Package wyvern.util

Provides Java 1.4-based utility classes for use by the game server, the kernel, and the Java 1.4 clients.


Interface Summary
DocumentManager The DocumentManager interface.
TableLayoutConstants TableLayoutConstants define the constants used by all the TableLayout classes.
XMLVisitor.NodeVisitor You provide one of these to the visitNodes() method, and it'll call your Visitor back with each top-level node in the XML document.

Class Summary
BitMatrix A 2D array of boolean flags, implemented as a BitSet for compact storage and efficient access.
Bresenham An object that takes two endpoints and returns all the points on the line between them (including the endpoints).
ConcurrentHashSet A HashSet that can be accessed and modified from multiple threads.
Counter A utility class that can keep counts associated with objects.
Counter.Count Keeps track of an object and its count.
FileFinder A java version of perl's File::Find.
FileUtils 1.4-compatible filesystem utilities.
FixedSizeList A linked list that will store no more than N elements.
GameTimers A lightweight timer that can be used for animation in the map editor.
Giffer Object that writes out an image to the specified GIF file.
JDocControl Object that keeps track of the state of a "document" and provides handling for file operations (new/open/save/etc).
NullObjectFactory A factory that can produce a dummy implementation of an interface, on the fly.
NullObjectFactory.NullInvocationHandler Routes all interface calls to null (returns empty strings and other zero-values for methods with return types).
Options Parses unix-style command-line switches.
Queue This class implements a standard thread-safe queue.
SkinDialog Puts up a dialog that lets user pick another skin.
SkinManager Sets up a custom Look & Feel for the application.
Stars Utility for generating 5-pointed stars - you can use generateStar to create one in an array, then create an icon, map, or whatever using that pattern.
StringUtils JDK 1.4-compatible String utilities class.
TableLayout TableLayout is a layout manager that arranges components in rows and columns like a spreadsheet.
TableLayoutConstraints TableLayoutConstraints binds components to their constraints.
XMLParams Wrapper class for client/server XML protocol requests, which have "param" elements with "name" and "value" attributes.
XMLSimple Overrides org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler to produce an array of hashes for a given XML document.
XMLSimple.Element Simple representation of an XML Element.
XMLVisitor An extremely custom kind of Visitor that knows how to traverse the top-level elements of an XML file.

Package wyvern.util Description

Provides Java 1.4-based utility classes for use by the game server, the kernel, and the Java 1.4 clients.

The Handheld clients should not use any classes in this package.