Interface NoOverride

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface NoOverride

This tagging interface specifies that a Command cannot be overridden by another Command.

By way of background, most commands are originated by a user or AI. The player or monster "knows" these commands - things like "move", "tell" and most others. These commands can be overridden by a Command object that wishes to run its own code in response to the command. For instance, a Rubik's Cube object might want to respond the "turn" command when the first argument is "cube".

There are other commands in the game that players and monsters must be able to respond to, such as "teleport" and "damage", to produce some effect on the monster or player. (The commands in question can't just be plain old Java method calls because they need to be Hookable by HookCallback objects, so that, for instance, you can't teleport out of a shop without paying for your stuff).

These "invisible" commands have two properties that differentiate them from normal game commands:

This interface is overloaded to represent both properties.

1.0, Nov 08, 1998
Steve Yegge