Package wyvern.kernel.combat

Classes that implement the combat system, including automatic attacking and the body-parts system.


Interface Summary
CustomAttack Custom attacks like poisoning, paralysis, and petrification use this interface to implement their special damage effects.
PartsList This interface is shared by things that have body parts that can serve as slots for weapons and armor.

Class Summary
AbstractAttack Utility class for special attacks that want to handle their own effects.
Alignment Utilities for dealing with alignments.
ArmorTables A totally non-OO, non-polymorphic, ugly piece of code that I'm embarrassed about.
AttackCommand Controls the attacking sequence.
AttackEvent Attacking uses a specific subclass of EventImpl, largely to facilitate checking whether a given event is an attack-event.
AttackingBodyPart Subclass of BodyPart that implements the Attack interface.
AttackType Represents the possible kinds of attacks.
Body This class encapsulates a list of body parts that can be used to wear & wield things.
BodyPart This is the superclass for all specific body parts (hand, foot, etc).
Combat Provides methods for allowing non-Commandables (such as iron iron gates or fire traps) to do damage to monsters.
DamageCommand Handles dealing out damage, the last phase of the combat sequence.
DamageEvent The standard CommandEvent generated when someone (or something) takes damage.
DamageType Base class for legal damage types.
HitCommand This special Command deals with the to-hit event.
HitEvent The event that's used in the Hit phase of the combat sequence.
WearCommand This command handles donning & doffing armor and wearable magic items like rings & amulets.
WearEvent Encapsulates the event for wearing some armor.
WieldCommand The Wield command.
XPAwards Handles computation of individual and group XP for a kill.

Package wyvern.kernel.combat Description

Classes that implement the combat system, including automatic attacking and the body-parts system.