Package wyvern.lib.skills

Class Summary
BerserkSkill Class that allows berserkers to enter a homicidal rage.
GiantShrink Class that handles special abilities for Giants.
HalflingSkills Implements the "hide" and "unhide" commands.
JumpSkill Mini-Command that gives you the "jump" command (e.g. when you're a frog).
NagaShift Handles the "shift" command for Nagas, allowing them to polymorph into various predefined shapes.
PixieSkills Implements the "fly" and "land" commands.
RakshasaSkills Handles some of the special abilities for the Rakshasa race.
Searcher Implements automatic searching ability.
Unlearner An object that can un-train you in skills, restoring your skill points.
Zoology Implements the Zoology skill, where you can get information about a monster depending on your level in the skill.