Wyvern Command Reference![]() This manual shows you how to use the built-in game commands. While you're playing, you'll sometimes go places where you have new commands that aren't in this list. For instance, when you get on a ship, you get some extra commands for moving the ship around. In general, objects and areas will tell you if there are new commands. Wyvern also provides hundreds of little commands called atmospheres, such as "kiss", "hug", "wiggle", "sniff", "pout", and so on. Atmospheres are not covered in this manual. Check the atmospheres list for the latest list. Contents
A Note About UsageIn the "Usage" section for each command, the notation is: Usage: command [optional-argument] <required-argument> An "argument" is something you type after the command. For example, if you type open door, "open" is the command and "door" is the argument. If you're not required to type in an argument, but you could if you wanted to, it's called an optional argument and it appears in square brackets in the command-usage description. If you have to specify an argument, it's called a required argument or mandatory argument and it appears in angle-brackets in the command-usage description. If you can specify either of two options, they are separated by a vertical bar (|). For instance, you can type close door or close <direction>. Either kind of argument (a door or a direction) is acceptable. We use the vertical bar symbol to mean "or", so the usage description for close looks like this: Usage: close [direction|door] The argument to the "close" command is optional (since you can type close with nothing else after it and it'll still work), so the possible arguments appear in square-braces. adjustAdjusts the position of an item in your inventory. This allows you to switch items around to make them show up in the order you want them to appear. The inventory positions are numbered, starting with number 0 in the first or top position. As with many other game commands, if you have more than one item in your inventory with the same name, you can put a number after the name to say which one you want to move. For example, if you have 3 rings, "ring 1" is your first ring, "ring 2" is your second, and "ring 3" is your third. So adjust ring 3 0 would move the third ring to the top of your inventory. After that it's "ring 1", meaning it's now the first one in your inventory, if that isn't too confusing. If you give a position less than zero, it always goes to the front of your inventory. Similarly, if you specify a position larger than the size of your inventory, the item moves to the end of your inventory. Examples:
Synonyms: (none) afkNotifies other players that you are 'afk' (away from keyboard). When they 'tell' or 'reply' to you, they will be informed that you are afk. While you have an afk message set, any 'tell' or 'reply' sent to you will have the current time prepended to it. Typing 'afk ?' tells you if you have an afk message set. Example:
Synonyms: (none) See also: tell, reply, reply-all, retell againPerforms the last command you typed. For example, if you enter cast wizard lock, and the spell fails, you can type again to cast the spell again. The default alias for this command in the client is 'g'. Synonyms: repeat aliasCreates a typing shortcut. If you find yourself typing the same thing over and over, you can create an alias for it. Some people would argue that you can't play Wyvern effectively without using aliases. They can save you a lot of typing. You can chain together a bunch of commands that you use frequently and bind them to a single keystroke. If you're not actively entering a command (by pressing Enter), all the keys you type get sent to the server. This means you can use any key on your keyboard to create an alias. You can use combinations of the alt, shift and ctrl keys on your keyboard to create a truly enormous number of personal aliases. To create a multi-command alias, separate each command with an semicolon character (';'). For example, you could create an alias to switch weapons by typing alias shift.6 unwield sword ; wield bow. When you type the "^" key (hold down shift and type the 6 key on your keyboard), it would send the commands unwield sword and wield bow to the server. Note that we use the terms "hotkey" and "alias" more or less interchangeably. The server considers them to be the same thing. The only real difference is that a hotkey is always a single keystroke, such as pressing '3' on your keyboard. You could just as easily type Enter, followed by 3, followed by Enter again to send the alias to the server. There's no difference as far as the server is concerned. For aliases that are more than one keystroke (such as 'e7c'), you have to press Enter, type (for instance) e7c, then Enter again to send it. Many keys on the keyboard have special names for aliasing purposes. For example, the Page Down key on your keyboard is called page_down in the alias command. To use it for a hotkey, you'd type alias page_down <command>, for instance alias page_down put sword in scabbard. The following table lists the special key names.
If you want to alias a shifted key, such as capital-'A' (shift-a) the % symbol (shift-5), you have to specify it by putting "shift." in front of the unshifted key. For instance, to alias the "%" key to "get wand", you'd type alias shift.5 get wand. Similarly, for control keys and alt keys, you put "ctrl." and "alt." in front of the key. The order is important. "ctrl" always comes first, then "alt", then "shift". If you're not sure about the name of a key or key sequence, just type it. It'll get sent to the server, which will tell you something like "Unknown command: alt.shift.escape_key". Then you know what you just typed is called "alt.shift.escape_key" to the system, and you can use it to create a hotkey. To see one of your aliases, type alias plus the alias with no other arguments. For example, to see what you have the number 7 aliased to, type alias 7. There are several default aliases in the game already — for example, the 'hjklyubn' keys are aliased to the movement directions. Similarly , 'o' is 'open', 's' is 'search' and so on. You are free to override the built-in aliases if you want, but make sure you have *some* keys that will move you! Note: there are certain keys that you can't use in your aliases. For example, at the moment you're not allowed to use double-quotes in your aliases, so you can't say: alias foo "say hello". The system will automatically strip the quotes out of the alias if you try to put them in. We should be able to fix this at some point in the future. (The only other disallowed character at the moment is '@'.) Examples:
To see all your current aliases, type alias with no arguments. To remove an alias, use the unalias command. Synonyms: (none) applyApplies an item. It's basically "using" the item in whatever way the item can be used. Usage: apply <item> This is one of the most commonly-used commands in the game. It's the way you enter buildings, use stairs and teleporters, ready/wear/wield items, and do quite a few other things. The apply command is so common that there's a hotkey bound for it: 'a'. If you walk over an item and press the 'a' key on your keyboard, the client sends the command apply to the server as if you had typed apply yourself. If you don't give it an argument, it will try to apply the topmost item in the square you're standing in. If you give it the name of an item to apply, it will look for an item matching the name. Partial matches can apply, so if you're trying to apply your sword, apply sw will work, as long as the sword has "sword" in its name. (Some swords may have special names like "Dragon Blade", and apply sw won't find them; you'll have to type in something like apply Blade). There's yet another way to apply items: you can mouse-click on them with your MIDDLE mouse button. If you don't have a 3-button mouse, you can usually fake it by pressing both buttons at the same time, but you'll have to check your operating system docs to make sure. The item has to be in your inventory or on the ground beneath you for this to work. Some items in the game can be applied; others cannot. If you're not sure, try it. Synonyms: (none) appraiseTries to figure out the condition or value of an object. Some races have special appraisal skills; e.g. elves can automatically appraise bows and arrows, dwarves and stone giants can appraise gems, and so on. If you don't have any special appraisal ability, the appraise command will either tell you nothing special, or in some cases it will give you a rough idea as to the overall condition or deterioration of the object. Usage: appraise <item> Examples:
Synonyms: (none) atmospheresPrints a list of the standard game atmospheres. Usage: atmospheres Synonyms: (none) autobagLets you put items into bags automatically when you pick them up. You can find detailed instructions on this command in the Wyvern Autobag Command Manual. Usage: autobag [into||list|rename|delete|adjust|shortcut] <args> Examples:
Synonyms: (none) autograbLets you specify what items to pick up automatically as you move around. Usage: autograb [all|none|food|magic|armor|weapons|missiles|treasure] Examples:
Synonyms: (none) buyBuys an item from a shop or another player. You have to have enough money to pay for the item in order to buy it. You should examine an item (with exa <item>) before buying it, so you can see if there are any level restrictions. You do not have to be in a shop to buy something from a player. You can read more about player-to-player sales on the Safe Trading System page. Usage: buy <item> [from <player>] Notes: Synonyms: (none) briefTurns verbose-mode off. Usage: brief Notes:
Synonyms: face bugLets you report a bug. Usage: bug <bug report> Synonyms: (none) castCasts a spell. You can see what spells you currently have active by typing cast list. You can dispel any spells you have active using the dispel command. Usage: cast <spell-name> [dir | x y | [on|at <target>] | [with-args <args>]] Examples:
Synonyms: (none) chatwhoShows you who's listening on a particular chat channel. Usage: chatwho <channel> Synonyms: (none) See also: subscribe, unsubscribe. closeCloses a door. The door must be open before you can close it. If the door is blocked by something, you won't be able to close it. The most common way to use this command is to face a door and type the "c" key on your keyboard, which is a shortcut that will send a close command to the server. If you specify a direction instead of an object name, the game will look for a door in that direction and try to close it. Usage: close [direction|door] Examples:
Notes: Synonyms: (none)
complainLets you file a complaint. Usage: complain <your complaint>
Synonyms: (none)
crimelistShows you any recent crimes you've committed. Usage: crimelistSynonyms: (none) See also: criminal
criminalShows you your last crime, if any, along with the amount of jail time left in your sentence.Usage: criminal Synonyms: (none) See also: crimelist
describeLets you set your own description, for when others look at you. For example, if Earendil types describe is a Mariners fan, people looking at him would see "Earendil is a Mariners fan." Usage: describe <description>
Synonyms: (none)
disbandDisbands your group. Only the group leader can use this command. You can read more about groups in the Group Player Manual. Usage: disbandSynonyms: (none)
dispelLets you dispel a spell that you've cast. This command will work on any spell that you have cast using the cast command. It doesn't work for spells you've cast using a magic item (e.g. a scroll, rod, wand or potion). It also doesn't work on spells that others have cast on you. You can't dispel spells that have an instantaneous effect, such as "cure poison". You can dispel a spell by typing in only part of its name. For example, you could type dispel flam to dispel a Flame Shield spell. If you only type in part of the name, it will dispel the first spell in your active list that matches the partial name you entered. You can see a list of all the spells you have active by typing cast list. You can dispel spells from your cast-list by number: to dispel the 3rd spell in the list, type dispel 3. Usage: dispel <name>
Synonyms: (none) See also: cast
drinkLets you drink something. You can only drink certain game items. Usage: drink <item>
Synonyms: quaff, imbibe
dropDrops an item from your inventory onto the ground. You can drop an item by right-clicking on it in your inventory window; similarly, you can pick something up by right-clicking on it in the ground window. You don't have to specify the entire name of the item to be dropped — partial matches will work. Usage: drop [quantity] <item>
earmuffsTurns earmuffs on or off. Usage: earmuffs [on|off]With earmuffs on, you don't hear any shouts. Example: earmuffs onSynonyms: none
See also: shout
eatLets you eat something. You can only eat certain game items. Your character's food level will gradually drop over time, and you have to eat to replenish it. If your food level drops to zero, you will stop healing spell points and hit points. Usage: eat <item>
Synonyms: (none)
emergencyScreams a message to everyone on the game. This command should only be used in dire need. People will see it like a normal shout, but it will print "screams" instead of "shouts", making it rather uncomfortable for people to look at. Abuse of this command will result in administrative penalties. Usage: emergency <message>
Synonyms: (none)
equipWears/wields all your available equipment. This useful command lets you put on all your armor and wield your weapon in one command. It works as follows:
Be careful, though: if you have a weapon or armor that is cursed but not yet identified, you'll wind up wielding or wearing it, and you'll have to cast remove curse to get it off. Usage: equip
Synonyms: (none) Notes:
fireFires a spell or range weapon. Usage: fire <direction> When you ready a spell or range weapon with the ready command, it will appear in your client as readied. You can then fire it in a specified direction by typing fire <dir>. Normally you use hotkeys to fire. Typing shift+direction sends a fire command to the server. Shift + arrow key, for example, will fire in the direction of the arrow key. You can target a specific square in your view by pressing shift plus the left mouse button. This is "targeted firing", and your spell or missile will travel in a straight line to wherever you targeted. If you ready a weapon that isn't a range weapon, such as a sword or a spear:
Thrown weapons have their own associated skill, different from the skill for Range weapons. Notes:
friendmuffsTurns friendmuffs on or off. Usage: friendmuffs [on|off]With friendmuffs on, you don't hear any friend-tells. Example: friendmuffs onSynonyms: none
fogeysShows who's online, sorted in order of character-creation date. The list starts with the player who's been playing Wyvern the longest, and ends with the player who started most recently. Usage: fogeysSynonyms: (none)
followAsks someone if you can follow them in a player group. You have to be close to a player to try to follow him or her. You can read more about groups in the Group Player Manual. Usage: follow <player>Synonyms: (none) See also: unfollow
forgetForgets a spell that you've learned, permanently. Returns the spell's lore points to your character. Usage: forget <spell-name>Synonyms: (none)
friendsYou can keep track of your friends in the game using the friends command. This lets you easily see which of your friends are online when you are. Note that a player doesn't have to be online for you to add or remove the player as a friend. Usage: friends add|remove name+
Synonyms: (none) See also: friendtell, friendwho
friendtellSends a tell message to all of your friends who are currently online. This is a normal multi-tell, so if your friends are Jimmy, Bob and Sue, typing: friendtell hi everyone Is the same as typing: tell jimmy&bob&sue hi Anyone in the list who is currently ignoring you won't hear you. Note: if you try to reply to a friendtell using friendtell <message>, your reply will go to all of YOUR friends, not the people in the original friendtell. You should use reply-all to reply to a friendtell, just as you would for a normal multi-tell. Usage: friendtell <message> Synonyms: (none) See Also: tell, friends, reply-all,
friendwhoShows all your friends who are currently online. Usage: friendwho Synonyms: (none) See Also: friends, friendtell
getPicks up an item. You can usually only get items from the ground beneath your character. If your character is large, covering 2 or more squares, you will be able to see and get items on every square you cover. There are 2 shortcuts for this command:
Some items cannot be picked up. Some items are too heavy for you to pick up — every player has a fixed carrying capacity, determined by their strength. You can retrieve items from bags and other containers (such as corpses) by typing get <item> from <container>. See the examples below. Usage: get [quantity] [all|<item>] [from <container>] Examples:
giveGives an item to someone. The person you're giving the thing to must be adjacent to you - that is, they have to occupy at least one square that's next to at least one of your squares. If the recipient can't carry the item, the command will fail. If you have an item with a quantity, such as 100 coins, you can give a partial amount to the recipient by specifying a number. See examples below. Usage: give [quantity] <item> to <recipient> Examples:
groupAdds a player to your group. The player has to be standing near you for the command to work. Also, the player has to be following you. You can publish your group so other people can see it if they use the groups command. Type group publish to publish your group, and group unpublish to unpublish it. You can read more about groups in the Group Player Manual. Usage: group <player> Examples:
See also: follow, unfollow, ungroup, disband, groups, grouptell, groupname
groupnameSets or shows the name for your group. Only the group leader can set the name for the group. You can change the name as many times as you like. You can read more about groups in the Group Player Manual. Usage: groupname <new-name> Synonyms: (none)
groupsShows published groups. If a leader has published their group using the group publish command, then you can view the group and its members by typing groups. You can read more about groups in the Group Player Manual. Usage: groups Synonyms: (none)
grouptellTells a message to everyone in your group. You can read more about groups in the Group Player Manual. Usage: grouptell <message> Synonyms: gt
growReturns a giant character to normal size. All giants have the ability to shrink into tiny dwarves when needed. In dwarf form they can type grow to return to normal (giant) size. Usage: grow Synonyms: (none) Note: This command is only available for giant characters.
guildmuffsTurns guildmuffs on or off. Usage: guildmuffs [on|off]With guildmuffs on, you don't hear any guild-tells. Example: guildmuffs onSynonyms: none
helpAsks for area-specific help. Most of the help for Wyvern is on the website, and isn't available from within the game. However, occasionally you'll find areas or items that provide specific help on how to use them. Typically the item's description will mention that there is extra help available for that item. For example, if you board a ship (by applying it), it will tell you to type help ship to see the commands for using the ship. Usage: help [topic]Examples:
ideaLets you report an idea for a new game feature. All idea submissions become property of Cabochon, so if you don't want to give up your idea, don't submit it. We reserve the right to take your idea, change it, implement any version or variation of it we like, or not use it at all. Usage: idea <feature idea>
Synonyms: (none)
ignoreIgnores someone in the game. If you ignore someone, you will not see any shouts or tells from that person. You will still see anything they say to you if you're in the same room and you will still see their "emergency" messages. If you're ignoring someone, and they try to tell you something, you won't get the message, and they will see a message saying that you are ignoring them. Ignoring a player lasts until you unignore them. Typing ignore by itself will show you who you are currently ignoring. Usage: ignore <player>Synonyms: (none)
invExamines your inventory. This command prints out all the items you're carrying. You can also see the items you're carrying, along with their pictures, in your Inventory View in the graphical client. The inv command is usually only useful if you're connected to the game using Telnet, or if your Inventory View is obscured or minimized. You can show a subset of your inventory by passing an argument to the command. For example, you can see all the potions you're currently carrying by typing inv potion. Usage: inv [name]Examples:
Synonyms: i, inventory See also: units inviteInvites someone into your maps. If someone needs to pass through the map you're in, they'll ask you to invite them. If you trust the person, you can choose to invite them. Once the person is in your map, you have equal claim to the kills in the map. So be careful who you invite. See the rules on map claiming for more details. Your invitation lasts until you uninvite the other player, or you log out of the game. Invitations are strictly temporary. Use the friends command to invite someone permanently. Type invite with no arguments to see who you're currently inviting. Usage: invite <name> Synonyms: (none) joinTurns summons and joins on or off. This is how you accept joins, so people can summon you with the summon-player spell, or join you with the join-player spell. To accept joins, type join on. To refuse joins, type join off. Usage: join <on|off> Synonyms: (none) killBegins an attack on a monster or player. This is the only way you can attack peaceful monsters, NPCs and players using hand-to-hand combat. Note: player-killing is not tolerated. Read the rules for more info. Usage: kill <monster> Synonyms: attack keepMarks an item as a part of your "permanent" equipment, so you can't accidentally sell it. When you mark an item with keep, it stays that way until you use unkeep on it. The item will show (kept) in its description to remind you that it's a kept piece of equipment. Usage: keep <item> Synonyms: (none) lastShows the last messages you've heard, of a given type. For example, to see the last 10 things you heard anyone say, you'd type last say 10. To see the last 20 shouts (even shouts from before you logged in), type last shouts 20. Valid message types include:
Usage: last <type> [num] Examples:
Synonyms: (none) learnLearns a spell from a spellbook. In order to learn a spell, you must meet the following requirements:
For example, to learn the 5th-level spell Vampire Blade:
If you meet all the criteria, then you can type learn vampire blade to learn the spell. The required number of Lore Points will be deducted from your total. Usage: learn <spell-name> Synonyms: (none) listLists the items available in a shop. This command is only available in shops. Many shops have lots of items for sale, and you may only want to see a subset of the items. For instance, if you're in a weapon shop, and you only want to see the swords, or perhaps only magical items. You can type list match to see only the items that match what you typed as match. For example, list sword will only show the items with "sword" in the name. Usage: list [match] Examples:
Synonyms: (none) lockLocks a door. The door has to be closed before you can lock it. Some doors do not have locks and cannot be locked. You have to have a key that fits the lock in your inventory or you won't be able to lock the door. If you specify a direction instead of an object name, the game will look for a door in that direction and try to lock it. Usage: lock [direction|door] Examples:
Notes: Synonyms: (none) lookLooks at an object. You can look at things by right-clicking on them in the map view. You don't need to be next to an item to look at it. If you specify an object to look at, the game will search for it in your inventory. If it's not in your inventory, the game looks for the object on the ground beneath your character. If it's not there, the game looks in all the squares immediately adjacent to your character. If you type look with no arguments, it will look at the current square in the map. The "." key on your keyboard is aliased (on the client) to look at the current square, so you can see a printout of all the items in the square. If your character has verbose-mode turned on, the game will issue a look command every time you move. This is usually only useful if you're connected to the game via Telnet (instead of using the graphical client.) Usage: look [item] Examples:
Synonyms: exa, examine, . mapwhoShows who's in the current map. It shows all players in your map, including invisible ones. Usage: mapwho Synonyms: (none) maptellTells a message to everyone in the current map. You can reply to a maptell, to reply to just the sender. You can reply-all to reply to everyone. If you use retell after using a maptell, it will go to everyone on the original recipient list, even if they've left the original map. Usage: maptell <message> Synonyms: (none) membersShows the members of your group. You can read more about groups in the Group Player Manual. Usage: members Synonyms: (none) monitorTurns hit-point or spell-point monitoring on or off. If you have monitoring turned on, whenever your HP or SP change, it'll print the new value in your client. This is usually only useful when you're connected with the Telnet client, since the graphical client has graphical HP and SP monitors. Usage: monitor <hp|sp> <on|off> Examples:
Synonyms: (none) mousebindConfigures the way your mouse buttons work. Currently, you can only change the way your left mouse button works, for clicking in your inventory window or in the ground window. We will add support for more options in the future. By default, left-clicking on an object examines it. You can change it by giving an option to the mousebind command. The options are:
Typing mousebind by itself will show you help for the command, and your current setting. Usage: mousebind <off|get-only|drop-only|both> Examples:
Synonyms: (none) moveMoves your character in a certain direction. Usage: move [direction] Examples:
Notes: Normally you don't actually type move — you can move around using the mouse (by left-clicking in the map view), or using the keyboard, with the arrow keys or the built-in shortcuts. The built-in shortcuts are:
If you try these keys out, you'll find they're positioned very conveniently for moving around using just your right hand. However, you can change the built-in shortcuts to any keys you like. Sometimes moving results in special things happening:
There is more information about player and monster movement in the Player Manual. Synonyms: go nofilterNagas, Paladins, and other players with speech filters sometimes have trouble with quests, because a quest monster is listening for a particular phrase, but the filter mangles it. You can use the nofilter command to say something without your speech filter. However, players around you will not be able to hear what you said. Only NPCs and monsters will hear. Don't ask if you can have nofilter for shouts. Then the speech filters would be pointless. Usage: nofilter <message> Synonyms: (none) See also: say nogiftsTurns your ability to receive gifts on or off. Normally, players can give you certain tradable items like torches and pictures. You can prevent them from doing so by typing nogifts on. To, once again, allow players to give you those special items, type nogifts off. Usage: nogifts [on|off] Synonyms: (none) nopicturesTurns picture taking (of you) on or off. Normally, players can take pictures of you with cameras. You can prevent them from doing so by typing nopictures on. To allow players to take pictures of you again type nopictures off. Usage: nopicture [on|off] Synonyms: (none) offerOffers an item for sale. This command allows trading to happen safely. The seller's item and buyer's money are exchanged at exactly the same time. You can read more about the Safe Trading System in the Player Manual. If you only specify a price, then anyone can buy the item. If you specify the name of a player, then only that player can buy the item. Prices are always in gold coins. You can put "k" on the end to multiply the number by 1000. You can stop offering something using the rescind command. You can change an offer by offering it again with the new terms. You can specify the "to <player>" and "for <price>" command arguments in any order. All sales are final. The seller can't unsell the item, and the buyer can't get a refund for it. If both parties agree that they want to undo the sale, the buyer has to sell (or give) it back to the person who sold it. Usage: offer <item> for <price> [to <player>] Examples:
Synonyms: (none) openOpens a door. If the door is locked, you won't be able to open it unless you can find a way to unlock it or (in some cases) beat it down. If you don't give it an argument (i.e. just type open), it will look for the first door it can find and try to open it. The game tries the direction you're facing first. The most common way to use this command is to face a door and type the "o" key on your keyboard, which is a shortcut that will send an open command to the server. If you specify a direction instead of an object name, the game will look for a door in that direction and try to open it. Usage: open [direction|door] Examples:
Notes: Synonyms: (none) orderOrders some food or drink from a bar. Usage: order [item] Examples:
Synonyms: (none) putPuts an item into a container. Usage: put [quantity] <item> in <container> Examples:
Synonyms: (none) passwordChanges your character's password. Usage: password <old-password> <new-password> Notes:
Synonyms: (none) quitQuits the game without saving. There are two ways to quit the game:
Currently you do not lose anything by quitting. In the future, we may decide to have you drop some items if you quit somewhere other than an Inn. But we'll give you plenty of warning before we make a change like that. Usage: quit Synonyms: (none) readReads a readable item, such as a sign or a book. You can read signs, scrolls, books and certain other game items. Usually you can read the item by applying it, but sometimes you might have to explicitly read the item. Usage: read <item> Synonyms: (none) (although "apply" often does the same thing) reagentsShows the reagents required for a given spell. You have to know the spell already for this command to work. Usage: reagents <spell> Synonyms: (none) See also: cast readyReadies an item. Some game items can be "readied". This means different things to different items:
Usage: ready <item>|<spell spell-name> Examples:
Synonyms: (none) rescindRescinds an offer for an item. If you've offered an item for sale, and you no longer want to offer it, you can rescind the offer. If someone has already bought the item, it's too late to rescind the offer. After rescinding an offer, you can offer it again if you like. Usage: rescind <item> Examples:
Synonyms: (none) refreshRefreshes your views on the client. This command forces the server to resend all the information to your client — the map view, ground view, inventory view and stats display. It comes in handy if for some reason the client and server get out of sync; however, it shouldn't happen under normal operation of the game. If it happens to you, please report a bug. Usage: refresh Synonyms: (none) refundReturns an item you bought in a shop for a full refund. This allows you to try an item out to see if you like it first. There are certain restrictions on returning items. The most important one is that you can only get a refund for an item until any of the following happens:
In other words, you can return any item you've bought for a full refund as long as the item hasn't left the game. The shop will check to make sure you are the person who bought the item. It won't give the refund to another player. The shop will refund you exactly what you paid for the item, even if your merchant skill changes between the time you bought it and the time you ask for a refund. Usage: refund <item> Synonyms: (none) removeRemoves a piece of armor. Usage: remove <armor>
Synonyms: unwear replyReplies to someone who has used tell to send you a message. Reply is a shortcut you can use in a conversation with someone. Instead of typing tell <whoever> over and over, you can simply reply <message> to send a message back to the person who last told you something. Usage: reply <message>
Synonyms: r reply-allReplies to everyone in a multi-tell. If someone told you and a group of people something, you can reply to the whole group with this command. Usage: reply-all <message> Synonyms: ra See also: reply, afk, tell, retell retellSends a message to the last player you used tell or reply on. If your last tell was to a group of players, it sends your message to all of them. Usage: retell <message>
Synonyms: rt See also: tell, reply, reply-all, afk saveSaves your character. When you save, your character's current properties and inventory are saved to disk. If you quit and log back in, you will restart in the last Inn that you saved in. Your character is autosaved periodically, but you may want to save after something major happens, such as when you acquire an important item, just in case. The game does crash occasionally — this is an essentially unavoidable result of allowing random wizards to run their own code on the game server. When you restart after a crash, your character will be reverted back to the last time you saved, so you may lose some XP or equipment. However, you're autosaved frequently enough (and the game crashes infrequently enough) that you should rarely lose anything important from a crash. If you do, you can contact a wizard and ask to have it back. Usage: save Synonyms: (none) saySays something to everyone in earshot. Prints "<player> says: <whatever>" to everyone within a certain range of the player. There's a shortcut for this command — you can type the single-quote key (') in the client, and it will automatically put "say" in the input field, waiting for you to type something to say. Usage: say <message> Examples:
Synonyms: (none) See also: nofilter scorePrints some information about your character. Usage: score Synonyms: (none) searchSearches an item, or the area around the player, for traps and other hidden things. If you type search with no arguments, it will search all the squares around the player looking for traps. If you suspect an item is trapped (or has something else hidden about it), you can search it directly. Normally you don't have to search items directly, though, since searching will automatically look for traps on them. If a trap is revealed, it's revealed to everyone, not just the person who searched for it. Usage: search [item] Examples:
Synonyms: (none) sellSells an item to the shop. This command is only available in shops. You don't automatically sell an item if you drop it in a shop. You have to explictly type sell <item>. Some shops may not be interested in certain items. The price you get may depend on several factors, including your charisma, the location of the shop, the type of the shop, the condition of the item, and possibly others as well. If you sell something accidentally, you can unsell it. You can type sell all to sell everything in your inventory that isn't kept, worn, or wielded. It won't sell your coins, and it won't sell containers with items in them. You can unsell anything you sell accidentally with this command. Examples:
Synonyms: (none) shoutShouts a message to everyone on the game. This command works more or less like say, except the message goes to everyone on the game. Use common sense when shouting things — people tend to get annoyed if you overuse it, and it's possible for Wizards to turn your shout capability off for a while. There's a filter to keep you from shouting obscenities. You can get around it, but don't try. All shouts are logged, and shouting inappropriate things is grounds for punishment or even banishment. Don't ever shout racial, cultural, religious or ethnic slurs, obscene messages, or anything at all that would offend a reasonable person. We will deal with you in a very straightforward way: we delete all your characters, and banish your email and IP addresses permanently. We can do this with a press of a button, and do it frequently. We're equally strict about tells, guild-tells, and all other forms of in-game communication. Shout PointsTo combat the ever-increasing in-game spam problem, we've introduced the concept of Shout Points, to place some limits on the amount of shouting people can do. Your character has fifty shout points, regardless of your race or level. Each time you shout, it costs points. If you run out of points, you have to wait until you recover enough to shout again. Shout points are computed as follows:
An example: If there are 100 players online, and, after careful consideration, you wisely opt to:
This it what it will cost you:
Controlling the shouting in the game is a tricky business. One person's spam is another person's treasure. We've tried to come up with a system that's fair. It doesn't overly limit shouting, helps with the spam problem, and, if you want to put your money where your mouth is, you can invest your valuable skill points in the Oratory skill, which significantly increases your recovery rate. Usage: shout <message> Synonyms: (none) showShows a subset of your inventory. You can show lists of items in your inventory by putting on filters. The current filters include "unpaid", "worn", "cursed" and "kept". Examples:
The results are displayed in your text-output window (not in your inventory view, which always shows all your inventory.) Synonyms: (none) shrinkShrinks a giant to dwarf size. All giants have the ability to shrink into tiny dwarves when needed. In dwarf form they can type grow to return to normal (giant) size. Usage: shrink Synonyms: (none) Notes: This command is only available for giant characters. skillsLists the skills your character has acquired. Includes any skills that you have naturally because of your race or guild. Usage: skills Synonyms: (none) spellsLists the spells your character currently knows. Usage: spells Synonyms: (none) subscribeSubscribes to a chat channel. You can see which channels are currently available by typing subscribe with no arguments. To send a message to a chat channel, you just type the name of the channel. For example, the Live Quest channel is called "lq", and you'd type lq hi everyone to send a message to that channel. Note: you have to be subscribed to a channel to send a message to it. Usage: subscribe <channel> Synonyms: (none) See also: unsubscribe, chatwho. spyTurns spying (you) on or off. Normally, players can view you with crystal balls unless you're in a quest area. You can prevent people from spying on you by typing spy off. To re-enable it, type spy on. Usage: spy [on|off] Synonyms: (none) startupManages your list of startup commands. You can use startup to specify commands to run when you log in to the game. You're only allowed up to 10 startup commands. After you've added commands, you specify them by number if you want to change or remove them. startup list will show you the numbers of all your commands. You can use "first" and "last" to specify the first and last commands in your list. Usage:
Synonyms: (none) swimTurns swimming on or off. Type swim to enable swimming. You only have to do this once, and you'll be able to go in the water forever after. You can disable it again by typing swim off. Once you enter the water, you'll start to drown if you don't have the swimming skill. You can't disable swimming while you're in the water, so you need to be careful: watch your HP and don't swim too far out. If you have flying or water-walking (from a skill, spell or magic item), then the game ignores your swim setting and lets you go in the water anyway. You won't drown while you're flying or water-walking. However — if you stop flying or water-walking while you're over the water, and you don't have swimming enabled, you won't be able to move until you type swim. Usage: swim [on|off] Synonyms: (none) talkTalks to a monster or NPC. You can talk to some monsters and NPCs (Non-Player Characters, meaning humans and friendly monsters wandering around town). Talking to monsters and NPCs is an important part of solving quests. Monsters and NPCs often have important bits of information that will help you solve the quest. Your goal is to figure out what information the monster or NPC has. You can type talk with no arguments (or talk to <monster>) to see the default response for that monster. Sometimes the monster will mention a subject, or several subjects, that it might want to talk about. If you talk <subject>, the monster may choose to talk about it, or it may give you a random response, or maybe no response at all. If you don't specify a target monster, the talk command will look in the squares adjacent to your character for someone to talk to. Usage: talk [subject] Examples:
Notes: Synonyms: chat, ask tellSends a message to one or more players anywhere in the game. This is similar to the shout or say command, except that your message only goes to the player(s) you specify. The tell command supports partial name-matches. For instance, if there's a character name "blakjsdf" online, and you're tired of typing his name, you can type tell bla <whatever>. You can specify more than one person to send your message to by typing all their names, and separating the names with an ampersand ('&'). Don't put any spaces between the names. This is a simple way to start a group chat with anyone you like. You can retell to the group, and they can reply just to you, or reply-all to the entire group. Multi-tell doesn't support partial name-matching. Usage: tell <player[&player]> <message> Examples:
Synonyms: t See also: afk, reply, reply-all, retell, tells tellsShows you things people have told you using the tell command. If you type tells, you'll see a list of the last 10 tells
that you received. To see more, you can type tells To clear your tell-history list, type tells clear. Usage: tells [<num>|clear|all] Examples:
Synonyms: (none) See also: tell throwThrows an object. If you throw an item, it will travel for a while in the direction you threw it, depending on how heavy the item is and how strong you are. If you don't specify a direction, it will throw the item in the direction you're facing. Usage: throw <item> [direction] Examples:
Synonyms: (none) tnlTells you the XP you need to get To Next Level (tnl). Normally we don't name commands so cryptically, but tnl is an established acronym that's used all the time in MUDs. You'll hear it a lot in shouts and conversations, so you might as well get used to it! Usage: tnl Synonyms: (none) trainTrains your character in a skill. You must be standing next to a Trainer in order to train. Each Trainer can train you in exactly one skill. To find out what skill the Trainer can teach you, talk to the trainer first. Usage: train Notes: You have to have enough Skill Points (and also gold, sometimes) to be able to train in the skill. Synonyms: (none) turnTurns your character to face in a certain direction. You can turn in any of the 8 cardinal directions: n, s, e, w, ne, nw, se, sw. Your character may not have an image for every direction — in fact, most character images (at this time) only have version for north, south, east and west. If you turn northwest, your character will be facing northwest, and your directional commands will then go northwest, even if your character appears to be facing east or north. This command may not be available for certain characters or for certain shapes if you're polymorphed. In particular, nagas cannot turn in place using this command. Usage: turn <direction> Examples:
Synonyms: (none) unaliasRemoves an alias you've previously defined. Examples:
The examples above remove the aliases that were defined in the alias command notes. Synonyms: (none) unfollowStops trying to follow someone. You can unfollow someone at any time, even if you are not near the person or they are no longer online. Once you join the group, though, you have to use the ungroup command to leave the group. You can read more about groups in the Group Player Manual. Usage: unfollow <player> Synonyms: (none) See also: follow ungroupRemoves a player from a group. If you're a member of a group, you can always remove yourself using this command. If you're the group leader, you can remove other people from the group with this command. If you're the leader, you can't use this command to ungroup yourself. If you want to leave the group, you have to disband the group. You can read more about groups in the Group Player Manual. Usage: ungroup [player] Examples:
Synonyms: (none) See also: group unignoreStops ignoring a person you've been ignoring using the ignore command. Usage: unignore <player> Synonyms: (none) uninviteStops inviting someone into your maps. Usage: uninvite <name>
Synonyms: (none) unkeepRemoves the "(kept)" marker from an item. This means you can once again sell the item. Usage: unkeep <item> Synonyms: (none) unitsSwitches your display from the Metric system to the English system, or vice-versa. Usage: units [metric|english] Synonyms: (none) unlockUnlocks a door. The door has to be locked before you can unlock it. Some doors do not have locks and cannot be locked or unlocked. You have to have a key that fits the lock in your inventory or you won't be able to nunlock the door. If you specify a direction instead of an object name, the game will look for a door in that direction and try to unlock it. Usage: unlock [direction|door] Examples:
Notes: Synonyms: (none) unsellUn-sells an item. If you sell an item accidentally, you can recover it using this command. You have to have at least as much money as you got for selling the item. The transaction will give you your item back, and deduct the amount of money you got for it from your wallet. This command only works until the shop resets. Once the shop (or the game) resets, you will no longer be able to get your item back. To avoid selling things accidentally, make sure to use the keep command on equipment you want to keep. Usage: unsell <item>
Notes: Synonyms: (none) unsubscribeUnsubscribes you from a chat channel. You can see which channels you're currently on by typing unsubscribe with no arguments. To send a message to a chat channel, you just type the name of the channel. For example, the Live Quest channel is called "lq", and you'd type lq hi everyone to send a message to that channel. Note: you have to be subscribed to a channel to send a message to it. Usage: unsubscribe <channel> Synonyms: (none) usersShows a Unix-style list of users on the game. Usage: users Synonyms: none. Notes: This is related to the who command, but only shows the names of the players. verboseTurns verbose-mode on. Verbose-mode causes the contents of the square(s) beneath your character to be printed out every time you move. Normally this command is only useful if you're using the telnet client. When you're connected to the game using telnet, you can't see the map. It helps to have verbose-mode on so when you move around, you can at least see the stuff in the square you're in. Use the Brief command to turn it off. Usage: verbose Notes:
Synonyms: (none) veteransShows who's online, sorted by who's played the most hours. This version of the Who command shows the players in order of who has spent the most time actually playing Wyvern. Usage: veterans Synonyms: (none) valueDetermines how valuable an item is; that is, how much you'd get for it by selling it in a shop. The value is printed in gold pieces. The command is only available if you're inside a shop. Usage: value <item> Notes: Synonyms: (none) warnIssues a formal warning to another player in the game. Please read the Official Warning System Rules before using this command. Remember to type in the reason you're issuing the warning, and be as detailed as you can (255 characters max). Usage: warn <player> <points> <reason> Synonyms: (none) wearWears a piece of armor. You must be carrying the armor in order to wear it. Each piece of armor you're wearing protects one part of your body. Helmets protect your head, body armor and cloaks protect your torso, boots protect your feet, and so on. Rings, amulets and gauntlets are considered armor, but they don't protect any particular body part: they're only worn for their magical benefits. If you wear a cursed piece of armor, you will not be able to remove it until the curse is lifted, such as by a Remove Curse scroll or spell. Usage: wear <armor> Examples:
Synonyms: (none) whereShows you the name of the map that you're in. Usage: where Synonyms: (none) whoShows who's currently logged in. You can type something after the command, and it will show you all the players online whose names start with whatever you typed. So if you want to see all the players whose names start with "s", type who s. This command won't show Wizards who have chosen to be invisible. If there are too many players online, it will show you a list of names, without titles, to cut down on lag. Usage: who <prefix> Examples:
Synonyms: users wieldWields a weapon. Your currently wielded weapon is what you attack with in hand-to-hand combat. You must also wield bows and other range weapons in order to fire them. Some weapons are 2-handed, and you must have enough free hands in order to wield the weapon. If you're wearing a shield, it will use one of your hands and you won't be able to use 2-handed weapons such as bows (unless you happen to have an extra arm). You can wield more than one weapon at a time, if you have the strength to do so. Your attack speed with 2 weapons is approximately double the attack speeds of the individual weapons you're using. Your to-hit calculation will suffer a penalty when you're wielding 2 weapons, unless you have the 2-weapon skill. The skill will also increase the speed with which you can use 2 weapons. If you wield a cursed weapon, you will not be able to remove it until the curse is lifted, such as by a Remove Curse scroll or spell. Usage: wield <weapon> Examples:
Synonyms: (none) wizardsShows all the Wizards online who have not chosen to be player-invisible. Wizards can become player-invisible, which allows them to work on new areas without being disturbed. You won't see invisible Wizards in the wizard list. You can shout for help from a Wizard, but they don't necessarily have to respond. If you simply shout "I need a Wizard!" or "Are there any Wizards online?", it's unlikely that anyone will respond. The best way to get a Wizard to help you is to shout a brief description of your bug or issue. Here are some examples of things that might get a Wizard's attention:
Here are some examples of shouts that are NOT likely to get a Wizard to respond:
These might work (except the last one), but they won't work as well as providing some extra information in your request. Just because a Wizard doesn't respond doesn't mean there aren't any online. Wizards are very busy working on new areas and code. The more information you can give them in your shouts, the more likely they are to help you. Usage: wizards Synonyms: (none)