Package wyvern.lib.classes.magic

Classes that implement the spell system and standard magic items.


Class Summary
Art Class that represents the four spell Arts.
BallSpell Superclass of fireballs, blizzards, etc.
BoltSpell Generic, parameterizable bolt/ray spell.
Book Spellbook class - you can learn spells from it.
ConeSpell The class used for all spells that propagate in a cone-shape.
DispelSpell A spell that dispels some kind of spell effect.
Element Typesafe enum that represents the eight spell Elements, as well as multi-Element combinations like "Fire and Water".
MagicItem Common superclass for wands, scrolls, rods, potions.
Potion The generic Potion class.
ResistSpell Abstract superclass for resist-* spells.
Rod A wand-like object that uses the caster's mana points instead of a fixed number of charges.
Scroll The generic Scroll class.
Spell This class extends Monster in various ways, to make spells behave more or less like monsters in the game.
SpellProxy This proxy class allows spells to be readied, like wands or range weapons.
SpellRegistry Class that manages the XML spell registry, which contains metadata about all the spells.
SummonSpell Abstract superclass of the various summoning spells.
TimedSpell Abstract superclass of most spells that have a timer.
Wand A traditional wand, containing a number of charges of a particular spell or effect.

Package wyvern.lib.classes.magic Description

Classes that implement the spell system and standard magic items.