The monster editor is by far the biggest custom editor in the map editor. It allows you to set the monster's combat abilities, (including spellcasting), the monster's resistances or vulnerabilities, the monster's responses to various subjects when talked to, the monster's involvement in a quest, the monster's image, and its inventory. The Stats TabThe stats tab is where the monster's hit points, attack speed, level, xp award, name, strength, and default talk response can be set. It is best to leave the hp, attack speed, and xp awards alone. Setting the level higher will make the monster more difficult and increase the experience award. Setting the monster's strength higher will increase the damage bonus that it gets from strength. If you set a monster's level higher, it is generally best to set its strength higher as well. Changing a monster's "short desc" will change what a player sees when attacked by the monster or when the player right clicks the monster. Changing the long description will edit what a player sees when the long description is accessed. Changing the default response will alter what the monster says when talked to without a subject. The AI tabThe AI tab is where the monster's AI can be set. This includes spells. A monster can be made peaceful, meaning it will not attack unless the player types 'kill monster' while standing next to it or hits it with a spell, neutral, meaning that the monster iwll not attack unless the player moves into them or casts a spell at them, or hostile, meaning that the monster will seek out and attack the player. Monster movement areas are also set here. A monster can also be set to pick up things on the ground and used range weapons with this tab. The Appearance and Inventory tabsThese tabs are used in almost identical ways to set the monster's image or add items to its inventory. A monster does not need an item in its inventory in order to give it to a player for a quest. The Resistances tabThis is where a monster's resistances and vulnerabilities are set. To set a monster's resistance or vulnerability to a type of damage, drag the appropriate slider to the left to increase resistance or vulnerability, and to the right to decrease resistance or vulnerability. The Talk TabThis is where the monster can be set to talk about various subjects. If you want a monster to respond to a subject, click the 'add topic' button, then type in a subject that you want the monster to respond to, such as quest. Click the 'add subject' button to add the subject to this topic. You might, for instance, have quest, dragon, and eye all trigger the same responses if you are making a quest called "The Dragon's Eye." After all of the subjects are added, you can add responses in the same way. You can also change what the monster says when asked about something that it knows nothing about, what the monster says if talked to about nothing, and what the monster says when attacked. The Quest tabHere what a monster does in a quest can be edited. First, you must set the monster to be activated by something. Activating a monster will cause the monster to do something special. A monster can be activated by giving it an item or saying the correct phrase to it. When a monster is activated, what it does can also be set. A monster can say something when activated, give the player an item, or activating the monster can solve a quest. Activating a monster can do any combination of these things. After a quest is designed, the Arch Wizards must have a chance to test it and make sure that everything works before it is uploaded to the game. |