Wyvern Glossary

The players of Wyvern have developed a vocabulary all their own. This glossary attempts to define some of the more commonly used abbreviations and phrases you'll hear.

  • 1k (1,000) - a k of something is 1,000 of that item. So 1k=1,000 10k=10,000 etc.

  • AD, ADL, Archie (Arch Dracolich) - one of the most powerful monsters in the game, a massive undead dragon possessing many devastating spells and the ability to summon powerful undead allies.

  • Ammy (Amulet) - an item worn around the neck, usually magically granting the wearer some kind of bonus or special effect.

  • Arti (Artifact) - a powerful weapon which cannot be saved and thus disappears when its holder logs out or the game reboots.

  • AV (Ancient Vesimas) - An ancient, submerged section of the city of Vesimas that is now inhabited by numerous monsters.

  • BR (Blackrose) - a common acronym for the city of Blackrose.

  • BS (Bura Shaan) - A town in the northern area of Wyvern.

  • Cavie (Caveman) - a member of the Cavemans Guild.

  • CoA (Cult of Aquator) - one of the hardest quests currently created for Wyvern.

  • CoL (cloak of the lion) - A magical cloak made from a lion's skin which provides bravery to the wearer.

  • CoW (cloak of the wolf) - A magical cloak made from a wolf's skin which gives the wearer increased agility.

  • DB (Dragon Breath) - the most powerful fire-based spell in the game, used by several dragons and many of the game's most powerful creatures.

  • DL (Demon Lord) - one of the most powerful monsters in the game, strong with both physical and magical attacks.

  • Draco (Dracolich) - an undead dragon with several powerful magic spells at its disposal.

  • Drag (Dragon) - i.e., red dragons, blue dragons, etc.

  • Drow (Evil Dark Elf) - a term for dark elves who are evil as opposed to those few dark elves who are good.

  • DSM (Dragon Scale Mail) - body armor made from dragon scales.

  • DSS (Dragon Scale Shield) - a shield made from dragon scales.

  • Dwarf Town (Varak) - another name for the city of Dwarves, Varak.

  • Ele (Elemental) - a creature made up of one of the elements. Fire, Ice, Air, Water, Earth.

  • Elec (Electrinium) - an electrically-charged metal that some weapons and armor can be made out of. Extremely rare.

  • Elf Town (Almien) - another name for the Elven city of Almien.

  • FB (fireball) - a spell which sends out a ball of fire that explodes on impact.

  • FO (Forgotten Oak) - the ruins of an ancient village once called Oak Town, which is now infested with numerous monsters.

  • FS (firespray) - a spell which sends out a cone of fire.

  • FW (Find Weakness) - a skill that causes players to make critical hits more often and to do more damage with those hits.

  • HoF (Hall of Famer) - a player who has reached level 25 or above.

  • GP (Glacier Point) - an acronym for Glacier Point, town in the far north of Wyvern.

  • gp (gold pieces) - the base monetary unit of Wyvern

  • HP (hit points) - this measures how much "life" a player has

  • Halfling Town (Khaytsi) - another name for the city of halflings, Khaytsi.

  • Imp. Crown (Imperial Crown of Samhoc) - a rare magical crown that grants numerous bonuses to a player's magical talents and perception.

  • LOL (laugh out loud) - laugh out loud.

  • LQ (Live Quest) - a special quest which occurs randomly. All players can participate and the objective is usually to defeat the "boss monster".

  • lvl (Level) - your experience level.

  • Mage Town (Fae Wyston) - another name for the city of Fae Wyston; it was given this nickname because it is the location of the Mages Guild.

  • Mino (Minotaur) - a monster that is half Human and half Bull.

  • Mith (Mithril) - a type of metal that some weapons and armor are made out of. Weapons made of Mithril are immune to rusting or corrosive acids.

  • MMA (Minath Monster Arena) - a challenging battle arena located in Minath Elion. It features 51 consecutively more difficult battles against numerous kinds of monsters.

  • Naga Town (Vesimas) - another name for the city of Nagas, Vesimas.

  • Newbie Town/Newbie Village (New Verden) - another name for the town of New Verden.

  • NPC (Non-Player Character) - a character which is not controlled by a player (e.g., a townsperson).

  • NV (New Verden) - an acronym commonly used in place of the full name of the town New Verden.

  • NVA (New Verden Auction House) - The Auction House located in New Verden, where interesting treasures may be purchased.

  • OOC (Out of Character) - a shout channel for making shouts that are out of character if you are role-playing.

  • Pally/Pallies (Paladin[s]) - a member or members of the Paladins Guild.

  • Petri (Petrify/Petrification) - an instant-kill spell which turns a player or monster into a stone statue.

  • Plat (platinum) - a coin that is worth 100 gold pieces in Wyvern

  • Pot (Potion) - a magical item that gives different effects when used.

  • QI (Quest Information) - an acronym that stands for Quest Information, which is something that players are forbidden to tell to each other!

  • QP (Quest Points) - points awarded for completing a quest that raises a player's rank on the High Score Lists.

  • R (Rhialto) - the creator of Wyvern and head of the Wizards.

  • Rak (Rakshasa) - a shortened name for the Rakshasa race.

  • RD (Random Dungeon) - a sometimes never-ending dungeon whose floors are randomly generated. The farther that one goes down a random dungeon, increasingly difficult monsters become more prevalent the deeper that (s)he goes.

  • Res/Rez (Resurrection) - a type of scroll that can restore experience lost when a player dies.

  • ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing) - Rolling on the floor laughing.

  • RP (Role-Playing) - a shout channel for making shouts in character if you are role-playing.

  • SB (Spell Book) - a book that can be bought or found that teaches the reader a spell depending on his or her Lore Skill.

  • Shog (Shoggoth) - a dangerous creature made of living acid which wounds any players who attack as well as badly corroding their weapon.

  • SoE (Sword of Elements) - a powerful sword which does random elemental damage (i.e. burning, freezing, shocking, ect.). It is usually an artifact and cannot be saved, but a savable version is given to players who complete floor 90 of Sokoban Tower.

  • Soko (Sokoban) - a tower in the city of Alaria featuring 100 floors of challenging puzzles. The first 50 floors are considered a quest.

  • SP (Spell Points) - also known as mana, this is what mages use in order to cast spells

  • ST (Spirit Traveling) - a skill that lowers the amount of experience you lose when you die and increases the amount of HP you come back with when you reappear in a chapel.

  • Trog (Troglodyte) - one of the weakest creatures in the game, a primitive race somewhat similar to Goblins and Kobolds.

  • TNL (To Next Level) - The amount of experience needed to get to the next level.

  • ToL (Temple of Life) - The temple on the world map and is one of the main places in which players get sent to if they are defeated.

  • Uni (Unicorn) - A peaceful race of horse-like creatures with a horn in the center of their foreheads.

  • Wiz/Wizzie/Wizzies (Wizards) - the administrators and creators of Wyvern, similar to "immortals" in other games. Treat them with respect!

  • Xipe (Xipe Totec) - A somewhat powerful undead creature in Wyvern. Xipe Totec is the Aztec god of spring and new vegetation, to whom flayed sacrifices are made.

  • XP (Experience Points) - Points given for defeating a monster or creature. Needed to level up.

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