Wizard Command Reference

As a Wizard, you have access to all built-in player commands, plus many powerful new wiz-only commands. This section describes how to use these wiz-only commands.



Lists the contents of a system archetype directory.

Usage: archlist <directory|file>

With no args, lists the top-level system archetype root dir. With a directory as an argument, lists that subdirectory under the system archetype root. If the arg is a valid archetype file, it prints the contents of the archetype file.


Synonyms: (none)


Takes you back to wherever you were, before you last teleported. It's really useful to alias the Backspace key to this command, i.e.:

alias backspace back

That way you can snap back and forth between two maps by hitting backspace repeatedly.

Usage: back

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: goto


Bans a player from gameplay. If the player is currently online, boots him or her off the game. The player will no longer be able to log in with that character.

You must provide a reason when you banish a player. You should keep the reason short — one line or so. Don't use any special symbols (or double-quotes) in the reason. Just give a short explanation, such as "extremely abusive, wouldn't stop" or "offensive name".

Banishing a player is the most extreme form of administrative punishment. You should not use this command lightly. If you abuse it, your banishing privileges will be taken away.

You have other options for disciplining a player. If a player is simply being obnoxious, consider booting the player off the game. It's a slap on the hand that works pretty well, especially if you explain to the player, after he logs back in again, that he's being obnoxious or breaking the rules.

Your next option is to try giving the player a serious warning. Don't do it by shouting — talk to the player directly. Tell the player he'll be disciplined if he doesn't stop the inappropriate behavior. Again, this works for most players. They do (usually) want to keep playing. You should never get involved in shouting matches with players. Don't insult them, either, or call them names. It just makes things worse. Be calm and professional.

In cases where a player is shouting inappropriately, after one or two warnings you should silence the player. Silencing is really hard on people, and they almost always clean up their act and beg for their shouts to be restored. Leaving a player silenced for a few days is a really effective way to communicate that they've been breaking the rules.

Banishment is a last resort, and it gets logged so that the banishments can be reviewed.

If an abusive player keeps creating new characters after you banish him, you can contact an Arch Wizard to get the player's IP address(es) banned.

You are always free to banish players with offensive names.

Usage: banish <player>


  • banish fred he stole a rod from bob and wouldn't give it back

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: unbanish, isbanished


Kicks a player off the game.

If a player is misbehaving, or logs in with an inappropriate name, you can use the boot command to expel them from the game as if the player had typed quit. The player can log in again subsequently. For inappropriate names, you should add their name to the banishment list.

The argument to boot is a player name.

Example: boot foobar

Synonyms: (none)


Cancels the currently pending reboot, if any.

Don't do this unless there's a good reason for it. Players get confused if they're told the game is going to reboot, and then it suddenly says it's cancelled. You should at least shout and let everyone know why you did it.

Usage: cancel-reboot

Synonyms: (none)


Shows the contents of a file.

This is similar to the dos command type or the unix command cat (catenate).

To show the contents of a system archetype file, use the archlist command.

Usage: cat <filename>


  • cat portal.arch
  • cat ../Test.java
  • cat /castle/prison/guard.py

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: pwd, ls, mkdir, mv, cd, rm, rmdir, cp

Notes: It will refuse to cat files that are too large, because of bandwidth considerations. If a file is too large, you can download the file using the map editor and look at it on your local machine.


Changes your working directory.

This is similar to the dos or unix command cd (change directory). It allows you to navigate around your wizard directory tree.

If you put a leading "/" in front of the target directory, it will be considered relative to your wizard directory, otherwise it's relative to your current directory. You cannot cd out of your wizard directory tree.


  • cd foo/bar
  • cd ..
  • cd ../city/ruins
  • cd /castle/foyer/closet

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: pwd, ls, mkdir, mv, cat, rm, rmdir, cp


Copies a file to another location.

This is similar to the dos/windows command copy or the unix command cp.

You can put the copy of the file in a different directory by specifying a directory in front of the target filename.

Usage: cp <source-filename> <dest-filename>


  • cp portal.arch portal.bak
  • cp test.map ../city.map
  • cp /workroom.map foo/bar/test.map
  • cp ../../Foo.java ./Test.java

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: pwd, ls, mkdir, mv, cat, rm, rmdir, cd


Creates an object and places it in your inventory.

This is the standard way for you to create objects in the game. Even monsters and buildings can be created this way. Drop the object wherever you like to place it in a map.

The argument to clone is an archetype path, a python class, or a java class.

You can pass -g to place the cloned object on the ground, instead of in your inventory.

You can pass -u to uncache the object's archetype before cloning the object. This flag only works if the argument to clone is an archetype.

You can clone Bean properties (or in fact any Java object) by passing the -w flag. It will create a GameObject "wrapper" for the Java object. The wrapper contains a reference to the Java object. The only time this is typically useful is if you want to clone a bean property and add it to yourself. You first clone -w the property class, and then type add <name> to transfer the property from the wrapper to your property list.

Usage: [clone|create] [-guw] <obj>


  • clone -g monsters/goblin/orc
  • clone -gu wiz/foobar/quest/magic_cabbage
  • clone wiz/foobar/mystuff/frog_sword.py
  • clone lib/classes/python/recycle_bin.py
  • clone -w wyvern.lib.classes.StaticBag

Synonyms: create


Creates some gold coins in your inventory. Useful for testing.

Don't give any coins to players or you will get in trouble.

Usage: coins <quantity>[k]


  • coins 10
  • coins 100000
  • coins 100k

Synonyms: (none)


Takes an item from a player's inventory. The player can be anywhere in the game, but must be currently logged in.

You can send the item back to the player using the send command.

Usage: confiscate <player> <item>

Synonyms: (none)


Commands a player or monster to do something.

Usage: command <target> <command>

You can issue a command to a monster or player and they'll execute it. You must be standing next to the monster or player to do it. You can not issue commands to higher level wizards than yourself.


  • command fred give sword to rhialto
  • command goblin dance
  • command sharice goto village/inn 7 7

Synonyms: (none)


Shows all the commands in your command list.

You can use commands to see what commands are registered with your CommandList, along with any objects registered to handle the commands.

Synonyms: (none)


Stops any reboot currently in progress.

The game automatically shuts itself down and restarts at predetermined intervals that vary from 4 to 8 hours depending on the whims of the archwizards. This is a measure to help combat lag, since even with good garbage collection, timers and other resources can still gradually pile up and slow the game down.

Also, rebooting almost always winds up with fewer players online, since when the game reboots, the folks who've stayed up past their bedtimes suddenly realize they need to get some sleep.

You can halt any reboot countdown with this command, but see the cautionary section below. A more common use of cancel-reboot is to stop an unscheduled reboot that someone created using the reboot command. Currently there are no level restrictions; any wizard with privileges for cancel-reboot can stop a reboot scheduled by a higher-level Wizard.

Usage: cancel-reboot

Synonyms: (none)

Caution: If the game is desperately trying to shut itself down because it has detected an abnormal condition, such as having too many killed worker threads, then cancel-reboot may not buy you very much time, as the game driver will simply schedule another reboot. If absolutely necessary you can continue to refuse by issuing more cancel-reboot commands, but be advised that this may eventually result in a game crash or even data loss.

See Also: reboot


Lets you turn logging on and off for a given class.

There are seven predefined log levels:

  • INFO
  • FINE

Typically, CONFIG through FINEST are used for debugging, and INFO, WARNING and SEVERE are used to report serious problems that need investigation.

You pass two arguments to the debug command:

  1. the name of the class you want to debug, as the 2nd argument.

  2. the log level. This will cause all log messages at that level and higher to go to your client console, for the class you specify with <name>.

You can find more information about this command, and logging in general, in the Logging Tutorial in the Wizard Manual.

Usage: debug <level> <name>


  • debug info wyvern.wiz.foobar.guild.UberGuild  (shows info messages and higher)
  • debug finest wyvern.wiz.foobar.guild.UberGuild  (shows finest messages and higher)
  • debug off wyvern.wiz.foobar.guild.UberGuild  (turns debugging off for that class)
  • debug finer foobar/python/my_class.py  (shows finer messages and higher)

Synonyms: none


Changes your image, temporarily. Your size is changed to match the image.

The argument to disguise is the path to an archetype with which to disguise yourself. It can be pretty much any archetype in the game.


  • disguise monsters/demon/demon_lord
  • disguise ships/battleship
  • disguise magic/misc/sucko

Synonyms: none


Destroys an object and removes it from the game.

You specify a target by name or by position. Positions are specified with "#num", so "dispose #3" disposes the third object in your inventory.

You can type dispose all to dispose all the items in your inventory, or dispose -g all to dispose all the items on the ground beneath you, except for yourself and the terrain. Be careful with this one.

The "-g" option instructs the command to look only on the ground for the item to dispose. "-i" specifies inventory only. If you don't pass either option, then it looks first in your inv, then on the ground, for a matching object. "-g" and "-i" cannot be used together.

Like any other command, you can use the dispose command in conjunction with the times command to do it repeatedly.

Usage: dispose [-g] [-i] <name | #num | all>


  • dispose goblin
  • dispose cloak 2
  • dispose ring of water breathing
  • dispose -g kobold corpse 2
  • nuke #3
  • times 3 dispose -g #1
  • discard -g all

Synonyms: discard, nuke

Caution: Be careful not to dispose any players or yourself. Make sure the NameMatchPredicate comes up with the correct object.


Shows the current date.

Usage: date

Synonyms: time


Prints an object's property list.

The argument to dump is the name of the object to print. The engine will look for an object matching the name using a standard NameMatchPredicate using the order outlined in wyvern.lib.Kernel.findObject

The dump command supports several other options, shown in the examples below.


  • dump goblin [dumps goblin, if one is next to you]
  • dump bag 2 [dumps 2nd bag, using findObject() search order]
  • dump chickenwing [dumps player named chickenwing, if online]
  • dump bob [dumps first online player whose name starts with "bob", e.g. "bobafett"]
  • dump bob sword 2 [dumps 2nd sword of first online player whose name starts with "bob"]
  • dump self [dumps your own property list]
  • dump this [dumps your own property list]
  • dump me [dumps your own property list]
  • dump map [dumps your current map's properties]

Synonyms: none


Echoes whatever the wizard types to everyone in view.

The argument to echo is a string to echo to everyone within earshot of the wizard.

The echo command simply invokes the Wizard's broadcast() method with the argument string.


  • echo Foobar says: hiya!
  • echo The ground begins to ooze beneath your feet.

Synonyms: none

Caution: It's possible to abuse this command. Don't be tempted to echo "You die." or anything that might cause a player to think something has happened in the game. Echo commands are logged, so use the command wisely.


Echoes whatever the wizard types to everyone in the game.

The argument to echoall is a string to send to everyone in the game.

The command will fail if too many players are online.


  • echo Today's contest will begin at 5:00pm PST.
  • echo The game is lagging; we will shut it down soon.

Synonyms: none

Caution: This command should not be used frequently, usually only in emergencies. Do not abuse it or it will be taken away from you.

See Also: fakeshout


Emotes a message to people within earshot.

Emoting means printing a message, but without the "says: " in front of the message. The message follows immediately after your name. You can use it to create your own atmospheres, or make your character seem to do interesting or improbable things.

For instance, if Rhialto types emote balances a ball on his nose. then people within earshot will see "Rhialto balances a ball on his nose."


  • emote watches you closely.
  • emote smashes you with a bone-crushing sound.

Synonyms: none

Caution: This command can easily be used to fool a player into thinking that something has happened that really didn't happen. For example, you could type emote killed you. and the players nearby might think that you've killed them. Be careful not to abuse this command, and don't use it to fool players.


Evaluates a Jython expression and returns the result.

The argument to eval is a string to send to the Wizard's personal Jython interpreter by invoking the interpreter's eval() method.

You use eval() when you want to see the result of an expression. The expression can be any valid Jython expression, including a method call on an existing object.


Note that the example requires the use of exec, which is described below.

In the example, we evaluate a mathematical expression to see the result. Then we try to get a property on a player, but we don't have a reference to the player in the Jython interpreter's namespace, so it throws an error. We then obtain the reference to the player, check whether the player is invisible, and then make the player invisible.

> eval 4235 / 17.0
> 249.11764705882354
> eval rhialto.hasProperty("invisible")
> Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in ?
NameError: rhialto
> exec rhialto=World.getPlayer("rhialto")
> ok
> eval rhialto.hasProperty("invisible")
> 0
> eval rhialto.setProperty("invisible", 1)
> None

The first example eval statement returns the result of the mathematical expression.

The second example eval statement fails.

The third eval statement (skipping the exec) checks for the presence of a property, which returns a boolean result. In Jython, 0 is false and 1 is true, and in this case, the player doesn't have the proeprty, so the eval returns 0.

The last eval evaluates an expression statement that has no return value, so the result is Jython's None, which is equivalent to Java's null.

Synonyms: none


Executes a Jython statement.

The argument to exec is a string to send to the Wizard's personal Jython interpreter by invoking the interpreter's exec() method.

You use exec() when you want execute a statement that produces no return value, or a statement that has a return value that you don't care about.


Here we get a reference to a specific map that's been loaded into the game and set its darkness level.

> exec from wyvern.world import World
> ok
> exec map=World.getMap("village/village")
> ok
> exec map.setLightingLevel(0)
> ok
> exec grug.setProperty("auto-inv", "inv/orc_inv.py")
> ok

The last exec in the example is the Jython equivalent of the last example in the setproperty command, below.

Synonyms: none

See Also: removeproperty, mark, getproperty


Reads and evaluates a Jython file.

The argument to execfile is the path to the file to send to the Wizard's personal Jython interpreter by invoking the interpreter's execfile() method.

You typically use execfile to load a set of utility functions from a Jython source file. You may also use it to load in a class definition before instantiating the class from within the Jython interpreter. It's also possible to instantiate a python object using the clone command, so you only need to use execfile if you're going to be doing work on the object from within the python interpreter.


  • execfile ("lib/classes/python/recycle_bin.py")
  • execfile ("wiz/foobar/misc/python/my_utilities.py")

Synonyms: none


Shows all the teleporters out of the current map.

This command prints the list of teleporters out of the Wizard's current map. It prints one teleporter per line, showing the teleporter's location first, followed by the destination map, and either "(ask-map)" or the (x, y) location in the destination map.

There are three formats for Teleporter destination paths:

  • wiz/foo/bar/wherevera wizard map
  • town/wherevera built-in game map
  • wherevera map in the same directory as the current map

The ".map" extension is optional, and may or may not appear in the output.

Usage: exits

Synonyms: none


Same as "echoall", except it does it in shout-blue, so you can fake a shout from anyone or anything else (e.g. the Town Crier).

Usage: fakeshout <message>

Notes: Only works for players who are currently logged in.

Synonyms: none

See Also: echoall

Caution: It's easy to confuse players with this command. Use it wisely.


Shows information about a player in the game.

This command shows various pieces of information about a player, including their name, IP address, email address, inventory, current location, and how long they've been idle.

Usage: finger <player>

Notes: Only works for players who are currently logged in.

Synonyms: none


Makes the wizard fly — equivalent to "setproperty self flying 1", but this is a shortcut.

Usage: fly

Synonyms: (none)


Freezes a player in place. Useful for when you've summoned a naughty player to your workroom for a lecture, and you don't the player wandering around.

The command accepts partial name-matches for players, and works for any player in the game. Make sure you summon players first, then freeze them, because they can't teleport while frozen.

Usage: freeze <player>

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: unfreeze


Teleports you to your Wizard workroom. For instance, if your wiz-name is "frob", this command as the same as typing goto wiz/frob/workroom.

Usage: home

Synonyms: (none)


Prints a particular property value for an object.

Usage: getproperty <object> <prop-name>

The <object> parameter specifies the name of the object to set the property on. The engine will look for an object matching the name using a standard NameMatchPredicate using the order outlined in wyvern.lib.Kernel.findObject

If the <object> parameter is 'self' or 'this', the command will operate on the Wizard invoking it.

If the game can't find the <object> parameter, it'll look for a player online with that name. This way you can examine properties on any player in the game.

The <prop-name> parameter has to be a valid property name for the object. If the property name isn't found in the object's local property list, the command will search up the object's parent heirarchy to look for an inherited property with that name.

Note: transient properties have names that begin with '@'. Transient properties are not written out to the XML file when an object is saved.


  • getproperty orc desc
  • getproperty self @confuser
  • getproperty ship can-walk
  • getproperty fred hp

Synonyms: getprop


  • If the first argument is "-p", gets persistent value only. (Example: getproperty -p rhialto str)
  • If the first argument is "-t", gets transient value only. (Example: getproperty -t rhialto str)

See Also: mark, setproperty, removeproperty


Allows the wizard to see through walls and dark areas.

This command toggles the equivalent of a permanent "glimpse" spell on and off for the wizard. It only lasts until logout.

Usage: glimpse

Synonyms: (none)


Teleports the Wizard to any game map.

Usage: goto <map-name> [x y]

If you specify a map name with no location, it will ask the map for the start location and put you there.

If you specify a location with no map, it will teleport you to that location in the current map.

If the map isn't loaded, it will ask you to wait. When the map finishes loading, you can repeat the command to go to the map.


  • goto wiz/foobar/quest1/goths_tavern
  • goto village/village 13 16
  • goto 11 24

Synonyms: teleport

See Also: back


Toggles player-invisibility on or off.

When you are player-invisible:

  • players won't be able to see you log in and out of the game
  • you won't show up in the 'who' list
  • players won't be able to tell you messages (it'll say you're not online)

Other wizards will be able to see and interact with you normally.

When you're player-invisible, it doesn't actually make you invisible — if you teleport to a player, they'll be able to see you. You can "setproperty wizname invisible -10" to turn yourself physically invisible to all players and monsters.

Usage: invis

Synonyms: (none)


Tells you whether a player is banished or not.

The command does not accept partial name-matches; you must supply the character's entire name.

Usage: isbanished <player-name>

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: banish, unbanish


Teleports the wizard to another player's location.

The command will fail if the specified player isn't online.

Usage: join <player-name>

Example: join foobar

Synonyms: (none)


Removes the wizard's "flying" property. You can also do this using "removeproperty self flying", but this is a shortcut.

Usage: land

Synonyms: (none)


Loads a game map and puts it in the system cache.

Usage: load <map-name>

The goto command will also load a map if it hasn't been loaded. The difference is that load will never transfer the wizard to the map.

If the map is already loaded, the command will fail.


  • load wiz/foobar/quest1/goths_tavern
  • load village/village

Synonyms: (none)


Lists the files in your current directory.

This is similar to the unix command ls or the DOS/Windows command dir.

Usage: ls [directory]


  • ls
  • ls ..
  • ls ../city/ruins
  • ls /castle/foyer/closet

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: pwd, cd, mkdir, mv, cat, rm, rmdir, cp


Promots a player to Junior Wizard.

This command takes care of all the initial setup. It makes the player a Junior Wizard, creates a wiz directory and a temporary workroom, and sets all the appropriate properties on the player.

This command is permanent and cannot be undone. If it was a mistake, the player will have to be banished until we can restore the player from a backup file.

Be careful who you promote. This command is logged, and we will review all promotions carefully.

Usage: makewiz <player>

Synonyms: (none)


Prints a list of all the maps that are currently loaded.

Usage: maps

Synonyms: (none)

Caution: This command may print a lot of output. Use it only when necessary, to cut down on server bandwidth usage.


Just like the player command mapwho, except you can give it an argument to see who's in another map.

Usage: mapwho <map-path>

Synonyms: (none)


Sets a boolean property on an object. This command is just a convenient way to say "setproperty <object> <property> true".

Usage: mark <object> <property>


  • mark book unpaid
  • mark self player-invis

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: setproperty, removeProperty, getproperty


Creates a directory.

This is similar to the unix or dos command mkdir.

It automatically creates subdirectories if you specify them, similar to the "-p" argument to the unix version.

Usage: mkdir <directory>


  • mkdir city
  • mkdir foo/bar

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: ls, cd, pwd, mv, cat, rm, rmdir, cp


Toggles monster-invisibility on or off.

When you are monster-invisible, monsters will ignore you. (Players, alas, will not.)

Usage: mon-invis

Synonyms: (none)


Moves or renames a file.

This is similar to the unix command mv (move) or dos command ren/rename.

The command has multiple uses:

  • You can move a file to a new directory without changing the name by specifying the destination as an existing directory.

  • You can rename a file in the current directory if you specify the destination as a filename that isn't an existing subdirectory of the current directory.

  • You can simultaneously rename a file and move it to a different directory by specifying a destination that's a directory plus a new filename in that directory.

Unlike cp, the copy command, this command removes the original file.

Usage: mv <source> <destination>


  • mv test.arch portal.arch
  • mv test.map /workroom.map
  • mv ../foo/bar/Foo.java ../foo/bar/Bar.java
  • mv myfile.txt subdir

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: ls, cd, pwd, mkdir, cat, rm, rmdir, cp


Shows where everyone is in the game.

The left column shows players' IP addresses, which helps to figure out whether bad players are coming from the same addresses.

The center column is the players, and it shows if they're idle, net-dead, or playing on a PDA (handheld).

The right column shows the map they're in.

Usage: people

Synonyms: (none)


Shows the PK-guild members currently online.

This is identical to the PK-guild pkwho command.

Usage: pkwho

Synonyms: (none)


Shows your current working directory.

This is similar to the unix command pwd (print working directory).

Usage: pwd

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: ls, cd, mkdir, mv, cat, rm, rmdir, cp


Schedules the game server for a reboot.

You have to specify a number of minutes before the reboot. By far the most common usage is "reboot 2", which schedules a reboot in 2 minutes. This is about the right amount of time to let players finish up and save their games.

Usage: reboot <minutes>

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: cancel-reboot


Removes a property from an object.

The object can be in any of the following places:

  • in your top-level inventory (not in a bag)
  • on the ground beneath you
  • in a square adjacent to you

The command will search those locations in that order.

Keep in mind that many objects inherit properties from their "superclass", so simply removing the property may not actually make it go away. If you want to explicitly make sure a boolean property is false, for example, you should use "setproperty <object> <prop-name> false". This will make sure the false value overrides any inherited true value for the property.

Usage: removeproperty <object> <prop-name>

Notes: Automatically updates your inventory display, since you'll often remove properties that affect the object's appearance.

Synonyms: rmprop, removeprop

See Also: setproperty, mark, getproperty


Removes a file.

This is similar to the unix command rm or the dos/windows command del.

Be careful — it won't prompt you to ask if you're sure, so use this command with caution.

Usage: rm <filename>


  • rm test.map
  • rm ../portal.py
  • rm /foo/bar/guard.arch

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: ls, cd, mkdir, mv, cat, rmdir, pwd, cp


Removes a directory.

This is similar to the unix or dos command rmdir.

It will not remove directories unless they are empty. You must first go into the directories and delete any files or subdirectories in them manually. There is no equivalent of unix's "rm -r" in Wyvern.

If the target directory has a leading "/", it will be considered relative to the root of your wizard directory tree.

Usage: rmdir <directory>


  • rmdir city
  • rmdir ../foo/bar
  • rmdir /castle/foyer/closet

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: ls, cd, mkdir, mv, cat, rm, pwd, cp


Sends an item to another player.

You can use this command to send an item from your inventory to the inventory of another player in the game.

If you have more than one item that matches the name you type in, you can put a number after it. For example, if you have 2 shields, and you want to send the 2nd one to a player, type: send <player> <shield 2>.

Usage: send <player> <item to send>


  • send corwin spear of draining
  • send foogle shield 2
  • send beezer 20 gold coins

Synonyms: (none)


Sets the destination for a teleporter.

Many objects in the game are teleporters, including all buildings, doors, portals, and stairs. Sometimes you'll find a broken teleporter and you want to fix it without reloading the map; this command lets you do it.

The new exit is not persistent — you have to go fix it in the mapfile too. If you don't change the exit in the map file, your change will disappear next time the map is loaded.

If you want to have the (x, y) location be the default start location for the target map, just use (0, 0), and then follow your setexit command with "setproperty <object> ask-map true". The teleporter will then ask the destination map for the start location.

Usage: setexit <object> <map-path> <x> <y>


  • setexit stairs village/caverns1 13 20
  • setexit city wiz/foo/bar 0 0 ; setproperty city ask-map true

Synonyms: (none)


Sets a custom image for a player.

Make sure you don't use this for players who don't meet the minimum requirements (level, qp, etc.).

Images must meet certain Rules to be acceptable. Make sure you read an understand the rules, and if you have questions, ask an Arch Wizard or Elder Wizard for clarification.

Typing "setimage <player> none" will restore the player's original image.

Usage: setimage <player> <path/to/image>


  • setimage blarfgrug wiz/imcool/hof/blarfgrug
  • setimage blarfgrug none

Synonyms: (none)


Sets a property on an object.

Usage: setproperty <object> <prop-name> <value>

The <object> parameter specifies the name of the object to set the property on. The engine will look for an object matching the name using a standard NameMatchPredicate using the order outlined in wyvern.lib.Kernel.findObject

If the <object> parameter is 'self' or 'this', the command will operate on the Wizard invoking it.

If the <object> parameter is the name of a player who's currently online, the command will operate on that player.

The <value> parameter can be an int, a boolean value ("true" or "false"), or a string. If the string begins with "<", it will be treated as an XML-serialized property, and the string will be passed to the XMLWrapper to parse it into a DOM tree, then passed to PropertyParser.parseProperty() to create an object from the XML definition. This can be a bit tricky, but if you know your XML syntax, it can be quite powerful. Usually it's easier to fire up the Jython interpreter for complicated property values.

The setproperty command invokes invalidate() on the object after successfully setting the property, so that if the object's appearance or description changes, it will be updated for all viewers.


  • setproperty orc desc a big fat orc
  • setproperty self invisible 1
  • setproperty wall blocking false
  • setproperty chair nopickup true
  • setproperty grug <string name="auto-inv" value="inv/orc_inv.py"/>
  • setproperty fred hp 100

Synonyms: setprop

See Also: mark, getproperty, removeproperty


Turns all shouting on or off.

If shouting is getting out of hand, and players are abusing the shouting privilege, you can disable all shouting with this command. It's recommended that you don't leave it off for more than 5 minutes or so.

Wizards can still shout when shouting is disabled.

To see if shouts are currently enabled or not, type shouts with no arguments.

Usage: shouts on|off

Synonyms: (none)


Prevents a player from shouting.

Sometimes players can get extremely annoying in their shouts, but not annoying enough to banish them. Usually it's a new player or a very young player who doesn't realize they're disrupting the game. You can permanently silence the player with this command, and remove the silencing with the unsilence command.

You have to specify 3 arguments to the command:

  • player — the player to silence (can be a partial name match)
  • time — number of minutes (of playtime) to silence for
  • reason the reason they're being silenced (seen by the player!)

Usage: silence <player> <time> <reason>

Notes: To allow them to shout again, use unsilence.

Synonyms: (none)


Shows a player's skills.

This is exactly like the Player skills command, except it shows you another player's skills.

Usage: skills <player>

Synonyms: (none)


Views a player as they play the game.

This powerful command allows the Wizard to see what any player in the game is currently doing. The Wizard's map view will follow the player around, and every text message sent to the player is printed to the Wizard's client as well.

Snooping can be a sensitive issue. Players have a right to play in private, so snooping should only be used when a Wizard believes that the player is breaking the rules (e.g. by harassing another player). It can also be used (with the player's explicit permission) to help debug problems that the player is having.

All snooping is logged.

Usage: snoop <player>

Notes: To stop snooping, type unsnoop.

Synonyms: (none)


Shows a player's spells.

This is exactly like the Player spells command, except it shows you another player's spells.

Usage: spells <player>

Synonyms: (none)


Starts a monster.

This command is useful for starting a monster that you've just created using the clone command. Make sure you've dropped the monster first. When you clone a monster, it is not being driven by an AI until you start it.

You can stop the monster again using the stop command on it.

Usage: start <monster>

Synonyms: (none)


Stops a monster.

This command detaches a monster from its AI, so the monster just sits there until you call start on it again.

Usage: stop <monster>

Synonyms: (none)


Teleports a player to the Wizard's current location.

The command will fail if the specified player isn't online.

Usage: summon <player-name>

Example: summon foobar

Synonyms: trans

Caution: Use with caution. You should only summon a player under special circumstances, such as retrieving them from a buggy map, or bringing them into your work area to resolve a dispute, etc. When in doubt, ask a Senior or Elder Wizard if it's OK.


Shows the last few lines of a text file. This is useful when cat fails because the file is too big. Cat has a fairly low limit, to save bandwidth. Tail can show up to the last 100 lines of a file, provided the lines don't take the total data size over 10k.

Usage: tail [-lines] <filename>


  • tail error.log     (shows the last 10 lines of the file)
  • tail -20 error.log     (shows the last 20 lines of the file)

Synonyms: (none)


Shows the tells received by another player.

You can use any of the normal arguments for the player version to get your own tell history.

The command accepts partial name-matches for players.

Usage: tells player [<num>|all]


  • tells rhialto
  • tells rh
  • tells rh 5
  • tells rhialto all

Synonyms: (none)


Repeats a command a certain number of times.

You can use the "times" command to repeat the same command an exact number of times. For example, if you're carrying 50 scrolls in your inventory, and you want to dispose them all, you can type times 50 dispose scroll.

The first argument to this command must always be a positive number between 1 and 250. That's how many times to perform the command. Keep in mind that if you execute more than a few hundred commands in one second (or so), your queue will be considered a runaway, and the game will shut you down and kick you off, which you may find rather inconvenient. Our recommendation is to keep the argument to 100 or less, just to be safe.

Everything following the number is a command for you to execute. If the command contains a semicolon, it will be treated as a multi-command macro. This implies that you can do things like this:

times 10 clone terrain/grass; drop grass; east

(which would have you zip 10 squares to the east, leaving a trail of grass behind you.)

All of the commands are dumped immediately into your event queue. There's currently no way to cancel a command once it's in your queue, so if you do something like times 100 wait 100, you should go get some coffee, since you'll be paralyzed for about 3 hours.

Usage: times <number> <command>

Example: times 5 clone indoor/fence; drop fence; south

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: again, foreach, forall


Changes the Wizard's title for the who command.

Usage: title <new title>

Example: title is on vacation next week!

If Rhialto typed the example above, Rhialto would appear in the who-list as "Rhialto is on vacation next week!"

Synonyms: (none)


Un-banishes a player. The player will then be allowed to log into the game.

Usage: banish <player>

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: banish, isbanished


Removes an archetype from the system-wide cache.

Usage: uncache <archetype-path>

This command is used to reload an archetype after making a change to it.

The archetype will be re-read from the XML file the next time the archetype is instantiated. All existing objects of the archetype will continue to point to the old version of the archetype.


  • uncache wiz/foobar/objects/icicle
  • uncache monsters/goblin/kobold_lord

Synonyms: reload.

Caution: There usually isn't a valid reason to call uncache on a system archetype, because Wizards don't normally have the ability to modify system archetypes. You should only use this for archetypes in your own area, or in areas owned by Wizards you're mentoring.


Forces clients to reload an image.

Usage: uncache-image <image-path>

Clients will only request an image file once during a given session. If you've uploaded a new version of an image to the server, you can force existing clients to reload it with this command.


  • uncache-image wiz/foobar/objects/icicle
  • uncache-image monsters/goblin/kobold_lord

Synonyms: (none)


Un-freezes a player frozen with the freeze command.

Usage: unfreeze <player>

Synonyms: (none)

See Also: freeze


Unloads a game map or set of maps.

Usage: unload [area] <map-name|area-name>

You can unload area wiz/yourname to unload all your maps. unload area also accepts a subdirectory of your area.

When the map is subsequently reloaded, it will re-read the map from the mapfile, picking up any changes that have been made since the map was last loaded.

If the map currently contains players, the command will fail.


  • unload wiz/foobar/quest1/goths_tavern
  • unload village/village
  • unload area wiz/foobar
  • unload area wiz/foobar/castle

Synonyms: (none)


Unsilences a player who has been silenced. The player will be able to shout again normally.

Usage: unsilence <player>

Synonyms: (none)


Shows how long the server has been up.

Usage: uptime

Synonyms: (none)


This command shows the wizard any location in the game. It positions the wizard's map view in the specified map.

Usage: view <map-name> [x y]


  • view village/village
  • view village/cathedral 5 7
  • view off   (stops viewing remotely)

Notes: It won't work for maps that aren't already loaded.

Synonyms: (none)


Prints the location of any player in the game.

With no arguments, prints your own location.

Usage: where <player>.

Synonyms: (none)


Prints your current map location.

Displays your current map and your location within it.

Arguments: (none)

Synonyms: where


Tells you which Command is handling a given command.

Usage: which <command-verb>


  • which send
  • which which
  • which .

Commands are basically handled in 4 places:

  • built-in commands
  • commands provided by items in your inventory
  • commands provided by items on the ground near you
  • commands available to the map you're in

You can see what built-in commands are currently available to you, use the commands command.

Synonyms: none


Sends a message to every wizard on the game.

This command is similar to the player command shout, except that the message only goes to the wizards currently online.

Usage: wiz <message>

Synonyms: none


Turns wiz-invisibility on or off.

When you are wiz-invisible, lower-level wizards will not see you in the wiz-list, or see you enter/leave the game.

Usage: wiz-invis

Synonyms: (none)


Toggles wiz-vision on or off.

With wiz-vision on, you can see invisible game objects, such as shops, teleporters, no-monsters objects, and so on.

Note that if the object has no image at all, you still won't be able to see it.

Usage: wiz-vision

Synonyms: none


Listens to all conversations on the game. Type wizears off to stop listening to all conversations.

Usage: wizears [off]

Synonyms: none


Creates and delivers an XP voucher to a player. The voucher can only be redeemed by that player, either for gold or for experience.

The command accepts partial name-matches for players.

Usage: xp <player> [1k|2k|5k|10k|20k|50k|100k]


  • xp rhialto 5k
  • xp rhial 5k
  • xp stonewing 100k

Synonyms: none