Package wyvern.lib.spells

Implementations of all the built-in spells for the Wyvern platform.


Class Summary
Berserk Turns the caster berserk.
Blizzard Blizzard - like a fireball, but wc-cold.
Charging Charges wands.
CharmMonster Allows the caster to command a monster for a while.
CreateLava Creates a pool of lava in front of the caster.
CreatePool Creates a pool of water in front of the caster.
CreateWater Creates some water.
CurseStorm This spell (probably for monsters only) sends out a wave of evil that curses items in the inventories of people who are caught in the storm.
Darksight Makes the caster temporarily able to see in the dark.
DeathRay A ray of death.
DestroyArmor Destroys a random piece of armor the user is wearing.
DestroyObject Damages or destroys the targetted object in your inventory.
Destruction Does magic damage to all monsters in the vicinity of the caster.
Dig A ray of digging.
Elixir Restores HP and SP fully.
EnlargeArmor Enlarges the targeted armor up a size.
Enlightenment Shows a bunch of your stats.
Excavation A wide beam of earth-disintegration.
Fear Creates a cone of fear.
FindTraps Reveals any traps near the caster.
Fireball Fireball spell.
Firefrost A randomly bouncing bolt of fire and ice.
Firewall Creates a wall of fire in front of the caster.
FlameShield Creates a ring of flames around the caster.
Fly Makes the caster fly for a while.
Forestry Makes the caster move through trees more easily.
FreeAction Makes the caster temporarily immune to slow and paralysis.
FrostWard Just like a Flame Shield, but for frost.
FrostWave An explosion of cold surrounding the caster.
Glimpse Gives the caster a brief glimpse of the surrounding area.
Heal Your basic heal spell.
HealersRevenge adds property to the player so they can't enter hospitals or use fountains for 10 minutes, cumulative (and curses stuff).
Identify This spell can set the "identified" flag on one or more items, also changing their appearances in the process.
IllusionaryWall Creates an illusionary wall in front of the caster.
JoinPlayer Teleports the caster to the location of another player in the game.
Jump The caster leaps forward two squares.
Knock Magically opens a door.
Knock.LockedDoorPredicate A predicate that skips doors that are already unlocked.
KnowAlignment Tells the caster the target's approximate alignment.
Light Creates a light source that follows the caster around.
LightningShield Just like a Flame Shield, but for air/shock.
MagicDart A little dart of magical energy.
MagicMap Takes a snapshot of the current map, and sends it to the player.
MagicMouth Creates a mouth that says a message when activated.
MagicWhip Creates a magical weapon that doesn't interfere with spellcasting.
ManaShield Causes damage to the caster to come out of the caster's mana points, rather than hit points.
Paralysis Creates a cone of paralysis.
Paralyze Temporarily paralyzes a single target.
ParalyzeSelf Temporarily paralyzes the caster.
Petrify A beam that petrifies anything in its path.
PigStorm A harmless but annoying version of the CurseStorm spell that makes the user speak in pig-latin until they cast a remove curse.
PoisonBreath Creates a cone of poisonous mist.
PoisonCloud Creates a poisonous explosion.
PrismaticShield A shield spell that does 3 types of damage (fire/cold/shock).
Regeneration Temporarily gives caster increased regeneration.
RemoveCurse Removes curse of one or more items in caster's inventory.
RemoveDamnation Removes damnation of one or more items in caster's inventory.
Repair Repairs a damaged item.
Restoration Restores XP drain.
RestoreMana Spell for restoring spell points.
Resurrection Restores a large percentage of the player's XP lost to a death, if cast on the player's gravestone.
Sandstorm Creates a blast of sand.
Satiety Fills the caster up (with food).
Scrying Allows you to spy on another player.
SeeInvisible Gives the caster the temporary ability to see invisible things.
ShrinkArmor Shrinks the targeted armor down a size
SirenSong Sucks victims towards the caster.
Slow A cone of slow-monster.
SlowPoison Slows the rate at which target is being poisoned.
Spawn Summons whatever you have as your "spawn-arch" property.
Speed Speeds up the caster for a while.
StaticBlade Weapon inflicts electrical damage on next hit only.
Stonewind A cone of petrification.
Strength Makes the caster stronger.
SummonAirElemental Summons an air elemental to fight for the caster.
SummonAnimal Summons an animal to fight for the caster.
SummonDemon Summons a demon to fight for the caster.
SummonEarthElemental Summons an earth elemental to fight for the caster.
SummonElemental Summons a random elemental to fight for the caster.
SummonFireElemental Summons a fire elemental to fight for the caster.
SummonGolem Summons a golem to fight for the caster.
SummonInsect Summons an insect to fight for the caster.
SummonMonster Summons a monster to fight for the caster.
SummonPlayer Summons a player by name to your location.
SummonUndead Summons an undead creature to fight for the caster.
SummonWaterElemental Summons a water elemental to fight for the caster.
Teleport Teleports the caster randomly in the current map.
Thunderbolt A little dart of electrical energy.
TimeStop Stops time.
WaterWalk Allows the caster to walk on water for some time.
Weakness Makes the caster temporarily weaker.
WizardEye Creates a moving "eye" that the caster can maneuver around.
WizardLock Magically locks a door.
WordOfRecall Teleports the caster back to a town center.
Xray Allows the caster to see through walls.

Package wyvern.lib.spells Description

Implementations of all the built-in spells for the Wyvern platform. Nearly all the standard spells are implemented in JPython, so they don't show up in the API documentation yet.