Package wyvern.kernel.commands

Classes that implement commands, event queues, hooks and the other elements of Wyvern's command/event system.


Interface Summary
BuiltInCommand This interface is used by built-in game commands; which are otherwise normal Commands with one extra responsibility: they must "register" with the game engine by placing their known commands into a table.
NoOverride This tagging interface specifies that a Command cannot be overridden by another Command.
VerbalEvent Shared interface for any event where the user communicates something as a result of the event.

Class Summary
AbstractAI Common superclass all AI objects.
AbstractCommandable This class is the superclass of all monster-like things; that is, objects that are controlled by an AI of some sort.
CodeEvent Allows you to execute arbitrary code on the kernel thread by sticking it into the agent's event queue.
CommandListImpl This object stores Commands.
EventImpl Wyvern's concrete implementation of the CommandEvent interface.
GroupManager This class provides some static methods for managing Groupable objects.
HookList This class provides a standard implementation for objects that wish to provide hookable events.
NullEvent A no-op event.
PrepositionParser This class splits a string into a direct object and an indirect object, splitting it on a passed preposition token.
PythonWizCommands Handles loading any wiz commands implemented in Jython.
QuantityParser This class takes an object description and checks to see if a quantity was specified.
SimpleHandler This class provides a simple, common-case implementation of the Command interface.
TargetedEvent This is a utility subclass of CommandEvent for commands (such as Drop and Pickup) that operate on a single GameObject at a single map location.

Package wyvern.kernel.commands Description

Classes that implement commands, event queues, hooks and the other elements of Wyvern's command/event system. Also contains some utility classes, such as the PrepositionParser, that Commands frequently have to use to handle commands.