Basic Wizarding: Miscellaneous

This section of the manual covers important things that weren't big enough to warrant new sections, as well as some helpful hints at the end. Mostly, this is stuff that isn't covered elsewhere on the page, and used to be learned by trial and error or talking to other wizards. So listen up there, young whippersnapper, 'cause back in my day we didn't have any of this fancy beginning wizard's manual or nuthin'....


Setprop is a very useful, very powerful command granted to Wizards in Wyvern. It sets a property to a player, item, or monster that it wouldn't usually have. Usually, the command is used for tweaking an item or un-horking a screwed up player file. These are the uses that you should stick to unless a higher-ranked Wizard tells you otherwise. It's also important not to make overpowered versions of normal items using setprop: we have enough problems balancing the game without having to find unbalanced items with non-specific arch files. Usually, you'll just use the dump command on a player or item, and remove a bad property or set a missing one. If a property is missing, the best way to get it is from another item or player of the same type.

You can also use setpropping to change the image of an item: to do this, simply type setprop item <image path="path/to/image"/>, where path/to/image is the path to the image that you want to set. Player images are easier to set, just use setimage <player> path/to/image.

Penalties for Misuse of Wiz Powers

There are, occasionally, errors in judgement made on the part of Wizards when making players into Wizards. There is a surprisingly long list of Wizards who have been dewizzed: Murlana, Davanna, Caethra, Bean, Cerebro, Astor, and Anala, to name a few. These Wizards broke the wiz rules in big ways, often harming players in the process. Wizards have a lot of power in the game, and there are instances in many games of players leaving because of a single "bad" wizard. Some wizards are also dewizzed over "helping" players by giving them super-powerful items. It isn't appropriate to give a player a high-wc weapon, especially one that isn't an artifact. Be sure to read through the wiz rules VERY CAREFULLY before doing anything. If you break the rules, you can be demoted, yelled at, or permanently banished. If you are banished as a Wizard, you will not get your character back. Choose wisely.

Reporting Bugs

Wizards report bugs quite often. This is because we have access to a lot more information than players, and they tend to tell us when a bug happens. Unfortunately, many bug reports, even wizard bug reports, are along the lines of "Bad stuf happen sumtimes when u do other stuff." This isn't, obviously, a good bug report. When you report a bug, you should be clear, list some info on how to reproduce it, who it happened to, where it happened, ways to work around it, etc. Inaccurate or erroneous bug reports are extremely annoying. Well rounded, useful bug reports are good.

FTP access

You can upload and download files to and from the server using the upload/download dialogs in the Map Editor. That's fine, it works, and you will eventually get everything uploaded. However, using an FTP program is a much easier, faster, and less confusing way to go about doing it.

The first thing you'll need to do is to find an FTP program online. You can search for freeware FTP clients on Google or Yahoo, or you can use your favorite FTP client (FileZilla is popular and free). Once you have an FTP client, fire it up, and connect to host using your wiz character's name and password as the user name and password. Once you're connected, you can drag and drop files from either the server or your local machine, almost as if you were moving a file between folders on your computer.

Helpful Tips

  1. Don't screw up.
  2. Try to get a feel for how other wizards deal with various situations, and tailor your interactions with each wizard's personality.
  3. Try not to accidentally wiz-tell a shout or shout a wiz-tell. The results can be rather... bad.
  4. If you do become so obsessed with wyvern that you quit your job in order to devote more time to wizarding, remember to sleep and eat occasionally