Wyvern Adventuring 101

This manual covers some of the more advanced adventuring concepts in Wyvern.


Player Groups

One of the best ways to go on an adventure is to to create a group of several players and go kill monsters together. Your group will share experience for any kills, and you have a group chat-channel you can use for group communication. Read more about groups in the Wyvern Player Groups Manual.


"Dungeon" is a generic term for an area where you go to do some adventuring. It doesn't have to be a true dungeon, necessarily — it could be a castle, an island, a cavern, or any place where there are monsters or puzzles to deal with.

Some dungeons are randomly-generated, and others were created by hand by some Wizard.

Dungeons usually have a sign at the entrance telling you what level you should be before you try to enter the dungeon.

Dungeons are typically full of monsters, treasure, traps, and puzzles. You may not have everything you need to make it through a dungeon — for example, some dungeons are dark, and you'll need a light source to see your way around. Others may have water, lava or other areas that require special abilities to pass.

You may be able to make it partway through a dungeon, and then it gets too hard. You can leave a dungeon at any time and come back to it later.

Area Resetting

One of the key things to understand about Wyvern is that areas reset after a certain period of time, usually half an hour to an hour. If a dungeon has been cleared out by someone, you can check back later, and it will usually have reset. The monsters will be back, the puzzles will be reset to their original states, and so on. A dungeon will not reset if there is a player in it.


You may encounter traps in dungeons. They come in two basic varieties:

  • standalone traps, which are usually on the floor, and are triggered when you walk on them.

  • trapped objects, such as chests, where the trap is triggered when you try to open or apply the object.

Traps can be anything from annoying to lethal. Here is a sample of some of the traps you may find:

  • arrow trap — an arrow fires out at you

  • bear trap — you get "stuck" for a certain number of turns. You have to try moving about 50 times to get out.

  • blade trap — does cutting damage to you when you walk on it

  • fire trap — sends a blast of fire at you

  • magic trap — random things can happen to you

  • pit trap — you fall in a pit, which does damage, and then you have to try to move several times before you crawl out

  • rock trap — a rock falls from the ceiling onto your head. If you're wearing a helmet, you will be protected; otherwise you'll take some damage.

  • rust trap — a random piece of armor you're wearing, or a weapon you're wielding, will take damage, if it's made of a rustable metal. Iron items take the most damage.

  • spiked pit — like a pit trap, but more dangerous.

  • web trap — a spiderweb that traps you until you struggle out of it. A spider is usually nearby and attacks you.

There are other kinds of traps as well, and more are being added as Wizards develop new areas.

Some traps disappear after being triggered a certain number of times; others stay there forever.

Finding Traps

You can type search at any point in the game, and it will make your character look for traps in the squares adjacent to your character. If you uncover a trap, it will become visible, but stepping on it will still trigger it.

You may have to search multiple times to find a trap — each time you search, you have a percentage chance of finding a trap (if there is one), based on how many skilled you are at searching.

Some races (e.g. elves) have automatic searching — every time they take a step, one search command is executed as well, and they have some points already allocated to the search skill.

Some magical items (e.g. ring of searching) will search for you automatically when you take a step. If you have automatic searching, either from a magical item or a racial ability, it doesn't mean you'll automatically find every trap that you step next to. It just means you'll spot traps occasionally as you walk around, without having to search manually for them.

Diggable Walls

Some walls can be destroyed. You can tell if a wall can be destroyed if you move into it and the game tells you that you have damaged the wall. Keep hitting the wall and you will eventually destroy it.

Some races (dwarves, halflingsand stone giants) have extra digging ability. You can also dig faster if you're wielding a shovel or pickaxe.

Be careful when you're digging — you may uncover nasty monsters!

Doors and Locks

There are two kinds of doors in the game:
  • teleporters, which are usually standing right on the ground
  • normal doors, which are almost always embedded in a wall

They function differently. Door teleporters take you to another map when you apply them. Normal doors can be opened and closed, and when they're open you can walk through them, if you're not too big. To open a door, stand next to it and type open door; to close it, type close door. You can't close a door that's blocked by something.

Normal doors can be locked. If the door is locked, you will have to obtain the proper key for it, or try to pick the lock.

To use a key, make sure it's in your inventory and type unlock door. To lock the door, type lock door. If you have the wrong key it will fail. Some keys can open more than one door. Sometimes a key will disappear when you use it — usually during a quest.

You can try picking a lock — it requires a set of lock picks, which can be purchased in some stores. If you fail, you will not be able to try again until the area resets. Your chances of picking the lock are proportional to the number of Skill Points you've put into your Lockpicking skill.

Some different kinds of doors
a teleporter a normal door a normal door

Light and Darkness

Certain areas of the game are dark, and you need light sources (or darksight) to see your way around. You can purchase torches and lanterns in some shops, and certain magic items give off light naturally — these are usually rare and expensive.

Torches will eventually burn out, and lanterns can run out of fuel and require refueling, so make sure you bring enough light for your entire adventure.

Most monsters can see in the dark, and will chase you and attack you even if you can't see them.

Ships and Vehicles

You will occasionally find ships or other vehicle types in the game. To use a ship or vehicle:

  • Find a part of it that you can walk on.

  • 'A'-pply it like a building.

  • If it's open, this will cause you to enter it, but your client view will stay outside the vehicle.

  • You can then move the vehicle around just like moving your character normally. Some vehicles may move slowly or have special movement restrictions — for instance, ships can usually only go on water.

  • You can usually type view in to see the inside of the vehicle, and view out to see the outside.

  • Most vehicles can hold more than one player — the first player to enter usually has the ability to pilot the vehicle, but it depends on the vehicle. You can usually type help to see instructions.

You may find other vehicles in the lands of Wyvern, including rafts, rowboats, and hot air balloons. Hot air balloons have an advantage that they can move across water and land, even across tall mountains that players can't fly across. You have to land balloons on a clear spot of land, though.


Good Evil
Honorable Infamous
Courageous Iniquitous
Chivalrous Wicked
Valorous Ruthless
Gallant Cruel
Knightly Villainous
Noble Dastardly
Valiant Fiendish
Lionheart Diabolical
Hero/Heroine Lord/Queen of Evil

Your character's alignment starts at neutral. If you kill good monsters, your alignment gradually goes towards evil. If you kill evil monsters, your alignment gradually goes towards good. Your alignment is sometimes important — for instance, the Paladins Guild requires your alignment to stay good, or you lose your special powers until your alignment is good again.

Generally, your alignment doesn't really matter, unless you're a Paladin. Some quests may require you to set your alignment to good or evil to get past part of the quest, and some magic items are aligned, so you can't wield them unless you have a like alignment.

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