Class Summary | |
AWTImageList | An image list that doesn't use any components, so it can manage its own drawing (for speed). |
AWTList | A pure-AWT version of the ImageList. |
AWTListItem | List item for the AWTList. |
Borderer | This class handles choosing terrain borders. |
ClientImageCache | Client-side cache mapping tile numbers to images. |
ColorTextArea | A simple replacement for java.awt.TextArea that can do colored text. |
ColumnLayout | This LayoutManager arranges the components into a column. |
DirnameFilter | JDK 1.1-style FilenameFilter implementation that only accepts directories. |
EditControl | Class that automates much of the overhead in creating an Edit menu. |
ExtensionFileFilter | A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about. |
ExtensionFilter | A customizable FilenameFilter subclass. |
FieldPanel | A panel that lays out fields and their labels neatly, even if the fields aren't all JTextFields. |
HtmlDialog | A dialog that pops up an HTML document specified by a URL string. |
HtmlPanel | |
ImageButton | A replacement for awt.Button that can have an image for its label. |
ImageList | This class implements a list that shows images and text. |
ImageTree | Provides basic support for displaying a tree whose nodes have images and text. |
ImageTree.ImageObject | A wrapper class that can hold an image and some text. |
InitFile | This class can read & write an INI-file, like java.util.Properties, but it preserves the structure of the file, including comments and whitespace. |
IntHashtable | |
jcrypt | jcrypt.java Java-based implementation of the unix crypt command Based upon C source code written by Eric Young, eay@psych.uq.oz.au Source: http://www.dynamic.net.au/christos/crypt/JCrypt.txt Author: John Dumas, jdumas@zgs.com (thanks, John!) |
ResizeDialog | Class that puts up a reasonably flexible "set new size" dialog with Width and Height fields. |
ResizeScrollPane | A Scrollpane subclass that's happy inside a JSplitPane. |
Strings | This class provides static utility methods for doing complex string processing. |
SwingListCellRenderer | Renders an item in a list. |
SwingListCellRenderer.UIResource | A subclass of SwingListCellRenderer that implements UIResource. |
TerrainInfo | This class is used by the Borderer code; it encapsulates all the information about a particular terrain object needed to be able to choose borders for it. |
TextDisplay | A super-lightweight replacement for java.awt.TextArea that lets you change the font + color for each line you append. |
UserProps | This class can read a properties file, but also looks for a ".local" version of the file. |
Util | A bunch of utility functions that address omissions in the Java language and class libraries, plus some extra game-specific stuff. |
VectorQueue | This class implements a standard thread-safe queue. |
A set of generic utility classes used by client and server. This package is completely Java 1.1-compatible, so it can be used by the Handheld/PDA clients.