
Classes for registering players, managing which maps are loaded, system configuration, and other server-wide functions.


Interface Summary
MapLoaderListener Callback interface for map-load notification events.
World.ShoutFlags Flags to pass to World.shout().

Class Summary
AccessControl Implements various security and access policies for the server.
BackgroundMapLoader This class spawns threads to load maps, so that the server doesn't have to block while maps load (which would freeze the game).
Chapels Determines which chapel to restart in when you die.
Customs Handles transferring players between servers.
EmailDispatcher This class can send email messages to users.
LoginEvent Encapsulates state params during login.
Registration Contains all the code for creating new players, registering existing players, and registering players visiting from other servers.
ScoreListUpdater A thread that updates score lists and other files in the background.
Scripting Wrapper interface for Jakarta's BSF (Bean Scripting Framework).
SystemMonitor This class touches a file periodically, which an external process monitors to make sure the server is alive.
SystemProps This class reads and retrieves properties set in the wyvern.ini file.
SystemStatus Provides utilities for querying system status via xml/rpc.
World The game world.
WyvernSecurityManager Checks permissions before executing code.

Package Description

Classes for registering players, managing which maps are loaded, system configuration, and other server-wide functions.