command Prompt to invoke the alias. For instance, if you do this:

alias m drink potion of healing

Then you can drink a potion of healing (if you have one!) just by pressing the 'm' key on your keyboard. You don't have to enter Command Mode by pressing the Enter key.

This is a very powerful feature, because it lets you bind every key on your keyboard to a command. It might seem like a lot to remember, but you can build them up over time.

Even better, you can create hotkey aliases using the <Ctrl> and <Alt> modifiers. Pressing the Control key plus a letter sends over a special sequence that looks like this, for the letter 'a':


So now you can set up all kinds of hotkeys:

  • alias 1 ready spell fireball
  • alias 2 ready spell frost wave
  • alias 3 cast magic whip
  • alias Ctrl.t cast teleport
  • alias Alt.q quit
  • alias F6 wear cloak of protection
  • alias Ctrl.F8 sell all

Note that the Function keys on your PC keyboard send the codes "F1" through "F12" in the Wyvern client, so you can use them as well, including with Ctrl and Alt modifiers.

You can even make modifiers for Ctrl and Alt together:

alias Ctrl.Alt.s shout first shout!

In the example above, you could press <Ctrl> plus <Alt> plus the "s" key on your keyboard, and it would shout "first shout!", which is convenient if you want to be silly when the game has just restarted.


Finally, the Wyvern command-processing system lets you create Macros, which are aliases that expand into multiple commands. You separate the commands with the semicolon (";") character.

Here are some examples of macro aliases used by top players:

  • alias sokoring unwear ring; put ring in pouch; get ring of perfect martial arts from pouch; wear ring of martial arts

  • alias ves put claw in bag 13;put heart in bag 12;put boots 2 in bag 11;put cloak 2 in bag 10;put shield in bag 9;put gauntlets in bag 8;put helmet 2 in bag 7;put bracer 2 in bag 6;put girdle 2 in bag 5

  • alias h buy healing; buy healing; buy healing; buy healing; buy healing; buy healing; buy healing; buy healing; buy healing

As you can see, players are using macro aliases to automate tedious tasks. The last one does the command buy healing nine times, which lets you stand in a hospital, completely surrounded by potions of healing, and with one keypress, buy them all.

Our players are pretty hardcore.


That concludes our tutorial on the Wyvern Command Prompt. If you spend the time to learn how it works, you'll be able to accomplish amazing things in the game.

Happy Adventuring!

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