Package wyvern.common.util

A set of generic utility classes used by client and server.


Class Summary
AWTImageList An image list that doesn't use any components, so it can manage its own drawing (for speed).
AWTList A pure-AWT version of the ImageList.
AWTListItem List item for the AWTList.
Borderer This class handles choosing terrain borders.
ClientImageCache Client-side cache mapping tile numbers to images.
ColorTextArea A simple replacement for java.awt.TextArea that can do colored text.
ColumnLayout This LayoutManager arranges the components into a column.
DirnameFilter JDK 1.1-style FilenameFilter implementation that only accepts directories.
EditControl Class that automates much of the overhead in creating an Edit menu.
ExtensionFileFilter A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
ExtensionFilter A customizable FilenameFilter subclass.
FieldPanel A panel that lays out fields and their labels neatly, even if the fields aren't all JTextFields.
HtmlDialog A dialog that pops up an HTML document specified by a URL string.
ImageButton A replacement for awt.Button that can have an image for its label.
ImageList This class implements a list that shows images and text.
ImageTree Provides basic support for displaying a tree whose nodes have images and text.
ImageTree.ImageObject A wrapper class that can hold an image and some text.
InitFile This class can read & write an INI-file, like java.util.Properties, but it preserves the structure of the file, including comments and whitespace.
jcrypt Java-based implementation of the unix crypt command Based upon C source code written by Eric Young, Source: Author: John Dumas, (thanks, John!)
ResizeDialog Class that puts up a reasonably flexible "set new size" dialog with Width and Height fields.
ResizeScrollPane A Scrollpane subclass that's happy inside a JSplitPane.
Strings This class provides static utility methods for doing complex string processing.
SwingListCellRenderer Renders an item in a list.
SwingListCellRenderer.UIResource A subclass of SwingListCellRenderer that implements UIResource.
TerrainInfo This class is used by the Borderer code; it encapsulates all the information about a particular terrain object needed to be able to choose borders for it.
TextDisplay A super-lightweight replacement for java.awt.TextArea that lets you change the font + color for each line you append.
UserProps This class can read a properties file, but also looks for a ".local" version of the file.
Util A bunch of utility functions that address omissions in the Java language and class libraries, plus some extra game-specific stuff.
VectorQueue This class implements a standard thread-safe queue.

Package wyvern.common.util Description

A set of generic utility classes used by client and server. This package is completely Java 1.1-compatible, so it can be used by the Handheld/PDA clients.